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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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if you lose a wz you get nothing, you don't get any real valor, no real comms. there really is no point in staying anymore. I liked staying to attempt to get my 4 medals but nope no point in doing that anymore.
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actually in 8 games tonight, 1 win, 7 losses those loses happen so quick I was the only one who got more then 3 medals. (note we played the same pre-made each time who murdered us very quickly)


voidstar ends when they beat your score (meaning you can lose 6mins of medal farming time)

huttball is still hard to get medals in

Civil war , easiest to get medals

new nov coast, only played it twice and got smashed once (2 medals) and won got 13 medal other team got nothing).



see why stay in a losing game?, you won't get anything. winning you get alot

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Oh no, you have to win to win now, ill be damned.....:rolleyes:


yes..so winner get better and loser don't. in a 2 faction/gear based system that lead to one side smashing the other until they quit. Then the winner get to play against themself all day.


once again if there no reward to losing, why stay, WZ will at least be quick. No one has told me a reason to stay in a losing WZ, which was my Original Point.

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if you lose a wz you get nothing, you don't get any real valor, no real comms. there really is no point in staying anymore. I liked staying to attempt to get my 4 medals but nope no point in doing that anymore.


If you quit you get nothing at all, zip, zero, nada, simples :)

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I thought of that too.


With no Illum daily, most of the reasons for staying in a losing WZ is gone.


It would probably be a good idea to re-add the Illum daily and also raise the rewards for a losing team.


or change the daily from 3 wins, to "X damage or Y healing or Z protection"

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yes..so winner get better and loser don't. in a 2 faction/gear based system that lead to one side smashing the other until they quit. Then the winner get to play against themself all day.


once again if there no reward to losing, why stay, WZ will at least be quick. No one has told me a reason to stay in a losing WZ, which was my Original Point.




Absolutely **edit**ing stupid design. The best geared, stay that way. This is the foolishness that destroys PvP. The moronic idea that gear should play up to 25% of your damage is just...unimaginably stupid.


And yes! You reward the losers or you end up losing them as players. Incentive gets people playing.


As the OP said, screw it. If you're losing, get out.

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we will be seeing that a lot now. there no debuff for quiting, you get no reward, but that doesn't matter as you weren't going to get much anyway, it doesn't go towards any of your quest.. the whole thing seems pointless.
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just played a hutball match ... other team scored after 30 seconds. my whole team left ... 2 mins later we lost 6:0 ... nearly no reward for me ... best one had 16 medals ... lame


Heh, not surprising, but very entertaining considering how long this has been going on and how little the problem has been addressed.


The main issue is PVP WZ's arent a boat load of fun for a lot of people. When its not fun, people just do it for gear grinds. When your losing, your not being productive so off to another match as fast as possible.


BW needs to either hit the player base with hard penalties for quiting (like 20+ mins downtime for quiting) and work on funner PVP arenas to keep people more interested.


How many times are we expected to play these same WZ's over and over and over? one new WZ? thanks! now lets get 3 new ones in the next patch, please!

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Yeah this was by far one of the worst design decisions made but as you could see on PTS posts nobody really tested pvp they were all pve kids so we get screwed till Bioware figures it out as the game continues to bleed subs. I love this game but in PVP I see the Warhammer effect starting to happen already I thought maybe the lead pvp guy would learn from how he murdered Warhammer but I guess not so he is back to kill another game
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THe new comms system will kill solo ques and that will kill the game. I was just starting in 50 lvl PVP and was learning and enjoying it. Started to put some gear togather. Now After a dozen wz (half of which turned into vapor) I got jack of comms and no hope of putting any kind of decent gear togather. THe new credit based gear doesnt give you the bonuses you could get with the old entry level gear. Im going to wait two weeks to see if theyf ix it and then im taking my money somewhere else.
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If you quit you get nothing at all, zip, zero, nada, simples :)


The problem is... if you stay you get exactly the same thing... so why not drop until you get a winning match? If there is 0 return for being in a losing game why even be in it? You get nothing at all, no exp, no valor, no credits... nothing... your time was wasted, completely and utterly... and don't give me that experience and becoming a better player BS...


