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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Per earlier posts, unsubbed! I've got my 30 free days kicking in next week and it seems that the new site has at least laid groundwork for transfers for the Oz crowd so who knows, maybe they'll get some money from me next month.
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Sigh, I agree with most people here free/paid transfer won't help this problem is WAYY to big. The ONLY thing that will fix this is cutting the number of servers in half, possibly even more. Edited by RTCBrad
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LOL you guys can't possibly imagine the amount of man hours a server merge would take.




What about the guy on Server 1 with the name "Bob" ... and the guy on Server #2 named "Bob" ... now, Bob is a hard name to get. Not saying it's good, just hard to get. Someone is going to get that name stripped away from them.


There is no way they'd do a server merge right now. Everquest 1 did a server merge about 6 years into the game when it was dying down and there were riots in the streets because of the naming issue.

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For example, a player has three characters from different North American or European servers that they want to transfer to one of the Asia Pacific Servers. The first character has a Legacy Level of 5, the second is from a different server and has Legacy Level 7, and the third is from another server and has Legacy level 12. The highest Legacy Level here is Level 12. If you already have a Legacy Level greater than 12 on an Asia Pacific server, it will remain unchanged. If that’s not the case, when all of these characters are transferred to the new Asia Pacific server, the Legacy Level will be set to Legacy Level 12 which matches the highest Legacy Level achieved by one of your characters.


Let me help you bioware. 5+7+12=24 not 12. Unfair i say !

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been reading these forums and all i see is people wanting free transfers. well not to burst your bubbles that is not going to help the fact there is TOO MANY SERVERS.


simply put there are not enough players for the amount of servers active. so transfers are just going to hurt the population on most of the servers. witch as we know are already hurting as the system is now.


the only way to truely fix the issue at hand is to merge servers. basically cut the amount of servers active in half. this will bring all the dead servers to atleast heavy.


once the servers have been merged then alowing transfers would be much more reasonable. for now transfers are not and will not help the issue of population.


merging would also be a simple way of dealing with the legacy system and a added bonus to those people who are on a server witch gets merged get the option to rename your legacy.


so again transfers are not going to help untill the servers get merged. otherwise all we are going to have is a bunch of people transfering to random servers like chickens with the head cut off.


MERGING would also be way easier for Bioware to deal with rather than 750k server transfer request. merge first and you will lower the amount of people wanting to transfer witch would be the smartest thing to do.


LOL 40 people on in fleet! Amazing I wish my server had that number. Atm there are 96 people on on republic side.



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SWTOR flopped, not because it was a bad game, but because of BW's continued ignorance and inaction.


Investors are not ready for a server merge, which typically translates as 'failure', this early into release. I think what Bioware wants to do for the playerbase, and what investors 'allow' them to do, are two separate things.

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"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that." ~ Lead Designer Daniel Erickson



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And how does a transfer help? If I pay to transfer to a more populated server, how does that help the people left behind? They get even less people to play with. If you think for some odd reason you'll get to transfer for free, then what do you think BioWare would do with all the completely dead servers once most have transferred off?


Yea, they'll merge or close servers eventually. But only after they milk a paid transfer system for all they can get.



merge doesnt help for low population at our peak time,

cause lots of ppl in different time zone,

either a free transfer or x-LFM can solve this issue,

the root solution is to redesign this server bind kind stupid game arch.

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Why they just did not program the game like StarTrek MMO, GW or even Global Agenda. If you do not know these games you have one server login, but I seen up to 51 versions of the same zone created due to the player load. You can move between copys to find Fleet or Guild members, if you select a zone that shows max players expect lag but it YOUR selection that will put you in a max PoP zone. The game already has the function for different instances of the same map. Heck class areas are build on it, pity they did not expand on it. It would of been so much nicer to have one log-in server and the software made more Zone copy's as need of each area based on player numbers. O well
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No more nonsense about the game not dying anymore.


As if it wasn't already obvious. You guys held on long enough (Far to long, in my opinion. Made you look like idiots).


But, at least that is over with. Now you can move on with discussions on how to fix it, and at least reach and keep a stable population.


I personally don't think this game is built in a way that will be effective at keeping people playing, but meh, I've been wrong before.


Not my problem anymore, anyhow. Yeah, I got jobbed for my $200 into buying a low-medicore game and it upset me, but I've moved on now. Better things to look forward to. Tera, Guild Wars 2.. and, dare I say it, even Aion going F2P.


I feel bad for Drew and the original Bioware writers, that were pulled off Mass Effect series to work on this. What ended up happening was Mass Effect turning into garbage (Be honest, ME2's story was horrible, and it was made filler by ME3, which was also horribly done and written. Mac Walters should be fired asap along with Casey Hudson) and their stories being buried under an myriad of problems in SWTOR, and stretched impossibly thin.


