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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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In major MMO terms, I think under 1.5MM subs is the new dead yes. - that's less than 20 million per year in revenue... factor in all your on-going costs and you pretty quickly you realize there is very little money for things like improvements...


That said, I don't think they even have 1.5million after this month.

How did you get 20 million?


1.5 million * $15/month * 12 month/year = 270 million dollars/year.


even if you are really conservative:

1.5 million * $10/month * 12 month/year = 180 million dollars/year.

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You still don't explain how 1.7 million would not feel dead but 1.5 million would.
Oh that's easy; in the former case, the game is new and people are logging on a lot. So the average usage is 6 hours /day (which is the number that bioware threw around). In the latter case, people aren't logging on nearly as often.


So the former case wouldn't feel dead and the latter would.


note: I'm not actually making any claims about this, just explaining how it's possible.

Edited by ferroz
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Dragon Trail: 13:54 4/10/2012

Republic Fleet: 12


The Fatman: 13:56 4/10/2012

Balmorra: 87


The Fatman is the only one listed as Heavy (East Coast PvP server)


There are 19 other servers currently listed at Standard (both East/West PvE/PvP servers)

It doesn't matter time of day I would wager then more or less since both are showing good populations.


The rest of the servers are light.


Mid-day on a weekday people work, go to class, etc. Peak occurs from roughly 6 pm to midnight.

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How did you get 20 million?


1.5 million * $15/month * 12 month/year = 270 million dollars/year.


even if you are really conservative:

1.5 million * $10/month * 12 month/year = 180 million dollars/year.


Ha, I missed that he was claiming $20 million per year! That's obviously much too low.

Edited by Kthx
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Therein lies the problem with regards to your statement, and others. All you care about is the in-game community on "YOUR" server. And that is all you need for proof.


The sad truth of the matter is you are ignoring the same proof people are providing you based on their in-game community and their server. Isn't that a double standard? I mean honestly if you say the game is fine based on your server yet others are saying that it isn't based on the server they are playing yet you ignore it.


You can't have it both ways.


People are stating facts that the server they play on is a ghost town. Republic fleets having 11 to 33 people during prime time...imagine what the starting or other planets have. You think people are making this crap up?


Deny all you want. It is a issue and people are leaving because of it. Those are the sad facts.

Please accept my apologies. Perhaps I should have put a period after "All I care is that the game will be fine." The subsentence after that about the in-game community on our server being all I need for proof is accurate. For that I won't apologize because it's the only accurate gauge I have. It's the only accurate gauge anyone has.


I chose to hang with our server community when queue hell broke loose during early access. As mostly seasoned players who understood & accepted how this MMO launch thing works, we (the server community) gathered around the campfire, sang Kumbaya or whatever & rode it out together. The server is healthy, active and mature now for it. Mask of Nihilus for those scoring at home.


What created this whole thing was Bioware placating the screams of an impetulant mob over login queues during early access by adding 6 dozen new servers at launch. Those players, who rerolled on the new low pop servers they so vehemently begged for, are the same players who are now screaming that their servers are dead. (Most everyone else is making their point in a post then letting it go.) Instead of patiently waiting out the 3+ weeks it took BW to fix the queue issues (like our server did) they got their wish and blew themselves up with it.


I don't feel for the ones who got impatient and bailed for the new low pop servers - because they created this mess. But I honestly do feel for the players who are stranded on low pop servers now because of it. It is an issue, just not a pandemic as some sensationalists would have us believe. Hope to Hades that this gets fixed tout de suite and that BW never listens to screaming mobs again.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Mid-day on a weekday people work, go to class, etc. Peak occurs from roughly 6 pm to midnight.


No one is arguing that. Go back through the entire thread and you will see people are noting the time of day, day of week, etc. We all know East vs. West vs. School vs. Work. While I do not think you had any ill will towards what I said you can go back and see that I always include time of day, day of week, etc.


What I'm basically saying is that I already know this and aware people will call that out. In short, I'm not trying to hide. If you want I will post the numbers now for The Fatman and then come around again later and post the Dragon Trail to show the difference. It won't matter because it will be about the same.


Heck, let me do that. Logging into the Fatman now.


3:53 PM PST / 6:53 PM EST

Balmorra: 130 people

Imperial Fleet: 27 people / shard - I'm in instance 2


3:55 PM PST / 6:55 PM EST

Republic Fleet: 25 people

I KNOW THIS IS NOT PRIME TIME - used for a reference is all

Not shard, single instance


Will post back in about 3 hours to show the difference. That will be 6/9'ish West/East...

You do the math...

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Please accept my apologies. Perhaps I should have put a period after "All I care is that the game will be fine." The subsentence after that about the in-game community on our server being all I need for proof is accurate. For that I won't apologize because it's the only accurate gauge I have. It's the only accurate gauge anyone has.


