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1.2 without ranked WZ. Good or Bad?


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I'm glad,I want them to postpone Ranked WZ till we get cross server pvp or server transfers.

This will ruin endgame pvp for light/standard servers,as it is I can practically name all the endgame pvpers on my server and if you split them up into Ranked and UnRanked it will take days to find a match..




However, i agree that ist a big disapointement that BW didnt realize that first? Or even worse, they intentinally did hold it back because of EA involvement?


so long

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It will probably be released with cross server queuing, which will be better.


Introduceing a ranked system without decent population of teams would take ages geting games Xserver games need to come with that for sure.


here's hopeing anyways


Thexremstar-Scoundrel-Sawbones-Infinite Empire

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I personally think they just used the WZ angle to firstly make the patch seem like a GOD patch and secondly to make more people re-sub ahead of it $_$.


My game time runs out in a few days so I'll check out what's in the patch then not re-sub.

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If they didn't feel comfortable with how it was working I'm glad they decided not to include it. To have a feature like that not working as well as they want it to would be disastrous for the PvP scene of the game and would cause a lot of the more hardcore pvp'ers to quit IMO.


AND YET SOA STILL ISNT FIXED LMFAO. They didn't release it not because it's "broken" i mean..this is BW..look at the game...were still playing a beta for the most part. They didn't release ranked wz's for the same reason nightmare EC isn't coming out..its too easy and they don't want it to be farmed because they wont have another big patch for a while...


But then again...i have been wrong before

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You post a whining post about others whining and call whining "sad"? :rolleyes:


First off, I didn't whine. Second, I just pointed out that alot of the whiners are actually adults. And yes, I find it sad that a vast majority of adults in the world act like spoiled little bratz.

Edited by Szander
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some of the paranoia and self delusion in here is mind boggling. :) do you really think this was a scam to get you to resub? get a grip. itll come when its ready. keep calm and carry on.


Just curious: How else would you call it when somebody takes your money for things they promise but don't deliver?

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I did not think the 8 man ques were a good idea to begin with. I fly solo and feel I should not be made to be some sacrificial lamb to some powergamers.


Until they do either a server merge or massive cross realm pvp, 8 man ques are a stupid idea, and even then I am not sold.

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Just curious: How else would you call it when somebody takes your money for things they promise but don't deliver?


That is not what happened here. BW releases patch notes that are always subject to change at any time and they make that very clear. So there were no promises and therefore none were broken.


Also there is no way that they informed players late with the motivation to "trick" them. From a business point of view the bad press that it causes is far worse than the very short term surge of subscriber money it generates. No, obviously they wanted to release it so bad that it took them a while to realize that they couldn't. It's not a perfect situation but it is very much human and in no way a scam.

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a restaurant brings you a piece of chicken and its sat on the counter to be delivered. You see it. you know its yours. as the waitress grabs the plate to bring to you... she is stopped by the chef... speaks to her and takes the plate back...


the chicken wasnt fully cooked. so waitress comes back and says your meal will take another couple minutes. They wanted to be sure your chicken was properly cooked.


then.. (and this comes from being a line cook in my college days) the waitress goes to the manager and complains that your ****-up is costing them tips, as well as possibly ******* you out for being a shoddy cook.


Chalk it up however you like, but the reality is most of the subscribers are consumers, and consumers have been told for a very long time that the customer is always right, service will be on-time or early, and if the business screws up then the customer will receive some kind of compensation.


Like getting the meal for free because the staff screwed up and there was a delay in processing their order.

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Just curious: How else would you call it when somebody takes your money for things they promise but don't deliver?



It certainly wasn't promised, truth is until the patch notes are posted for the live servers nothing is promised.


I would rather they waited until the system is functioning properly than to release it with serious flaws.


If people renewed their subs for something that was in the 'test server' patch notes they have no one to blame but themselves for jumping the gun.


Positive side is, sure is making for some interesting 'waaa waaaa mommy they promised me pizza for school lunch and gave me soy burger instead' reading though.

