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    Star Wars
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    Jedi Consular
  1. Here is the thread from last night. Has pictures of black boxes and down a bit someone posted old video of the fleet and you see the neon boxes in it around 1:40 mark. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=495636&page=3 hmmm ... I've seen them before, now they are black. So if graphic problem, must of come w/ lastest patch.
  2. This was brought up last night also. Apparently the boxes have always been there but had neon signs on them before. Someone posted a video in the other link. However there is suppose to be an event soon, just not sure when.
  3. Love this guide, printed it out and use it daily. lol
  4. LOL, the server name IS Prophecy of the Five!
  5. Hubby sold one for 500k once, person turned around and put it back up for 600k, don't think that sold, that was on the old server. On new sever there are 3 pages on the GTN of eggs from 10k-80k.
  6. This!!! I have been playing daily since Early Release next to hubby who is a level 50 but I do not get bonus month b/c I have 4 characters I play equally and 2 characters on Public Test Server. Spread my time out to thin I guess. I may be able to reach lvL 6 Legacy by the new deadline date. Thanks for listening to the community on this one, happy to see that changes were made.
  7. The free month thing is great and all BUT, I have sat next to my husband since early release, both playing daily!! However since I am leveling 4 characters at once, I will not be considered for the free month. My toons are between 23 and highest at 41. Also, my level 41 would be higher if my server wasn't dead and I could get more warzones in. I think they should have determined it by play time instead of level. Anyway, that's my two cents. I do not expect anything to be done about it.
  8. Great article, never played WoW-- but agree with all the reason you mentioned of why Star Wars:TOR is awesome!
  9. Thank you so much for the link, been looking, couldn't find one.
  10. Dec 3rd here, had I known I would only be charged $5.39 at time of pre order, I would have done it sooner. At least hubby got in today. trying to get house clean, so when I do get it I can just play! Good luck everyone!
  11. hubby is in. LOL he pre-ordered 9-9-11. Now for my turn...
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