Unless it is a bug (hoping for this) they have totally destroyed PvP on a lot of servers... I know I haven't been in a winning WZ in at least a week... the Reps on my server are horrible... now instead of suffering through loss after loss to eventually get a piece of gear... I get nothing. Guess I should reroll Imp on my own server... or find a server with better PvPers... but with such a low population there is nothing I can do other than that but get steamrolled over and over.


Congratulations Bioware... you completely broke PvP in one patch and probably sealed the fate of your game! Server merges better come quick...

Edited by Iboga
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I am afraid this is by far the stupidest thing BW have done to date....There is now no reason to stay should you join a losing match so teams are playing with 6 people. Huttball in particular has turned into a farce....You need people to stay in the WZs to have any sort of fun not to mention the moronic medals you get now for accessing the datacore in less than 3 minutes when all you did was get through the first set of doors.....
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The fact that their pvp team still hasn't implemented a system to punish players for intentionally quitting a warzone makes me wonder who they screwed to get a job over there.


You'd think the economy being as bad as it is, with the amount of unemployed people out there, Bioware could have afforded to be a bit pickier in who it had hired to implement pvp in this game.


The fact that they haven't figured out what a disadvantage it is to start Voidstar on defense is also just /facepalm. Remove the *********** speeder ride already so that the defense doesn't start off with 1-4 players still riding the damn thing (then stuck behind the 'wall' for an additional 30 seconds) was a nobrainer when Voidstar was first introduced in beta, and the fact that they still haven't changed it tells me all I need to know about the competence and awareness of the pvp team.

Edited by revial
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I am simply astounded by Bioware. When the pvp system was first released- yes, it had flaws, it was very difficult to gain valour levels (without exploiting), and people who hit 50 first got very easy gear stomping lowbies.


But within the first 1-2 months, they fixed a great deal of bugs and design flaws, and had made what really did feel like the most competitive pvp in an mmo from the gate I'd seen in years.



And then they spend a month making some of the worst decisions I've seen, and turning the game in a 360 for the worst.


Nerfing the worst pvp classes, buffing the best pvp classes- wrecking healing- removing world pvp.


This isn't a 'give me something now' issue either- this is taking what was a 'mostly' working system and pretty much breaking it, almost entirely.



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Yes, yes it is ... if you solo Q, there is very little to be gained in a losing effort ... folks have figured this out quick ... WZ dropping is rampant.


isnt there a 15 min de-buff for leaving now? Figured that would stop people.


I'll have to see tonight, hopefully it gets better with more people on.

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I am afraid this is by far the stupidest thing BW have done to date....There is now no reason to stay should you join a losing match so teams are playing with 6 people. Huttball in particular has turned into a farce....You need people to stay in the WZs to have any sort of fun not to mention the moronic medals you get now for accessing the datacore in less than 3 minutes when all you did was get through the first set of doors.....


we had a game, were we attacked first, poorly I might add, didn't get thru the first door, they stealth took other door (the team had given up). they got 7 medals for that(or 6 sure it VII). we got nothing, they got alot. fun, times had by no one

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Patch 1.2 the effects. Bioware set up matches if ur 6 players most times you meet 8 players , it is now impossible to win with 6 vs 8 , As looser u dont get anything.


Prepatch it was worth playing the game , cos of medals and cash even if u lost. Effect of this was easy win for domintaing team , good fun pvp for loosing team and u felt u got something out of it.


Now If u dont get 8 players within the first minute people leave the warzone, granting the 8 player team the win and lots of rewards. There is no point staying for the fun of it cos ur not rewareded for being a good sport.


When the factions are unbalanced player wise , The Dominating faction gets pvp vs their own kind widening the gap even further when it comes to gear and fun.


Cash: prepatch u got cash now u get nothing. Whats the point ? This creates a market for purchase of credits for real money.


Tbh this patch pvp wise is a result of pre WoW crybabies that a great deal of more grown players left that game because off.


Choosing to "fix" this with penalties is a thought that you must bury at once. The only thing u achieve is : People logg off and Do something else with their time. canceling their subscriptions. and find something else more rewarding. and fun to do.


We play for FUN not for getting ourselves in a bad mood that affects real life.


Its a WoW lookalike idiot patch that creates a wide gap in the balance between factions.

Edited by Quisong
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