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Server population is dropping...


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I also am reasonably sure certain Repub Brazillians on my server run hacks (Flux, Mortalis Famuilor, etc). I've seen things in my first three days as a mele 50 I've NEVER seen in all my 10-49 play before - or in my matches against fellow imperials. They do way too much damage (their expertise advantage can't be more then about 300) to me, and take in much less. They should be (armor and defenses equal) be taking in at most 5% less (and dealing 5% more) damage to me when I've got 1050 expertise. It's way more then that. In some cases, 35-50% more. I was crit for 8000 once a couple days ago. I can readily accept they are better players, but the math is telling me it's something more then that.


It is players who use hacks like that which turned me off to PvP a long time ago. My first experience was when playing Diablo online back in '99. Some cat invited me to a dungeon, we went down and killed some bad guys down there ... then with nothing shot at me or a spell cast that I could see my character was just instantly dead, and the cur texted, "Ha ha, got your ear!" Was done after that.

Edited by GreySix
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If they follow suit for what they did with the Asia-Pacific servers, they won't merge low populations. They'll allow transfers, which will only compound the problem. Everyone will transfer off of their dead servers, and servers like The Fatman will have 1500+ queues while 90% of the other servers are completely dead. Just another example of Bioware's complete lack of competence with this game. They should have just stuck to making single player RPG's, even though the past few they've made have also sucked (DA2, ME2, ME3).


You seriously are my brain online.


I go to type something and instead, you are there, posting exactly what I want to express.


We should play Tera/GW2 together my dear brain. (early-access this weekend!)

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You know, I see a lot of people saying why they don't like this game and how things can be improved, all of which has been said time and time again. And to those of you that don't enjoy playing the game, do what myself and two friends did. We cancelled our sub and I come back to the website every other week to see what's going on. The only reason I can post right now is because of that free month that got added to my account, which I used to log in, check out the legacy system, and logged out and that was it.



So much for consoleing level 50s or legacy 6 free 30 day promo.As if anyone actualy needed consoling,people quit they quit, take care of consistant subscriptions.

I stated in a different thread that the 30 day promo BS was misguided,and that the people who had unsubscribed would unsubscribe after 30 days.

leaving subscribers with unbroken subscription pissed off and begin debateing as to wether or not they will cancel or give themselves a free month.

Nothing against the guy above me, we all have the freedom of choice as to how we game.

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You seriously are my brain online.


I go to type something and instead, you are there, posting exactly what I want to express.


We should play Tera/GW2 together my dear brain. (early-access this weekend!)


Gw2 is beta for preorders and not early access this weekend.

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I can tell you why that chart right there is false, they listed The Red Eclipse (EU) way down the population line, below servers that are almost always light/standard when TRE is the third most populated server in Europe, case closed.


thats because people forget that Europe is on a diferent timezone mostly GMT 0 or GMT +1 it should be arround 5 hours diferent than US time so Europe primetime happens 5 - 6 hours before US servers time ( considering they on CEST ) :cool:

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Gw2 is beta for preorders and not early access this weekend.



I think the early access was in reference to Tera. Their early access starts on the 28th. If my swtor crashes 1m time after tonights patch ill be unsubscribing and playing Tera. Even though i don't think its worth the box price plus sub. I need something to hold me over until GW2 launch. The BFF report Mikeb did and the bit they did about Tera on gamebreaker's twimmo turned me onto it.

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James Ohlen's response to the character transfer question from PAX East:

"That is one of our #1 priorities right now. I walk into our programmer’s office and ask them everyday if we can get that feature out faster. So yes, it is coming soon. We need to make sure when you xfer over that it comes with everything like legacy, guild and all that stuff. It is not as easy as it might seem."


thank you for clearing that up much appreciated

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If they follow suit for what they did with the Asia-Pacific servers, they won't merge low populations. They'll allow transfers, which will only compound the problem. Everyone will transfer off of their dead servers, and servers like The Fatman will have 1500+ queues while 90% of the other servers are completely dead. Just another example of Bioware's complete lack of competence with this game. They should have just stuck to making single player RPG's, even though the past few they've made have also sucked (DA2, ME2, ME3).


Nothing has been said yet about how the possible server transfers are being done. If all servers can transfer away and if all servers are available to transfer to. For example: A server like Fatman that has almost daily queues might not be available to transfer to anyway.

