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Why Do People Want The Level Cap Raised?


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I don't understand this at all. "Are we getting the level cap raised soon? Please?"


What is the point of raising the cap from a player perspective? It seems like tons of people raced to 50 anyways. What would raising the cap serve to a player? You'll get to 55 in three days and go back to complaining there's no end game by the weekend. What changes about the game just by raising that number by 5-10 points that makes people request it?

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The level cap will need to be raised at some point for the same reason it is elsehwere, to reset the loot treadmill and any oligarchical growth, and because it gives a motivation to explore new content.


After 3 or 4 'tiers' of raid content it becomes prohibitively hard for new players, or returning players to catch up, not so much because there isn't gear available but because no one who has been playing continuously wants to bother with it. There will be a stratification of good players who've stayed good, got the best gear etc. and then the rest of us. It's helpful to reset that occasionally.


But beyond that, raising the level cap is just an excuse to add more stuff to the game, for the sake of adding more stuff to the game. And not really useful until we've had a couple of more raiding/pvp tiers.

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I'm betting SWTOR will adopt the same model other games use,

as in raise the cap with expansion packs.

And this will happen sooner or later, as not everyone is hopping on the loot treadmill.

But these people want progression too, they also want to see their characters grow.

Raising the cap and providing new leveling content is the carrot for these people.


The journey is the destination, if you will. :D

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have not seen anyone mention a level cap raise except the OP ?


Lots have games have managed without increasing it but if it does well im sure they will want to up it to sell expansions etc


I saw it on the suggestions page, and I keep seeing it repeatedly in the Q&A question request threads.

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I don't understand this at all. "Are we getting the level cap raised soon? Please?"


What is the point of raising the cap from a player perspective? It seems like tons of people raced to 50 anyways. What would raising the cap serve to a player? You'll get to 55 in three days and go back to complaining there's no end game by the weekend. What changes about the game just by raising that number by 5-10 points that makes people request it?

I've always felt that level should decay; this would then ensure ongoing need to gain new XP to maintain your 50.


Closest I ever played was SWG with the GCW decay. Really would like to see a workable system applied to Level.

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I've always felt that level should decay; this would then ensure ongoing need to gain new XP to maintain your 50.


Closest I ever played was SWG with the GCW decay. Really would like to see a workable system applied to Level.


That's a concept that's way too hardcore for me, and probably most players.


Let's say work/family/boredom keeps you away from the game for a couple months. You come back, and your 50 is now a 30. Instead of being able to do endgame with your friends you're stuck leveling again through content you've already done. That probably would make me permanently unsub.

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I don't understand this at all. "Are we getting the level cap raised soon? Please?"


What is the point of raising the cap from a player perspective? It seems like tons of people raced to 50 anyways. What would raising the cap serve to a player? You'll get to 55 in three days and go back to complaining there's no end game by the weekend. What changes about the game just by raising that number by 5-10 points that makes people request it?


If they can get the level cap raised significantly, then they can try to outlevel everyone else's character so they can be the Gods of PVP Pwn@g3.

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That's a concept that's way too hardcore for me, and probably most players.


Let's say work/family/boredom keeps you away from the game for a couple months. You come back, and your 50 is now a 30. Instead of being able to do endgame with your friends you're stuck leveling again through content you've already done. That probably would make me permanently unsub.


Yeah, it would be bad enough to have to have to download the patches, relearn your class after whatever changes were made to abilities and skill points, and regear... then to stab you in the back with de-leveling, making you pay to learn things you already knew!

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It really is just a traditional model for progression in MMO's. Unlike non progressive games, mos MMO's are created with the concept of continual progression, or development. When a game utilizes the Class Level mechanic, the only real way to provide progression (outside of gear lvel progression...a relatively newer concept), is to raise the cap. As stated before, it's usually done with content release, as a simply level cap increase does no good.


SWtOR is so young ATM, i too am surprised at people discussing level cap increases. Just goes to show you how much the "speed to cap because lower levels don't matter" idealism has ruined MMO's. SW has enough storyline, content, and interesting class variations that I still haven't dug too deeply into end game yet.


level cap wont hit until next year...or at the earliest, holidays this year. one expansion per year is pretty competitive (think wow still adheres to that model), so unless they want more time, were looking at 8 months min before an expansion of that caliber

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