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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I don't know what is worse....the way Bioware treated those of us who didn't level to 50 since launch or the way we are being talked to by the basement dwelling trolls on this topic, who may or may not work at Bioware.


They dont care it all about money, you see they know people whom arnt level 50 havnt got to point were game is dull and boring cause still playing the single player content. You see they dont want to recognise ya and if they do now it will only be because of complaints. It isnt fair and everyone should got it for all problems that have happened but it EA/Bioware what you expect from worst company in world. Stop supporting nonsense let all boycotte as a sign to big corps we arnt numbers and we are people.

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The free month thing is great and all BUT, I have sat next to my husband since early release, both playing daily!! However since I am leveling 4 characters at once, I will not be considered for the free month. :( My toons are between 23 and highest at 41. Also, my level 41 would be higher if my server wasn't dead and I could get more warzones in. I think they should have determined it by play time instead of level.


Anyway, that's my two cents. I do not expect anything to be done about it.

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Harsh but it would be fairer.


I think this is what people are taking issue with. They basically took 1 group of people (active subscribers) and split them into 2 and said you lot get a reward while the other lot don't. Its basically insulting group 2 for no reason and rewarding group 1 for no reason.


Stupid thing is all the people with lots of near 50 alts are the games long term, invested in it bread and butter. It's the 'bored' 50s threatening to jump ship they need to bribe with 'rewards'? I wonder where that cycle will lead.....


Another one that gets it.

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It's not though. A lot of people here are saying this is a gift. A gift is something you give people for the hell of it. If bioware randomly decided to pick a thousand people to get a free month, that'd be a gift. In that case, it'd be up to luck, and nobody could complain because it was something they didn't have to do.


This is a reward. A reward is like a gift, except it's a gift with strings attached. To get a reward, you have to do something the person giving the reward wants you to do.


Bioware is rewarding level 50s for being loyal. Being 50 has no bearing on a person's loyalty, however. They are claiming to reward people for one thing, but actually rewarding them for something else. There is no inherent proof of loyalty involved in leveling to 50. Leveling to 50 can be done before your free month is even done.




Had they rewarded people who had played X number of hours between all characters and servers it would have been better. It still would have possibly cut out some people who have extremely limited time to play, but it would have been better than this method.


Had they rewarded people who had been subscribed for a total of X number of months, then it would have been better. The only downside (for them) is they may have had to give out more free time.


Had they just not used the wording they did, and came out and said they were giving the free month to people who were 50 because they wanted them to know they appreciated their business and were working to give them more end game content to do, it would have also been fine, and the same people would have been left out.


Instead, they brought everyone's loyalty into question and then rewarded select individuals based on criteria which was not relevant to the question.



I do not expect them to change their criteria, or to give out more free time to people without 50s. I do however hope that they come forward at some point and admit that they put their foot in their mouth with the wording.


Agreed, my sentiments exactly.

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So Im not considered a loyal player to BW I guess for not having a lvl 50 character but instead a lvl 45 one.


So lets check here,


Preorder - check,

Playing since day 2 of early bird access - check,

Founder title - check,

Still playing the same - check.


All of the above BUT still no 30 day bonus - nice one BW :(

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Had they rewarded people who had played X number of hours between all characters and servers it would have been better. It still would have possibly cut out some people who have extremely limited time to play, but it would have been better than this method.



IMO they should reward the ones who have paid for the most time. It shouldn't be based on how many hours one has put into the game... if you've been a loyal paying customer since the game's release, you should be rewarded for your loyalty. Being lvl 50, as you said, means nothing as far as loyalty goes.

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So who's fail idea was it to reward level 50's?


I have 1 lvl 37

2 26's

2 23's

4 22's

1 18

2 16's

1 13

1 12

6 11's


and some other which I can't see due to queue on server. Guess this means I'm not loyal because I don't have a 50. Fail idea is fail.

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cool so I cancelled my sub temporarily didn't have the money for it this month. But was planning to reactivate when I got paid.....so I miss out on the free month becuase I didn't have an recurring sub set up at the correct time. THANKS FOR NOTHING. I think i'll just let my sup run out completely.
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Hey Bioware, I love the free month and everything... but giving it to only people with level 50s is a bunch of BS. I cannot fathom how somebody is actually getting paid to make these kinds of business decisions, because the kid down the street flipping burgers for a living could have told you how bad an idea it is to reward a segment of your customers based on some arbitrary number - a number which has absolutely no bearing on how much time and money theyve spent on your product.


Can you count to 30?

That's your problem ...

