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The Fatman Server


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People shouldn't have to be doing these things in order to play on servers with decent populations. This is Bioware's job.


No, it's not BioWare's job. The players picked their servers to play on. The populations of some changed and some of them were never above light. The community pissed and moaned for more servers during Early Game Access, so BioWare gave us more.


Yes, it would be far, far, far more effective for players to start rallying together and picking servers rather than flooding one. The Fatman is full. It's time for a new server. Players can wait months for character transfers or manually merge servers themselves.

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With Fatman (Republic) I get.......


1) Instant PvP queues even at off hours

2) Instant PvE group invites even at off hours for dps

3) A thriving galatic market

4) World PvP outside of Ilum

5) A growing guild with active members

6) The ability to find someone to blast through H2s with.


Yeah I can wait through 30 minute queues for a great gaming experience that no other server can provide.

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Dear The Fatman:


Sorry for invading your server. My friends and I recently rerolled Empire on The Fatman, moving from Republic on Mandalore the Indomitable.


Tonight, we first logged onto Mandalore to see if we were actually going to have our guild group together for Ops. After it was apparent that our guildies weren't going to log, we logged onto The Fatman (through a 30 minute queue).


The second instance of The Fatman Imp Fleet had more people than the only instance of the Rep Fleet on Mandalore.


I'm here to stay.


Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is what we have to do to play the game for which we all pay.

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I find it hard to get worked up over queues when you can just ALT+TAB and browse or watch TV for a short while.


I rolled my first toons on Fatman and I've never had to wait longer than 15-20ish minutes, even with 400 in queue. If not being able to play a game for 15 minutes bothers you, I suggest finding a new hobby.

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People whining about queues is what caused this problem to begin with. If people just shut up and sat in them the first couple of weeks we would have less more populated servers.


If you keep whining about it Bioware will open more severs. XD

Edited by Aramyth
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Wow. It did not take that much time from people moaning about low pop server to start moaning about full servers. Never satisfied and always it is Bio's fault.


Although I understand the frustration of having queues it BEATS the "not having enough people to play with" any time.


I'm not from Fatman. People, come to The Red Eclipse (EU server) - it's mostly heavy and very heavy on peak times. It is totally playable but would love to see even more peeps there.



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I play on The Maw. :( So low on the Republic side.


Thinking about going to The Fatman personally.




Just do it. I was on a ghost town server and was about to quit the game. I rolled a character on The Fatman today and had the most fun I've ever had on SWTOR. Every server should be like The Fatman, it's that much better.


Whether it was Fennin Ro in EQ or Illidan in WoW, the biggest pop server is where you wanna be at. Why would you want to play on a backwater server while there are a ton of people enjoying the mega server?


No brainer IMO, join The Fatman the second servers come back up, I promise you won't regret it.

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:oAfter playing on Tich in wow for 6years and having a 45min nightly Q I am use to it. I love empire pvp on the fatman I win my WZ 75-80% at lvl 50. The republic players seem to be mostly keyboard tutners which is pretty funny. For example tonight I went 9-3 its was great. 3 capped alderan twice. If you are lucky enough to face the republic in hutball its just /rofl mode. Pre 50 as empire do not exspect to win much due to the fact that your group is always mostly lvl 10s. All around I love it here and will never leave. DPS JUGGERS UNITE! :D Edited by LordVilos
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Yea wow, honestly I didnt even know a second instance of the Fleets was even possible (how sad is that). And I play Imp on my server............


If anything this has convinced me to go to fatman when i decide to roll Rep. I dont care about queue times if the server pop is really that high.


Seriously, having enough people to fill 2 instances of the fleet blows my mind lol. And the server pop has only been going down since release. We average maybe 100 people on fleet during peak hours Imp side, I am told Rep is effectively dead. Guess I am on one of those servers that is dieing.


So yea, tighten that belt Fatman, I am on my way.

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Yea wow, honestly I didnt even know a second instance of the Fleets was even possible (how sad is that). And I play Imp on my server............


If anything this has convinced me to go to fatman when i decide to roll Rep. I dont care about queue times if the server pop is really that high.


Seriously, having enough people to fill 2 instances of the fleet blows my mind lol. And the server pop has only been going down since release. We average maybe 100 people on fleet during peak hours Imp side, I am told Rep is effectively dead. Guess I am on one of those servers that is dieing.


So yea, tighten that belt Fatman, I am on my way.



Can't wait to see ya. Was 300 people on Rep side in fleet at around 4:00 p.m. this Wednesday (yesterday) and 130+ people in Coruscant. It's epic.

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I understand why people on this server dont like the idea of a longer wait times, but spare a thought for those like myself on the ghost town servers..


Can take hours for a WZ to pop if at all.

Can never find a group to do .. well anything

In my peak time im lucky to see over 10 (usually 5 or 6) people on fleet or anyone on Illum


But yay im so happy to have no login wait time.. what BS, Id much rather wait an hour to get into the game then enjoy it, instead of getting in instantly and not be able to do ANYTHING!


But im not going to re-roll on another server, why should I start all over and make 3 new lvl 50's from scratch when after all this time I already have the toons I want and geared the way I want them..


Its up to BIO to fix the problem and not force people to feel they have to throw away chars they have worked hard on, on top of paying to play this game just to enjoy it.


Merge the servers, or at the very least a cross server LFG/PVP queue system..


Or better yet, hurry up and give us Aussies the free transfer you promised.. If that ends up being ANOTHER false promise then im not going to waste another $15 on this game.. $15 a month is nothing, but why should I give it to BIO for NOTHING in return.


Meh, end rant :)

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PvP at 50 will just make you mad on Republic as I stated in my previous post "too many keyboard turners". Hopefully you will start a trend and change that. Id like my wz matches to be more Competitive. Tbh imp side if you are good is ez wins atm at 50. Everytime I log into my BM Jedi Guardian and Q I question why I did due to the nub things repup seems to do. I HOPE that changes one day because I like the Jedi animations better but untill that day Im sticking with my Jugger Edited by LordVilos
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