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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current state of PvP (1.2)


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Feels like im Playing GoldenEye N64 License to kill mode get 1 shotted or be 1 shotted.


golden gun... i heard it several times in teamspeak today.



the balance was nice before 1.2 even though a lot of players we're complaining. these we're just the usual lazy crybabys.


but now... oh boy. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

i never thought healing was too strong for a competitive play - you needed to focus your target and kill it within seconds. even with a 4-man team that was possible due to the lack of burst heal.

What they needed to fix was the ability (especially of the BH/Commando) to heal pressure damage until eternity and it would've been possible to also play sustained damage pressure builds and outlive the opponent. and the incoming changes we're promising and tactics were flourishing.



Tanks on the other hand are a bit broken, they basically reduce damage around them without casting anything (instant) or loosing energy/munition or whatever. They dont even need to be tank specced! Atm, Jedi Guardians and Vanguards are easily the best DD's in the Game.


with the changes to expertise, i believe that the best group composition is DD specced tanks and the best strategy is stand next to an enemy and hope you hit your stun and your highest instant burst before he does. Reducing the damage is the only way to go because the heal is too slow and too little. There's nothing to heal if everyones dead after seconds and the result is, that you need the most damage to kill the enemy even faster.





PS: is it only me or does white damage now do even less damage? and i mean like half? oO

Edited by Secured
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Just want to thank Gabe and the rest of the Mythic, I mean Bioware team for a flawless pvp patch. You were able to do in TOR exactly what you did in WAR and I will never forget what a resounding success it turned out to be! You guys are the best pvp developers in the history of MMO's and TOR will surely be counted among the finest pvp games ever developed.



P.S. Go **** yourselves.

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I really don't wanna come out as your usual QQ'er, I just wanna say my overall opinion of PvP after the patch.


I liked a few things in this game. Unique combat mechanics for one. The other main one was, you had to work to kill someone! And you actually could use a few skillful tactics to prevent yourself for dying. The later two is now gone. Completely.


I am a Marauder. Killing people in 4-5 seconds is not fun. Getting killed instantly if 2 people is on you is not fun. You need to be able to put up a fight even if you lose!


Now expertise gains more offense than defense, if anything, it had to be the other way around. Sure my test sample is relatively small, but the pattern is pretty clear.


The other few things I gripe about. Adrenals and stims. Right now, if you use them, you spend MORE commendations per game than you can possibly gain. Need an alternative way to buy them (dailies perhaps?).


Annihilating people is not fun and doesn't feel competitive. I understand some people like seeing others go kaboom, but it does get very old, very quick. The term "rage quitting" pretty much comes from that particular even I would say. To see someone head towards you and know that either of you will die in a few seconds feels like a FPS. Be damned if it's 2 people, you wont even have time to use 2 abilities (as opposed to previously).


I know some changes are for the best. The drastic reduction in everyone relative survivability is not a good change.


Edit : Nothing short of a raw dmg decrease of roughly 20% is needed. Agree or disagree on this part, I don't care, that's my feeling.


I played a Witch Hunter on Warhammer, they had massive burst damage available if specd for it (I know right, actually speccing and factoring in more than one stat) but I build mine as a dueler with sanctified bullets (a heal back) and parry (*** defences??) so I didnt atomise people but also wasnt a wet tissue either.


They seem to be taking advice from Carrie, queen of the sea cows, Gouskos on how to ruin PvP.

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I played a Witch Hunter on Warhammer, they had massive burst damage available if specd for it (I know right, actually speccing and factoring in more than one stat) but I build mine as a dueler with sanctified bullets (a heal back) and parry (*** defences??) so I didnt atomise people but also wasnt a wet tissue either.


They seem to be taking advice from Carrie, queen of the sea cows, Gouskos on how to ruin PvP.

I sincerly try to understand the relevance of your post, yet fail miserably.
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PvP from a casual PvP perspective -


Ok, got a lvl 50 Bounty Hunter, all I pritty much do with him is some casual PvP, by casual I mean that I compete, I go for objectives, I try and and play as a team, but I dont take it to seriously, my main objective is fun.


I have been doing PvP in Orange Gear modded with PvE purple 22 mods, simply because I have been waiting for Patch 1.2 before farming any gear, wearing this gear I could dish out some nice dmg and had a reasonable amount of Health, but died fairly fast due to a lack of expertise, or so I thought,


Soo, Patch 1.2 hits, I buy the "starter" PvP set, Recruit I think it's called, plus 1 Battlemaster Item, and I now have about 850 Expertise,






I have lost a ton of Health,


I have lost dmg output,


And I still die so fast it's scary tbh,






I still cannot target anything with my mouse cursor because Bioware are insane and simply do not understand that we need to be able to target things FAST, with a click of the mouse,








If it's looking like a loss, you might as well just quit out and re-queue,


You can work your butt off trying to play as a team, working for objectives, trying to be a good player, while all the stupido's go 1v1 hero mode and do NOTHING to HELP,


And walk away with next to nothing,


Except you just blown 15,20,30mins, whatever.