GW2 Has only 10 keys :D And 3 you need :rolleyes:




Uh, wow. Just... wow.

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You know... Sometimes when I read all of the hate towards Bioware I find myself thinking about all the staff that might not have anything at all to do with decisions like these.

All the programmers, coders - all of them.

If they got to choose I think they would have given a free month to us all, or maybe just skip it altogether.


But the hate is directed towards Bioware as a company, which I would assume holds many people that wouldn't agree with this decision. And I'm sure many of them feel terrible for knowing how the community responds to their work.


Therefore I would just like to say this:


*Thank you for the pet, since you just could have chosen not to give us one at all.

*Thanks for giving a free month to the people with the 50s. Bad PR sure, but I'm happy for them. I do not have a level 50 char, but that's alright, because there are a lot of level 50s out there which will be happy by getting the free month.

*Thanks for the 1.2 patch. Sure - a bit buggy, but it DOES bring good things to the table.


Thanks for the game. Keep up the good work!


It is perfectly ok to criticize a game, but while we're at it, why not ALSO share what we actually think works, are good and so on.


It might make someone happy you know.



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I find that if I don't have a lvl. 50 character yet subbed for 6 months. Now I only did that out of support for the game. I figure, ya know, support should be rewarded but I guess not. Playing the crap out of this game for a week is only thing that you will get rewarded for. So thanks Bioware for not really thinking about me at all and only about those that spend all their time on this game.


If you can, show me some love as I did for you.

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Ummm I don't get it. Free moth who cares.


This is not a gift to those 50’s who are there. It is bait to get the massive amount of 50’s that unsubed this month to resub and keep the sub numbers up for when they have report to their share holders how many active subs they have.



Nothing is free. They are saving the good stuff for micro trans once they go FTP.

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Its like saying, paying for the game every month is not the valid measure of your loyalty, you must kill X raghouls and gain X exp to be considered loyal, *** man? Edited by Pawlas
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My own feedback.


Before I start, I'd like to say that I'm not in any way a "BW fanboy" and that this postis merely a completely subjective opinion based on a day's worth of observation and personal experience.




tl;dr - I really like it


Longer version:


As much as I'm bitter over no ranked WZ, I'm really satisfied with the patch.


Legacy itself looks promising but in my opinion the credit cost for most of the features is simply too high (if not plain ridiculous). There is a thread about it saying that both legacy level and credit cost is somewhat of an overkill and I agree. Either high legacy level (like 30 and above) or credit cost - but both of them combined isn't very good system. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to what Legacy has in store as it brings some cool features with it which will definately make my life easier when it comes to leveling alts and getting to know the storylines.


New Warzone is really awesome. I'm not sure if it was sheer luck but out of 7 WZ played today, 5 of them was Novare Coast and I was having a blast every time. The area isn't very big which makes for a lot of constant action, surroundings are pleasant to watch (it looks like a proper wartime front) and the game itself isn't Alderaan-like "cap and idle hoping that the other team won't zerg you".


Regarding new Operation, I haven't been there long but similarily to Novare Coast, surroundigs are really cool. Bosses seem properly tuned and I can already tell that HM and Nightmare will be nothing like in the first tier which added nothing but enrage timer and bigger raid damage.


I wish I could say more about new Flashpoint but frankly, I wasn't able to complete it (had like 2 shots at the Sentinel droid boss and guildies went to sleep cause most of them were raiding for many hours) but just like with Denova, it seems finely tuned and will definately cause some trouble for people expecting a quick breeze and easy loot.


I'm fairly neutral about Corellia dailies simply because there isn't a lot to them but they add to the Empire vs Republic conflict story which is always nice for the game. Also, the quest where you have to sneak between the sensors using something like Night Vision Goggles is absolutely awesome, especially for those that enjoyed MGS and Splinter Cell. I only hope that if there is another set od failies added in the future, they will be placed on a planet with more reasonable loading time (my PC is rather mediocre but I believe Corellia has truly the longest loading time of them all and I can already tell it's gonna be frustrating waiting for it to load every day).


So yeah, despite abnormal credit cost on Legacy features, I'm really enjoying 1.2. I hope that bugs like "noise on the fleet" (which myself, I haven't been experiencing) and so on, will be fixed so that people can focus on awesome content and not on what hinders their experience in any way. Despite the lack of ranked WZ which was the feature I was looking forward to the most, the patch really delivers and hopefully RWZ will be there before 1.3.

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Wow...a free month only if you are level 50...