I chose to hang with our server community when queue hell broke loose during early access. As mostly seasoned players who understood & accepted how this MMO launch thing works, we (the server community) gathered around the campfire, sang Kumbaya or whatever & rode it out together. The server is healthy, active and mature now for it. Mask of Nihilus for those scoring at home.


What created this whole thing was Bioware placating the screams of an impetulant mob over login queues during early access by adding 6 dozen new servers at launch. Those players, who rerolled on the new low pop servers they so vehemently begged for, are the same players who are now screaming that their servers are dead. (Most everyone else is making their point in a post then letting it go.) Instead of patiently waiting out the 3+ weeks it took BW to fix the queue issues (like our server did) they got their wish and blew themselves up with it.


I don't feel for the ones who got impatient and bailed for the new low pop servers - because they created this mess. But I honestly do feel for the players who are stranded on low pop servers now because of it. It is an issue, just not a pandemic as some sensationalists would have us believe. Hope to Hades that this gets fixed tout de suite and that BW never listens to screaming mobs again.




I don't disagree with some of your comments actually. I'm also not the one using third party references for server statistics. I'm honestly just stating what I see based on the server I play on. Pretty much what you said how you judge the pulse of the game. Honestly, that is all either of us can do.


No apology is needed, although I believe you said that in jest, if not, I apologize :) Now with that cleared I'll tell you this. The game looks and feels different when you play on a higher populated server AND faction. I'm dead serious. I'm originally from Dragon Trail. You will see that throughout all my posts. Moving to Fatman the game feels different and has a thriving economy. I can finish my heroic quests. I can buy things off the galactic trader. I ignore more people due to silly or gross chat. It looks and feels that different and honestly makes a more enjoyable playtime.


Some people have a lot invested in their characters either by the real life time they are allocated or just a virtual bond. Then there is the virtual credits, crafting alts, etc. It is what it is.


I guess what I'm telling you, and others outside the game is dead, 20 million of this, 1 million of that; is that server population and faction imbalance directly effect the quality of the game. Because of this it also directly impacts the subscriber base because some people will leave for whatever reason for which I won't name. Why? Because I can only speak for my actions.


I would prefer open server transfers to occur before the patch drop. That is just my opinion. I think it will provide a bigger bang for the buck than a LFG tool or anything else for that matter.

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I'm actually really looking forward to that, just so that all of you people will leave us alone and go complain about that game instead.


When all of us people go there instead, your game will have barely any population left.


SWTOR will be free to play very soon. Who knows how long until this sinking ship closes down.


Either way you wont have anyone left to play with, they will all be over at Guild Wars 2.

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Servers will fill up again once 1.2 comes out. People simply got bored that's all. Kinda what happens when you race to endgame =P


Happens in most mmos to be truthful, peeps clammer for the game rush it and knock themselves out. go away for a bit until the content gets added then come back, when they come back if they like what they see they stay if they dont they go. simple as that.


And the server population is just a by product of millions of peeps all hitting the game on day one-seven, finding a huge q to the server they wanted to go onto. played on a dif server to not have the q and once the q's settled down and the server caps were increased went to the server they intended to goto in the 1st place where all there mates are.

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I don't disagree with some of your comments actually. I'm also not the one using third party references for server statistics. I'm honestly just stating what I see based on the server I play on. Pretty much what you said how you judge the pulse of the game. Honestly, that is all either of us can do.


No apology is needed, although I believe you said that in jest, if not, I apologize :) Now with that cleared I'll tell you this. The game looks and feels different when you play on a higher populated server AND faction. I'm dead serious. I'm originally from Dragon Trail. You will see that throughout all my posts. Moving to Fatman the game feels different and has a thriving economy. I can finish my heroic quests. I can buy things off the galactic trader. I ignore more people due to silly or gross chat. It looks and feels that different and honestly makes a more enjoyable playtime.


Some people have a lot invested in their characters either by the real life time they are allocated or just a virtual bond. Then there is the virtual credits, crafting alts, etc. It is what it is.


I guess what I'm telling you, and others outside the game is dead, 20 million of this, 1 million of that; is that server population and faction imbalance directly effect the quality of the game. Because of this it also directly impacts the subscriber base because some people will leave for whatever reason for which I won't name. Why? Because I can only speak for my actions.


I would prefer open server transfers to occur before the patch drop. That is just my opinion. I think it will provide a bigger bang for the buck than a LFG tool or anything else for that matter.

I concur completely, and also believe character transfers is the way to go. :)
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Pure naysayer thread. There is no facts surrounding this insertion. Therefore, it is pure nonsense.


Do the math, there's a deficit in subscribers versus boxes sold. I'm sure this # has changed since Feb 1st, 2012. Though you are partially right, we have no proof as of right now. We will see with their next report.



"Star Wars®: The Old Republic™ has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month" (Electronic Arts 2012)


References cited: Electronic Arts (2012), Q3 FY2012 report, available at [http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1783843244x0x538997/0bdba9f2-8364-4394-9a21-563bd460d841/EA_Q3FY12_Earnings_Release_2_1_12_12.15PM.pdf]

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Do the math, there's a deficit in subscribers versus boxes sold. I'm sure this # has changed since Feb 1st, 2012. Though you are partially right, we have no proof as of right now. We will see with their next report.



