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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 1.3 Speculation Thread


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swtor is the real WoW killer for me... a real scifi fantasy mmominstead of old orc n elf / sword n shield mmo like GW2..btw just in case you didnt notice, WoW's focus on endgame raid kill it for casuals oike me who value story over gear / raids..


Tera Online , GW2 , Diablo III, Pandaria , any of those sword n board fantasy stuff is not interesting for me..


now if someone release another scifi mmo maybe that will take me off SWTOR, but so far none.. (EVE dont count as its not for casuals)


EVE... ugh... That's one direction I would hope SW never takes. The learning curve is a sheer rock face!


However, as far as 1.3, is there any possibility that they are close enough for some sandbox elements? Macros? etc...

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For those people who want more info, please check the official bioware guild summit videos, they give info on their short term plan and long term plan in the next patches





- Dual Spec done right (along with the right way to implement hotbar swap and gear swap), there will be NO dual AC.

- Automated Grouping system that works for Flashpoint, Operations and ordinary missions like Heroics

- Continuation of current Class quest as bioware aware of their strength in story.

- Additional FP , OPs and Warzones (1 each per major patch)

- Abilities to put bounties / contract on players (opposing faction)

- Organic Pets will be implemented as Rewards

- New Season for Ranked PVP




- Adding Achievement system, this is already on design phase

- Additional Space combat missions and a 'secret suprise' that will turn SPACE COMBAT into something far more enjoyable than rail based shooter now. Hinted to be group space combat with free-form flying (not rail based)

- Guild Capital Ship , already on design phase


everyting above already public information.. so shouldnt be a suprise to anyone who watch the guild summit videos


Not looking forward to the achievements...

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i want to unify colors on my companions!


Me too!


I hope that -- in addition to the promised legacy unlocks coming in 1.3 -- that we can get some form of:


• Hood toggle

• Hide head slot for companions

• Unify colours for companions

• Server transfers and possibly more character slots per server

• LFG tool of some kind (even if it's not cross server)


In addition to those, anything that enhances quality of life and gets the game engine running smoother would make me happy.


I know that we're not getting the extra character slots or SGRA (same gender romance arcs) any time soon, but I do hope we won't be kept waiting until the end of the year or later for those!!!

Edited by llesna
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  • 2 weeks later...
I just found this thread. These new space missions might bring me back to space. I haven't done a mission since Taspan Ambush /shudder. Also Guild Capital Ships would be great as well as the story add-ons. That's the whole reason I bought this game! I do think BW is getting ahead of themselves with so many operations. I'm gonna have my first run of any op (Eternity Vault Normal) this weekend. After that, it's gonna be a WHILE before I'm geared enough to clear Explosive Conflict or Lost Island. So in other words, keep the small content (Hello, HK-51) coming!
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Patch 1.3 will most likely drop sometime this August or September. What I want it to include?


1. Cross Server LFG

2. PVP Combat Balance

3. Better Looking Gear

4. More challenging operations


^ That's what I'm expecting.


This is what I am hoping for (in all future patches):


1. Class Storyline extensions

2. More world bosses and events

3. Specific and improved daily zones

4. All the terrain glitches and texture corruption to go away

5. Support for 3rd party addons

Edited by J-Slice
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Things that need to be in next 1.3 (or in earlier-smaller patches):


Hood Toggle for Jedi/Sith Robes for players and companions

Unify Colors works on helmets

Unify colors on companions

Price reductions on some of the legacy stuff.

Birthright gear should scale to level like Heirloom gear in WoW did.

Legacy-cargo hold for all of your characters on your server.


And here are some ideas for future patches/expansions:

Replayable class story missions. Preferably as a heroic lvl 50 mode.

More in depth space missions. I would love to have a Privateer/Wing Commander style space game with Dog-fighting, and smuggling, trading, etc.

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Whats the point in LFG if it is not going to be "cross-server"? People want LFG so they can get groups for FPs.


If you don't need LFG to be cross server then whats wrong with standing in the fleet and shouting?


Maybe even make battle groups (group a number of servers together) just for PVP and FPs.

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I would like to finally see the addition of the ctrl+left button for viewing WEAPONS... lol

Long over due :)


And perhaps 1.3 would also bring, 20 new lvls to get all with class quests and side quests. :)


IF those 2 are in there, woooot!!!!!! guna be sweet...