That said, they should have expected it when EA came into the picture.

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Character Transfers will not solve the problem.


If you got the chance to transfer, would you go

a) to a low-medium pop server and hope the local population won't transfer out at the same time (and others also transfer there) or

b) to an already high-pop server making it even fuller?


So the only way transfers would work is if start and target servers were closely restricted. But then, where is the difference to a server merge except for leaving open a then completely dead server which newbies could accidentially end up at.


Thus Server Merges. No Transfers.


They said no mergers. Mergers are bad. Grasp this, it isn't that difficult. You will pay for a transfer, might get a free one, or you can quit.


These are your 3 options. Server Merge is not among them. Not sure how much clearer it needs to be.

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They said no mergers. Mergers are bad. Grasp this, it isn't that difficult. You will pay for a transfer, might get a free one, or you can quit.


These are your 3 options. Server Merge is not among them. Not sure how much clearer it needs to be.


"Are server merges a possible solution? Absolutely. Are character transfers a possible solution? They’re a definite solution and we’re going after that first. But all things are on the table. Our entire goal is to make sure that players are playing in the environment they want to, with the type of community and the size of population they want, and we are driving towards all of that." ~ Lead Designer Daniel Erickson

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The problem with transfers is this.


Rift for example opened free transfers. Yes this somewhat worked. it cleared out most of the dead servers and players went to jump onto other servers population somewhat went up. The major problem with it is population imbalance and population instability.


If you open transfers for at least 2 weeks maybe 3 players will be jumping everywhere regardless of free to transfer or paid to transfer. Obviously Bio would go Paid since EA has them by the balls. (chances are like every mmo before if you didn't release this game before 1.2 it would not have had a player pop drop anywhere near as close to this).


If transfers are opened what happens if time caps are implemented? This means being locked onto a server where within the next couple days everyone who was on it drops ship and you're left on a dead server again.


Ok so say there is not time frame for transfers. Again it will probably be paid for transfers how many people are going to pay $10-15 to continue to transfer. How many payments are you going to want to make weekly to find a server.


Population on servers in this state shifts to much and RIFT was the prime example of that. every 7 days a server pop was 1/2'd or increase. people were shifting servers just to get server firsts ect..... or because there was to much competition.


Regardless people are going to QQ.


Save the trouble and merge 5-10 servers into one keep the game pop up on servers so people are not wasting money. Our server Naddist rebels is dying more and more by the day as are many others.


Fatman for example has more people in queue than most servers have active. I won't lie I made an alt there and it is the only enjoyment I have had of this game since launch.


Close off dead servers allow population to rebuild and stabilize. release more content and patches and when overall game population starts to increase again because of the quality look at opening servers up again.


Bioware you should know this after all you have ownership over warhammer do you not? Was this clearly not seen from that screw up after you took over for mythic.

Edited by Meleficent
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The problem with transfers is this.


Rift for example opened free transfers. Yes this somewhat worked. it cleared out most of the dead servers and players went to jump onto other servers population somewhat went up. The major problem with it is population imbalance and population instability.


If you open transfers for at least 2 weeks maybe 3 players will be jumping everywhere regardless of free to transfer or paid to transfer. Obviously Bio would go Paid since EA has them by the balls. (chances are like every mmo before if you didn't release this game before 1.2 it would not have had a player pop drop anywhere near as close to this).


If transfers are opened what happens if time caps are implemented? This means being locked onto a server where within the next couple days everyone who was on it drops ship and you're left on a dead server again.


Ok so say there is not time frame for transfers. Again it will probably be paid for transfers how many people are going to pay $10-15 to continue to transfer. How many payments are you going to want to make weekly to find a server.


Population on servers in this state shifts to much and RIFT was the prime example of that. every 7 days a server pop was 1/2'd or increase. people were shifting servers just to get server firsts ect..... or because there was to much competition.


Regardless people are going to QQ.


Save the trouble and merge 5-10 servers into one keep the game pop up on servers so people are not wasting money. Our server Naddist rebels is dying more and more by the day as are many others.


Fatman for example has more people in queue than most servers have active. I won't lie I made an alt there and it is the only enjoyment I have had of this game since launch.


Close off dead servers allow population to rebuild and stabilize. release more content and patches and when overall game population starts to increase again because of the quality look at opening servers up again.


Bioware you should know this after all you have ownership over warhammer do you not? Was this clearly not seen from that screw up after you took over for mythic.


Couldn't be more right...fix this!

