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Who has cancelled their subscription due to the horrid PVP?


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How many of these people that are unsubbing are whiny healers that are actually dying like everyone else now?


I wonder if all the people who love this patch are all DPS.


I play healer, but can't really heal in WZ's anymore.

I play tank, but can't tank in WZ's anymore (Which I barely could before patch.)


I have played PvP in MMO's since UO, and have tons of experience under my belt. I am no bad player, far from.


I haven't got very good gear, I haven't got very bad gear. But at the current state, anything but very good gear, actually feels like ****** gear.

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Lol unsub and still want people who could careless to know you quit. You quit but still troll the boards and want people to know "hey look at me I need to know I matter in this game." Other players do not care if you quit and bw will know you quit by the canceling of the acct. Move on there is absolutely no way you will be missed.....
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the situation right now really bothers me, yes, but I will not quit the game, I will hope bioware fixes this mess.


in the meantime I'm having fun with the rest of the patch (because the rest .is. fun)


yesterday I spent two hours playing around with my legacy tree and my UI, today I got me a pet and finished the dailies on Corellia except the heroic, which I will probably do when the servers are back online.



the bad thing is, if they don't fix pvp soon, our server will die, at least on Rep site (where it's already bad enough)

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That is 63 people between around 3am to 7am.


What percentage of people are on the forums during those hours?


Of those people, what percentage actually veiwed and responded to this thread?


Extrapolate that and things look grim.




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I already cancelled before 1.2 and have something like 4 days time remaining. Yesterdays patch never really brought anything to the table for me, no open world love whatsoever, so i had planned to just uninstall and move on. Now they've given 30 days free i'll give them the benefit of the doubt, for that time.
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I'm unsubbed. They've thrown in a free 30-days, so I'll hang around a bit longer to see what's around the corner.


Really, the only fix from my point of view is a complete housecleaning of the PvP development team for this game. They've made it obvious that they are completely out of touch and are not grounded in reality.

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I have cancelled. I was dumb enough to pay for 6 months in the belif this would be a good PvP game. Boy was i wrong.If i'm lucky GW2 will come out before mu sub runs out.


In order for me to come back to SWTOR they must fire everyone in charge

of PvP an hire people that actually have a clue what they are doing.

And remove the grind from hell to get good gear so we can actually play PvP

for fun.

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I have to lol at you guys who say you "unsubbed" but oh ! I'll take your 30 days free play time though ! - if you really didn't like the game, you wouldn't be playing. AT ALL.. Whats the point in saying your cancelled your payments, and don't want to continue playing the game, then in the next instance say, you will stick around for the free 30 days though ? - you really think PVP will change that much in 30 days ? really ?!


I am not leaving the game, I don't like things as they are currently, I still have a lot of play time left even with out the free 30 days, I think its just that if you going to say some thing then stick by it, and don't come on here saying you cancelled but will play the 30 days for free anyway.

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I have to lol at you guys who say you "unsubbed" but oh ! I'll take your 30 days free play time though ! - if you really didn't like the game, you wouldn't be playing. AT ALL.. Whats the point in saying your cancelled your payments, and don't want to continue playing the game, then in the next instance say, you will stick around for the free 30 days though ? - you really think PVP will change that much in 30 days ? really ?!


I am not leaving the game, I don't like things as they are currently, I still have a lot of play time left even with out the free 30 days, I think its just that if you going to say some thing then stick by it, and don't come on here saying you cancelled but will play the 30 days for free anyway.


Well it might changed. Did you notice how it changed after 1.2? :p They can try to do some other crazy **** in 1.2.1.

I'm not complying as infiltration my just killing everything and vanish. I fell bad sometimes when I kill under geared healer so fast. :p

Edited by vGaff
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We appreciate it when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns but we have closed this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion.


We do value any feedback and encourage you to voice your feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself, and that it is constructive and as detailed as possible. If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum.


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