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Server population is dropping...


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Why do you people keep bumping this stupid thread?


Because playing massive multiplayer online game is fun when nobody is on...am I right?


Why? Because people want to correct the flaw in BioWare's thinking that this isn't a issue. Because people ARE leaving the game regardless of how many there are wearing rose colored glasses (i.e. playing on one of the few higher populated servers).


While the game may be fun, and overall good, the lack of people on some servers, many of the servers, is a deal breaker. Because trying to do heroic quests while leveling isn't possible. Because we are tiered of empty trading posts. Because we are tired of trees falling and no one hearing...

Edited by Incendergel
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personally im ok with me being alone and certain worlds such as when im doing multiple missions to get to level 50. im losg time if someone comes in and starts killing what i need to kill to further my quests then when i try teaming with em they just decline nad continue the kill stealing. i mean im fine with them merging a couple servers but check if people want to first or you could get more people leaving
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Look. I think most of us asking for mergers are in agreement the game wasn't at fault. We actually found it fun and worthy of our money. However, it isn't fun when there isn't anyone on. You know, the whole thing about if a tree feel in the forest would anyone hear it??? MMO's are social by nature. Remove that aspect and it doesn't work.


People are focusing on the dev's saying the game servers are healthy or some posts about subscriptions. The bigger question though is why are people posting saying their server is either lightly loaded or a ghost town? Why did this thread split, what, three times now? Not because we are trolling. We are actually concerned because we actually care. Go figure.


Servers are empty - those are just facts. What more facts? Friends play free for 7 days? Oh, here is a new one. Return players 7 days free.


How about giving people still paying to play the game a free 7 days for rerolling? Or putting up with empty servers? Or dealing with the bugs in the game that hasn't been fixed yet...

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I agree with so much that has been said on this last page.


It needs to be said that the complaints here aren't the "OMG MISTS OF PANDARIA SUCKS! WARCRAFT IS BAD NOW!" people, from what I can see.


So far, I love SWTOR. In spite of the glitches and kinks that need to be ironed out, it's a great game. The leveling experience is phenomenal. But on servers like mine, once you hit 50, there is nothing to do. 15 level 50's on in the entire game at 8pm server time? Not talking in the fleet. In the entire game! Are you serious? Who am I supposed to group up with, much less run operations with? This is an MMO. Please fix this, BW! I'm not going to reroll on another server. I'm sorry but I just can't bring myself to do that. As someone previously suggested, if it comes to rerolling or putting up with the insanely low population forever, I'll just go play Skyrim. I had a good time leveling my characters through my storylines, so no hard feelings, but I'm not going to pay $15 a month for this.

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I love this game, I feel it is VERY well designed and immersive, and it could have a future... but they just don't seem to get the basics.


On my server, since I am one of the very few sub-50's in my guild, I am usually either the only one on a given planet at a time or one of two or three. I have NEVER seen more than about 15 people in the fleet at once. There are always more guild members online than total players in any given area. Around 8pm every night, pvp dies... and I mean it DIES and doesn't pop again. This is my first toon, and I'm now lvl 47 and in a good guild so I would hate to just re-roll on another server in order to see if there really is such a thing as having 50 people in the fleet or actually being able to pvp more than a few rounds of huttball a night. How in the world have they not merged servers yet?


And I can tell you that the general consensus, at least in my guild, is that 1.2 was an epic fail. The nerfs were frustrating (apparently), we were led to believe we could customize our gear colors when all we can actually do is check a box to match the chest piece (and not even for companions), and the legacy system was a colossal letdown.


As I said, I love this game but the community as a whole is very unhappy. Most of these issues are so easy to fix, but they just seem to be completely blind to what everyone is SCREAMING is wrong with the game.


Please fix. I want this game to succeed.

Edited by jefftones
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Lots of folks came back for this patch. I expect they ALL will leave again, as will a lot of people that stuck it out waiting for 1.2. I predict server merges and tumbleweeds within the month. Fact is the game's future hung on this patch and it just hasn't delivered. Sure there are good things, but they fall flat imo.
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Why Bioware doesn't delete some servers so the population of the remaining servers will increase? Right now my server Firkrham Cristal is more than dead. on the IMP ship there's like 20 people and on the other planets there's like 10 people MAX. I can't believe it...


That would be admitting defeat in the market. Nothing would hurt sales and subs more. As it is the only indicator of SWTOR's downward trend is us, the people playing it everyday. That's easily discounted by saying we're all full of ****. As half the posters in this thread are doing. Merging servers etc. would be demonstrable proof of the games downward trend.

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Well here's a dumb question but if I'm not mistaken, these servers rack servers? If so why don't they just combine a few. Literally you can strip the software on one, copy character profiles to another then stripe the drives to increase speed and size. I'm sure they already have a few drives stripped in raid already. But hell, whats another few TB's? Would totally save power too. Then u can donate the extra hardware ie processors, power supplies, and racks, to me:). Or, take a note from EvE online and make one massive world:D"general chat would be just dumb lol". Tell me that wouldn't be sweet. Having multiple stations all over huge maps. But that would just be way to much coding to be even fathomable. Edited by jagyro
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Half the people in my guild have re-rolled to another server with a higher population. I thought 1.2 would bring them back to our original server at least for a little while, since none of them have a Legacy on the new server, but it hasn't. If my guild is any indication, people don't care about Legacy features. They want an MMO.