Also some very good suggestions in this thread, so hope those also make it

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I cannot wait for new things in space combat. Even if guild capital ships are never a part of it, it would still be exciting to see the potential behind this explored further. Also, while I see the point about people being ***hats if they don't have to group with folks from their own server, I've also encountered many a fun group with people I'd never had met without a cross-queue, so if they want to do it that way it'll get my vote, though I don't feel the need to push for it.


Whats the point in LFG if it is not going to be "cross-server"? People want LFG so they can get groups for FPs.


If you don't need LFG to be cross server then whats wrong with standing in the fleet and shouting?


They still want new functions and to not feel like their request is going to be swallowed up instantly by other people in this case. Know what else helps with that? Keeping your bloody Trade comments and requests on the Trade channel like it was intended instead of having EVERYTHING on General. Next you'll start hearing it clogged with Chuck Norris jokes all over the Fleet. It isn't a hard concept to grasp, typing that little /2 beforehand.

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My guess is:


1.3: Released around June15-30th


- Server-wide LFG tool

- Free transfers to BW approved servers, from light servers

- EC Nightmare

- More fixes of certain things

- More legacy stuff as already announced in coming soon

- Maybe some other small stuff

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My guess is:


1.3: Released around June15-30th


- Server-wide LFG tool

- Free transfers to BW approved servers, from light servers

- EC Nightmare

- More fixes of certain things

- More legacy stuff as already announced in coming soon

- Maybe some other small stuff


I'd put money on that being 100% correct, with the potential addition of ranked warzones, but I expect those will be implemented before 1.3.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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My guess is:


1.3: Released around June15-30th


- Server-wide LFG tool

- Free transfers to BW approved servers, from light servers

- EC Nightmare

- More fixes of certain things

- More legacy stuff as already announced in coming soon

- Maybe some other small stuff


Agree on date but how about these semi-announced stuff!



HK-51, Flashpoint, and new Operation. Seems TorHead got it rite with 1.2, so why I wee to doubt them.


Ranked Warzone will also be very improtant if 1.3 launches up till June. Bioware is already late in this.


PTS will go online third or last week of May.

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  • 4 weeks later...
And the exact quote from that thread is the following:

"So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe. It's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting."


People want to read that as saying, "Content patches like 1.2 will be coming out monthly."


The realists and/or cynics with their feet firmly planted on the ground read that as meaning "changes and additions will continue to roll out month after month" and then realize by looking at the patch history (http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes) that we've already been receiving changes and additions on an ongoing basis already.


If any of you truly believe that content patches like 1.2 are going to drop each and every calendar month you're setting yourselves up for disappointment and feelings of angst down the road.


Personally, I would be happy to get a generalized "road map" that does not have specific dates (I believe in releasing it when it's ready and not just to satisfy a due date) with some fairly solid indications of what's to arrive in the very next major patch and less solid indications of what they're looking to include 2-3 patches out.


I am sorry to disappoint you but you either don't want to understand what he has said or you are trying to make it so that we are those who don't understand.


Here's why: "We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting."

You are explaining that what he meant were the bug fixes which it is (sorry to say) retarded. 1st the bug fixes AKA the patches are done on a week after week basis and not month after month which makes me wonder how come Mr. Ohlen can make such a huge mistake by saying month when he should've said week. 2nd, those "changes" are already in the mix since the game was launched, so that makes me wonder why would he say "it's exciting" about something that was happening already? It's like Ford telling us in 2012 "We're gonna start adding engines to each car. IT'S SO EXCITING!"


So, which one is it?

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I believe it may just be like every other major patch has a lot of new content. Tbh the only things I care about in 1.3 are the leveling customization options and LFG tool. Maybe 1.4 will have some new Operations/Warzones/Flashpoints. Just throwing that out there.
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Does anyone know if the Field Respec Legacy is going to cost a one time fee per character and allow unlimited "free" respecs, or if it is just a mobile version of the guy on Fleet, and is still going to cost you every time you respecialize?
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Does anyone know if the Field Respec Legacy is going to cost a one time fee per character and allow unlimited "free" respecs, or if it is just a mobile version of the guy on Fleet, and is still going to cost you every time you respecialize?


Bank on it costing money to unlock and then again each and every time you use it.

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Bank on it costing money to unlock and then again each and every time you use it.


This. I assume you'll pay a certain amount of credits to unlock it, after which you'll be able to do a normal respec (at normal cost) any time by clicking a button instead of having to go talk to the guy on the fleet.

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I was really hoping that there would be some character customization in the announcement for 1.3. If there is, it probably missed my scope. Biggest things I want is cosmetic, e.g. hair, and more bigger changes such as race and sex.


Still excited!

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