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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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for the love of god what is going on here?

i don't get why they would delay this patch

really i was hoping that i could grp with my friends and do warzones.

either way, its not going to be fun anymore, i'm tired of waiting.


doomed i tell ya, doooomed.!

absolutely wrong in all way shape and form.

no way is this going to be good for bioware/swtor

i really hope this is an april fools joke

ending my sub prolly.

leap of faith, i have none with bioware anymore.. none at all!.

eating some cereal hoping it was a joke.

really pissed cause it isn't

i hope the people make the devs change their mind.

cause i like to pvp.

killing people in ranked 8v8 would be so much fun.

so thats why i'm sad

oh well, i guess i'll have to unsubb

night night swtor,

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This Section is to be read subject to Sections 6 and 7.


No Warranty on Software Operation or Game Play; Force Majeure.


You acknowledge that, owing to the complexity of computer technology, as well as the nature of online games themselves and play over a global communications network outside EA’s control, EA and its licensors cannot and do not guarantee that the Software, the Game and any updates, upgrades or expansions Software will run permanently or uninterrupted on your computer. EA and its licensors are not liable for delays, system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity. EA also does not guarantee that the version of the Game covered by this Agreement will be playable in geographic locations where it is not available for sale at retail and/or at all times of the day and/or night.



Did you actually read any of what you copy pasted?


If you do so you'll see that section doesn't even cover them for the current thread.



Especially the bolded bit, they could of launched 1.2 with the RWZ in it, but they did not have an appropiate beta system in place for testing content, that makes the circumstances entirely in their control.


The rest of that section just deals with your government banning and blocking the game.

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Someone remarked that a dev said the success of PVP was a surprise, but it shouldn't have been.



A lot of people want to play a sci-fi, Star wars MMO. So they came to TOR. PvE is basically broken, considering that it is nearly impossible to form groups to do high-level content. The only other alternative is PvP.


Anyways, the new armor is out, and as long as they don't make it a total pain-in-the-*** grind, it will keep people happy for awhile, which will give the Devs time to get ranked WZs out. If the grind for War Hero gear is really boring (like BM commendations drops are now) or if players get all their gear and ranked WZs aren't out, leaving them with no reason to PvP, then Bioware will start to have a serious problem, especially with the games coming out in the next few months.

Example: War Hero Legs cost 2,200 commendations. Commendations are received at an exchange rate of 30 warzone to 10 war hero.


That's approximately 115 warzones to get your pants. 1,150 warzones for a complete set. I hope you like Korean style grinds.

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PvE players....buy Diablo 3, then make the money back on RMAH.

PvP players....buy GW2.

Some will buy neither, or both, or just whatever one they want to.


No sub costs. If they get disappointed at those games, there is no "unsub" rage.


When we pay a subscription cost, the quality of the game and service should be relatively high. We are currently just being abused by EA's policy of money grabbing deception

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Did you actually read any of what you copy pasted?


If you do so you'll see that section doesn't even cover them for the current thread.



Especially the bolded bit, they could of launched 1.2 with the RWZ in it, but they did not have an appropiate beta system in place for testing content, that makes the circumstances entirely in their control.


The rest of that section just deals with your government banning and blocking the game.


Actually it covers it perfectly, as the ranked warzones are delayed it covers it perfectly. read what i put down again.

"EA and its licensors are not liable for delays"

Edited by Shingara
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Allow me to say first that I am not a REAL pvper. I do pvp and I am not great but i have fun. I do alot more pve than anything. With that said I will say okay they are more interested in the legacy thing, And it is more directed at pve not pvp. The gear traded among your toons from the legacy is pve not pvp. So pvp class people can say thats strike 1. now they kick the warzone rankings on the patch right at the last minute. WHY? money. They waited til the last minute so they could get the money from those that are due for the sub. Now the elite comms will still be good... guess what? they said they would be useless so most of us used them for trash stuff to at least get something out of what we earned hard time for. Now here is another kick in the clams for ya. The patch will cause some to re- down load the game.. "a known issue" they said. But instead of fixing it they are doing the patch. Okay does this sound kind of funny or is it me? pushing a patch that has a bugg but keeping one from us that has a bugg ???? I am no brain doctor but I can see a money ploy going on here. I think I will go fishing this weekend. maybe i will catch part of a fish that is usable and if i stay there long enough, I might get the other part to complete my dinner. Oh by the way, where I come from part of a fish is used for bait.
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First of all, your word and your company's word means jack all right now. You guys have given us your word on a great many things only to fall way short.


