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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I mean geez bioware why dont you pull your lame legacy features which were a waste of time. No one wants that crap, you go and pull the only thing that people wanted out of 1.2 good job.......... fail company

what, you're not excited about making characters father and son?

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It's amazing how many of you guys all of a sudden become expert prorammers, project managers, staticians. Quite amazing. "HURR DURR NO RATED WZ IN 1.2, DATS IT UNSUBBED". Children, children, calm down and be patient. It will be here soon enough.


We are the customers.. customers are suppose to act like children when they feel cheated ;)


I am not going to say that I am unsubbing or anything like that yet.. but I am fast losing faith in this company to deliver to their customers ontime.

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No we just expect things to arrive within a month of when we are originally told they will be out. If i said i am going to give you candy in march and you paid me 15 dollars under the assumption that you would get the candy. Than I didnt give you candy til late april or May and again asked you for 15 dollars. You could hold me liable in court, do this to hundred of thousands and its a class action lawsuit. Simple as that.



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Yep, no 8-man queues... from some dev post about 150 pages back


well thats a huge bummer. i like to think, that it would've been possible to implement 8-man queue. it's just a source of endless frustration that we have to carry 80% of our servers republics through warzones and they get more stupider day by day.

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Man you guys just waste ppls time and ripped ppl off. What a bunch of hype. So how many people when and grinded warzone after warzone after warzone got get warhero and battlemaster for those who weren't there. So that they can get gear to compete. Hours have been spent in hutt ball over and over and over. So they can compete for you new pvp system. Because you clearly failed with your open pvp world.


Now you waste everyones time and expect the pvp players to be happy about your new legacy pve fluff. It is clear that you really don't care about your pvp community and sub holders.


thanks guys !


Hope dev's get a little bonus for 1.2 since its such a great start.


Hear, hear

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I'd be surprised if a Dev actually reads and replies to any of these posts over the last 158 PAGES; but here we go.


I'm the GM of a very successful PvP guild on The Deadweight. I would like to think that we are one of the only things keeping that server alive because of our strong member base and our love for PvP. We make up about 50% of the lvl 50 population during peak hours; so I'm not being over zealous.


One of our biggest complaints since the initial launch has been the inability to que as 8man teams. We usually have 3-4 4 man groups and we are constantly fighting against ourselves (which is fun to a degree), but the whole concept of a guild is to fight TOGETHER. 1.2 was going to mark a huge step forward in how the pvp on this game was played. To assume that this is not a KEY function that ANY mmo should have, is a dire mistake and will cost SWTOR not only players, but respect in terms of future releases of games. Its no secret that EA likes to release products that are incomplete and buggy.... SO WHY START NOW!?!?!?! Give us our 8man premades or risk loosing a huge portion of your player base. Though I don't speak for everyone in my guild; I'm fairly certain that if plans are not announced to resolve this QUICKLY, I'm going to suggest a Boycott. Not just one unsub - but 130 unsubs. Thats 130X15 for 1 month.... Maybe thats nothing to you... and if thats the case, you should admit defeat now and move on to the next huge mistake you call a Great Game....


EA, you piss in my cherrios more than any other game company out there. I am not only embarrassed for you; I pity you and your inability to make things right. Not just that; but you took 2 gaming companies (Lucas Arts & Bioware), and turned them to ****.



Bioware, I still believe in you.... And maybe to a fault. But if you have any dignity left; FIX THIS ASAP. Otherwise, you'll shortly have several servers ready to be applied to your next online experience, seeing as how they won't be used for SWTOR.

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i am not a fan of rated pvp for many reasons, one of them being, this game is great. i love a good story.. i dont play this game to pvp. i like that it is available, but rated warzone not coming out in this patch isnt a gamebreaker unless you are a spoiled crybaby that should be slapped like a whiny girl. There are plenty of pvp games. they arent catering to your pvpness. lol.. too bad, so sad, your dad.


ah agree :) even though i love pvp and play it loads i still couldnt care less about ranked stuff :>

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I'll stay, because I think that the rest of the patch will be fine

My biggest disappointment is how people are unsubbing and going to games like GW2, Diablo 3, or Tera, with no mention of PSO2.


Feels bad.