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Its interesting when people complain about servers with "only" 20-40 chars on fleet. My server, The Kumumgah, havent reached 20 at fleet in weeks. This weekened there was at max 10-15 ! thats some kind of record. At a more normal day theres at most 8 on fleet. Many times theres like 2-4 !!!:(


Total 10 chars at lvl 50 online at the same time. Do you guys think its easy to setup a team and do some FP or OP? oh no.

Warzones? what is that? havnt played any the last month and Im in queue most of the time. People on this server cant get PvP gear at the moment since theres no activity.


Its VERY hard (impossible) to get high lvl gears without a group.


These treads have like 3000posts. Have bioware even replyed once? i know they read this so please give us an answere what and when we can expect some kind of solution.


Diablo III is around the corner. And its seems very nice. I think ill re-roll there instead.


And to you who says: re-roll on a new server and stop complain:

I havent played this kind of game before and didnt notice I had/COULD change server when creating a char. My bad I guess. But thats why im stuck at this server with many many played hours. And its seems like waste to change server and start over. But i guess thats the only way to be able to play again.



I came from The Kumumgah...Remember Sith Happens & Rage Quit? 5 weeks ago we re-rolled onto Bloodyworthy as it became unplayable over there. The only active PvP guild on Pub side left the server and all we were doing was playing nothing but Huttball against each other and our own guild. Guess what, we were all opening tickets weekly, even daily sometimes to try get some sense out of the customer service, they didn't listen. We had to re-roll War Hero and BM champs from The Kumumgah with 25-30 Legacy. 4 months of life totally wasted with no compensation at all.


We are very happy on our new server but seriously, many of us are VERY P1553D that we had to ditch our chars of 4 months because BW totaly neglected pop decline when it was essentially THEM who made too many servers.]


Oh did i mention I got BM BEFORE it was easy, and now have 2 lv 50's stuck on a server that isn't playable...I will seriously be expecting free migration and faction change when it becomes available, if people are still subscribing then. Great game being run by interns and novices from what ive seen so far :mad:

Edited by vibenode
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I came from The Kumumgah...Remember Sith Happens & Rage Quit? 5 weeks ago we re-rolled onto Bloodyworthy as it became unplayable over there. The only active PvP guild on Pub side left the server and all we were doing was playing nothing but Huttball against each other and our own guild. Guess what, we were all opening tickets weekly, even daily sometimes to try get some sense out of the customer service, they didn't listen. We had to re-roll War Hero and BM champs from The Kumumgah with 25-30 Legacy. 4 months of life totally wasted with no compensation at all.


We are very happy on our new server but seriously, many of us are VERY P1553D that we had to ditch our chars of 4 months because BW totaly neglected pop decline when it was essentially THEM who made too many servers.


BM gear almost WH with having almost fully cleared HM EC I have zero interest rebuilding. I give you guys props for doing so but I'm not gonna grind out that much again for a game.


TERA here i come. MAY 1ST cannot wait. they're actually listening to players regarding the game and built servers based on players. instead of making 100 new servers for more players they increased server size. they have 10 servers and keep increase size daily for all the new accounts signing up instead of making more and more servers. SMART!

Edited by Meleficent
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Pretty sure they just released way too many servers at the start. I've been on three or four different servers now before settling with friends on Daragon Trail. The highest number of people I've seen on Daragon Trail in the fleet is 36. Planets are much worse.


I'm beginning to regret telling my friends I didn't mind where we went.

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well I agree. the problem is that people on these low servers get tired of not being able to enjoy the game to its fullest do to the lack of population. so what do they do? hey re roll on a more populated server. thus decreasing the already low population from thier old server and inflating population in the fuller one. this leads to many servers empty and a few that are over crowded. like fatman erver. on peak hours the wait time to play is nearly an hour because 850 people are also trying to log into the same server. you need to merge servers and offer free transfers to those in high population servers like fatman. this is a serious problem that needs to be adressed. players on both the high and low population servers suffer from this situation. make a cross server group finder for flashpoints and server finder for heroics. merge the servers and let us all enjoy this game the way it was meant to be played.
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Where's the fanboys telling you all that there is no problem?

Cmon, Kthth or whatever your name is, tell everyone there is no population problem.

I suppose transfers would work if they were free and unlimited, and each server was given a short list of the servers that they could transfer to (so there are no more overburdened servers, and none that are desolate). But why would they want to keep a hundred servers running with six people on them who like having the whole server to themselves? Why not a merger? Is it an admission of defeat, and bad pr? Well, seeing the game crash and burn because of population mismanagement is worse. The game is really good. It is the population issue that is terrible here, worse than on any other MMO I have ever played (over 15, UO. COH, AoC, WoW, Rift, Vanguard, WAR, etc).

Edited by Drunkenpig
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