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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current state of PvP (1.2)


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"WH gear grind is fricken stupid. 200K+WZ comms to get all the gear. Its around 15hrs of grinding A PIECE! A PIECE. Im sorry did SWTOR turn into a korean grindfest MMO all of a sudden?"


To address this issue completly i believe your thoughts of an mmo are misconstrued. I have played MMO's for a long time and have always looked for ones with more difficulty. I believe it is entirely to easy as is to be full top gear in this game and it needs to be increased. The skill in pvp stated before is biased. I as assassin am having no trouble dominating as usual in pvp. I think the changes to the pvp gear should increase defense more than offense yes but this will allow for games like huttball to requre more team effort. I do not believe i will be capable to use my defensive abilities as a dps spec with dps gear on and run the ball from grab to finish. The game is going to require alot more team work and alot more passing. However, i do believe some class changes were inaccurate everyone has to realize this game does not have the experience with the likes/dislikes of the current player base. I believe in time they will make changes that a majority of people will agree with instead of the latter.


I believe the new pvp zone however is to ditto for me. I was looking for something more elusive and unique. I do not believe the developers put enough thought into creating something to excite current players or bring in new players. I have heard so many great ideas on pvp zones/styles/requirements that players have thought of yet the developers haven't.


I dont believe alot of people realized like i did from the start the current valor system would have ever worked and in not realizing this people are now disgusted at the current changes. If you thought about it to begin with the game required a valor rank of 60 to earn your battlemaster gear which took a long time to acquire before. However, what was thought of on requirements for new pvp tiers? I don't believe this was thought of well either as i realized immediately this wouldn't work or they would require new players to come in and pvp for months to earn "War hero" or even higher titles and levels of valor just to get to current pvp gear. I think these thoughts were definately under thought and understand everyone being upset with this but again as Illum this was a mistake by Bioware.


In reference to the battlemaster tokens. I havent read anything that says what happened to people that had say 1 token left before this patch came out? They spent hours of their time earning it and now it is useless?

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Holy cow did they screw up bigtime on this. The damage is completely out of control.


I suspected something bad might happen if BW screwed with the Expertise mechanic. Sadly, it appears they jacked it up. Changes like this have to be rigorously tested before release. So much for their renewed emphasis on quality control. lawl


I really liked the relative strategies of group fights prior to 1.2. If it's now just a DPS race, regardless of class makeup, then the PvP combat in this game will hold no more interest for me.

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I suspected something bad might happen if BW screwed with the Expertise mechanic. Sadly, it appears they jacked it up. Changes like this have to be rigorously tested before release. So much for their renewed emphasis on quality control. lawl


I really liked the relative strategies of group fights prior to 1.2. If it's now just a DPS race, regardless of class makeup, then the PvP combat in this game will hold no more interest for me.


No dude, they held this from release specifically to make sure nothing dumb like 1.1 happened. There's no way they'd mess up this patch. They even copied a few RP guilds over to PTS to try things.

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Bw plan seems to be make things so bad people leave and they don't have to work on the game. I would like to congratulate you on achieving that goal atleast with me.


Tab targeting is worse now.


PVP is basiclly 2 tanks (in dps gear if they are smart) and 2heals holding hands and running around killing people or defending objectives while the other 4 dps play with themselves. HOW can a tank have most DPS in a wz and get the medals from defending.


Also thanks for taking away damage from upper hand and back blast without giving anything back. It really helps the stealth class when they don't have burst either. You basicly took the crutches away from an already limping class and now we are crawling. so THANK YOU BW for class balance.

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i have cancelled my sub. Bioware are arrogant and have never listened to the community which is why WAR failed and is why SWTOR will fall flat on its face. Last time i ever play a Bioware MMO, they cant run them to save their lives.


Onwards to GW2, just pre-purchased

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So it wasn't just me then, my defence spec champion geared vanguard got 2 shotted today, felt like i was L10 fighting against a BM :).

Games broke beyond repair and i don't mean in terms of development, i mean in terms of player confidence in Bioware.

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Bw plan seems to be make things so bad people leave and they don't have to work on the game. I would like to congratulate you on achieving that goal atleast with me.


Tab targeting is worse now.