Yet, you assume they will do this in such a way that everyone will be on one server without there being any word on the what and how. How can an assumption of how they will do it be an example of their lack of competence with the game? It is more an example of your biased view concerning how they handle the game.


Look, if your point was that you wanted to point out the possible problem of having totally open transfers, than you could have said that as well without bringing Bioware's competence within your point. It would make your opinion a lot more valid. Now, it is just a whine post which happens to bring up a good point.

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If they follow suit for what they did with the Asia-Pacific servers, they won't merge low populations. They'll allow transfers, which will only compound the problem. Everyone will transfer off of their dead servers, and servers like The Fatman will have 1500+ queues while 90% of the other servers are completely dead. Just another example of Bioware's complete lack of competence with this game. They should have just stuck to making single player RPG's, even though the past few they've made have also sucked (DA2, ME2, ME3).


Or.....they could just do what they planned and let people transfer to specific servers and close down the old/dead servers when everyone is off them. I would rather see 20 heavy servers than 90 light/standard.


My server has like 10 level 50's online at most during peak time. :wea_03:

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I noticed it's pretty popular to assume if you're not having fun it must be the end of the world, because you can't be the only person suffering in this world.


Ever since WoW destroyed the 'take an year to get your gear' model, there has never been a lot of stuff to do in a MMORPG, because WoW proved giving people an year of stuff to do and people will just whine 'how come I can't have it all now?' Therefore pretty much all content can be consumed in about 2 months of dedicated playing and if you haven't figured this out you must not have played a MMORPG in the last 10 years or so. So of course you will see people log on less often because it is actually possible to be finished with what you need to do, rather than a game like EverQuest where you literally have to grind an year to do everything that can be done (and this model sucks, btw).


I guess people see having 200 guys lagging Ironforge or Imperial Fleet as a sign of the server being alive, though if it really happened you guys would be posting about how the lag sucks and the game is dying because nobody is doing anything besides AFK on the Imperial Fleet. My server started with 200 people on Imperial Fleet and now it's about 100, but I still get PvP queues at roughly the same speed. Maybe not as often as back in its absolute peak but that was clearly unsustainable. It's almost as if some of you would rather suffer through lag or kill stealing if it means seeing 30 other guys doing dailys in Belsavis. I can do my dailys just fine without ever seeing another person.

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Torstatus is reporting a 7% increase in population since the week of patch 1.2 meaning not only are the players that came back for 1.2 staying but they have also added an additional amount of players.


In other words, servers are growing.......rapidly.

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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good thing they made it feel like a single player game aswell. I feel like i'm playing kotor 1/2 again. This game wasn't built for pvp like most seem to think.


Game is fun. I like exploring on my own. I try to stay off the fleet unless i need new schems. Too much talk that this isn't WoW or they need to fix pvp or I'm unsubing.

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Sadly I have to endure a server queue when logging in at peak time again. Did not have this ever since probably the release of it. Still, you all have to remember that this month is free to play for a large group of players and with new contents the numbers might have soared but will it last after free subs expire - we do not know.
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Facts are:


Niman Server have something around 10 to 20 people at prime time.


Nothing happens no Economy no WZ no nothing empty just empty......only things it works there is the Eco on the fleet.


This are the facts.

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I just came from playing GW2 beta. And well I prefer SWTOR a lot more!!!!


I agree, SWTOR beta we pay to play now is better than GW2 open BETA, the difference is that this beta has been out for quite alot, and GW2 Beta hasnt.


Also GW2 Beta is F2P and SWTOR Beta is P2P.

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I agree, SWTOR beta we pay to play now is better than GW2 open BETA, the difference is that this beta has been out for quite alot, and GW2 Beta hasnt.


Also GW2 Beta is F2P and SWTOR Beta is P2P.


same complaint can be made.. swtor had 3 years of development


gw2 is pushing 6 years of development.. and it is a worse game...

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same complaint can be made.. swtor had 3 years of development


gw2 is pushing 6 years of development.. and it is a worse game...


It is great that we agree, both SWTOR and GW2 suck and should be in development for alot longer, and what we got as a final product we pay for is considered an early beta version.

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Torstatus is reporting a 7% increase in population since the week of patch 1.2 meaning not only are the players that came back for 1.2 staying but they have also added an additional amount of players.


In other words, servers are growing.......rapidly.


You clearly havent played on a dead server....theres 3 * level 50 on mine atm and 12 * 1-49

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