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The definitive word on end game itemization in 1.2


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So, stuck with accuracy...AGAIN. This time there's no option to replace with champion enhancements and mods, because those didn't get an expertise boost. Cool. So, are any orange items OTHER THAN the new item sets craftable with augment slot? Or are we stuck with the space-samurai-on-acid look if we want augments?


U can crit any orange shell. Accuracy is not so terrible, in a full WH set u only got 159 accuracy (at least at BH Eliminator and Combat Tech ). More surge is useless because of maybe 1% more effort and accuracy is 5,34%.

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If you read above you you would find the answer is yes, you will be able critcraft orange gear you already can craft now.


I misspoke...my question was can we RE dropped orange items for schematics, or are the end game sets the only orange items REable for schematics. In my testing on PTS so far, no dropped orange item was RE'able.

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But that still means that what could be potentially months of raiding for a single gear drop, dealing with the randomness of drops and going up against other members of the same class, can be wasted if the random number generator isn't on your side when reverse engineering the gear.


Now repeat that for 5 or so pieces of armor, and yeah I guess that increases the content's longevity, but it's insanely frustrating and tedious.


I'm glad that they made armorcrafting actually useful, but I don't see why they had to make it so bloody frustrating and reliant on chance just to get to the point where it can be worthwhile for end-game players.


Well, its purely optional to take the risk of REing that Campaign gear. However, you only need to RE the empty shell of the item. Therefor, just move all the mods to some random custom gear. Then you are only farming that gear for aesthetic purposes.



Now to change topics, we really need an explanation as to why the Rakata gear is suddenly not going to be updated with this patch. Did you have problems with it so you have to delay updating until a future patch? If you aren't going to update the gear at all, then what the hell, why did I save all these mods in the first place? If I wasn't told to put the mods back in, I wouldn't have already done so in preparation for the patch... I'm going to need my 360K credits back, especially since, as my guild's MT, I won't be able to exit area to save myself from a massive repair bill.

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Let me get this straight.


So a lot of us grinded up to 75 valor ranks to get a full set of the best pvp gear possible (thanks to the horrible random chance of token in Battlemaster bags).

We had to trade Enhancements in our Battlemaster sets for gear optimization because Bioware has no clue how to properly itemize (even more grinding)


And we get NOTHING out of it with 1.2 but anger that our gear does not get updated because we changed the Mods (and destroyed the other, ueseless ones in the process. Really, who needs Accuracy/Crit?) and Bioware customer support will not restore any of those.

Not to mention a slightly different looking version of ranked War Hero gear.


It could be so easy. Put in a vendor with Armoring/Mod/Enhancements for Valor 60/70+ that are one level higher than what is currently in War Hero gear. So it actually has value to be a War Hero besides a dumb title and slightly different style.


Talk about a kick in the nuts.

War Heroes, Conquerors and above, I feel for you my brothers.


What a joke.


Your armoring and mod slots will automatically upgrade tomorrow in your Battlemaster gear. The only thing that won't upgrade is the enhancement slot if you swapped it out. Not that big a deal.

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Your armoring and mod slots will automatically upgrade tomorrow in your Battlemaster gear. The only thing that won't upgrade is the enhancement slot if you swapped it out. Not that big a deal.


Will not. Anything you pulled out will not be upgraded. And many of us did just that to mods, to min/max.

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What Battlemaster gear did get updated? Can anybody on the test server check this. I have 9 spare battlemaster tokens that I can spend.


Someone earlier said sorc/sage gear got updated. If this is the case I would want to by the boots for the updated Power/Surge enhancement in them.


Any information would be great.

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So thousand questions and we can even get a few decent answer? So we got a answer on a question about champ gear, relics and color crystals. So is that what it consdered monitoring the forum? I see alof of other

quetions. Yea these changes are tested sure they are and the classes were balanced properly too right lol can wait to see that thread if it ever happens. At this point they cant even monitor a thread. Stop lying bioware just like monitoring this thread lol u picked the first 2 soft questions you could answere now disappear never to return again thats what you cal communication? In my book thats called making excuses for when someone asks if you communicate with us you can say 'oh we always talk look i just answere 2 questions in a thread with thousands but i still answered the two soft easy as possible question'


Joke bioware youve been one now ur adding to it to bcome the gaming industries super joke.

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OK, so let me get this straight:


1) As a heavy armor user, I still can't use vendor sets like the pilot set without gimping my armor rating?


2) Even if I could use it as heavy armor, I can't take the mods out of my existing (or new) Rakata gear and keep the set bonuses?


