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Server population is dropping...


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Well 1.2 or not the situation is getting worse by the day. And then i read this and get even angrier at everything. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/EA-Viral-Marketing-Exposed-Big-Buyout-Horizon-40885.html


Ive seen people defending EA/Bioware on this propem on this and other threads like it, now I find they migth be paid trolls to sell us bad service?


And people wonder why they got the award.


People who defend or troll games could be paid. It really is hard to tell sometimes because there is enough money to be made for either cause. As much as I dislike the delusions of many of the forum faithful I would hestitate to call them paid. However, out side of the forum is a different story. The real problem that needs to be addressed is why Bioware wont do the right thing and merger/offer tranfers.

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from that article




Bolded for emphasis.


@KrittaB - I really hope you're not surprised by all of this. Why do you think EA has the moniker of "Kiss of Death?" This has been known for years what they and other companies are doing.


They are a corporation after all - first and foremost. They care nothing about you or anyone else. They're 1st and primary concern goes to the stockholders. If they don't receive their quarterly dividends then heads begin to roll. Simple Business 101.

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People who defend or troll games could be paid. It really is hard to tell sometimes because there is enough money to be made for either cause. As much as I dislike the delusions of many of the forum faithful I would hestitate to call them paid. However, out side of the forum is a different story. The real problem that needs to be addressed is why Bioware wont do the right thing and merger/offer tranfers.


For the simple reason that until EA tells BW to jump and how high, they can only sit on their hands and wait. BW isn't really to blame for this entire fiasco - EA is. You know, EA has the reputation to being the very worst company in this country. Go here:







Even Forbes made mention of this dubious honour.





and this is a modern article from April this year.

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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I dunno guys... I calculated some stats and according to my calculations there should be between 1.76 million to 2.35 million active players right now. Although the game really does look pretty empty to some extent the statistics just don't lie! I can even explain my calculations if you don't believe it but it looks pretty convincing to me.

Perhaps the dropping in population described has something to do with the instances system I hear they put in the game. Plus the insane number of servers which spreads out the population really thin. But you certainly can't say the population overall is low because this game is in the top 10 from players number perspective!

Edited by AlexNOSAM
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I dunno guys... I calculated some stats and according to my calculations there should be between 1.76 million to 2.35 million active players right now. Although the game really does look pretty empty to some extent the statistics just don't lie! I can even explain my calculations if you don't believe it but it looks pretty convincing to me.

Perhaps the dropping in population described has something to do with the instances system I hear they put in the game. Plus the insane number of servers which spreads out the population really thin. But you certainly can't say the population overall is low because this game is in the top 10 from players number perspective!

Ya. Maybe if they made the player instances (not zone instances) all one instance on a server things might improve?
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The difference being that there is independent corroborating evidence that water is necessary to sustain human life. Since 4chan is not a credible source, please provide another source to back up your assertion that this is "standard marketing practice."


Yeah but trying to use Reddit, olol, to boost the creditability of a post on 4Chan is plain stupid.


It's all beside the point because unless you're breathing through your mouth you already knew EA, and every other large publisher, makes use of viral marketing. You can see it going on with GW2 right now.

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Sat in fleet today for 47 mins and counting an entire 7 ppl log on. How exciting!!!.


GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Team! Uh, my bad, I think they left... lmao! It's all good, my server is a ghost town as well. Sometimes that's not a completely bad thing you know. I can collect more things without other ppl getting in my way and it's like I'm da king of the planet, uh, i mean railed instance :D

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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The difference being that there is independent corroborating evidence that water is necessary to sustain human life. Since 4chan is not a credible source, please provide another source to back up your assertion that this is "standard marketing practice."


As you wish. Here's a nice article that was relatively easy to find. It's not the only one.



The practice isn't just standard, it's so well known that it's got it's own word that even conservative etymology puts at about a century old.

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Big big big big problem on my server (Bondar Crystal) Republic side. Republic were always severely outnumbered on this server, but lately it seems like the population is just diminishing to ridiculously low numbers. The other day I was in the fleet in the afternoon and there were 5 republic players on including myself. I thought "well I'll check the Imp side and see how things are over there." I don't play Imp currently, but my daughter does, so I hopped on her character and found there were 50 Imps on in their fleet. Yes. They outnumbered us 10 to 1. 10 to freakin 1!!!! It's nigh impossible to find groups to do anything with.


