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Everything posted by Draugathil

  1. as a dark side Op, for me nothing beats Kaliyo. shes also got the best dialog in the game IMO
  2. yes, would indeed be a nice touch, id certainly use it over Spektor the Vile!
  3. i think its the blue jacket you get when you leave the starter world. i was gutted at replacing with the orange from BT. great looking jacket.
  4. good grief man, calm down will you. none of the issues you list sound that major to me. certainly not compared to people unable to complete a world event or getting borked in pvp games. open the window, go outside, step away from the keyboard ..
  5. useless? great pve and pvp healers so far from useless.
  6. some of the paranoia and self delusion in here is mind boggling. do you really think this was a scam to get you to resub? get a grip. itll come when its ready. keep calm and carry on.
  7. what does it matter when the classes are mirrored on each side anyway? wouldnt be much of an MMO with "one" class which is where youre heading OP.
  8. Classic quote and oh so true. I pvp on various classes, ive a jug, a marauder, sorceror and a vanguard. the vangs by far the easiest but the jugs the most fun. for consistently high scoring and pure win, i find the tank classes by far the best. try using yoru sheilds and taunts and play the team game.
  9. i got the chest and the gloves of the black tt-15 vang armor off random bosses in the prison. looks great.
  10. Ah I'd RE'd a set of orange bracers, wish I'd kept em now! I hadn't realised he armour value went up too.
  11. So my tank can get a set of orange gear and just upgrade the mods? This will update its armour etc?
  12. Love that my early access email is titled "your wait is over". Bet you had a real laugh sending that one out.
  13. looks like another take the money and run release like something wed expect from Failcom rather than Bioware
  14. your having a laugh surely. dont sell me early access if you cant honor it. queing for 2 hrs to get on the server you allocated my guild, then getting dced and having to wait another two hours is poor service by anyones standards.
  15. for them maybe not for us who want to play the game. its only early access after all. it can only get worse.
  16. dead before its begun. if people cant play in the month theyve paid for when buying the game theyre not going to resub. epic fail. especially when its early access and on the server allocated to their guild by BW.
  17. and then the game will be dead as its lost so many subs? youre hoping people leaving fix the queue times...
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