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10pm downtime? Really?


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This has to be the most silly complaint I have heard in a long while.


You love the game so much, that you will complain that it is going down at 10pm ( our time, midnight server time ) for a very large and important patch before the weekend.


And people call me a fanboy, this guy, is a fanboy, take away a couple of hours in a single weekend on a weeknight and it is a HUGE ISSUE

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It's about more than that.


If this was a F2P MMO, no big deal. I'm not paying for the service, so they can bring down the servers anytime as far as I care.


But, here, I am paying for a service. The service is, access to their servers.


They set an established downtime window, they should live by it.


I'm an engineer. I deal, in precision. Precision measurements, precision estimates, precision in schedules and delivery dates.


I expect those that I do business with, to do the same.


Consider for example: Season tickets to the <INSERT NBA TEAM HERE>


You buy those tickets, with the expectation to gain entrance to the game, upon turning the ticket over at the gate.


If the team decides to suddenly change it's starting times to 3 in the morning, when you can't show up, you'd be a little peeved, wouldn't you? In fact, if suddenly, you had no use for those tickets because of the time change, you'd likely demand a refund from the front office, would you not?



Youre an engineer? Good that means your an adult can relax for 2 hours. I'm an engineer too, but smart enough to realize the importance of this patch. 2 hours isn't going to kill anyone.


I'm a season ticket holder for the Blackhawks. Guess what all my tickets say? Time and Date subject to change. So ya..,, relax.

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I've pulled my fair share of all-nighters to meet a deadline, so don't give me that nonsense.


And you know why I pulled the all-nighters?


To stay on schedule.


It's part of the job sometimes. If they are fine doing it all other times, then why aren't they fine doing it this time?


Schedules and Contracts are like fine china. You don't break them.


They weren't on a schedule. There's no NEED to patch that late. They are patching that late, to be as fair to everyone as possible.


You're only losing 2 hours of play-time. Is that 2 hours really THAT important, that you have to come here and make yourself look like a fool? Just do the smart thing and close your browser.. and go play TOR for 2 hours, to make up for the 2 you're losing tomorrow night.

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Schedules and Contracts are like fine china. You don't break them.


Ok you show us where they have established a schedule for major content updates such as the 1.2 update that's coming out.


Until you can point out where one is, you are simply QQ'ing.

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Why move it more into primetime?:rolleyes:

Because when they bring them all up at 9am EST, they want a full day with a full staff on the job to handle anything that might need attention.


Guarenteed there will be massive work going on in the offices hunting and looking for emergency bug repair fixes.


Stick a pencil in them rolling eyes. :D

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Wasn't really counting the times, was counting the dates. They announced it today, so theres tomorrow and then thrusday thats 3 days.
downtime starts for him tomorrow.


If I tell you about something that's happening tomorrow, that's 1 day of notice.

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Heck, if they would have gone with the patch at Midnight, AS USUAL, then maybe I'd have not posted at all.


You may resume your trolling now.





I'm one of those Australians you mentioned in the first post.


Its NEVER good enough for you, even though so many others have it so much worse.


You want bad downtime? Try 3pm (or 5pm eastern AU time), to 11pm (or 1am). This is normal for us in every mmo. Even with our own local servers, we get put on the american time schedule of maintenance.


You talk of 'prime time' but you have no idea what that is, clearly.

Edited by Notannos
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They weren't on a schedule. There's no NEED to patch that late. They are patching that late, to be as fair to everyone as possible.


You're only losing 2 hours of play-time. Is that 2 hours really THAT important, that you have to come here and make yourself look like a fool? Just do the smart thing and close your browser.. and go play TOR for 2 hours, to make up for the 2 you're losing tomorrow night.


For you and everyone else, a little bit of a history lesson.


Maintenance used to be at 2am Pacific.


Then they changed it to Midnight, meaning West Coast, NZ and AUS lost 2 hours of time each week, because that's our primetime.


They apologized, but kept the time the same, noting they would do their best not to make it any earlier.


Now, they are doing it at 10pm. We lose yet another 2 hours.


No doubt, this will become a permanent fixture as well, meaning West Coast, NZ and AUS, are up to 4 hours lost per week now, instead of 2.


As I stated before, if they had run it at midnight, I wouldn't have an issue with it. But, they keep shafting us over in favor of East Coast and Europe, so, naturally, those of us affected can only assume this trend will continue, until the point where we lose an entire day during primetime.


Oh, and if this is so important, why couldn't they have run it during the normal maintenace window last night at 12pm Pacific, like they normally do?


Or, why couldn't it have waited until next week?


Once again, West Coast pays the price for everyone else.

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Normally, it starts at 12pm Pacific.


This time, it's 10pm Pacific.


OMG!! :eek: ... This can't be a real whinner post, surely its some brat seeking interweebs attention.... your telling me you wanna cry foul cos theres a 2hr change of downtime... does your life run so in tune with SWTOR that you have to moan even when the game update we have all been waiting for finally lands... gees call the fire brigade... cos all the heat coming your darkroom is gunna start a fire... suggest a Karma pill, a cold glass of spring water and GIANT bag of unsalted popcorn to calm yourself back down.. or you could maybe try getting a life :rolleyes:

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And then:







So sad.

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For you and everyone else, a little bit of a history lesson.


Maintenance used to be at 2am Pacific.


Then they changed it to Midnight, meaning West Coast, NZ and AUS lost 2 hours of time each week, because that's our primetime.


They apologized, but kept the time the same, noting they would do their best not to make it any earlier.


Now, they are doing it at 10pm. We lose yet another 2 hours.


No doubt, this will become a permanent fixture as well, meaning West Coast, NZ and AUS, are up to 4 hours lost per week now, instead of 2.


As I stated before, if they had run it at midnight, I wouldn't have an issue with it. But, they keep shafting us over in favor of East Coast and Europe, so, naturally, those of us affected can only assume this trend will continue, until the point where we lose an entire day during primetime.


Oh, and if this is so important, why couldn't they have run it during the normal maintenace window last night at 12pm Pacific, like they normally do?


Or, why couldn't it have waited until next week?


Once again, West Coast pays the price for everyone else.


you do realize that if they bring down the game at 10...2 hours earlier there is a very good chance that they will bring it up 2 hours ealier.. ( 8 hour downtime) so really..its not like they are stealing 2 hours of your life.....

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You have never pushed a schedualed date back a day or more in order to complete the project? in order to make it perfect? really?
Not that I can think of... my deadlines tend to be contractual. We might move around internal dates, but the client doesn't know anything about those.
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Yes but it was announced today, so we got this day of notice, then the next day and then the next day when it comes.
No... we were told today. The patch starts tomorrow at 10pm That's slightly more than 1 days notice, and far less than 2 days notice.
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Then they changed it to Midnight, meaning West Coast, NZ and AUS lost 2 hours of time each week, because that's our primetime.


West coast prime time is from midnight to 2am?


Really you're going to try and make that claim?

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