3) Assuming I eventually get some armoring in my vendor set with set bonuses intact (from either campaign or war hero gear), I still can't get an augment slot on it...so I'm

still gimping myself.


3) If I want the augment slot on my newly acquired campaign gear, my only choice is to...gasp...not roll on the campaign gear drops in the first place so the armortech crafter in the group (assuming there is one) gets it and can then RE it?


4) So then the only thing I'm running OPS for is to farm crafting materials that I can then trade to my crafter for gear?


5) Once I have my campaign gear, I can sell excess crafting mats on the broker so everybody else can essentially just buy campaign OPS gear off the broker?


6) "Campaign" and "Black Hole" were the best names for PVE gear you could come up with?



What parts of this am I not getting right?

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That is correct.


Thanks for the clarification on this Georg.


However, am I right in assuming that even though Columni gear will have the armouring slot unlocked, the set bonuses will still be attached to the shell?

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3) If I want the augment slot on my newly acquired campaign gear, my only choice is to...gasp...not roll on the campaign gear drops in the first place so the armortech crafter in the group (assuming there is one) gets it and can then RE it?


4) So then the only thing I'm running OPS for is to farm crafting materials that I can then trade to my crafter for gear?


5) Once I have my campaign gear, I can sell excess crafting mats on the broker so everybody else can essentially just buy campaign OPS gear off the broker?


this is assuming that u want to use the campaign/warhero SKIN...


if u'r simply interested in stat u can take your campaign token.. extract armoring/mod/enhancement... and find an armormech/sinthiwiver with an orange recipe (possibily of low level so that it consume economics materials) and ask him for a crit craft... than put your armoring(mod/enhancemnt + an agument into the crit crafted orange... and have the best stat u can have...

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What is the deal with Mercenary Commendations?


I read previously we'd be able to trade them for warzone commendations at a rate of 1:1?


If so, considering we had to buy mercenary commendations with warzone commendations at a rate of 3:1, that would be really screwing over those of us who have done so, so I very much hope we can buy warzone commendations back at a rate of 1:3...

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Georg Zoeller,


My only hope is that you read this thread and see those of us voicing our concerns with some of the things omitted from the live patch.


Based on the feedback, I think there are two things that definitely need to happen.


1. Update the Rakata gear by removing redundant/irrelevant Accuracy based item modifications and replace them with Power/Surge or Crit/Surge. Whichever is relevant for each specific class. I listened to the explanation you gave at the guild summit on "Accuracy" as a stat that helps reduce armor ratings, however, there is no discernible benefit from having Accuracy in the game's current build. You clearly see the advantage of having Power/Surge, at least as a Marauder, in its place. I understand that some players have already modified their Rakata gear, but couldn't you just allow us to turn in our current Rakata gear for a token that we can use to purchase the "updated" Rakata gear? Or maybe enlist those customer support droids to help those people restore their Rakata gear to the original version?


2. Change the set bonuses on Tionese, Columi and Rakata to be bound to the armoring rather than the shell. Many players have voiced their concern with not being able to look the way they want to; and for good reason as the designers of the gear must have been inspired by Transformers rather than Star Wars.


As for #2, it seems like this was a corner that was cut to help you release this patch as soon as possible (Thursday) rather than making sure the live version of 1.2 was the best it could be. I sincerely hope this was not the case and if you do not make this change, please substantiate that decision with whatever logic helped you arrived to that conclusion. We are your customers and we deserve to know the "why" if you're not going to concede and make the change.



Edited by RMIGZ
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Battlemaster Gear


Battlemaster Gear, as of 1.2, no longer requires a 60 Valor rating and is acquired straight through Warzone commendations at the Battlemaster PvP vendor on the fleet.


As of 1.2, Battlemaster gear features an increased budget of expertise and an update stat distribution on a small subset of items on some classes.


These changes to the stat distribution are a result of issues fixed with the original Battlemaster set of mods. As mentioned before, we will automatically update your Battlemaster items to the new version when you log into the game the first time after 1.2 has been deployed, provided that the items still contain their original mods. Reinserting these mods into the existing gear will suffice for this purpose.




Honestly....this make zero sense at all. You admit you are fixing the issues BM had with the mods but are punishing those that have replaced the mods to overcome this already? Why wouldn't you just convert every piece of battle-master to the new version regardless of what mods are inside. Now I have to buy a second pair of pants, a chest and helm. This is absurd.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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I am just poping in here to say that I am extremely dissapointed that you aren't fixing Rakata stats. This is one of the things I was eagerly looking forward to in 1.2. Rakata as well as the other armors are horribly ill designed in terms of stats. I shouldn't even need to say this, you have said it yourself in the past!


