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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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You're doing sarcasm wrong, while trying to be sarcastic... A proper response would have been


"I'm glad that you are here, not only to tell me what is a waste of my time, but to also tell me how to properly spend my time and what to like"


A form of irony in which apparent praise conceals another, scornful meaning.

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You're right. If other people play for reasons other than yours, they are doing it wrong.







yes, because point of playing the game is obviously to get annoyed with it and miserable :)


( the proper use of sarcasm? )

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Haha Jandi, I think you've hit the marker closer than you think. Except you left out the part of the ebil EA whispering in their ear, "remember, the 3mo subs are just about done and we need to get back some of the pvp base" and which point EA waves their hands "these are not the Rated Warzone patch notes you are looking for" (at least not until the 11th hour)


I know most are too angry to consider what I'm about to say but, you know what, I'm still going to say it.


In late feb/early march, they realized that people were leaving the game due to lack of content. They needed to start pushing 1.2 as fast as possible to keep the people they had. Problems arise, it's late march 1.2 is still "on the dock" with many things simply broken/unfinished. People are getting angry on the forums and people start to leave due to not caring anymore. They start to hype it and whoever decides these things, decides that early April NEEDS to happen. It's early April, the patch is still not done, devs are working around the clock. At Pax, it's mostly done but ranked pvp is still not ready for live. Come Tuesday, the forums are ablaze with mass people screaming "where be patchy, we are done idling in fleet with 4 others!". They say Thursday and look at the PvP team with a puzzled look, PvP team goes "ummm, a definite not likely?" They get the whips, ice cubes and flyswatters out. It's Thursday, they are holding until the very last minute until saying it won't be in. PvP team goes "Even pros like us can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a banthas ear". A long, very heavy sigh comes out from the CM offices, accompanied with some /facepalms. SR say "Murder and mayhem awaits" and releases the notice.

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I understand the need to hold the ranked WZ till its ready the real issue is that bioware absolutly knew days if not weeks ago that ranked WZ will not go live for 1.2 Lying to your community is the fasted way to kill a game (look at rift started with so much promise but due to Devs lying to customer base its dwindled and will be gone soon) i forsee many many players unsubbing and just waiting for GW2 or diablo, very unprofessional of you bioware lying to your PAYING customers and misleading them on purpose is a sure fire way to kill your game. Edited by fleshtaker
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Being honest with one's self is hard. Failing to deliver on time is a disappointment surely. But knowingly delivering a malfunctioning product is deplorable and an insult to the customer. I am happy to wait until a _working as intended_ version comes out. Playing against hard opponents is something I enjoy, even when losing. Playing in a buggy and exploitable environment I detest.


Good call Bioware.

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The only reason people are mad is because they pulled it out last minute. In my opinion we have every right to be. There was a feature 10 days ago detailing everything that is changing in PVP. They shouldn't have waited until last minute to pull it. I personally just want 8 Man q's.
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Dammit Blizzard, why would you take out a key thing like PvP before the release of Diablo 3. It's like you have idiots for coders. Why would you even announce such a thing if you're not going to give it to us.


Oh wait, wrong forum. I guess its easy to mix up developers who delay a key feature because they care enough not to release a sub-par feature. I mean, lets be serious, no game developer has ever delayed their product in the history of video games. At least that's what I'm assuming by the cavalcade of angry sentence fragments I'm seeing on this thread.

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I used to be a huge fan of BW, and considered them the king of video games. The whole handling and implementation of Swotor has pretty much killed their rep (along with DA2). This just nailed the coffin shut. At least Bethesda is still around. Maybe they will make a great MMO
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Regarding the timing of this announcement, the decision was made late in our testing for Game Update 1.2, after the team had examined the data and done additional internal testing. There was no deliberate delay. As soon as the decision was made, we communicated that to you. We realize it's a late announcement, but we felt it was only fair to communicate the change before Game Update 1.2 was pushed live.


Work on re-instating Ranked Warzones has already begun, and is the highest priority for the PvP team right now. They all want to bring the feature to you as soon as possible. However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch. As Daniel said, once we are satisfied Ranked Warzones work well and are fun for all who want to take part in them, we'll launch them.


Here is the Rub. There is NO WAY you guys did not know this wasn't going in. You would of had to Rewrite the Entire patch to remove the Ranked WZ and Que system and Build a Alternative means of getting the gear that was suppose to be tied to the Rated WZ. Then you would of had to send that ReWriten patch threw testing and get it cleared to be launched.


