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10pm downtime? Really?


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I don't think you quiet understand what I'm saying (or I don't understand what your're saying). If Tuesdays was the only night a week you could play, then you wouldn't be playing very often. So assume you can play other nights of the week. You are right if you can play anytime then one night a week shouldn't be a big issue.


My point is that saying its only 1 night get over it, doesn't fly for some. 1 night downtime off the regular schedule is good as saying we have a week of maintenance. Image the QQ if they came out and said that.


i understand what you're saying, i just think that people need to get a grip. this is a game, and if not being able to play it for a week (if you only get the one day that it's down) is enough to cause a person such rage, that person needs to get their priorities straight. crap happens.

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Yeah, that will never happen.


In fact, they said as much, back when they moved up maintenance from 2am to 12am. Basically it was a big "screw you" to anyone not in Europe, East Coast or Central time.


Now, they are doing it again.


And I bet it'll stick this time, just like it did last time.


Then, when patch 1.3 rolls around, it'll get bumped to 8pm Pacific, because you know, that's the end of East Coast Prime Time, and that's pretty much all that matters.


Wow. Can you hear yourself? Really?


I think it would be a good idea for you to save your posts in this thread and have a look at them in a year's time. Perhaps you can see, with the perspective of time, just how petty you sound over TWO HOURS.


I hope, for your sake.

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I just end up laughing now. It's like some sick joke. LOL.


They won't release it!

They're holding it back to artficially inflate subscriptions!

They're incompetent!

They can't get it to work!

More broken promises, BioWare!



Ha-ha he-he ho-ho ho-ho...


Yeah, I'm waiting for the conspiracy folk and the people who said it wouldn't happen 'til May to have the testicular fortitude to mosey on in here and say: Uh...ooops, I was wrong.


I realise it will be a looooong wait. :)

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This may be a personal first for me.


I can't recall any other time in other various MMO's where people complained about servers going down for a content update.


Complain that the content wasn't ready? Sure. Complain about the content itself, absolutely. But about the servers going down to add more stuff.....


The "SWTOR players are the whiniest MMO players I've ever seen" threshold may have been crossed.


Maybe. If not, then getting close.

Edited by Skoobie
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Well for me it will be done by the time I get up in the morning, I'm in CDT. So at least for me it will be now only one day, as it will be tomorrow night while I'm in bed.


Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. It starts at 0001 hrs, CDT. So technically Thursday for you as well. They never said 72 hours. They said 3 days. So what they said was true... you know the rest. :)

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I'm glad it's perfect for you guys. Have fun when it goes live <3


As for the OP, sit down and shut up. There was no maintenance downtime on Tuesday this week, which means looking at the week as a whole it's only an extra two hours out of your time; two hours extra for a major content patch is not only acceptable, but completely reasonable.


Personally, I quite like having downtime during my prime time; it gives me the opportunity to catch up on the Funday Monday. Not a bad deal at all.


Note the difference, though. The usual maint. time does NOT affect him (he is a self-professed evening player) so he doesn't give a flip about all those it does affect but OMG, when it cuts into HIS playing time...time to get all freaked out.


Over...two hours.

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Oh look, the Americans are whining. I believe each and every one you told us EU players to stop whining, it's only a day etc when we got downtime that lasted till 5-6pm. The tears.... they are sweet. Oh and "stop whining".


Actually, before you start World War III, it appears to be ONE, maybe TWO Americans.


Put down the sweeping generalisation brush please.


Oh, I am in the EU so don't take a bite out of my backside please.

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Then it shouldn't be much of a problem, shouldn't you still be at work?


Surprise! The folk in the EU also work shifts or play during the mornings or afternoons as well. Hell, some of us are even retired.


But...most of us have grown used to the reality that this is an American based game on their schedule and losing a day a week isn't the end of the world. A day. Not two hours like Captain Grumpy, the OP.

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Because some consumers have complaints and do not wish to take a complacent back seat role in this Customer-Bioware relationship.