I am personally a shadow tank in full Rakata. The bulk of the attacks I use are force based, not melee based. I don't care if my melee isn't at a perfect 100% accuracy. Yet thanks to my idiotic armor, I have this massive amount of accuracy stacked up.


I was REALLY hoping that 1.2 would convert all this accuracy into something actually useful to me like Power, Shield, Defense, etc. Infact, how about adding a new "+threat" stat to the game, and converting all this useless accuracy to that?


Do SOMETHING. You know this armor is poorly implemented, so fix it like you were planning to.




How can you just change your mind like that? I'm very very angry about this... is it intended for us to swap in 56 enhancements instead of 58 ones?


You know the stats are horrible (tanks especially), everyone knows it, and you promised to change it, now, just 2 days b4 the patch goes live, you decided not to change afterall?

Seriously... this is beyond disappointing!

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Ok, a few questions that have been asked that still need answering, as well as this.


In the community generated graphic, (linked in your post) what are the coms that are show being used with the BM gear to trade up for the WH items? Also, is the cap is 2000, why do several of these show requiring more than 2000?


Thank you

Hey Georg, can you let us know whether or not tanking mods will be added to the cybertech trainer? These are the mods I'm talking about:


Resilient/Robust/Weighted (main stat + absorb)


Deflecting/Elusive/Reinforced (main stat + defense)


They've been missing the whole time and are still missing as of April 10. Also, will cybertechs be able to RE the level 61's coming out so they can do piece work for others? Artificers for the enhancements? This would end some of the complaining about itemization, if anyone can just design their own for their own gear.





So, some bm pieces are getting enhancement changes? Which ones?


Sorry if this was asked before.


Very important question. Is it going to be possible to learn offset items trough RE? And can those have augment slots?

The general tenor now is, that everything can have augment slots. But what about the biochem nerf? Were we not supposed to have two implants instead of one augmented upon crit?


Also: Which item slots exactly will be able to have augment slots? Considering max level equip only. There seems to be very much confusion as to which items can be augmented and which not.

Edited by TOGFelix
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A temporary change on PTS that modified some existing rakata gear has not been taken into the final version 1.2 based on testing feedback.



-- Georg


What testing feedback? Can you provide with some proof?

Any sane player wouldn't think that the stats on current rakata gears for tanks (juggernaut and assassins at least) are ok.


Therefore I think you are lying! This is some cover up for either stupidity or incompetence..

Edited by Kautious
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I'm sorry, but I need a clarification on two things.


1) You state explicitly that the new Campaign gear, unlike the previous, will have the set bonus tied to the armoring mod. Does this mean that if we remove Rakata armoring mods from our current gear to place it into orange gear, the set bonuses will not be transferred?


2) You also mention that if we want to retain our battlemaster appearance but get an augment slot, the new battlemaster orange sets are available. I would like clarification on if battlemaster armoring mods will also carry over their set bonus into orange gear.


Thank you.

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Since Rakata and Battlemaster set bonuses do not travel, does that mean that the only people with augmented armor with set bonuses will be the hardcore, top-tier players? There will be no way for more casual players to have augmented gear with set bonuses?
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All i want to know is what i should do with my PvP commendations before 1.2 hits. Do i save my battlemaster comms or buy stuff now? Same with with centurian and champion comms. I have maxed out my mercenary comms, should i buy something with those or save them? ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!
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Tionese / Columi / Rakata Gear


These sets are not changing. Their stats have not changed from their pre 1.2 state and they are acquired in the same way as they were before 1.2





Battlemaster Gear


As mentioned before, we will automatically update your Battlemaster items to the new version when you log into the game the first time after 1.2 has been deployed, provided that the items still contain their original mods. Reinserting these mods into the existing gear will suffice for this purpose.



-- Georg


Seriously? Way to go looking out for the PvP crowd and giving the PvE crowd the shaft, again.

Edited by Lugosi
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Very important question. Is it going to be possible to learn offset items trough RE? And can those have augment slots?

The general tenor now is, that everything can have augment slots. But what about the biochem nerf? Were we not supposed to have two implants instead of one augmented upon crit?


Also: Which item slots exactly will be able to have augment slots? Considering max level equip only. There seems to be very much confusion as to which items can be augmented and which not.

There is no Biochem nerf. You retain the ability to create augmented implants just like before.

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