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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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What do you all expect to be done about 2 hours after the mess anyway? 50 cent deposits in your bank account for a day lost playing? Oooo... half a day actually. 25 cents. Maybe they should call you personally and tell you they'll take you out for ice cream to make up for it. Its done... move on and play tomorrow.


Such a limited thought process, not everyone is like you.

How many of us are on an eight GB cap? Mine is twenty-five GB. The good ol USA service providers tell us an "unlimited" account is data capped; "the speed is what is unlimited" until after that cap. Quote is from Sprint. Say what?


Running over the cap is not a trivial thing. Data rate slows, then increased costs. I started to log on and went to lunch after I saw a patch coming. I have a 1MB connection as long as I stay under the cap. Movies are 8GB and I have watched two so far this month. I came back from lunch with 5GB downloaded towards the client.


This is a severe and preventable mistake. "Just play tomorrow" may be possible at a 400 ping; my connection will be slowed because I am way over the cap. "50 cent deposit in your bank account" is no where near reality, download 11 GB on your 5GB plan and check the overage charges. $700 is Sprint's answer. I will not incur that with my plan, but their air card would cost that much or slightly more assuming you did not use it for anything else all month.

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And fyi, I wasn't defending BW by saying this was their first MMO. I was simply stating the fact that things like this happen to all companies in this business. Especially ones that do not have a lot of experience dealing with it yet. Am I upset that I can't play tonight? Sure I am. But I'm not going to o on a rampage because of it. Would I like compensation? Absolutely, but I'm not gonna whine about it if I don't get it.
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Me too. I didn't realize the problem until I stumbled on this thread looking for patch notes.



Same here. I just spent the better part of my day trying to get it reloaded from the disks. Still waiting on all past patches to re-install back into the game. Ugh. I don't (like many) come here when I sign on to the net. I tweeted to see if they can start sending emails out as well. That way we can get more info before and if this happens again....

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Once, I when I was a kid, I was reallllly looking forward to this tv show. It was gonna be great. I planned my week around it. And it thunderstormed and my power went out. And I didn't get to see the show. I was really mad. But the problem was fixed as quick as possible, and I eventually got to see the show re-aired.


Also, life went on and it turned out the tv show wasn't really all that important in the grand scheme of things.


The end.

Did the thunderstorm work for your cable provider?

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Okay, Allison.


I personally don't care about being compensated or getting an "apology" in-game pet. I do, however, have an issue with not being able to play today considering it is the last day to get many in-game items before they go away in 1.2. These items include many of the landspeeder mounts and the various crystals available.


You're probably saying, "Well, you knew they were going away very soon, why not buy them when you had the chance?" And I have multiple answers.


1. I didn't know that 1.2 was coming out tomorrow.

2. I wasn't sure if you were going to reduce prices even further and so I was waiting to see.

3. I shouldn't have to be constantly wary of dev errors when playing this game.


I think it is fair and reasonable, which is all I can ask you (Bioware) to be, to allow the items that will be discontinued in 1.2 to be available for one additional day.

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Rainier, due to your prior responses and general lack of knowledge of anything technical (a restore? really?) I suspect you're just a troll.


Furthermore, given your statement below wrt to "server optimization" it further reinforces the fact that yer nothing but a cheap troll.


Kids, dont feed the troll.





The more you know...


Secondly, are you suggesting there aren't different ways to configure/optimize servers based on their intended load/purpose? Insult my technical ability, call me a troll, but "cheap"? Them's fightin' words!


/not really

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Why are people so entitled? Take the 15min and reinstall and patch up.


I have been patching since my first post. That's 2+ hours so far and I'm about half way there. I take home about 20$ an hour, 60$ of which I gave to BioWare and another 15$ a month. That is not entitlement its a transaction.


I PAY them to not screw up my play time. I would gladly pay YOU to ****

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Amateur hour is upon us :)

Guess ill just go back to the tv and wait for tomorrow, downloading 11-12gb isnt on the to do list today at all.


Thank you BW.


So.. just out of curiosity, what do people watch on tv these days? The only show I've watched in the last ten years is occasionally Psych, on Netflix~ (And this question is relevant to swtor because Aric Jorgan >.>)

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Real nice, BW. I have a network error message in my patcher, and it stopped downloading.


Why the frig did you allow a patch to run earlier than scheduled? Did you not have your employees properly informed regarding the official release of said patch?


Why did you then decide to stop the patch loading in mid stream for everyone that was already downloading it?


Why are you now stating we cannot play the game until we either delete the game and redownload it, or wait until tomorrow to play?


Bad, bad business practice...smh. :mad:

Edited by sctwo
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Another one of the "very small number of players were affected by this unintentional change" here...


I'm curious to see how badly this screws up our scheduled Ops runs tonight.



Ya my ops group is ****ed for tonight, i feel bad for the ppl who haven't prepared for 1.2 yet and planned to today, what a bummer!:eek:


9.3 g left on 1st part of the download, 2.5hrs into initial download with best residential Comcast service... guess ill go entertain myself for another 6-10 hrs while i wait on this horrible FAIL!

Edited by dAskAhn
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The way I am reading most posts is that there are items that are being "removed" from the game (Why? I dont really know). And that since they dropped the release date(which many have been asking for weeks with only2-3 days... Now people are scrambling to finish up their ability to buy or turn in for these items.

The only real fair way to fix something they have messed up in more then one way is to either (mail every paid/active account a white crystal token to be able to turn in to a new NPC vendor(TO be put in soon), and a Vehicle token to be turned in to same vendor).

This allows no one to complain about missing their chance for this item(and rewards those who have been here since beginning), and boith these items are not game breaking..they are mostly fluff....but PEOPLE love their FLUFF...

It is just the right thing for BW to do.... Other games have done similar things and it worked tremendously to build a better relationship between customer and company.. I mean really BW is here to make money...giving an item or two (which costs nothing to BW) to a customer only makes them play longer and PAY longer....I dont see the problem, but Im sure I am missing something...

Other solution is just leave these vendors who accept the trade in now to be in game for another month or so to allow people to turn in....

Edited by Tiggress
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Real nice, BW. I have a network error message in my patcher, and it stopped downloading.


Why the frig did you allow a patch to run earlier than scheduled? Did you not have your employees properly informed regarding the official release of said patch?


Why did you then decide to stop the patch loading in mid stream for everyone that was already downloading it?


Why are you now stating we cannot play the until we either delete the game and redownload it, or wait until tomorrow to play?


Bad, bad business practice...smh. :mad:


I'm not a BW employee, but this was probably a scheduled distribution. Somebody probably put 11:59am instead of 11:59pm or something like that. It's a simple error, easily overlooked, and they did their best to contain the damage. But it wasn't without casualties. Oops. Mistakes happen.

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Surely they can make an undo patch for this. Probably not worth the effort though with the patch being tomorrow.


This is quite a big fail though. I think compensation is in order :p

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