"Star Wars®: The Old Republic™ has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month" (Electronic Arts 2012)


References cited: Electronic Arts (2012), Q3 FY2012 report, available at [http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1783843244x0x538997/0bdba9f2-8364-4394-9a21-563bd460d841/EA_Q3FY12_Earnings_Release_2_1_12_12.15PM.pdf]


If you actually expect the number of subscribers to be equal to the number of boxes sold....


MMOs are a different market. A lot of players might pick up the game, play it for a month, find that it's not the game they wanted, and stopped paying. It's happened in pretty much every MMO ever.

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So there's been a clear answer now, Bioware has no plans to merge servers:


There is a lot of debate in the community about server population. Any insight on how you guys feel about the population distribution?


JO: We always take feedback from the community and from all kinds of different sources like our telemetry metrics, and take it very seriously. When we hear that from the community, we are listening. We have the plan to allow for character transfers in the future. The legacy system actually is another reason why character transfer is becoming more important. It is one of our biggest priorities right now; that and group finder are essentially are biggest priorities coming in the near future after Update 1.2.


Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?


JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.


Source: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20070-pax-east-2012-interview-with-james-ohlen-and


I'm not sure how having under 150 Republic players online on the entire server at peak times can be considered healthy. More and more people are leaving or quitting from my server, what I want to know is, how is this going to be fixed? When transfers come, either a load of people are going to transfer to my server (why would they potentially condemn themselves though? It's dead), or some of the few remaining people will transfer off, only exacerbating the problem.


I'm not bothered how server populations are or aren't doing, but more wanting a clarification on what exactly the plans are to help servers like mine (Niman). The answer given was a non answer "There a whole bunch of different ways you can do that." - Like what, exactly? I would love to know what the plans are. I ask this because my friends and I have put a lot of time into our characters on our server, we don't want to abandon them, so we've been waiting, hoping for news. This has crushed my hope.


If the transfers don't cost, then it's not too bad, but it will still lead to a lot of servers getting a whole lot quieter. If they do cost, then likely it is something we won't be able to do - it's more likely my friends will just give up playing than have to pay to move to another server.


What hope can we have now? I like this game, I want to be able to enjoy it, but it seems Bioware really don't want to make that easy. :/

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If the transfers don't cost, then it's not too bad, but it will still lead to a lot of servers getting a whole lot quieter. If they do cost, then likely it is something we won't be able to do - it's more likely my friends will just give up playing than have to pay to move to another server.


What hope can we have now? I like this game, I want to be able to enjoy it, but it seems Bioware really don't want to make that easy. :/


This echoes my outlook. If transfers are free, many guilds can organize and move to other servers and players can continue to help create mega servers for people and guilds to transfer to.


However, if transfers are not free, and a server such as mine which is deemed on the heavier side, (but in all honesty doesn't feel that way in the slightest) has enough people that pay to move off which would make it feel even more dead, then we would just unsub and move on. It is what it is.


I will not pay to move my character but I would like for the MM part of MMO to kick in at some point.

Edited by Ivalice
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What is the date on the article?


If that is really their view then I think they made a big mistake. If people cancel because of it then hopefully they put it as a reason. Good game aside the social aspect of it is ruined when there is no one on. I've beat the horse to death a million posts already but here it is again.


No conflict

No social aspect, no chat, nothing

Warzones take longer

Warzones loss due to unequal teams, starting, and aborting loop

No economy

Not enough lvl 50's to field encounters, flashpoints, heroic group quests

Nothing materials to craft


Out of the 175 servers or whatever number they have some will grow when people move. The servers they left from will grow even bleaker. The remaining people will just say it isn't for them as much as they like the overall game, the multi-player aspect of it will be dead and force them to move.


Right or wrong, it is what it is and the game will suffer because of it. Those on the higher populated servers will thing everything is fine.

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What is the date on the article?


Right or wrong, it is what it is and the game will suffer because of it. Those on the higher populated servers will thing everything is fine.


Uhmm My server is dead yet I can find a group and flashpoint to work with. Theres atleast 200+ (on both sides) people everyday logged in spread out of course. But Honestly this thread should die out already. Whether the trolls on this thread know it or not, this game is growing.

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Uhmm My server is dead yet I can find a group and flashpoint to work with. Theres atleast 200+ (on both sides) people everyday logged in spread out of course. But Honestly this thread should die out already. Whether the trolls on this thread know it or not, this game is growing.


Come to Niman (not now, it's nearly 4 AM, but at like 6-7PM). I'd love to have even half that amount online at peak times, hell, even a QUARTER of that would be nice.


Your server isn't the only one, while there certainly are some servers that are growing, there's also, clearly, a number that aren't, and are in fact, getting worse.

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