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Spoiler: Torian Hate


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Okay first off I'm forced to take on Bieber Fett as a companion and deal with all the 'mando'a' **** that I hate from the EU.


Then when he gets himself kidnapped, I don't get to chew out Mando Jr. for getting caught and forcing me to come rescue him?


Given the choice, I'd leave him there to rot. IIRC I told him when I found him to keep up or be left behind.


There weren't even any LS or DS choices that I remember seeing that related to Torian, just the guys who kidnapped him.


I know there are a lot of people out there who love Torian, but I can't stand the little snot and wonder what happened to the people who created Canderous Ordo, and why I can't have a Mandolorian like that as a companion.


You know, one who made me respect the Mandolorians and not roll my eyes and reach for my blaster every effin time one of them even mentions a Travissty.


Please Bioware, bring back the options to kill our companions. Beiber Fett is begging for a blaster bolt.


I mean of all the companions I have that would make a sympathetic kidnap victim (Mako? Blizz?) they chose the one who shouldn't allow himself to get captured. The one from a warrior culture.


And I don't get to throw that in his face? Seriously?

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I can't take credit for it, Can't remember where I heard it first.


I mean I've had love/hate relationships with some of the companions, but I haven't found any that actively made me want to log out besides Beiber Fett.


I refuse to treat him with any kind of respect. I'll trade him to some fando for Akavvi. She uses a staff as well, but actually acts like a Mandolorian.

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Well i m not a fan of Torian but any companion is better then Skadge

so when i got that mission to go save him i was oh well there s nothing good on TV anyway:D

Also i think its not fair getting Torian kidnapped because he is the romance for females so i guess they`d miss him, while me as a male don t care but if Mako we re to be taken i would ve really FELT SOMETHING and would ve stormed in any trap

would ve been a great opportunity for the story to mark us some more, especially since i promised Mako: "nobody is gonna lay a finger on you while i`m still breathing"; but hey that me:cool:

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I agree, why not just kidnap whichever companion has the highest affection OR is a Love interest.


Trust me, Beiber Fett is not a love interest for my BH, unless you count things I'd love to get rid of.


Like I said above, practically every other companion (Skadge excluded) would make more sense as a kidnap victim. Having it be Torian just makes me hate him that much more as a useless hanger on.

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Ya, his personality is a whining wuss, but gear him up and he is a bad azz dps. I wish they would have recorded LS and DS conversations so you could mold these guys into the personality you want. In Dragon Age 2 for instance you could talk Meril into embracing her evil drain powers.
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Yeah I'm with you on hating Torian. Emo teenage power ranger with bieber hair who wants to be a big honowable wawwior when he gwows up. It doesn't help that the whiny twerp has scars that mark the passage of his emo tears down his cheeks.
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Like I said above, practically every other companion (Skadge excluded) would make more sense as a kidnap victim.


I would rescue Skadge, somebody's gotta complain and he's a pro.... besides i like him standing guard over the cockpit.... keeps Bieber Fett from getting any ideas about Mako, could you imagine the way skadge would bully a little twerp like Bieber Fett if he tried to walk past him into the cockpit to talk to Mako? I don't think that tincan armor would protect him much against the atomic wedgie Skadge would proceed to inflict upon him.

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I would rescue Skadge, somebody's gotta complain and he's a pro.... besides i like him standing guard over the cockpit.... keeps Bieber Fett from getting any ideas about Mako, could you imagine the way skadge would bully a little twerp like Bieber Fett if he tried to walk past him into the cockpit to talk to Mako? I don't think that tincan armor would protect him much against the atomic wedgie Skadge would proceed to inflict upon him.


For the most part, I've looked at this thread and thought 'I disagree entirely, but hey, everyone has an opinion'. But I draw the line here. Brute strength, yes Skadge wins. But over all, Torian could take him down.

I wouldn't be suprised if Skadge got caught because he swung at security, slipped on a bananna peel and feel straight onto his blobbish face.

I'm fairly sure that if you just dodged him long enough Skadge would get so annoyed he'd charge at you, allowing you to neatly step aside and vent the airlock he just ran into...

I wish that was the final conversation with him...

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For the most part, I've looked at this thread and thought 'I disagree entirely, but hey, everyone has an opinion'. But I draw the line here. Brute strength, yes Skadge wins. But over all, Torian could take him down.

I wouldn't be suprised if Skadge got caught because he swung at security, slipped on a bananna peel and feel straight onto his blobbish face.

I'm fairly sure that if you just dodged him long enough Skadge would get so annoyed he'd charge at you, allowing you to neatly step aside and vent the airlock he just ran into...

I wish that was the final conversation with him...


THIS. this this this

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Not sure why all the hate on Torian. I use Mako more often but when I need to clear mobs, Torian tears through them. His sustained damage is quite good and he actually can hold aggro relatively well.


Even performance wise, he's more useful than skadge who talks tough but can't really contribute jack to the crew. Torian may be a little whiney but put him up front and the guy performs.

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Torian couldn't beat Skadge in a fight. Not on my ship at least.




'Cause it would be Blizz, Gault and I helping Skadge.



Bieber Fett loses.


Even without our help, Skadge is at least smart enough to know Torian is slippery. That's why he waits till he's sleeping and slits his throat and leaves some burnt bread on his face.


