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Game Update 1.2 will be going live on Thursday, April 12th!


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I'm a tad...worried.


"1.2 Legacy", with the only given notes on the patch being Legacy updates, UI and the new zones. Nothing wrong with that, but...what happened to the rest of it? Or am I missing something? Makes it sound like there will be future updates, "1.2 Class/Crew changes" or something.

Edited by Taomist
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Oh good lord give it a rest.


Of course it's not a coincidence at all that the announcement comes the same day GW2 pre-sales go live.


Major patches almost always occur (for any game) on normal down dates, and this one is on a Thursday? I smell desperation, and that is not a good thing for a new MMO.

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How long do you think the 1.2 update patch will take? System down for 8+hrs plus how long for it to install to pc? All day? Half day? Hrs? Minutes? Guesses???


Most of the time patch is avaible for download far earlier than servers for playing.



Major patches almost always occur (for any game) on normal down dates, and this one is on a Thursday?


Also, major patches always occur (for SWTOR) on Thursday.

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Of course it's not a coincidence at all that the announcement comes the same day GW2 pre-sales go live.


Major patches almost always occur (for any game) on normal down dates, and this one is on a Thursday? I smell desperation, and that is not a good thing for a new MMO.


Yeah they're trembling in their pants because of a game with no release date, wohoo.

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My quick thoughts on 1.2.


Customisable UI = Great, but should have been in since Day 1 tbh


PvE = Hopefully lots of bug fixes and good content.


PvP = Unsure how it'll play out. Changes to Comms, nerf bats being swung, Ilum going down the pan, new WZ & Ranked pre-season. Could be good, could be the death knell for some PvP'ers.


It'll bring lots of players back for a bit to see if anything is better, but IMHO I don't think they'll stay for long from what I saw on the PTS :(

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weeeha, the "messias-patch"!


UI - other companis wouldnt even release a game without ui-customization.. now its the uberfeature for this patch!! but hey, it was christmas and EA is all about $$. so they threw a unfinished game with tons of bugs on the market.


colour match - nice, little feature.


4 encounter operation - way too less content for pve players. insufficient, even when its harder.


pvp - one new warzone, tiny amount of new content added to the existing 3 played-to-death warzones. still no update for the illum-desaster.


still not one precise word about a server merger / transfer. 1.2 - without other players?


tons of unjustified nerfs (merc-heal / nerf of the healer in pve.. pvp whine? making the game harder -> the lazy way in gamedeveloppment bioware has chosen). there was a huge effort from players (like ruqu) on the ptr-servers to get a conversation started with the devs. pure ignorance was the answer. bad communication / lack of vision from people like georg zoeller.


LEGACY - pure fluff. all about twinking, in a game that is not worth to do alts. same dialogues, same routs, same steril levels, same planetquests, no alternative levelzones beside the classstory. sad that a "story driven mmo" is so weak in this regard.


well, lets see how things will going.

Edited by Elfstrom
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Put 1.2 off a week. Give the community a week to prep. Do it right.


I mean seriously, the patch is no where near ready to go live. You give your player base a 2 day notice that major changes are about to be implemented. ***?


Put it off a week so that people have time to prepare for it. These aren't small cosmetic changes you are introducing. These are major game changes.


Also, just reset all the BM and champ gear with changed mods.



That is seriously the worst excuse I have ever seen. Our intention? Seriously? You are about to change everything gear wise, so why would our intention(s) for old gear in the previous build have ANYTHING to do with not resetting it now?


You guys just keep making mistake after mistake after mistake. So, relax on 1.2 and make sure it's done right. This feels rushed and hurried.


just my 2 cents

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About the legacy (repost from the locked topic)


The color match is interesting still not as good as gear dyes.


The legacy family tree is fine but mostly a fluffy thing that still does not allows players to have different last names for their characters. And so far you can have 2 male characters linked as spouse. (I like that one though, kind of funny)


The legacy unlocks are either badly implemented (unlock the same specie you already caped out) or silly: Vader or Palpatine using flame throwers or Han Solo using force choke: no thank you.


The new gear sets are the worse part of the patch and the legacy gear... well you can already have this with orange gear in game. The main issue with the sets is while you can remove the mods the sets bonuses stays on the sets. Enjoy.


We're getting high textures still the in game shadows still look like from 10 years old games and you can't set the drawing distance meaning you'll keep seeing the grass growing around you.


The PvP won't even be improved: no possibility to choose to what warzone to queue and World PvP has now been put to rest for a few... months?


The UI is indeed the best feature from this patch but the UI is still killing the framerate. Open any UI frame multiple times if you don't trust me. BTW that's why we don't get chat bubbles either.


There's going to be huge class changes (Nerfs) and yet no free AC to AC respec. Brace yourself for the forum rage... soon™.


The suit makers are still butchering the lore and have a hard time understanding what's important in a MMO and even more what's Star Warsy/not.


LFG, Dual specs, Advanced Class respecs and server merge: have fun finding players to run your errands.


All in all the patch is more like a plaster than else: not it's not the messiah patch, far from it.

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The 1.2 Patch is so underwhelming to me, I don't care when they release it...tbh. In fact, I'm more annoyed by the 10 p.m. PST downtime than anything. Once again, my prime gameplay time gets trashed.


GW2 won't put a dent in this game from this point forward. Most of the hardcore PvPers that will be playing it at launch have already unsubbed and GW2 isn't a traditional MMO anyway.


