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SWTOR Your Opinion, If it matters..


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I love much about this game, I have a few complaints though.


The length of time spent levelling between class quests later on into the game, sometimes I have to spend all day just levelling because I have a three level handi-cap and can't kill the boss.


Canonical inconsistencies, getting Red Eyes once you are at Tier 3(4?) with Sith Corruption, something that has never happened in lore, and worse, the fact non-force users can get signs of corruption whatsoever, it isn't canon.


No SGRAs yet, we have only the vague answer of 'this year' coming with story extensions, real bummer for me after experiencing the great romances seen in BioWare's other series.


That is basically it, besides all that, I love the game so far, makes me look back at Aion and wonder what made me pay £8.99 a month for it.

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I agree. TOR has a great talent system. WoW is streamlining theirs basically to make it easier for them to control the classes....imo.
I think the ability imbalances/complexities that addons created really stymied WoW. Blizzard's dev spent more time keeping up with them than they did creating anything different. Note I used the word different instead of new, because they aren't the same thing. That won't be a problem in this game.
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Apart from setting (which matters a lot) and the much-touted storyline (which is different from "voice acting"), not much. And that's by design. EA played it very safe with SW:TOR. For this, I am both disappointed and thankful. Firstly, it ensured that SW:TOR would be a success. This has proven true. But it also meant that innovation would be a long time coming.


I've always said that this genre cannot revolutionize - it needs to evolve. Games that try to revolutionize fail, time and time again. A game needs to start safe, build its resources, and evolve into something that can be considered revolutionary.

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I knew I would get "some" useless answers but this is getting funny tbh. Thanks to the 2 people that gave decent answers.


I can't even log in anymore.


Whatever time i log in I feel like the fleet just closed for the night and I'm the overnight janitor.


This game sucks.



Funny, could say the same thing about the majority of your posts.

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Funny, could say the same thing about the majority of your posts.


Yeah useless to people like you that will die defending this game even when it folds cause you are a Fanboi..


People here and everywhere on these forums are expressing legitimate concerns that are by a large majority being ignored.


I love how Bioware comments "We are working hard on server transfers" Who are these guys kidding?


They sound like Hostage Negotiators "We are working on that Chopper you asked for"

I can't think of any MMO that does not have this feature.

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My favorite part is the way TOR UI says



lvl 33

On big friendly letters at bottom. As a bonus, UI shows my face!


In every single game I have ever played, forgetting my character's name, looks and class has been a major issue. Not in TOR! " Cosh darn it, what class was I again?! " No problem, Skippy! Just take a quick peek at your UI and it's problem solved!


Of course, this awesome feature comes with modest price tag of sorts. Buffs, debuffs and most importantly procs are virtually impossible to see in heat of combat without magnifying glass. But then..what is more important? Knowing you have some dumb proc rolling or knowing you are a SITH MARAUDER as opposed to Smuggler or such?


Other favorite features of mine include hard coded keybinds. it is awesome ctrl-S and ctrl-a are hard coded and can't be changed! Only a complete fool would want to BIND stuff behind ctrl-WASD keys in game using WASD based movement.

Edited by Stradlin
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There are plenty of opinions and lots of disagreements going around. Because of this I wanted to ask one simple question to see what logical responses come out of it.


My question:


Besides graphics & voice acting, What do you think is better in SWTOR compared to other MMOs?


The fact that you can follow a storyline and the story is not an afterthought as in most other mmos.

The fact that a (casual) duo can do a lot of the harder content, unlike most other mmos that require a full group to do anything worthwhile.

The fact that it offers a welcomed change in the way an mmo is played, i dont say its better (because it isnt) but its different and for me at least its a welcomed change.


Not much is better in SWTOR compared to other mmos, actually most of what is here is worse, but after all is said and done, SWTOR offers an enjoyable experience.


For the last eight years ive been playing what i consider to be the best mmos ever made (Ryzom, EQ2, SWG, Matrix, Vanguard), and yet for some odd reason i have a good time playing SWTOR despite the obvious design idiocies i see at every step.

Edited by kaboro
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It's new... New stuff. New character. New places to go. New things to do. New gear to look at. New story. New quests. New weapons. All looks pretty new. And I'll play till I either get bored or something new comes out. But at the moment it still feels new to me.
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The fact that you can follow a storyline and the story is not an afterthought as in most other mmos.

The fact that a (casual) duo can do a lot of the harder content, unlike most other mmos that require a full group to do anything worthwhile.

The fact that it offers a welcomed change in the way an mmo is played, i dont say its better (because it isnt) but its different and for me at least its a welcomed change.


Not much is better in SWTOR compared to other mmos, actually most of what is here is worse, but after all is said and done, SWTOR offers an enjoyable experience.


For the last eight years ive been playing what i consider to be the best mmos ever made (Ryzom, EQ2, SWG, Matrix, Vanguard), and yet for some odd reason i have a good time playing SWTOR despite the obvious design idiocies i see at every step.


No doubt, the game is fun and I also enjoyed it till the end when it becomes obvious this is a single player game dressed and sold for an MMO. I don't see server mergers coming, maybe cause they want to charge for tranfers like they are charging for extra character slots, maybe cause there servers just can't handle more numbers than they have. IDK but I still find it amusing that nobody mentions "Legacy" as a good thing, so much for that stupid idea.

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Over all, I feel the single player game and story are much better then Any other MMO.


However they are also still very forgettable. Alot more work needs to bedone into the class story. There is too much standing around in a circle talking and not enough cinmatic glory. I mean they are a few time where you are fighting with your master as the enemy pour in. This is awsome and really stands out, But it's very very rare.


