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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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As has been said before, the problem is the last minute notification regarding this problem. If I was supposed to defend my PhD dissertation on Thursday and then Wednesday night told my committee that it wasn't ready and would have it finished sometime in the future I would be kicked out of my program. Pulling the plug at the last second can't be excused.
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huge let down........... our guild waited so long for this and it was this feature that kept most of us subbed. We lost a good 1/3 of our guild after this announcement.


not really sure what to do.. I can probably roll that alt now I guess.

Edited by murkin
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Just wanted to point out:


Bioware clearly know that this is a big fubar, adn have given us all 30 days sub for free.


Kind of suggests they're looking to get it in within the next 4 weeks, and they're looking to keep people around for that long. Also suggests that they want to keep the numbers up for as long as is possible.


Funny, but quite a good turn around if you ask me.

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Yeah, we get that it didn't work. They've yet to say why it didn't work, what was wrong with it, how long it will take to get fixed, etc. And no, I'm sorry, "sometime before 1.3" is not an answer.


They haven't explained anything to us.


Even if I took your word for it, so what? I'm a graphic designer. If I told a client that their project would be done today, and then called them up at 2am and told them that it would only be HALF done today, after they had already paid me for it, how do you think they'd react?


When you say something is going to be in a patch that you KNOW will cause a lot of people to resubscribe, and then retract said content 12 hours before the patch arrives, after a numerous amount of people have already paid, actually it is a plot to grab a bunch of money.


Just because it's small to you, doesn't mean it's small. Not to mention that this whole thing isn't something that could have been decided at the last minute and implemented. Look at everything they had to do because of it. There's no way this was a last minute decision.



You'd be wrong. 50+ of my guild resubbed because of Rated WZ's. And I know that we are not an anomaly. Get your head out of Bioware's backside and quit being a fanboy.


Thank you so much for this post.


I was about to respond to that ********, but you did it for me (and in a much better way). :)

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Yeah, we get that it didn't work. They've yet to say why it didn't work, what was wrong with it, how long it will take to get fixed, etc. And no, I'm sorry, "sometime before 1.3" is not an answer.

Maybe they're busy identifying the cause of the issues so they can give a detailed answer. They're not just drawing pictures here.


They haven't explained anything to us.

"Haven't explained anything". A blatant lie - if you read the post they explained why they didn't add that content to the patch. The fact you're not happy with that doesn't change the fact they wrote it. It may come as a shock to you, but the developers don't work for you, me, or anyone else in this forum. You have as much right to ask them to detail their work as they have asking you to detail yours. It's none of your business, and it does nobody any use to detail a technical issue that you probably wouldn't understand anyway (and confusion leads to more whining, as we all know - exhibit A being this thread.)


Even if I took your word for it, so what? I'm a graphic designer. If I told a client that their project would be done today, and then called them up at 2am and told them that it would only be HALF done today, after they had already paid me for it, how do you think they'd react?

Graphic design and software development are very different. Believe me I know, and have worked with a *lot* of designers with several large studios over the past 15 years - for both digital and print work. I could reel off a client list and you'd know a lot of the names and brands, but this isn't the place. I know for a fact that unless everything is well planned and organised before the designer is given a task, that it WILL overrun. Even if timings are accurate, client input and unforseen issues often delay projects. If you've never experienced this then you can't have been working as a professional designer for more than a few days. Case in point, the project I'm currently working on is currently 3 weeks behind schedue due to a graphical redesign (branding).


Software development involves a lot more variables and is a lot more complicated than design. That's not to say that a software developer can do what a designer can or vice versa, just that the development process has a lot more potential for the introduction of obsticles. Once a designer has finished a visual, zipped up the AI, PS, or IND files they're done, unless amends/changes are requested. With software the code has to go through constant testing and refinement.


So it's applies and oranges. You don't work in the software industry (and apparently have had little exposure to studio workflow) so you're totally ignorant of how this works.


When you say something is going to be in a patch that you KNOW will cause a lot of people to resubscribe, and then retract said content 12 hours before the patch arrives, after a numerous amount of people have already paid, actually it is a plot to grab a bunch of money.

It's not a "plot". You're making some half-baked leap of logic without any facts upon which to base your assumptions. That tin foil hat is baking your head I think.

Just because it's small to you, doesn't mean it's small. Not to mention that this whole thing isn't something that could have been decided at the last minute and implemented. Look at everything they had to do because of it. There's no way this was a last minute decision.

Who said it was a last minute decision? I'm sure there were a lot of meetings between developers, managers, PR staff, copyrighters before that blog posting was made. 12 hours isn't exactly "last minute" either. I'd love to see what happens when you're doodling and your pencil snaps. Do you start raging in the pencil manufacturer's forum claimnig they make pencils that snap to increas their profits?