BioWare needs to bite the bullet and merge servers. It may look bad, but it'll look even worse when they lose more subscriptions. They can spin it in a positive light: "Hey, we're the company that takes responsibility for our mistakes and does what's right for our customers!" A lot of people would find that refreshing.

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shame.. it's like single player mode..


I'm on Bao-Dur (Europe) because for some reason ages ago when I've started playing the game I thought standard pop server means it's a standard pop.


right now when the legacy is out I wanted to try and complete one of the 10+ flashpoints on my journal or try an operation maybe but... I'm the only one on the fleet! use that's right 1 man on the imp fleet.


right now I don't know if I should abandon my legacy and the server and put all of my hard efforts to waste for another server with more population.


so anyone knows a server with more then 1 man per planet?

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My server has been hopping, tonight it had 125 people in fleet on the Imperial side even late into the night. I know this anecdote means nothing to those suffering on low pop servers, but I just wanted to mention it.


I think if Bioware is really having retention issues with players below the level cap, implementation of a robust LFG system with automatic pairing and travel for flashpoints and operations is something that will help (yes, a "dungeon finder" tool). I'm guessing they're waiting until more such content is available first, which is why it was mentioned as a possiblity for 1.3.

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shame.. it's like single player mode..


I'm on Bao-Dur (Europe) because for some reason ages ago when I've started playing the game I thought standard pop server means it's a standard pop.


right now when the legacy is out I wanted to try and complete one of the 10+ flashpoints on my journal or try an operation maybe but... I'm the only one on the fleet! use that's right 1 man on the imp fleet.


right now I don't know if I should abandon my legacy and the server and put all of my hard efforts to waste for another server with more population.


so anyone knows a server with more then 1 man per planet?


pics or it didn't happen.


In the meantime, the sky is falling! It will be upon us within the next few weeks I am sure of it!


What do you mean I said the same thing months ago? And back then it was 1.1, ability delays, Ilum, or whatever was the FotM 'fix/patch where the future of the game depends on'. I know I am right, my predictions always come out.. eventually.

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pics or it didn't happen.


In the meantime, the sky is falling! It will be upon us within the next few weeks I am sure of it!


What do you mean I said the same thing months ago? And back then it was 1.1, ability delays, Ilum, or whatever was the FotM 'fix/patch where the future of the game depends on'. I know I am right, my predictions always come out.. eventually.


Well I guess it didnt happen multiple times to me as well on the Nathema server then.


Yup never happened. That's why I rerolled somewhere else, unfortunately.

Edited by FrancoisTogruta
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interview with James Ohlen on Darth Hater.



DH: Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?


JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.



The rest of the interview.



Reading this... this is really the final straw for me. I just canceled my account. Have fun and see you all in other MMOs. :)

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I just came back to the game after the first free month and I have to say it does feel like playing a single player game. Yesterday on The Exile's Crystal EU server at peak time I was the only player on Nar Shaddaa. The Empire Fleet had under 20 people on it. I don't want to reroll because I've already done so once, so I'm hoping to get a server merge or something soon... I can't even do any of the flashpoints because not enough people in my level range. :( Edited by Mahdoton
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pics or it didn't happen.


In the meantime, the sky is falling! It will be upon us within the next few weeks I am sure of it!




over an hour that the fleet is empty.


I have a dire problem to find groups to do even the 2+ heroics on my server only on weekends evenings there is a "good" population of 40-50 ppl on the fleet.


so I guess that I have to start new legacy on another server.


server recommendations? might be needing to play on us server rather the eu server.

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over an hour that the fleet is empty.


I have a dire problem to find groups to do even the 2+ heroics on my server only on weekends evenings there is a "good" population of 40-50 ppl on the fleet.


so I guess that I have to start new legacy on another server.


server recommendations? might be needing to play on us server rather the eu server.


This pic, most of all, shows how the population number indication is bugged. I see at least you and one other person in that one picture, and the /who shows nobody and the number shows 1. This is proovable not correct if you look at the actual situation.


Now, low pop on specific servers is, of course, a problem. I am personally on The Progenitor, an RP server, and have no population issues except on off hours. Many adult players play there and therefore getting groups during working hours is almost impossible. During peek hours though, the population is very healthy and I am enjoying the server a lot.


And there are many more good population servers on EU to reroll on.


PS. I also notice a lot of low pop servers have more pop problems on Empire than on Republic. I guess this could possibly proove that Imperial players came more for the shiny than anything else.. and when that got old they left.

Edited by Devlonir
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over an hour that the fleet is empty.


I have a dire problem to find groups to do even the 2+ heroics on my server only on weekends evenings there is a "good" population of 40-50 ppl on the fleet.


so I guess that I have to start new legacy on another server.


server recommendations? might be needing to play on us server rather the eu server.




Healthy server EU:


(PvP) Tomb of Freedon Nadd

(PvE) The Red Eclipse




(PvP) The Fatman

(PvE) The Harbinger


There are only 2-3 healthy servers per region with at least steady or growing playernumbers, so this game has serious problems.

At the moment the PvP servers are bleeding subs really fast.

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Healthy server EU:


(PvP) Tomb of Freedon Nadd

(PvE) The Red Eclipse




(PvP) The Fatman

(PvE) The Harbinger


There are only 2-3 healthy servers per region with at least steady or growing playernumbers, so this game has serious problems.

At the moment the PvP servers are bleeding subs really fast.


That's because 1.2 has ruined PvP. Bioware shot themselves in the foot with this patch.

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