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where's Naboo?


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Oh come on, 1977 wasn't THAT long ago.


It was a long time ago in 1977 :p


Lucas should really be more specific with that... theres about 5000 years worth of SW history (or more) and all of it just "a long time ago"


You'd think TOR would better be described as being at least "a VERY long time ago" in relation to Episode 1

Edited by MasterKayote
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it has. its even mentioned several times in various story quests. i think my favorite is the bounty hunter remark "do i look like the queen of naboo to you?" in response to various npcs.


Yeah, it is one of the few lore errors/easter eggs by Bioware that made it into the game...


The Star Wars the Old Republic game takes place between 3,643 BBY and 3,641 BBY. That means that Naboo was discovered only 300 years before the events in the game.


Naboo was first discovered around 3,951 BBY by the Republic explorer Kwilaan. The human population on Naboo during game events was very scarce. So scarce that there were only few conflicts between humans and gungans. Not to mention that gungans were not even united by that time. The gungan nation unification took place during a gungan civil war about 3,000 BBY (600 years after game events)... There are only few mentions about a human rulers from that time period (only one worth mentioning was human king Narmlé the Explorer from around 2,000 BBY)...

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My question is, where is Earth?


It is set a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, doesn't mean they can't hyperspace jump to BC earth though.


Come on Bioware! Lets have a pre-civilisation neanderthol storyline, and have it leading up to the invention of the iPad.


In order to travel between galaxies, we'd need some sort of relay technology. It's have to be massive. Massive relay technology. It'd also have to be built by some sort of cuttlefish looking machine race with a convoluted backstory bent on wiping out all organic life to prevent organic like from creating machines that will wipe out organic life.


So that'll never happen.



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Not to mention, underwater combat sucks. Has anyone played Vashjir in Cataclysm? Worst zone ever, I spent most of my time in Mt. Hyjal.


Aww, really? I actually liked Vash'jir. It was great for herbalism. Plus, despite the fact that it was completely useless outside of Vash'jir, who didn't love a seahorse mount?


Wow, I really wish I had something of substance to contribute to this thread. I, uh, thought Naboo was really pretty in the movies too?

Edited by Dolcia
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I'd rather have Geonosis...they mention it enough in the game, plus there's Geonosians on Tat, and who wouldn't want a recreation of the Battle of Geonosis TOR style? :p


ummm I wouldn't. Hate Geonosians... poor reason for including them in SWTOR. Nor do I want Naboo. Gand might be cool or an asteroid with a very thin atmosphere requiring oxygen masks

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In order to travel between galaxies, we'd need some sort of relay technology. It's have to be massive. Massive relay technology. It'd also have to be built by some sort of cuttlefish looking machine race with a convoluted backstory bent on wiping out all organic life to prevent organic like from creating machines that will wipe out organic life.


So that'll never happen.




I see what you did there.:cool:

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Kashyyk has been done. And hasn't changed much since KoTOR.

Was glad they brought back taris for us to see it now.


For those who have played Kaon Under Seige (flashpoint) I want a planet with the feel of that. Especially as a tank going through there the first time is intense. My first time through it was on hardmode and it had a genuinely freaky feel to it. Rakghouls jumping out at anytime, your characters having flashlight droids following you lighting your path was great. So maybe twist it up, another planet with Rakghoul infection would be cool, but darker and scarier. flashlight droids to light your path. More sense of desperation in the community living there. Post apocalyptic style. Yee hawww.


Sorry if I went off topic, got excited.

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In order to travel between galaxies, we'd need some sort of relay technology. It's have to be massive. Massive relay technology. It'd also have to be built by some sort of cuttlefish looking machine race with a convoluted backstory bent on wiping out all organic life to prevent organic like from creating machines that will wipe out organic life.


So that'll never happen.




Maybe we could get a soldier to then go on an epic journey to defeat the cuttlefish-looking machine species after gathering all the different species in her galaxy with her. She could then be faced with an epic choice and save the galaxy.


I'd write more, but I should go.

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Naboo hadn't joined the republic until much later in the Star Wars universe. So I doubt Naboo will be featured due to its unimportance except it being on a trade route. At least I think that's why it joined the republic. Why else would the Trade feds want to invade it(other than palpatine telling them to).
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Maybe we could get a soldier to then go on an epic journey to defeat the cuttlefish-looking machine species after gathering all the different species in her galaxy with her. She could then be faced with an epic choice and save the galaxy.


I'd write more, but I should go.


Mass Effect right? :D

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Naboo hadn't joined the republic until much later in the Star Wars universe. So I doubt Naboo will be featured due to its unimportance except it being on a trade route. At least I think that's why it joined the republic. Why else would the Trade feds want to invade it(other than palpatine telling them to).


Being on a trade route would give a pretty solid reason for both factions to have stake/interest in the planet. Supplies are key during a war.


Mass Effect right? :D


Yep :cool:

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Maybe we could get a soldier to then go on an epic journey to defeat the cuttlefish-looking machine species after gathering all the different species in her galaxy with her. She could then be faced with an epic choice and save the galaxy.


I'd write more, but I should go.


That could work, but I imagine that the epic choice would boil down to the same outcome, but with different colors.


That'd probably make a lot of people very mad.



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That could work, but I imagine that the epic choice would boil down to the same outcome, but with different colors.


That'd probably make a lot of people very mad.




Maybe that epic choice would be really similar to a previous installment of said story where that soldier could choose between saving a piece of technology or destroying it, which essentially had the same outcome. It could also be like a choice made even further back in her career where she had to sacrifice one of her squad to get the mission done, which essentially had the same outcome because the surviving squadmate acts almost exactly the same as the other would upon survival.


That epic choice would also be chosen by the soldier that has been on a mission against impossible odds. She then is faced with the best way to get rid of her enemy and accomplish her mission.

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The thing we have to remember when adding new planets is this: Why are the Empire, Republic and other factions fighting for it? There has to be specific reasons in order to create good story line, etc etc. I see a couple reasons: 1. Same as Alderaan. When you think about it they are very similar, but then again why are we fighting over Alderaan? I personally don't know.


Reason 2: The bubble technology of the Gungans. Think about the things you could do with it, the Empire especially. That tech could be PRICELESS. Underwater fortresses, away from Ion cannons, orbital strikes, etc. You think about it.

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The thing we have to remember when adding new planets is this: Why are the Empire, Republic and other factions fighting for it? There has to be specific reasons in order to create good story line, etc etc. I see a couple reasons: 1. Same as Alderaan. When you think about it they are very similar, but then again why are we fighting over Alderaan? I personally don't know.


Reason 2: The bubble technology of the Gungans. Think about the things you could do with it, the Empire especially. That tech could be PRICELESS. Underwater fortresses, away from Ion cannons, orbital strikes, etc. You think about it.


That doesn't have to be a reason why a world should be added. It doesn't have to benefit either faction but just the player. One of the aspects of Star Wars is the dream of exploring the universe and go where you want. The world could benefit your class or story wise, there could be missions where you help the locals. If the world was uninhabited, players could be there to hunt strong mobs and hunt for treasures.


The possibilities can be endless and don't have to benefit the Republic or the Empire.

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