My friends and I were assigned to this server automatically because we took advantage of the pre-order guild creation tool and having leveled our toons to 50, we really really really don't want to have to abandon our guild and re-roll on another server.


Something really needs to be done. I don't know what that something is. I'm not raging about this. It just makes me sad because I like this game a lot and it's becoming more and more frustrating to play.


Warzones frequently end early because there aren't enough Republic players to fill the team, and when they do fill up, it's usually a couple minutes into it, so the Imps have steamrolled us since we start out outnumbered. Frustrating!

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It's a pretty standard marketing practice, and I'm not sure why anyone is shocked, or even disbelieving.


As for 4chan... Relevance fallacy.


(A) Someone on 4chan mentioned that water is necessary to sustain human life.

(B) 4chan is obviously a bunch of lunatics and internet trolls.


© Water is actually poison.

Looks like you're making an Argument from fallacy to me...


the guy makes a valid point: 4chan is not really a bastion of reliable sources, so "some guy on 4chan claims X" isn't really all that useful as supporting evidence.


The practice isn't just standard, it's so well known that it's got it's own word that even conservative etymology puts at about a century old.
You're not actually showing that it's standard practice.


Insider trading* is so well known that it's got it's own term. That doesn't mean that it's "standard practice" ...


*and you can insert probably hundreds of different terms here.

Edited by ferroz
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Were there too many servers at launch? Could that be the reason for some low population servers?


i really dont see server population a issue. I know i saw 5 people on tython yesterday but no big deal for i normally dont group but when i do its with my wife when she is on. im not part of a guild to group and my wife is not either so we dont see this as a issue.

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GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Team! Uh, my bad, I think they left... lmao! It's all good, my server is a ghost town as well. Sometimes that's not a completely bad thing you know. I can collect more things without other ppl getting in my way and it's like I'm da king of the planet, uh, i mean railed instance :D


LOL so true.


I play game like a single player game and will spend hours going up and down Alderaan and Balmorra roads for ach and salvage nodes.


With only 5 people (counting myself) on those planets during prime time hours, I rarely have to contend with someone else for said nodes!


Is a upside to everything :)

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I don't understand why merging servers is a sign weakness. So they opened to many to soon, so what I was a mistake. Own up to it and merge some servers to get a better community going. Tarro Blood was an early access server and it is now dying. Give me transfers or a merge, just something.


I really think that the reason these servers are like you all say they are is because people are moving to a more populated server. I my self are trying to move away from crouded servers because i hardly ever group and dont join guilds.


I am for the server merge if it will help you all with groups and guilds.

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I really think that the reason these servers are like you all say they are is because people are moving to a more populated server. I my self are trying to move away from crouded servers because i hardly ever group and dont join guilds.


I am for the server merge if it will help you all with groups and guilds.


I know this is basically a singleplayer co-op game, but you should keep your fifteen bucks and just play Skyrim.

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i really dont see server population a issue. I know i saw 5 people on tython yesterday but no big deal for i normally dont group but when i do its with my wife when she is on. im not part of a guild to group and my wife is not either so we dont see this as a issue.


As many pointed out earlier. The way you play it doesn't matter. The game is really nothing more than a single player game the way you elect to play it. You don't group. You saw 5 people on. You "normally" don't group and play with your wife. Not part of a guild. So you don't see it as a issue.


3 people in the fleet wouldn't phase you one bit. It wouldn't phase me either if that is how I play. However, I don't play like that 50% of the time while leveling and 90% of the time post 50 or whatever the end game is. Leveling up I group for heroic side quests and some flashpoints - thus the 50%. Oh, maybe a few warzones to keep Valor and Avatar level the same.


Post 50 though is another story. I can't tell you how many lvl 40+ instances I was unable to finish because the lack of people (which lead to tank or healer shortage). Warzones lost due to games starting before filling up, then aborting or cycling through the join, aborting, leave, bug which extends the game until the other side wins. The time it takes to build a group, set a time, or just queue up for something.


Hell - I've wanted to build the +10 datacron - guess what, can't. Not enough people on or enough people on that are interested or willing to help. This isn't a shard / instance thing either because there just isn't anyone on.


Your fine - great. Here is a beverage of your choice to you and your wife. However, the rest who play differently it is a deal breaker. Some will move, some won't. And hope all you or I want but 1.2 isn't going to address it.


Hate to say it while shards and instances did well for leveling and deploying the game it utterly failed it once people found their groove. People will leave faster than new people joining or older players resubbing. Just isn't going to happen.

Edited by Incendergel
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