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Most of the new legacy features cost lots and lots of CREDITS?!?


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People have to start realizing that credit sinks in MMOs keep server economies healthy. No credit sinks equals to massive inflation. New players then have a much harder time as everything costs 15-20 million.


The more credit sinks, the better. I think these are perfectly reasonable. You can't get everything right away, but you'll get everything eventually.


There wouldn't be a need for credit sinks if players would actually work as a community, the gatherers gather materials, the crafters buy the materials and craft items from the materials and sell the crafted items, but sadly, greed is all people care about.


So, i honestly don't see myself being able to afford any of this legacy stuff anytime soon, 600k for a mailbox? please.......maybe 50k, but hell no to 600k.


I can understand the race unlocks being the prices that they are, it takes a while to get unlock them one of them, but small things like a repair droid for 600k? no, not worth it.

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These features should all be available to those who bother to level their legacy and the scrubs who want it before that should pay for it. Unlocking the option to pay for something is just not worth it... It's stupid.
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To give you an idea with


2 x 50

1 x 44

1 x 43

1 x 39

1 x 26

1 x 14

1 x 13


I have less than 500k with all my characters.

So the legacy thing is clearly not for me.


I think its fair to say, leveling is an expensive thing to do, once you hit 50 credits are easy, untill then the cost of buying skills and leveling crafting soaks up your credits.


The problem the economy faces is a a lot of wealthy level 50 people and a lot of broke people leveling charachters.

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People have to start realizing that credit sinks in MMOs keep server economies healthy. No credit sinks equals to massive inflation. New players then have a much harder time as everything costs 15-20 million.


The more credit sinks, the better. I think these are perfectly reasonable. You can't get everything right away, but you'll get everything eventually.


No gear that degrades over time just like in real life keeps server economies healthy. Any game that doesn't do that will always have inflation in one form or another.

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3 words for you Costs credits again


lol, just calculate the cost and see if it is profitable first of coz'


I am not sure about other profession, but I am an artifice myself


pre-1.2, this is what I used to do to make credits


buy treasure hunting mission for 15-20K, gives me 4 purple crafting mat, and sometimes 6

To send them out to mission, cost me 3-5K?? (dont' remember), and then I will throw in another 5K for other useless mats to make a purple mod.

cost me 30K, sell purple mod for 40-50K a pop.


or, buy a magenta crystal for 150K, mission discovery for 15-20K, other mat, 5K

cost me 175K, and sell the magenta crystal for 320K


I did this almost everyday, and only earned 2.5mil credit, then I went ahead and spent them all on my gf's character, now i am back to 150K.......

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People have to start realizing that credit sinks in MMOs keep server economies healthy. No credit sinks equals to massive inflation. New players then have a much harder time as everything costs 15-20 million.


The more credit sinks, the better. I think these are perfectly reasonable. You can't get everything right away, but you'll get everything eventually.


There are two types of gold sinks (**** credits, they are gold sinks)

The type that shaves a bit off the top all the time, and continues to trickle gold out of the game as you play.

These are things like NPC-shop bought items needed for various things, repair which taxes you a little bit for playing and a few others.


Then there's the gold dumps, the ones that take a chunk of money and dumps it once. These are things like skill-cost which basically means reaching level 50 has a fixed cost, and these legacy convenience items work the same way, dumb a large pile of money once.


The first type is infinitely sustainable, the second type you need to keep adding to if you are balancing your economy heavily around it. Because once people have got what they want out of legacy, they never have to bother again, and the income they have used for it up to this point now goes uncontrolled.


I think the idea behind these outrageous prices is to delay the price-spike until months from now when they have found out how to properly deal with the economy, if they continue this ingame-economy policy it is going to become harder and harder to start up as a newbie and the new features added are going to become more and more extreme in their costs, next batch of legacy things will either be the same price as this round, or 10 times it.

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Everything that has something to with legacy is INCREDIBLY expensive in my opinion.

It should be either legacy level OR the INCREDIBLY expensive price tag, or a legacy level and a MODERATE price in credits that EVERYONE who has a high legacy level can actually afford.

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I'm confused... aren't most (if not all) of the Legacy perks unlockable? If a person could just buy everything for cheap, it would defeat the purpose of putting in the effort of unlocking things the "manual" way, no?


Apparently not.

For example if you want to unlock *insert feature here* you need appropriate legacy level and few MILLION credits on top of that.