Simply cannot get here fast enough,



Edited by Tsaritsin
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This is false. You do get rewards even if you lose, you might of experianced a bug in the system, but I've not experienced it. Ive been in close loses and not so close loses and still received valor/coms/creds in EVERY match played.


I've had friends lose 100-0 in the new warzone and still receive coms/creds/valor as well.


Depends. If you don't get at least 3 medals, you get nothing. I heard some people saying it took 4, despite what the tooltip says. Dunno, I managed to get at least 4 in each match.


My issue is they raised the cost of everything, but then they lowered the coms you get in WZ's. The last PvP match I did, and will do until something changes, the leader had 16 medals. We won, and I asked him what his com reward was: 86.


Now, granted that medals are much easier to get in some cases, and I wouldn't even be bothered by the lowered amount of coms...except that the price of everything went up. Even the pre-40 weapons are nearly double the price now.


I was against taking away Champion and Centurion gear. I wanted it to stay the way it was and just add the recruit gear. The biggest bonus from the Cent and Champ gear was the st bonuses anyway.


But they did what they did, fine. But if you are on a losing team, no matter how well you did yourself, you'd have to give head to get 40 coms out of it. If you get on a bad streak of game where you lose ten in a row....yeh, not worth it.


I remember seeing a post when 1.2 was on PTS about rewards being insanely low. The dev that posted said it was for testing only and would be increased before live.


Maybe they missed that and forgot. I dunno. I just know that right now, the rewards are not worth the time to PvP. You actually lose very little if you quit a match your team is losing.


My last match I had 10 medals, 2nd highest overall on my team, and was higher than anyone on the enemy team, on Alderaan. We lost by only 30 points.


My rewards were a little over 1400 creds, just over 25k XP and 31 coms.


Now, I dunno about you...but the XP does squat for me at lvl 50. Hell, the 1400 creds barely covered the stims I used. And 31 coms, despite being 2nd overall in the entire warzone....insulting. So much for "reward for performance".


I don't mind getting less than the winning team, and maybe it sounds greedy to say 31 is crap, however, when you are 2nd overall in the WZ...31 is insulting.

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I'm Conqueror level and found the patch to be better overall than I thought. Virtually all of my guild agrees...some major overreactions in this thread.


One thing you have to realize is that some people didn't change out their mods pre-patch and don't have the new expertise. Right now, it's hard to judge things because there is a greater potential gear discrepancy than before. People are also learning new talent setups, figuring out how to adjust to the nerfs and/or tinkering with their UI.


I would wait til things settle down and everyone has more experience with the changes and getting their gear right.


I have noticed some fast killings by certain classes that probably need adjusting, but nothing warranting the ridiculous crying on this thread. I am somewhat surprised that the dps operatives/scoundrels nerf was not a big deal at all from playing against some today. They still hurt really bad and are very potent.


In any case, you can't make any conclusions after only a few hours of anecdotal testing. People doing so at this stage have zero credibility and sense of reasonableness.


Overall, I give BW a grade A for the patch..it was less than 8 hours down time and noticed no major bugs or glitches like I had grown to expect the first day from WoW.


Good post and i agree.

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The state of PvP is bad! Overnight we went from good, with hopes of greatness, to why even play PvP in TOR ...


Remove the three medal min, increase the rewards to the prior level, and deal with the mass CC. AS far as the CC put in a mechanism that makes you immune to sun,root, slow, ect for 30 secs after you're hit by one.

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I just unsubbed, they really screwed up pvp imo. The gear gap is horrible. I fi am on my BM geared toon I do fine but I am trying to gear out an alt I die so fast with Cent/Champ mixed gear.


Why would I pay for something that BW screwed up even more?

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I didnt change my BM mods so im sitting at only 700 expertise when I could be at 1100.

Im playing vigilance when I could be playing focus on my guardian.




I can drop a healer in 4.5-6 seconds. Games broke.

Edited by JackMinn
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I dropped a Sorc healer 1v1 on my Kinetic shadow today. He had "War Hero" over his head so I assume he was in all BM gear or maybe a mix bag like me. I was able to kill him in 5 GCD's using one interrupt and one stun. This was nearly impossible pre 1.2.


I have 7 pieces of BM gear the rest is champ 911 expertise stated out to DPS. Today for the first time ever I got my 5K hit medal. Pre 1.2 I was lucky to get 3K.



Fact is Damage is out of control right now.



You only need to look at the numbers. While over all damage maybe down big hits and "spike" damage is up by all classes. DPS is king and all you have to do is spam your biggest hits and faceroll the first person you get the drop on.


Servers with faction imbalances are really getting the shaft. The gear gap is only going to get bigger. I hope BW has a fix in store for this "fix" they call 1.2.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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I am a mercenary specced in Arsenal. I have several battlemaster gear on me, and the rest is champion gear. So my gear should be decent for the trial.


I used to do decent in pvps. I would never do highest damage before the patch, that always went to Juggernauts or assassins. But I would do ... decent. I mean, I was not complaining.


Now it is worse.


I read this thread before, and heard everyone is saying the damage output is so much that everyone goes in a few hits? This is not true.