The fact that you are now sending it all back to the Development team and we are now once again Months away before this is even close to going live, just reenforces the fact that you guys knew the situation. Not to mention you are now completely changing the fact that unless you are in a large guild and can field a full team of 8 consistant, you won't even beable to participate in the Ranked WZ when they do go live. Is even a large confirmation that you knew there was Major issues that you were never going to get resolved in time.


Everyone would preffer a Fine tuned release instead of another Failed Ilum attempt but atleast be honest about this whole thing and not pretend that you did not know. Based on a Month plus of Hyping this to the public and Guild Summits and Cons round tables that this was going to be a Signigicant hit to the population and you waited to the last second to annound so you could milk as many of the 1 month of Subs out of people coming back to the game for this one aspect as you could before you let the players in on it.


All this did was create a new Gear Grind to replace the bags rng and removed all aspects of open world pvp that was dead anyway.


My personnel opion is you have been watching the Que times for standard WZ continuely growing longer and longer and saw the pop on the servers dropping and since you can not do Cross Server Ques. You chose to hold it out so you can accomplish server mergers and try and build more healthy server balances before you released it. Again though, you would of known this Long before hours before the launch.


The only real question is, Do you really believe that adding in 1 new WZ and opening up a old WZ to same side play, is going to satisfy the pvp community for the next couple months before you can get the Ranked WZ out to them? I do not believe it is.

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well thats a huge bummer. i like to think, that it would've been possible to implement 8-man queue. it's just a source of endless frustration that we have to carry 80% of our servers republics through warzones and they get more stupider day by day.


Always love irony.

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I play game like this for PvP and actually spent money I didn't have so that i could enjoy these new PvP features. Now Im stuck with the same lame *** mechanics with a new zone to run around in. Talk about a HUGE fail from a content standpoint. LF New MMO


Phantasy Star Online 2


Guild Wars 2

Diablo 2


You're welcome :)

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Here is the Rub. There is NO WAY you guys did not know this wasn't going in. You would of had to Rewrite the Entire patch to remove the Ranked WZ and Que system and Build a Alternative means of getting the gear that was suppose to be tied to the Rated WZ. Then you would of had to send that ReWriten patch threw testing and get it cleared to be launched.


The fact that you are now sending it all back to the Development team and we are now once again Months away before this is even close to going live, just reenforces the fact that you guys knew the situation. Not to mention you are now completely changing the fact that unless you are in a large guild and can field a full team of 8 consistant, you won't even beable to participate in the Ranked WZ when they do go live. Is even a large confirmation that you knew there was Major issues that you were never going to get resolved in time.


Everyone would preffer a Fine tuned release instead of another Failed Ilum attempt but atleast be honest about this whole thing and not pretend that you did not know. Based on a Month plus of Hyping this to the public and Guild Summits and Cons round tables that this was going to be a Signigicant hit to the population and you waited to the last second to annound so you could milk as many of the 1 month of Subs out of people coming back to the game for this one aspect as you could before you let the players in on it.


All this did was create a new Gear Grind to replace the bags rng and removed all aspects of open world pvp that was dead anyway.


My personnel opion is you have been watching the Que times for standard WZ continuely growing longer and longer and saw the pop on the servers dropping and since you can not do Cross Server Ques. You chose to hold it out so you can accomplish server mergers and try and build more healthy server balances before you released it. Again though, you would of known this Long before hours before the launch.


The only real question is, Do you really believe that adding in 1 new WZ and opening up a old WZ to same side play, is going to satisfy the pvp community for the next couple months before you can get the Ranked WZ out to them? I do not believe it is.







**** Yes

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The point is, you're all crying consumers with little to no patience. It's not like they're not going to bring out rated warzones. I think the game's great, it's fun, and there's a lot to do. I can wait for rated warzones. But many of you entitled children (which I assume are < 13 years of age) expect everything at lightspeed.


No patience? We have been waiting since launch for these features. Features that SHOULD have been here since launch. Then we waited for 1.2 which was supposed to be last month. Then the guild summit was announced and they promoted the ranked warzones that would be available in 1.2. Then HOURS before the patch goes live they pull this stun...


Ya we are totally being impatient with an incompetent company...

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