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Master Strike after patch


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Dotem Up, get 4 or 5 focus, master strike, immediately after the 3rd hit merciless slash...and boom goes the dynamite. If nobody interrupts this with a knock back or stun ur gonna b in dispatch range :p


Master Strike will be useless in ranked PvP unless you're specced Combat. People will simply run out of your melee range as soon as they see you channeling.

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If you're watchman specced and have the slowing effect skill selected for your burns, that will be harder to do, the new master strike is crazy good; mine does 3600-4400 and that's without the two skill points from the new focus tree-amazing!!
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Ive been playing combat in pvp all night and the new feel of the spec + master strike makes it very strong now thx to that sweet root on master strike.


The problem with it is that many other things can interrupt your MS.

1. Knockback

2. CC

3. Random teammates knocking your target out of range.

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Yes this is way too strong, with it specced mine hits for 4.2-4.9. If u get that completed with merc slash ur looking at at least 7k damage in 3secs, AT LEAST. Now of course ur not going to get that to finish most times coz people arent retarded, but worse comes to worse it forces them to use a push or a cc when they probably wouldnt want to. This at no cost to urself since u have no moves that do more damage nor does it cost u focus to use. It is definately OP and i doubt it will last 2 long.
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Master Strike will be useless in ranked PvP unless you're specced Combat. People will simply run out of your melee range as soon as they see you channeling.


because forcing someone to run instead of finishing a cast is a terrible thing.

use masterstrike to force predictable reactions, if they do not react they get blown up. if they do react oh what do you know masterstike didn't cost any focus and you can just move as soon as its clear it wont be able to finish.

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This is one area I agree with the complainers on. It got buffed far too much. And non-interruptible...that doesn't sit well with me.


Shhhh!!!!! No it didn't!! lol - for all the difficulty that went into playing this class, its nice to be able to get some good dps out finally!!


Don't forget people, that before patch 1.2 came out, most people on this forum complained that Sentinels needed a boost. Well, we got it! Now stop complaining!!!

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Master Strike will be useless in ranked PvP unless you're specced Combat. People will simply run out of your melee range as soon as they see you channeling.


With the changes to the Cauterize talent granting a 50% slow or conversely using leg slash if you have chosen to forgo that talent, you can effectively get off a full channel rotation of masterstrike.


the only exception to this is if they use sprint or knock-back obviously.


As a side note, who else is having fun watching a healer stand there and try to heal themselves like they use to through your damage, while you are doing


DoTs > Stasis > Master Strike > Merciless Slash >Dispatch (especially since 30% now)

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