You'd be wrong. 50+ of my guild resubbed because of Rated WZ's. And I know that we are not an anomaly. Get your head out of Bioware's backside and quit being a fanboy.

Sure. 500 of my guild said they'd quit if RWZ's were in the new patch. There you go, that balances you out.


I'm getting bored of this whining now. Either leave or don't. I don't really care.

Edited by Scerion
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agh.. call me when they put RvR im tired I was at least waiting for the ranked warzones that I dont like as much anyways but will had keep my sub until they fix the opvp, not I know I wont even log in so no point of paying..


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After going through my class quests and PvPing for awhile...Its not fun anymore unless you want to do the the same flashpoints over and over again or the same war zones over and over gain. This game is nothing close to being epic. If only we could have large scale space PVP in combination with on ground PVP. That is probably way too much to ask considering it is a MMO!
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Just wanted to point out:


Bioware clearly know that this is a big fubar, adn have given us all 30 days sub for free.


Kind of suggests they're looking to get it in within the next 4 weeks, and they're looking to keep people around for that long. Also suggests that they want to keep the numbers up for as long as is possible.


Funny, but quite a good turn around if you ask me.


When did THAT happen?

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Man this Scerion guy... Way to let the whole point fly right over your head.


We get it. We know they cancelled it.


It's HOW and WHEN they handled it that is the huge issue.


I don't see how out of all the wall of texts you've typed, you still can't grasp this..

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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BioWare to offer 30 days FREE for those with a level 50 character.


Free Pets to all Legacy subscribers... more info in link above.


I don't agree with their presentation of the ranked warzone absence at all. As a software developer, I know that it would have taken hours/days effort to REMOVE part of a planned package from a specific roll out.


None of this affected me personally, but as a serious PvP'r I can feel bad for those that resubbed specifically for 1.2's ranked warzones.


In closing, while this is a serious error in resource management and a public relations nightmare, I do appreciate the gesture of 1 month free playtime.


Thank you.

Edited by HanfordBlows
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Keep the crying up, guys. It'll get bioware's pvp team to rush out a half finished product that doesn't work correctly and you'll ultimately hate anyway. The never ending qq that is the average pvp player in mmo's :rolleyes:


Oh like they didn't do that in the first place... Warzones are bugged/ Flashpoints are bugged/ story line is bugged in many ways/ we didn't even have anything for the legacy they put in the game from the beginning. So yea it would have been better if they had put in a bugged patch rather than get alot of people to resub and then say oh no we are not putting it in yet.

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Wow, a lot of angst here. I would say push it out when it's ready but don't wait for the next big update to do it. Many are waiting for this aspect of the game. I for one will love it but it's not as game breaking for me as others as I enjoy many elements of the game.
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When BW decided to pull out the ranked WZs out of the patch, a lot of people demanded free days because they subbed for the ranked WZs. So Bioware gave out a free mont for those players and now everyone is moaning again?


Its more like most people have not realized they were given a free month yet. Or they know but think that one free month doesnt equate to having the promised feature on time. I have no real vested interest in WZ pvp, but I can see how those people can still be annoyed even with the free time. The logic being they wouldnt trade $15 to not have what they consider a very important feature.

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When BW decided to pull out the ranked WZs out of the patch, a lot of people demanded free days because they subbed for the ranked WZs. So Bioware gave out a free mont for those players and now everyone is moaning again?


No, they demanded refunds.


Youre confusing ************ with moaning again:


You ***** when you dont get something you want.


When bioware lures you into the alley, then stabs you in back and runs away with your faith in humanity, leaving you bleeding to death on the ground, then you moan.

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BioWare to offer 30 days FREE for those with a level 50 character.


Free Pets to all Legacy subscribers... more info in link above.


I don't agree with their presentation of the ranked warzone absence at all. As a software developer, I know that it would have taken hours/days effort to REMOVE part of a planned package from a specific roll out.


None of this affected me personally, but as a serious PvP'r I can feel bad for those that resubbed specifically for 1.2's ranked warzones.


In closing, while this is a serious error in resource management and a public relations nightmare, I do appreciate the gesture of 1 month free playtime.


Thank you.


Know what this tells you?


A LOT of people unsubbed when we got ambushed with the "HA HA! No ranked warzones" bait and switch. And I use that term on purpose. They tried to pull a fast one.

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Great job on the update. Your "new" team just ended the game. What a joke and waste of potential...


1.2 was supposed to be the "miracle patch".


It falls FAR short of it.


The PVP game is going BACKWARDS. Bioware has no right to expect anyone who's endgame is PVP to stick around.

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