It's pretty simple.


Such avid consumers should have read their "contract" (EULA) then before they entered into an agreement based on said EULA.

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A a player who plays once a week on Thursdays this downtime does bug me a little. I just wish they would keep maintenance on a fixed night instead of chopping and changing (this not first time it has been switched to a Thursday). I know it is an important patch, but seeing missed this Tuesday and we have waited this long for it, we could wait just a little longer until next Tuesday.



Bioware, not really fussed about your maintenance times, but please can you keep expected maintenance on a fixed night. It is not all that much to ask for.


Sounds like a friend of mine who is a Thursday player but their maint. usually (yes, 3 exceptions that I can recall) IS regularly on Tuesday. This is not maint., this is a long anticipated update/upgrade/expansion/patch whatever you want to call it.


You know that some folks would have exploded having to wait 'til next Tues.? Think of the mess! :)

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Actualy i was on the tweet when he answerd about the three day warning. And what he said was we generaly try to give a 3 day warning but wasnt able to in this case.


But they never said i promise i will give you a three day notice. The only promise we got was that we would have notice. Wich we did.


And im one of the first to call them out when they need i. but in this case well its just not needed as they did what they said they would.

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Why the sudden change to 10pm as a downtime? You've already alienated the West Coast, New Zealand and Australia in the past, by shutting down at Midnight, now, you gotta screw over the West even more, and go at 10pm?


The downtime is 8 hours, same as every other downtime. Why the early shutdown? Why move it more into primetime?


Oh, and @StephenReid....3 days notice? Looks like about a 1 day notice to me, but then again, they didn't teach them new fangled math-e-ma-matics at my grade school, high school or college.




Less then 5 hours before you created this post you were on these forums whining that they hadn't posted a release date. On April 3rd, you 'Had a Feeling' that the release wouldn't be until the end of this month..


Now you are here whining because they are actually releasing 1.2? Dude go look in the mirror and re-evaluate who you are as a person.

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I don't think you quiet understand what I'm saying (or I don't understand what your're saying). If Tuesdays was the only night a week you could play, then you wouldn't be playing very often. So assume you can play other nights of the week. You are right if you can play anytime then one night a week shouldn't be a big issue.


My point is that saying its only 1 night get over it, doesn't fly for some. 1 night downtime off the regular schedule is good as saying we have a week of maintenance. Image the QQ if they came out and said that.


If you only have night a week to play, how is that BW problem? And what good is complaining going to do. They aren't going to reschedule for just you. Suck it up like an adult and get a life.

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Do we need to have a post like this every time there is game update and server maintenance?


Yes. Because if someone didn't log onto a public forum to complain for no good reason, the world would explode. And then we'd never get to use all those cool Legacy unlocks.

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If you only have night a week to play, how is that BW problem?


It's their problem, because i'm a paying customer, just like the people who can play 24/7. I don't go around telling them to stop asking for content patches because they have done everything.


And what good is complaining going to do. They aren't going to reschedule for just you.


This time it won't do nothing its been announced so it's not going to change, but in the next patch Bioware might consider doing at the same time as the weekly maintenance.



Suck it up like an adult and get a life.


Hard to tell someone who plays once a week to get a life. What do you think we do the other 6 nights of the week?

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It's their problem, because i'm a paying customer, just like the people who can play 24/7. I don't go around telling them to stop asking for content patches because they have done everything.


Actually it is not their problem. You are ONE customer. ONE out of hundreds of thousands. I think BW/EA would survive without your $15 a month.

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2 things bother me about the deployment of 1.2


1. Scheduled downtime was set by BW for tuesdays. Now they're changing it again, why wasn't this done today or next tuesday instead?


2. Now we're patching the day before the weekend. Why can I forsee 2-3 patches coming out on the weekend now? At least if it was a tuesday deployment then they'd have 2-3 days to fix any issues instead of letting us either ride it out over the weekend with a broken game or taking the game offline for a large percentage of the weekend.

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