I would be level 50. Been playing since launch, leveled a scoundrel to the high 30s and then they nerfed it. Not a big deal, but I thought I would put it away until I could do more research on the new mechanics. So I rolled a Sentinel. Awesome class. Had a blast up into the 40s until my server got to the point where there were 3 people on Hoth and 12 people on the fleet. I didn't get bored with the game, just that server. Seeing as how there were no transfers, I rolled BH on Kellers Void figuring the server that AIE plays on can't be all that bad. So I am now level 42 and have been going strong and the ONLY reason I am not 50 is because there are no server transfers...


TLDR: Thank you, BioWare, for punishing a player that stuck with you rather then quitting like the rest of my IRL friends.

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I think 1.2 is awesome. The game runs smoother for me. The new warzone is fun. Legacy system is nice to have in place, and I see lots of potential with that system in the long run (too expensive at the onset, but that will change as my legacy family grows). The UI customization in also nice, and while I kept most of it the same, I was able to resize some elements in it.


It is overall a great patch experience for me, and makes me look forward to future updates.




However…I feel the celebration rewards for 1.2 is a little unfair. I will say this now that I am not going to quit the game over the free month to accounts with a level 50, but I still feel that it is a slap in the face from Bioware because I am slow at leveling. I have taken my time and enjoyed the sights and feel of SWTOR, I also changed mains as well as leveled alts...so my highest character is currently level 44.


I also have been supportive of Bioware and their products, preordered the game, and have been playing continuously since early access (I got in the 2nd wave on the first day of early access). It is just a little disheartening to see Bioware place more ‘Value’ in a customer not because they are have been supportive of their product, or that they have been with them since the beginning, but simply because they have a different speed/time/priorities in the game.


I would have cared less if Bioware had given a free month to PTR testers of 1.2 (they were the ones that helped test 1.2), or given a free mount to players that have completed the nightmare-level raids of the previous tier (as a reward for completing something difficult). But it is the fact that it states: "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty." It just makes me feel like I am at an office party waiting to get a peice of cake...but they run out right before me, and even though I am waving my hands around trying to get attention, no one cares and I am left out just because I was last.

Edited by Akkela
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Thanks for letting those of us with lives, jobs, families, and who like to slowly enjoy multiple character story lines, know that we're not valuable.


Guess all that money for special editions and subs since launch, and all that time spent filing bug reports so you'd be aware of the problems, just wasn't as special for some reason.


At least we know where we stand.

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Great free gift BW but as other people have said it's a bit harsh based on lv50 only. I have been playing since early access and have paid every month, but because I gave up on my character on my server at level 48 due to the server turning into a ghost town and trying other servers to re-roll I won't get a free month :(


I have been on 3 different servers now trying to find a good population, I have finally found a good population server and I am level 21 again with the exact same character because there is no character transfer and I miss out on gift of free month.


Perhaps you should base it on people who have paid since launch ever month not on because you have raced through game to level 50.

Edited by solo-nite
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Bioware is rewarding level 50s for being loyal.


No. They're rewarding players with a level 50 for 'being one of our most valued customers'. That's the quote. I'm not sure where loyalty crept into the discussion.


That's not what I'm saying at all. It's not about who IS included, but who is NOT... those with several alts, those with active subscriptions since launch... yet the only people being rewarded are those that happen to have a single level 50. Read everyone else's comments on here, it's quite easy to see what I'm getting at.


I've read them. But I don't agree. Someone decided to recognise players who'd achieved a particular thing, by giving them a freebie, as part of a promotion. No matter what particular thing they would have decided to reward, some people wouldn't have been.


No-one lost anything. Some people gained something. Yet people insist they're being discriminated against, persecuted, insulted or treated badly. It's nonsense.

Edited by smartalectwo
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If they had said everyone above lvl 25 or everyone with four alts or everyone who played a flashpoint.. there still would be complainers. It's a free month, get a grip. I'm happy I got to 50 just two days ago, my luck


You've missed the point entirely.


They hype up 1.2 and talk about Rated Warzones. 12 hours before the patch hits, they post some arbitrary blog saying, "Sorry guys, no Rated Warzones in 1.2." They then continue to give no information or specific dates for Rated Warzones, along with no information as to why they deemed it necessary to remove them.


A day later, they announce a free month for anyone with lv.50 characters, dubbing these players their "valued customers." A person could have bought the game a week ago, and power leveled to 50. Why are they a "valued customer" when the person who has been playing since early access isn't, just because they have yet to hit lv.50?


Bioware has created this crap storm, and they deserve the full wrath of it.

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