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Everything posted by Jochob

  1. Very interested. Question though, are there any runs on Sundays or Mondays? A little about me. I have played several MMOs since 2006, mainly WoW. Although I have played all the roles, I have mainly tanked. If you are familiar with WoW I tanked for a US-Tich server top 25 guild, US top 500. I started playing Swtor back in 2011 when it started, but returned to WoW. I left WoW a little over a year ago because my guild crashed and all my friends stopped playing during the last tier of the last expansion. I had no desire to find a new guild mid-tier because as a tank it's impossible to find a quality guild. I recently started playing Swtor again (approximately a month ago)I currently have all 4 classes at 80. I have my legendary implants on my Sin Tank currently. Any of the 4 can be in 334 Prototype gear, I just need to figure out which one I want to play and in what role. All of them have maxed professions. My toons are currently spread across several guilds, and none support what I want to do. I don't PvP much, not to say I'm not willing to learn, but raiding (operations) is more my thing. Let me know if there is anything more you'd like to know. Look forward to talking to you. So'ny (Sin Tank), Creative (BH), Mean (Jugg), Monoliphic (Operative) Sulfa#0473
  2. Bummer thats what I was afraid of. Thanks!
  3. Just coming back to the game and have a quick question. Few years back, when I played consistently, I boosted a Merc to 65. Can I go back and do the Story Arc quest and get credit for Legendary or do I need to make a new Merc and lvl to 50 through Chap 3?
  4. I was like...Tank LF...........nvm /logoff
  5. Sat in fleet today for 47 mins and counting an entire 7 ppl log on. How exciting!!!.
  6. This is what you have to remember about this game: First, that it is unlike WoW where the tank charges in and cleaves everything and holds aggro on everything. Second, this games mechanic are different. Most pulls have 2-3 elites, 2-3 strongs, 2-3 normal mobs. With this game, you would cc a couple of the elites while the tank picks up 1 of the elites and the strongs while the dps burn the normal mobs. The you work on the strongs, then the elites one at a time. That is the way this game was intented to be done. Not charge in and AoE the crap out of everything while your healer spams its biggest heal.
  7. Are they any good? Are they viable? Are people actually tanking End Game with them? thinking about starting one so any help would be nice. Thanks
  8. OP: Thanks, I have been using this spec for about a week now, and noticed the difference from my Tactics build. Only thing is, like you stated, this spec is not for the week hearted, be mind full of your ammo and watch for HiB procs, if you do that and play smart this is a very good spec and I really enjoy playing. Thanks again.
  9. Commando is DPS and Healing while Vanguard is DPS and Tanking. I haven't found "solid" proof of it yet since DPS is hard to measure, but I have heard that Commando will out DPS Vanguard atm. I play a Tactics Vaguard and like it, its part melee and part range DPS. Where Assault is a Med range DPS.
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