At lease for me.


In about 7 wz matches, I had 1v1 fights with a juggernaut, a marauder, and a sorcerer.


I lost each and everyone of them. Without bringing my opponent to half their hp.

There was a moment, as two mercs, we barely killed a juggernaut (single enemy, 2 against 1), and we were like 10% and 30% at hp.


If there was an increase on damage, I tell you, mercenaries did not get it. My damage output is much less compared to what it was before. I would easily crit around 3-4 k every few attacks. Now it dropped to 2ks. And if I get the chance to stack 5 heat signatures (only happened like... 3 times since the change of tracer missile casting time) then the heat seeker missile can crit around 4k.


And that is it. I get my damage is dropped like... Nearly half?


that is my take.


Tab targeting works fine for me btw, so it is not that. But the issue is, mercenary in pvp is a dead guild. I am just going to level my juggernaut now.

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I am a mercenary specced in Arsenal. I have several battlemaster gear on me, and the rest is champion gear. So my gear should be decent for the trial.


I used to do decent in pvps. I would never do highest damage before the patch, that always went to Juggernauts or assassins. But I would do ... decent. I mean, I was not complaining.


Now it is worse.


I read this thread before, and heard everyone is saying the damage output is so much that everyone goes in a few hits? This is not true.


At lease for me.


In about 7 wz matches, I had 1v1 fights with a juggernaut, a marauder, and a sorcerer.


I lost each and everyone of them. Without bringing my opponent to half their hp.

There was a moment, as two mercs, we barely killed a juggernaut (single enemy, 2 against 1), and we were like 10% and 30% at hp.


If there was an increase on damage, I tell you, mercenaries did not get it. My damage output is much less compared to what it was before. I would easily crit around 3-4 k every few attacks. Now it dropped to 2ks. And if I get the chance to stack 5 heat signatures (only happened like... 3 times since the change of tracer missile casting time) then the heat seeker missile can crit around 4k.


And that is it. I get my damage is dropped like... Nearly half?


that is my take.


Tab targeting works fine for me btw, so it is not that. But the issue is, mercenary in pvp is a dead guild. I am just going to level my juggernaut now.


lvl 50 BH Merc


Full PvP Gear, (not the best, about 850 exp)


Got 2 shot by a Gunslinger I think it was, dead in 2 GCD's


First hit took one third of health, second hit and I was checking the floor for lost coins,


loled and ran back in, like the nubcake that I am,



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I really don't wanna come out as your usual QQ'er, I just wanna say my overall opinion of PvP after the patch.


I liked a few things in this game. Unique combat mechanics for one. The other main one was, you had to work to kill someone! And you actually could use a few skillful tactics to prevent yourself for dying. The later two is now gone. Completely.


I am a Marauder. Killing people in 4-5 seconds is not fun. Getting killed instantly if 2 people is on you is not fun. You need to be able to put up a fight even if you lose!


Now expertise gains more offense than defense, if anything, it had to be the other way around. Sure my test sample is relatively small, but the pattern is pretty clear.


The other few things I gripe about. Adrenals and stims. Right now, if you use them, you spend MORE commendations per game than you can possibly gain. Need an alternative way to buy them (dailies perhaps?).


Annihilating people is not fun and doesn't feel competitive. I understand some people like seeing others go kaboom, but it does get very old, very quick. The term "rage quitting" pretty much comes from that particular even I would say. To see someone head towards you and know that either of you will die in a few seconds feels like a FPS. Be damned if it's 2 people, you wont even have time to use 2 abilities (as opposed to previously).


I know some changes are for the best. The drastic reduction in everyone relative survivability is not a good change.


Edit : Nothing short of a raw dmg decrease of roughly 20% is needed. Agree or disagree on this part, I don't care, that's my feeling.


Personally, I think expertise is just a stupid stat. I hate stats dedicated to pvp only.

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EPIC Failure. They too all the rewards out of playing PvP for the Republic. I have 4 Imps and we do great on my server (although I can't get a game to pop to save my life this afternoon, word must be out). I have a republic toon that starts most matches with at least 2 people down. Before there was an incentive to try and win and play anyway. Now, just quit and go back to whatever... because if you lose you get NOTHING!


Way to fail hard.


:eek: So So SAD, I feel your pain, at least if you lost befor 1.2 you could be productive and still come out ok with WZ for putting in work. Now if your scrub azz team fails and you have a great game now = BullShat, I had at least four games were I got 0 WZ Really WTH... :mad:

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Just came to my mind, atm staying in a lost warzone, with bad balance /4 vs 8 for example/ is so much counterproductive it is not even funny. So, if i stay, what happens - i get farmed, enemy gets medals ontop medals by killing me, i get nothing, because i evaporate in 3 seconds. So if i want to BOOST my enemy gear process, it is WISE to just stay and get killed there. Enemy gets everything, i get nothing. Just because the server placed me 4 vs 8.

It isnt about winning-losing. It is about a fair fight. This system promotes the differences going BIGGER and bigger. So, over time it will not get better, it will get WORSE.

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