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That is not what happened here. BW releases patch notes that are always subject to change at any time and they make that very clear. So there were no promises and therefore none were broken.


Also there is no way that they informed players late with the motivation to "trick" them. From a business point of view the bad press that it causes is far worse than the very short term surge of subscriber money it generates. No, obviously they wanted to release it so bad that it took them a while to realize that they couldn't. It's not a perfect situation but it is very much human and in no way a scam.


Fine print rules the world, eh?


They engaged in marketing tactics that were less-than-honest to squeeze out subscriptions from their customers, period. BioWare KNEW weeks ago that this wouldn't be ready for release today, if it's as buggy as they claim, and should have changed the patch notes then, not less than 24-hours before release. Heck, they could have put the release off another week or two (they did advertise the 1.2 update in April, not a specific week/date) to work-out the bugs in ranked WZs.


Instead, they waited until the 11th hour, after the bulk of their subscriptions have renewed, to say "Gee guyz, this feature that so many of you were looking forward to, won't be available yet. We're HOPING to have it to you sometime in the next 3 months, but there's no guarantee there either."

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That is not what happened here. BW releases patch notes that are always subject to change at any time and they make that very clear. So there were no promises and therefore none were broken.


Also there is no way that they informed players late with the motivation to "trick" them. From a business point of view the bad press that it causes is far worse than the very short term surge of subscriber money it generates. No, obviously they wanted to release it so bad that it took them a while to realize that they couldn't. It's not a perfect situation but it is very much human and in no way a scam.


Are you seriously claiming that Bioware didn't know that they have to remove lots of code from their patch until a few hours before the patch actually goes live? You really mean they release patches with lots of untested changes? To me that sounds like a lot an worse idea then lieing to their customers about not being able to deliver what they promised. Still, it doesn't really matter if they lied or they push out untested major patches, both seems irresponsible actions to me.

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then.. (and this comes from being a line cook in my college days) the waitress goes to the manager and complains that your ****-up is costing them tips, as well as possibly ******* you out for being a shoddy cook.


Chalk it up however you like, but the reality is most of the subscribers are consumers, and consumers have been told for a very long time that the customer is always right, service will be on-time or early, and if the business screws up then the customer will receive some kind of compensation.


Like getting the meal for free because the staff screwed up and there was a delay in processing their order.


and you need to learn to read the cover of the box when you buy it. The content of the game will evolve and not be the same from when you buy it. This has been in MMOs since day 1 to cover their behinds.


in one form another it says something like that. this is given to you for FREE... they are adding this in for YOUR ENJOYMENT...


where does it say anywhere that they have to give you a rated warzone... in fact you are lucky they do it for free... blizzard charged you an expansion to get it.


the one thing that amazes me on how spoiled some of you act. They dont have to do anything for us do they? they can call this an expansion and charge is 30-60 dollars more. I am sure they would love to do that in a business sense. Yet given to us for FREE... and you complain...


they postpone giving you something to ensure it is top quality you still complain.. they pump it out quickly and you will still complain because of the reason they wanted to postpone... LOL


as for the cook thing.. i can tell you were never a cook. and no the waitress would never do that... because if she wants her food fast next time she wont complain... because she doesnt get good tips if food takes longer... so dont go there....


it happens sometimes.. you stick the thermometer into the chicken the temperature is correct... but later you see blood leak out.. .you cant serve it. temperature is not always accurate but for the most part it is. its not a perfect science. and restaurant owners know this. so you obviuosly dont know what you are talking about.

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WHY SO SERIOUS??? Its a game BRA CHILL OUT!! IF you don't like it quit! Or stay and get owned in WZs


Il do what I want, when I want and I'll express my opinion as a paying customer. Don't need condescending advice thank you. If you can't handle people expressing opinions on a forum about customer service etc then take your own advice, don't read it.


Whether I quit, complain, praise is no concern of yours. People can say they are unhappy with aspects of the game without, fix or quit mentality.