But to get back on track, I hate Torian because he's manufactured to be cool, nothing he says or does backs it up. He's a paladin, he has beiber hair, ritual scars, and a soul patch. He might be uber dps, but he looks like the kind of person who if you jacked him in the face he'd start crying rather than remember he's a trained Mandalorian.


But he's not, he's a hippie farm boy from a 'warrior' culture that got ruined by a moronic EU author.

Like I said in my first post, where is the Canderous companion?

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I agree, he makes the best tank, hold agro most of the time, and dishes out DPS better than the other companions.


Tanking.... Blizz is my favorite tanking pet, I kinda doubt Torian out tanks him.... For dps I don't think he stands a chance against Gault, who just so happens to be my preferred dps companion...... Torian may be the better balanced tank/dps companion, but to say he is the best at both sounds extremely suspect....

Edited by MagnisLupus
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Tanking.... Blizz is my favorite tanking pet, I kinda doubt Torian out tanks him.... For dps I don't think he stands a chance against Gault, who just so happens to be my preferred dps companion...... Torian may be the better balanced tank/dps companion, but to say he is the best at both sounds extremely suspect....


I spent time and credits test driving blizz, gault, skadge and torian with equal gear builds... Torian worked best for me.


Since then I have upgraded Torian with the best gear possible to make running daily commendation quests a bit easier/faster.


However with 1.2 maybe it would be worth taking a second look at Blizz or Gault, but skadge seems like a waste of time.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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I disagree with the topic, the more I play with Torian the more fond I grow of him. For starters


-he has changed my mind about dps companions since he is very good at it


- he fits the role of the second-in-command perfectly with his serious, professional attitude in the five-man-band (just look how perfectly the BH crew fits that trope lol, except Blizz, he is kind of a pet with a missile launcher)


- He has an awesome voice actor


All in all, I cant understand why someone doesnt like him. Him speaking mando'a is just flavor. The bounty hunter crew is the best I have come across so far in SWTOR, I absolutely love it. It feels like really welll-knit group, all fugitives, alone against the galaxy. Adventures await, lightspeed, engage!


ps. lol at "Bieber Fett"

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But over all, Torian could take him down.

I wouldn't be suprised if Skadge got caught because he swung at security, slipped on a bananna peel and feel straight onto his blobbish face


Have you read Skadge's codex entry? That describes how he killed three Belsavis security details (plus friends) with his bare hands?



All in all, I cant understand why someone doesnt like him.


I can appreciate what you're saying about his professionalism making him a good second, but in my opinion that aspect of him is vastly overshadowed by the teenage angst element. Between his Bieber hair, his no-one-understands-me social pariah issues, his daddy issues, and his constant fan-worship of my bounty hunter and Mandalore... I just can't get over how much of a child the guy feels like, despite his professionalism. He'd do well as a protagonist on Power Rangers, with the angst and the hair and aloof intensity that makes teenage girls squee at Twilight characters, but on my ship he's just an irritant. Between him, Mako and Blizz I rather feel like my character is a hitman stuck running a daddy daycare service.

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He actually seems to mature with the quests. He's one of my go to companions on Voss right now, and his dialogue is actually quite good. It's very different from the kid you meet on Dromund Kaas and later on in Taris.


Personally, I think the Hoth kidnapping part should have been your toon's romantic partner/or a randomly drawn companion if no romance so Mako or Torian.


The only companion, besides Skadge, that I cannot stand is Gault. He can't stand me either. I take 3 steps forward and 2 steps back when it comes to his companion quests. lol


Despite his "bieber-ness" lol, Torian is good at helping you to shred through enemies quickly and efficiently. It's usually a toss up whether I use Blizz or Torian. Both are good companions in taking on many enemies.

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He actually seems to mature with the quests. He's one of my go to companions on Voss right now, and his dialogue is actually quite good. It's very different from the kid you meet on Dromund Kaas and later on in Taris.


Personally, I think the Hoth kidnapping part should have been your toon's romantic partner/or a randomly drawn companion if no romance so Mako or Torian.


The only companion, besides Skadge, that I cannot stand is Gault. He can't stand me either. I take 3 steps forward and 2 steps back when it comes to his companion quests. lol


Despite his "bieber-ness" lol, Torian is good at helping you to shred through enemies quickly and efficiently. It's usually a toss up whether I use Blizz or Torian. Both are good companions in taking on many enemies.


Regarding his maturity, Mandalorians are adults at the age of 13. Torian is about 25. He's been an adult for quite a while.


Been thinking about writing up a "clearing up misconceptions regarding torian and Mandalorians in general' post, but I'm feeling lazy.

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Here's my beef with him. All through out our little lead up meetings to where he actually becomes a part of the crew he's carring a rifle. When we kill the "spoiler" we are after he uses a pistol(the pistol I want actually). When we get him as part of the crew, techstaff... What?!?! He's not a paladin, he's a ranger in power armor. His stalking skills are second to none, if anyone, Torian needs to be the sniper and gault is the back ally fighter.


As for his bieberness, I had to take the high level mando helmet off my head and buy another one of GTN. With a T-bucket on his head I don't see his emo/gang honors, bowl cut, and his voice is auto-tuned to something alittle tougher.

Edited by ExileFett
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