PVP is basiclly 2 tanks (in dps gear if they are smart) and 2heals holding hands and running around killing people or defending objectives while the other 4 dps play with themselves. HOW can a tank have most DPS in a wz and get the medals from defending.


Also thanks for taking away damage from upper hand and back blast without giving anything back. It really helps the stealth class when they don't have burst either. You basicly took the crutches away from an already limping class and now we are crawling. so THANK YOU BW for class balance.

I disagree with class imbalance. Bring your class balance QQ to another thread. This is about a totally different problem.

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So it wasn't just me then, my defence spec champion geared vanguard got 2 shotted today, felt like i was L10 fighting against a BM :).

Games broke beyond repair and i don't mean in terms of development, i mean in terms of player confidence in Bioware.


SO true! Once it's gone, you don't get it back. /shrug

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So it wasn't just me then, my defence spec champion geared vanguard got 2 shotted today, felt like i was L10 fighting against a BM :).

Games broke beyond repair and i don't mean in terms of development, i mean in terms of player confidence in Bioware.


Oh, it's bad. I have a merc guildie who used to get 2.8k normal hits and ~4.4k crits. He's getting 3500 normal hits on sorcs and just crit a sorc (in full BM) for 6.7k; without a powerup. (And he doesn't even have full BM).


BW, you've got to bring damage down. I'm not talking about nerfing a class either. You've got to buff survivability across the board. People are dying way too fast.

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Seriously buffed damage

Seriously nerfed healers

Reworked expertise to favor damage and nerf healing bonus

Cut rewards

Created incentives to play games in which the loser gets absolutely nothing


I'm not sure what they were thinking.

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Seriously buffed damage

Seriously nerfed healers

Reworked expertise to favor damage and nerf healing bonus

Cut rewards

Created incentives to play games in which the loser gets absolutely nothing


I'm not sure what they were thinking.


Don't forget that gear gaps are even worse now.

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Nobody has WH gear yet, so gap hasn't increased for anyone yet.


They significantly changed the diminishing returns curve on Expertise, so yes, the gap has certainly increased. They also changed the damage vs. mitigation vs. healing numbers.

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They decided to nerf contribution of Expertise. I'm gonna guess this is what's causing it. Expertise now contributes inequally to DPS, Dmg. Reduction and Healing then before the patch. Dps being almost twice as much as healing I think, and Dmg. Reduction in between. I find this really odd, because I'm pretty sure in all the posts in the PTS claiming how healers would become useless with these nerfs,(in pvp) devs responded that "under the hood" or changes to game mechanic would correct this. Seems like someone didn't read the memo, or mixed up > with <.
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I really don't wanna come out as your usual QQ'er, I just wanna say my overall opinion of PvP after the patch.


I liked a few things in this game. Unique combat mechanics for one. The other main one was, you had to work to kill someone! And you actually could use a few skillful tactics to prevent yourself for dying. The later two is now gone. Completely.


I am a Marauder. Killing people in 4-5 seconds is not fun. Getting killed instantly if 2 people is on you is not fun. You need to be able to put up a fight even if you lose!


Now expertise gains more offense than defense, if anything, it had to be the other way around. Sure my test sample is relatively small, but the pattern is pretty clear.


The other few things I gripe about. Adrenals and stims. Right now, if you use them, you spend MORE commendations per game than you can possibly gain. Need an alternative way to buy them (dailies perhaps?).


Annihilating people is not fun and doesn't feel competitive. I understand some people like seeing others go kaboom, but it does get very old, very quick. The term "rage quitting" pretty much comes from that particular even I would say. To see someone head towards you and know that either of you will die in a few seconds feels like a FPS. Be damned if it's 2 people, you wont even have time to use 2 abilities (as opposed to previously).


I know some changes are for the best. The drastic reduction in everyone relative survivability is not a good change.


Edit : Nothing short of a raw dmg decrease of roughly 20% is needed. Agree or disagree on this part, I don't care, that's my feeling.


I totally agree. Here is what I would like to see in PvP SWTOR from the devs:


- Healers able to heal much larger numbers but unable to deal hardly any damage. It is ridiculous to see a healer that can heal 900k and deal 400k, just make him heal 1.3 mil average and be over with it. Healers are supposed to heal.