It's not just fanboys and haters, remember that. Maybe it is in your world, but to me your comment comes across as childish fanboyism, no offense.

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It is not the fact that ranked warzones are not being implemented in 1.2. No one really wants to play with broken content.


It is that they failed to communicate it to the community until 6 hours before the patch. They would have known a lot sooner that it would not be implemented, you can't just flick a switch and decide not to include a certain part of the patch. It just looks shady.

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I think ranked warzones will work very well when there are cross server options available.


I currently think the biggest issue is to merge servers, or to get cross server options working. I'm currently almost at the end of my patience with having to queue 20 mins for a game for it to be 5v8 or similar, almost every game.


Please sort the above issue out as soon as possible. Please.


As for ranked warzones, whether they are here today or in a month, if they don't sort out the lack of players to play against first then no matter how good it is, it will be terrible for warzones as a whole.


Once again, please merge servers or allow cross server warzones, and make it the absolute top priority.

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and you need to learn to read the cover of the box when you buy it. The content of the game will evolve and not be the same from when you buy it. This has been in MMOs since day 1 to cover their behinds.


in one form another it says something like that. this is given to you for FREE... they are adding this in for YOUR ENJOYMENT...


where does it say anywhere that they have to give you a rated warzone... in fact you are lucky they do it for free... blizzard charged you an expansion to get it.


the one thing that amazes me on how spoiled some of you act. They dont have to do anything for us do they? they can call this an expansion and charge is 30-60 dollars more. I am sure they would love to do that in a business sense. Yet given to us for FREE... and you complain...


they postpone giving you something to ensure it is top quality you still complain.. they pump it out quickly and you will still complain because of the reason they wanted to postpone... LOL


as for the cook thing.. i can tell you were never a cook. and no the waitress would never do that... because if she wants her food fast next time she wont complain... because she doesnt get good tips if food takes longer... so dont go there....


it happens sometimes.. you stick the thermometer into the chicken the temperature is correct... but later you see blood leak out.. .you cant serve it. temperature is not always accurate but for the most part it is. its not a perfect science. and restaurant owners know this. so you obviuosly dont know what you are talking about.


and you need to realize that for 3.5 of the last 4 years of my life i've worked for software development firms in jobs ranging from; code-level developer support, to systems administration maintaining a cluster of production servers as well as QA servers, and 500 client machines.


What BioWare pulled was lying to their customer base during the peak time of their renewal cycle to guarantee renewals from 10% - 15% of their population, then at the last minute (when they knew weeks prior to) claim that they're pulling a feature, which was heavily advertised to said population, due to "bugs".


Want to challenge me to a debate on release cycles, agile/scrum development and when decisions like this are made? I dare you.


In fact at one of those companies I worked at, one of the QA guys went on to work at BioWare - Austin. (Last I heard at least, a year ago) Hey Bryan!


Also - I was a line cook and yeah I treated that server like that, and guess what - she still went and complained and was the ultimate reason i stopped working for that restaurant.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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lack of rated is all bad for 2 main reasons....


1. Bored of what we have now and need a challenge and rated provides that, also not being able to take more than 4 guild members is just annoying and does not help guild dynamics.


2. Those who are only casual pvpers are getting their faces stomped in by the rest of us and getting pissed off... again if we were all in rated, they could happily plod away without comming up against partied groups of pvpers facerolling the warzone.


Toodles :D

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I am happy that they aren't releasing them because they're currently they're broken and reading the dev posts it's clear that the issue is rooted in the current matchmaking system. Not sure how many of you may have tested the rated queueing on the PTS, but it was riddled with issues based on the focused testing feedback I read.


The fact that they know where the issue is, combined with the fact that they're now dealing with a PR nightmare, tells me that they're going to focus more (if not all) of the PVP team's resources to wards this feature. I'm looking forward to the day that rated WZs work properly, which I don't think is going to be all that far away.

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