Edited by Yoyokirby
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Well the promise of ranked WZs with 1.2 kept people in the game for a good 2 months +


Ranked WZs were a huge deal for PvPers and I think its ok to blow off some steam / express our dissapointment


We were really looking forward to them with 1.2


I actually think it is important to let BW know how we feel about the way they handled the situation. [/Quote]




lawl u think they read every post ?



Shingara's positive vibe is starting to rub off on me? Dunno. You are probably right.

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This is a total joke, bioware is serisouly becoming the worst gaming company to date.


I mean first they pull the whole mass effect 3 crap, they don't fix cheating, they make ROFL open world pvp, and they bait us for months with teaser trailers touting ranked pvp to remove it the day they release the patch.....




you think Bioware is the worst gaming company to date?


Pull off your blinders and go play any of SOE'S games.


You will quickly change your mind.

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Hopefully this eliminates a large portion of the impatient nerd ragers. I'll take these delays anytime if it helps get rid of the vocal minority. Everyone threatening to unsub (that actually goes though with it) will only make my future gameplay experience that much better. :)
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why would you be glad ? Open your eyes, soon the population on the servers are going to disapear, epic nerfs and still the same bugs. i can agree with not wanting any more bugs, but dont they have to fix the old ones first ? On my side i can say i will just click one last button for this game.......THE UNSUBB !!!
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ah agree :) even though i love pvp and play it loads i still couldnt care less about ranked stuff :>


I just wanted to aim for some rated gear :(

The way it is now everyone has the same gear for the most part. Its just too easy to get.

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While we have no current ETA for Ranked Warzones to be implemented, as a full development/testing cycle needs to be completed, we're hopeful it'll happen before the next major Game Update (1.3).


You understand how long that will be from now right? If yes then you understand you just told the community that they have to wait OVER A MONTH LONGER for something they've been waiting for and expecting since early March!!! Tell me why I should wait that long for the only reason I continued to play this game?

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dayum bioware nge alrdy?


I was thinking "jump the shark? no, breaking point? nah This ^^^was the phrase I was looking for.


I did not go through NGE, but from what I hear it was the straw that broke the camels back.

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What if this is the reason they had to pull it. If it is this is a terrible sign. This would me the game is folding.


I know most are too angry to consider what I'm about to say but, you know what, I'm still going to say it.


In late feb/early march, they realized that people were leaving the game due to lack of content. They needed to start pushing 1.2 as fast as possible to keep the people they had. Problems arise, it's late march 1.2 is still "on the dock" with many things simply broken/unfinished. People are getting angry on the forums and people start to leave due to not caring anymore. They start to hype it and whoever decides these things, decides that early April NEEDS to happen. It's early April, the patch is still not done, devs are working around the clock. At Pax, it's mostly done but ranked pvp is still not ready for live. Come Tuesday, the forums are ablaze with mass people screaming "where be patchy, we are done idling in fleet with 4 others!". They say Thursday and look at the PvP team with a puzzled look, PvP team goes "ummm, a definite not likely?" They get the whips, ice cubes and flyswatters out. It's Thursday, they are holding until the very last minute until saying it won't be in. PvP team goes "Even pros like us can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a banthas ear". A long, very heavy sigh comes out from the CM offices, accompanied with some /facepalms. SR say "Murder and mayhem awaits" and releases the notice.

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Hopefully this eliminates a large portion of the impatient nerd ragers. I'll take these delays anytime if it helps get rid of the vocal minority. Everyone threatening to unsub (that actually goes though with it) will only make my future gameplay experience that much better. :)


yes because playing on empty servers by yourself is full of win..... They use to say the same thing over there on darkfall, at least some did, now those same guys are playing by themselves.

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Hopefully this eliminates a large portion of the impatient nerd ragers. I'll take these delays anytime if it helps get rid of the vocal minority. Everyone threatening to unsub (that actually goes though with it) will only make my future gameplay experience that much better. :)

But, won't that decrease Bioware/EAs Profit? I'm pretty sure people unsubbing will make the game end quicker, but I do agree that less ***holes the better.

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You close other threads and want us to sift through the crap in this one? wow..


as i said in my other post


With all the QQ in this forum it looks like people want a PvP system that is broken... I don't get it? Why do Players want Bioware to include a system that was tested and did not work as intended?


I'm happy to hang out till they get it right the last thing we want is a borked system that we all hate.


Keep up the good work devs!


I don't think ill get to see any real replies in this thread but what the hell...

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