- Tanks, to give a class major survivability and hit points over other classes and then make it so they can deal nearly the same damage in the long haul is ridiculously unbalanced. Tanks should tank.


- DPS, melee dps should be superior in total damage and lower in available types of cc than ranged as range has the advantage when talking about anything besides 1v1. Ranged should have tons of cc and deal a lot less damage. Melee should mangle, ranged should disable.


-Warzones, more original ideas like Huttball instead of regurgitating the same territories and defense games that are in EVERY OTHER MMO. Huttball is a new take on Capture the Flag basically but it is a new enough idea to feel refreshing. Also I would like to see a straight deathmatch WZ with reinforcement totals for each team.


- Gear, less grinding more skill based achievement. I think that their should be a higher level of requirements to get final gear than just time. If you say had to have, say every type of medal from every wz, rank and do a "daily" style PvP Quest to get them it would make players feel much more like they achieved something. it always bothers me that the 13 yr old kid in his Gma's basement has more time than me so he will be better geared than me even though I am an incredibly skilled and devoted PvPer, purely because he has more grind time from having no life responsibilities except to be a kid. Less grinding more skill.


Some very basic ideas that I hear being repeated a LOT.

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Nobody has WH gear yet, so gap hasn't increased for anyone yet.


I'll spell it out for your.


Recruit Gear = Total garbage, terrible stats, pitiful endurance, decent expertise, but still less than BM


Champion Gear (now defunct)- Decent stats, set bonus, terrible expertise compared to BM.


BM Gear- Good stats, set bonus, raised expertise by double.


War Hero- Total set = about a 1% increase...


So.... Recruit gear has terrible stats, but good expertise, Champion gear has decent stats and terrible expertise, BM gear has good stats and awesome expertise.

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"WH gear grind is fricken stupid. 200K+WZ comms to get all the gear. Its around 15hrs of grinding A PIECE! A PIECE. Im sorry did SWTOR turn into a korean grindfest MMO all of a sudden?"


To address this issue completly i believe your thoughts of an mmo are misconstrued. I have played MMO's for a long time and have always looked for ones with more difficulty. I believe it is entirely to easy as is to be full top gear in this game and it needs to be increased. The skill in pvp stated before is biased. I as assassin am having no trouble dominating as usual in pvp. I think the changes to the pvp gear should increase defense more than offense yes but this will allow for games like huttball to requre more team effort. I do not believe i will be capable to use my defensive abilities as a dps spec with dps gear on and run the ball from grab to finish. The game is going to require alot more team work and alot more passing. However, i do believe some class changes were inaccurate everyone has to realize this game does not have the experience with the likes/dislikes of the current player base. I believe in time they will make changes that a majority of people will agree with instead of the latter.


What difficulty? Its a fricken commendation grind. The difficulty was to be the ranked WZs for rating, but that was delayed.


"I believe it is entirely to easy as is to be full top gear in this game"...you're kidding right? You know what BM bags were correct? RNG? BM comm grind? Guess its easy if your luck is good and you get a BM comm from every single bag.




"I believe in time they will make changes that a majority of people will agree with instead of the latter."


Yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnah. People were telling them about problems in beta and they still haven't fixed them. For example Juggernauts and their complete lack of survibility and damage output. Been questions, suggestions given since beta...we got Force Push resets Force Charge. Now we got Enraged Defense self heal ability on a 45 second CD...sounds awesome except the damage in PvP at the moment is so out of control a 500HP tick ain't gonna cut it against 5-6K Smash crits. Not to mention its another ability to rage starve a class thats already rage starved. Another problem thats been brought up multiple occasions by Juggs.


So no, they wont..or maybe they will...but after the debacle of 1.2, I wouldn't hold my breath for this game to last.

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I'm not one to threaten unsubbing, but I already did it after an afternoon of WZs on my healer. I knew I wouldn't like it after the first game that I healed, and won, but tried to give BW the benefit of the doubt.


To summarize, dmg is way way way too high. Healing is worthless. Warcraft had it right with their pvp stat in the fact that you take less dmg the more of it you have. Exp should be dmg reduction heavy, not +dmg heavy.

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