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I'm confused... aren't most (if not all) of the Legacy perks unlockable? If a person could just buy everything for cheap, it would defeat the purpose of putting in the effort of unlocking things the "manual" way, no?


No it was originally the concept but again we get shafted by George zeller



for instance it was said that you would need legacy level 35 to unlock the GTN on your ship or pay 5 mil credits. in fact you need to be legacy level 25 and pay 5 mil credits, if you want a Mailbox on your ship its 600k credits and requires a legacy level.

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I am a little shocked and dismayed by the amount of credits everything costs for all the new legacy features and even the guild bank. 600K credits to unlock the guild bank. Another 600K credits to reduce your quick travel time down from 30m to 24m. 500K credits to get a mailbox on your ship. 1 million credits to get a repair droid on your ship. It goes on and on. I wonder what impact this will have on the economy, at least in the short run.


The choice to make the legacy features into this huge grind is puzzling to me. You have to grind for legacy points, you have to grind for credits, and you have to grind for commendations for gear. Games are supposed to be fun not a bunch of repetitive nonsense designed for simple minds. I don't mind working for something or making it difficult to do, but when it becomes this huge grind-fest that is where I really start losing interest. I already have a job, why have a game that simulates another job?


I guess they have done their research and they feel that this plays well with the MMO crowd. To me it seems like a misguided attempt to keep subscribers. We shall see how it plays out.


And all the gold farmers in china and korea rejoiced.


and people wonder why the nations of eastern Asia have such prosperous economies, while the rest of the world still struggles, too many games looking only at the number of subscribers on MMO's that have become grind fests, and not noticing how many of those subscriptions are 24/7 grinders with asin IP's. Plus this obviously does nothing but promote people to buy from the asian currency farmers, or as i call them "sweat shop grinders"

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This is just encouraging gold selling, which is always bad. I don't see why they make you reach a certain legacy level just to be able to pay millions of credits just for something to add to your ship. It's not like you can even custmomize your ship like you could in SWG, they are all the same static setup inside.


Also the price of customizing/re-modding gear is a bit silly.

Edited by NasherUK
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Most of the Legacy features are supposed to be "Fun, Social, Convenience" types, and the fact that they cost a fortune impairs this significantly. There was a thread about the Legacy gear for a class that was basically Lv14 Blue rarity (unmoddable etc...) and cost 200 commendations that came to a MONTH of daily grinding. For ONE Piece. Which means months and months just to have access to an outfit that can never be worn except in social/RP occasions. That is bloody insane.


Remember that 1.2 is a "last chance" patch for many who are just fed up with EA, Bioware, and SWTOR, and bringing in huge moneysinks and grinds as part of "signature" content for tiny ROI? Not a good move. People need to be having fun, accessing and enjoying the Legacy system even if they're not the kind with many Lv50s, who play the game like a job and have time to devote hours per day, per character, to daily quests , or who play the auction house with a spreadsheet beside them. SWTOR doesn't even have many of the "basic" features functions people expect in MMOs, so bringing in a lot of items with a huge timewall/moneysink isn't endearing.

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Thing is, they were saying recently how so few people have any money. Credit sinks ARE vital, but surely they look at average player wealth before setting prices?


It's less that 4 months in. I would not expect the average player to have millions.


However, in saying that, I would not have expected to have been able to obtain everything from Legacy today either. I see this as stuff to obtain over the coming months.


Far too many people thought that today was just going to be the candy shop opening and grab everything you can.


THAT is the attitude that destroys MMOs...

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Oh no, you have to work for your perks?! That's horrible! This game is a failure. See you in GW2.


Seriously though, I had over 2 million credits sitting around today that I used to purchase Chiss. I didn't do anything more than Ilum dailies for about ten days to amass this. It's no big deal, and even if it is, games *should* have lofty goals people can aspire to. That's the point.

Edited by Valin_Thren
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Yeah, pretty sad that they haven't come up with a way for 1000s of players to all be fighting in one area with no technical issues at all. It's such an amazingly easy thing to do, afterall. Just flip the switch already, Bioware.




Ohhhh lookit me, I am so gosh-darn edgy, I cut myself!


It's like listening to a parrot who's too stupid to actually remember and respond to what other people are saying so he just becomes a wise-*** and then congratulates himself at how terribly clever he is.


I know one thing, some of the people you're hacking on have good points Captain Smart-Aleck, and it would be nice if they didn't come with your bottom feeding pseudo-snark afterwardds.


Was that too up front for ya?

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