BW really needs a smooth Patch this time. My confidence in them is already at an all-time low due to the disasters we had to endure in the previous Patches. They pushed this thing out an extra month for quality control. We will see just how good that extra effort really was or if their Dev team is just a bunch of total clowns.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I should be super excited for this...and in a way I am. There's unfortunately two things bumming me out


1. I have a ton of end of semester coursework to do, whig will be followed by exam time. Everyone knows mmos and exam time don't go well.


2. And this is the main one...will 1.2 bring people back? In particular my guild, its practically dead, havny raided in 3 weeks. I'm excited but also nervous to see what happens - I may have to find a new guild, which would suck

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Put it off a week so that people have time to prepare for it.


Because 1.2 hasn't been on test for over a month, and we didn't hear from James Ohlen at Pax East that it would release this week. Come on how, mate!

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About the legacy (repost from the locked topic)


The color match is interesting still not as good as gear dyes.

Agreed. However, it does separate the game a bit in my opinion and makes it more distinct in how it handles gear. Now I am going crazy to find and buy moddable chest pieces so I can RE and get schematics for them. It definitely adds a bit for me personally.


The legacy family tree is fine but mostly a fluffy thing that still does not allows players to have different last names for their characters. And so far you can have 2 male characters linked as spouse. (I like that one though, kind of funny)


I don't see why this is a problem since you don't have to show the last name for your legacy on unrelated rp chars. Also, not to start a gblt debate here, but I don't see how 2 males being spouses is funny.


The legacy unlocks are either badly implemented (unlock the same specie you already caped out) or silly: Vader or Palpatine using flame throwers or Han Solo using force choke: no thank you.


I don't see the problem with the implementation for the species (now I can have the pureblood family I created for role play) and the other one is not silly. I don't think you understand rp'ing very well. In role play you should not be limited. I have found a lot of reasonable role play possibilities for those powers and its not like you are going to see them often anyway, I never even use my Heroic ability in the first place. For every "silly" thing you find with these legacy unlocks, there are also a lot of brilliant things rp'ers come up with.


The new gear sets are the worse part of the patch and the legacy gear... well you can already have this with orange gear in game. The main issue with the sets is while you can remove the mods the sets bonuses stays on the sets. Enjoy.


No comment.


We're getting high textures still the in game shadows still look like from 10 years old games and you can't set the drawing distance meaning you'll keep seeing the grass growing around you.


I turn off shadows personally but I see this as a problem I agree with that.


The PvP won't even be improved: no possibility to choose to what warzone to queue and World PvP has now been put to rest for a few... months?

I think it all is being put off for a few months. The way pre-season sounds, its a live server beta for them to try to hone and perfect the pvp for when they implement all the pvp stuff in season one. That is my impression anyway.


The UI is indeed the best feature from this patch but the UI is still killing the framerate. Open any UI frame multiple times if you don't trust me. BTW that's why we don't get chat bubbles either.


I really never found this a concern however I do love looking at the game so I am going to be shrinking the UI since it is now available. Hopefully they will give us an eta on chat bubbles and stuff.


There's going to be huge class changes (Nerfs) and yet no free AC to AC respec. Brace yourself for the forum rage... soon™.

Agreed but there will be rage period for anything and everything at all times for the rest of eternity. I see this being a problem for classes that have a tanking/DPS/Healing tree in both ACs (mostly DPS) but otherwise, I don't see how this will be a problem since a lot of players don't like being anything but their role (DPS play DPS and tanks play tanks) since otherwise players role alts for those purposes.

The suit makers are still butchering the lore and have a hard time understanding what's important in a MMO and even more what's Star Warsy/not.


I don't know where to begin with this. I have seen no butchering really, but perhaps I have not played enough of the classes to understand. Also, Star Wars lost knowing what was Star Warsy the moment the EU was spawned so this is a problem plaguing the franchise itself, not how BW makes the MMO imo.



LFG, Dual specs, Advanced Class respecs and server merge: have fun finding players to run your errands.


Transfers are all I want, let the community migrate its own way. If some servers become dead empty by themselves, then it will become obvious for the Devs to merge them on their own.


All in all the patch is more like a plaster than else: not it's not the messiah patch, far from it.


Agreed, however it does fix a lot of issues and bugs that have bothered me personally so I am not apathetic to it. It just adds fun features for me until 1.3 comes out (which hopefully will be, as devs said, sooner than 1.2 was).



Answer in red.

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Two days notice? Really Bioware. . . . . Really?


Yeah I know right. How's a guy gonna get a tux ready on two days notice?!? Or hell, clear my schedule for 72 hours to burn through the content and then complain about lack of content! Weak.

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Not really excited at all. Been following the information pretty closely, not impressed. I like the game currently, I hope I still do after this mess is introduced.


Unfortunately I feel the same in some ways. Legacy system feels like a giant credit sink, ranked pvp matchmaking means I'll rarely see a Q pop without being ravaged by a 8 man pre-made, I mostly just run PvP alone or in small groups and otherwise solo dailies and other content, so this patch basically means *less* for me to do and not more which would be expected.


We'll see, I'm hopeful that there is some gem of content that I've missed being snuck in, or that the patch will revive my server enough for me to actually get HM groups in less than hours, but I doubt it.


Guess I'll reroll on Harbinger like everyone else did if worst comes to worst.

Edited by Celebrus
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