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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 without ranked WZ. Good or Bad?


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First, im not gonna tell everyone that im unsubbing because of the delay in Ranked matches. But this is a HUGE disappointment. But if you wanna stay optimistic you can look at the pros of pushing back ranked.


1. Bioware wants metrics and info. Playing with the new class balance changes gives BW real server info before the implementation of the ranked system. (though i wish they had given us 8 man q's this patch at least as that data would probably be the best indicator of the new changes.)


2. Gives players time to mess around with all the other changes to their classes and game systems in general.


Only two I can come up with. The cons of no rated wz are obvious. EPEEN DELAY.



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If they didn't feel comfortable with how it was working I'm glad they decided not to include it. To have a feature like that not working as well as they want it to would be disastrous for the PvP scene of the game and would cause a lot of the more hardcore pvp'ers to quit IMO.
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I'm not that upset about it. 1.2 as alot more to offer. What bugs me is they waited until the last second to tell us.


Yeah, that is why most people are ticked about it. I don't mind waiting, but to get rid of it right before the patch goes live is pretty bad. They had to know well before today it was not going to be ready. Heck, they even stated it's going to be implemented in stages so it's not even close to working right.

Edited by McGarnagle
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I'm glad,I want them to postpone Ranked WZ till we get cross server pvp or server transfers.

This will ruin endgame pvp for light/standard servers,as it is I can practically name all the endgame pvpers on my server and if you split them up into Ranked and UnRanked it will take days to find a match..

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Personally don't mind I would rather have something working than something thats broken. If they released it in a broken state people would still rage anyway. Well thats how I see anyway I will just spend my time leveling a female twi'lek sith marauder and a male miraluka sith juggernaut/ sith sorc. Edited by lokdron
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Despite my overall feel that ranked warzone were nothing but "show" and mattered VERY little. I got to say I am really disappointed by this been cut out :( I had dreams of going into getting top rank, etc, etc, etc


Well atleast we got a new warzone and shiny new gear... so all isn't THAT bad... It's still way better than any patch released by WoW..

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I'm extremely disappointed because I've been waiting on ranked PvP since this game was released. This is going to make the game lose even more subscribers, and my server is already dying. It's one disaster after another with this game.
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While not an extremely serious hardcore pvp-er, I was hoping to try this in a few weeks once I got all my BM armor. This does not directly affect me of course, but it is seriously disappointing and a shame that it is happening.


This is a really random timing, especially after they were so enthusiastic and hyped about this feature, so honestly there are two options:


-The conspiracy theories that this was some crazy bait and switch decided because EA wants your money (although if this was EA's doing, it would have been out anyway broken considering the track record of things to blame EA).


-This was a real last minute decision that is coming at a bad time and is hitting hard.


There is no logical reason they would not tell us if they knew earlier considering up to yesterday this has been getting responses and suggestions from the Devs (unless you find this a planned conspiracy) and it is true that BW talks about "releasing content when it is ready" since up to before launch.


I will believe my latter possibility, because of the logic and evidence (Not raging emotion) but either way, this is a lousy situation and causes problems for both parties in this decision.

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tons of people resubbed because they were told rated wz's were going to be in 1.2


so bad.

how can you know ?? where are the numbers ^^.?

nah just to make it clear BW clearly abused to annonce something that they are going to delete some hour before the patch is coming out but crying for this is a bit to mutch ...

it will come realy soon thats obvious.

1.2 still have alot to offer.i don't know if cross server queue is going to be up in 1.2 but implant ranked WZ without cross server is pretty useless remember thats most of the server are light most of the time

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There is no logical reason they would not tell us if they knew earlier considering up to yesterday this has been getting responses and suggestions from the Devs


I believe the logic is this. That Ranked WZ would only exacerbate the sophomoric skill design and balancing, class exclusion and dwindling/unbalanced server populations...potentially bring to light in one swift move that SWTOR PVP is a general failure.


So sure, pulling something out in the 11th hour that illuminates the incompetence and mediocrity is probably a good thing.

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The major factor I was looking forward to in rated WZ was being grouped with players on my level. That includes both sides. I want to say GG WP to my teammates and other team not because it was an LOLsteamroll due to one side having people with worse gear or no strategy but because it was actually a good, well played game.


Not to mention that valor rank and gear doesn't mean jack **** about how good you are nowadays. But that flashy rating you have sure as hell does. Now how am I supposed to prove I'm the best GS on the server?


In other words, back to starcraft 2.

Edited by needalight
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I thinks its bad and good.


Bad because alot of the PVP gear changes were based on ranked WZ's. So now WH gear is essentially unattainable and a useless set to offer since it'll take like 84000 comms to get a full set.


If you were basing gear changes off of ranked WZ's then you should have made sure the ranked WZ's worked first thing.


It's good because if it was truly flawed it really ruins the game.


I'll just file this in the "somebody **** up big and they didn't catch it till just before launch.."


BW does get applause for being willing to stick it's neck out there and not release a bad product then try to cover it up. But it still makes them look disorganized and incompetent. Guess they lose either way :D

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I'm not unsubbing because of the lack of ranked WZs, but when my subscription runs out at midnight tonight, it won't be renewed.


This game has been a huge joke since i started playing in January and BioWare has treated it like a pay-to-play Beta. 1.2's features, Ilum, and the 3rd Operation should have been in-game at launch. The exploiting, hacking and gear-progression balance should have been taken care of at launch, and ranked wzs should have been the focus/release for 1.2


Have fun paying to be beta testers for the next 6 months.

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If they didn't feel comfortable with how it was working I'm glad they decided not to include it. To have a feature like that not working as well as they want it to would be disastrous for the PvP scene of the game and would cause a lot of the more hardcore pvp'ers to quit IMO.


My guild is solely a hardcore PvP guild, the second they announced no ranked warzones in 1.2 essentially the entire guild unsubbed.


This really was the last straw for most PvPers. SWTOR's only chance at success was to even out before D3 comes out, it is far too late for that now, it won't be long until servers are merged and taken off-line.


The game had promise, the execution was pathetic.



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No surprise here. With the additional healing nerfs, healers will be useless most of the time while getting focus and destroyed in seconds vs a good team. I guess they found out in the last minute how unblance their game is.


Add to that, the 5-8 rank teams there will be on each server and you got yourself a 30 min - 1 hour que time. Hell the ques right now for non rank of 4 players already take 15-30 minutes.

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I thinks its bad and good.


Bad because alot of the PVP gear changes were based on ranked WZ's. So now WH gear is essentially unattainable and a useless set to offer since it'll take like 84000 comms to get a full set.


they said tht ther would be an alternative way of obtaining the war hero gear until the ranked wzs came out officially.


anyway, I thik more people woulda unsubed if they found out tht the ranked wzs were super bugged when they started playing than whats happening now. So, yes, I'm VERY sad, but not sad & stupid enough to unsub over one little thing. sheesh, some people can be just HUGE crybabies

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