The fact that you only made this decision recently means your team is very incompetent. This kind of thing you should know about more than 1 day in advance. You are either incompetent or liars.


You don't have an easy job. I don't wish any of your employees ill will. I'm sure you worked hard. Mistakes happen all the time. The problem here is how this is all being handled. You guys don't say a damned thing at all and when you do, you skip around the stuff that we need to know. You're responses are vague, misleading and deceptive.


Also, whoever is making the decisions to release the game or any kind of patch in the game, needs to be moved to a different position in the company. Their decisions are horrible and honestly, it appears it's all about the money for you guys. That's it. Forget quality...forget GOOD customer service.


Basically, your company is full of arrogance and it radiates in everything you say and don't say.


Although you apologized already, you owe a great more than that to your customers for all the stuff we had to put up with so far. You also owe a HUGE apology to those people who resubbed in the last couple of days after hearing that the patch was going to be released tomorrow WITH rated warzones.


You basically stole their money and I hope to God you give it back to them if they ask for it. Otherwise, you are thieves.


For those who are unhappy with this game, the best ways to fight back against this arrogance is to not just unsub, but spread the word all over the internet. Post on facebook and blogs and websites etc. Just spread the word at how bad the customer service and the game is. At how promises are broken and misleading. The more people who know, the less people who will buy this game...and then maybe, just maybe, their arrogance will be their downfall.


I have to say, well said.

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Actually it covers it perfectly, as the ranked warzones are delayed it covers it perfectly. read what i put down again.


I suggest you read it again, it only covers againstt things outside of EA's control. Such as hackers bringing the servers down, an Earthquake destroying the server farm. The government of such and such a country enforcing a blanket IP ban on the game.


It does not cover up for things they could of prevented.

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I suggest you read it again, it only covers againstt things outside of EA's control. Such as hackers bringing the servers down, an Earthquake destroying the server farm. The government of such and such a country enforcing a blanket IP ban on the game.


It does not cover up for things they could of prevented.


I think your purposly trying to be wrong. Maybe you dont understand what "EA and its licensors are not liable for delays" means ?

Edited by Shingara
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I'm glad they decided to take a second look at the system and rework it. That's pretty much all. I kind of wish they did that when 1.1 went live and Ilum went all to hell. All of the classes are getting some pretty significant changes so I'm glad that we'll have a chance to work out all the changes to our classes before rate war zones go live. Also, there's an entire new war zone that's being added so it will be good to give people a chance to actually play it and understand how it works before they just jump in and start getting rated on a war zone that they've never played before. Lastly, I'm glad that we'll be able to buy war hero gear already. I hope it's not another stupid luck based system. If I play enough regular war zones I have the potential to go into rated war zones with at least some War Hero gear so I'll be on equal footing at least with Imperial PvP'ers or possibly have an advantage if they didn't bother to get all their PvP gear before they started to do rateds.


I'm sure this comment will be ignored or dismissed but frankly I'd rather have a little breathing room to feel out my all the changes before they push me into ranked war zones.

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going to work now and i hope for some more drama in here ....

keeps me entertained at work and fills the gap till im home again to play 1.2...with or without ranked WZ.... i will enjoy it :D


see you all laters... and guys...chillaxxxx... its only game :p

Edited by Ortagos
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I think your purposly trying to be wrong. Maybe you dont understand what "EA and its licensors are not liable for delays" means ?


Read the next part specificlly where it continues "system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity."


All that section does is say they aren't responsible for delays etc, caused by things that aren't their fault.


It doesn't cover them for things that within its control.


There may be another section in the EULA that covers them for activly breaking the software due to their own actions, but that section isn't it.

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I think your purposly trying to be wrong. Maybe you dont understand what "EA and its licensors are not liable for delays" means ?


Especialy as what your refering to is actualy covered in section 3 b


Don't even bother trying to convince them. No one is going to sue BW over this. Anyone that does would be laughed out of court.


I learned a long time ago, never argue with stupid people. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Read the next part specificlly where it continues "system failures, system outages or difficulties, especially of a technical nature, that are due to legal restrictions or other circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to third party criminal activity."


All that section does is say they aren't responsible for delays etc, caused by things that aren't their fault.


It doesn't cover them for things that within its control.


There may be another section in the EULA that covers them for activly breaking the software due to their own actions, but that section isn't it.


look at the bold underlined part and understand it.

Edited by Shingara
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Don't even bother trying to convince them. No one is going to sue BW over this. Anyone that does would be laughed out of court.


I learned a long time ago, never argue with stupid people. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experiance.


Ye i think your probably right.

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