They need to make better use of the green zone areas. When i free so people, I should be leading the charge out in a massive battle all around me. With some cut sense of glory mixed in.


Right now the 200 hours of game play are not worth the 4 or 5 cool moments in the story IMO. So they is no reason to do them all. FOCUS on the class story, Noone cares about the trash quests



Every thing else about the game is GOOD, They just lack content right now when you compare it to WoW. They need more end game group stuff to keep you going after you finish a class story. They need it fast before the population drops to far

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There are plenty of opinions and lots of disagreements going around. Because of this I wanted to ask one simple question to see what logical responses come out of it.


My question:


Besides graphics & voice acting, What do you think is better in SWTOR compared to other MMOs?


It's Star Wars. No other game lets me play a Jedi.


That's why I hope Bioware keeps the game as it is, so I can be a Jedi with my companions.

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I agree, but I think Rift does talent trees better with the soul system.


Depends ... I like the SWTOR system better - because you have to make a choice. With Rift, you can have all the class souls in the end and switch freely (at least as long as I played that was the case).

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No doubt, the game is fun and I also enjoyed it till the end when it becomes obvious this is a single player game dressed and sold for an MMO. I don't see server mergers coming, maybe cause they want to charge for tranfers like they are charging for extra character slots, maybe cause there servers just can't handle more numbers than they have. IDK but I still find it amusing that nobody mentions "Legacy" as a good thing, so much for that stupid idea.



Server mergers will come.

My guess is that a server merge so soon after release would look bad, and they are very concerned about their image.

Im with you on the whole "Legacy" thing, it seems like a rather silly idea, but lets give them the benefit of doubt and wait til its actually released.

The Legacy nerfs and how they will affect my gameplay is more concerning for me than the actual content they introduce.


The only point where i disagree with you is the "single player game".

Its not a single player disguised as an mmo, the only problem is that players are following their storylines which are fun to follow, so they are less interested in casual grouping than other mmos where they group mostly because they bored to death by the grinding.


Im on a light populated server and i rarely see other players, yet i get in groups for flashpoints and sometimes heroics. Its just that i dont expect to find a group for one particular flashpont or heroic that i want to do NOW, thats just not realistic and yet i see many players complain about that.

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No doubt, the game is fun and I also enjoyed it till the end when it becomes obvious this is a single player game dressed and sold for an MMO. I don't see server mergers coming, maybe cause they want to charge for tranfers like they are charging for extra character slots, maybe cause there servers just can't handle more numbers than they have. IDK but I still find it amusing that nobody mentions "Legacy" as a good thing, so much for that stupid idea.


Im guessing you started this whole thread with the intentions of finding faults rather than actually wanting others ideas. If you want to start a flame use a lighter.

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Or as they are called in SW:TOR, Companions. They are just much more versatile than any pet in any other game. Being able to chose which skills they use in combat, giving them equipment, and having them craft and run missions for you are all very cool aspects of this game.

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Smooth gameplay > Content.


Right now the game is twitch-proof because of how unresponsive it is. The game play is at best...clumsy.



Dear lord, please give us smooth gameplay.




To me, without content, the smoothest gameplay in the world is useless.


Not sure this is actually meant to be a "twitch" game. It's a BW game, which means way more focus on story than anything else.

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To me, without content, the smoothest gameplay in the world is useless.


Not sure this is actually meant to be a "twitch" game. It's a BW game, which means way more focus on story than anything else.


Play Team Fortress 2. There's not a ton of content but it's smooth as hell. The game is old as heck and it's still a blast.


WoW, content aside, it's very responsive. I NEVER have to hit my hotkeys more than once to make something happen.


As for story, I'm sorry, when I have to spam a hotkey to get it to go off, when I am tab targeting and it won't select the only enemy around me for 100yds, that's just insanely clumsy. When I'm more concerned about the interface than the story...what point is the story?


...as for twitch...yeah, having to press a key more than once because the game doesn't respond...that's twitch proof, and it's broken. No it isn't me. I've gone thru great lengths since launch to ensure that it wasn't and it's not.



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Real talent trees ... LotRO does not have them and from what I've heard WoW wants to "streamline" them.


I think that talent trees suit this genre well. It's one of the things I didn't like about lotro, luckily the rest of lotro is good enough.


I think that the trend to eliminate skill trees is ill conceived and a bad attempt to solve the problem of "cookie cutterness". It will fail and lead to a default cookie cutter nature rather than address the issue.


Instead of foloowing the emerging trend of eliminating them, I think that a better course is to come up with a way to make them more individual.

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this is a pretty loaded question. It's tough to compare things directly, beucase most people will always have their favorite aspects of "MMO A", and compere this game too those aspects only. it also opens the door for people to also gripe about what they don't like 9as you've noticed by now).


However, ill do my best :) here's what I love:

1) It's an MMO for KotOR players. Seriously, its pretty much a KotOR on steroids. And I LUUUVED KotOR.

2) VO

3) quest with NPC interactions you actually want to hear (at least the first few times through...but there are still parts that Ill slow down and listed to...even the 10th time through)

4) Lightsabers!

5) Crafting. Not the best, not the worst. but definitely on the upper scale IMO. this and LotRO have the best crafting systems I've played to date (caveat: played to date).

6) Lightsabers!

7) I can romance a cute little button of a girl, a hot twi'lek with a snazzy attitude, a goth chick with totally vamp tattoos, and an evil sex crazed psycho all at the same time. And I can tell that whiny little Quinn to piss off, and he still heals me.

8) Attack animations rule. This is a big deal to me, so much so that i still play some MMO's solely cause the toons look amazing when they fight (Aion Gladiators FTW!)

9) did I mention Lightsabers? Lightsabers and Romance!

10) While were on the subject, the companion system. has it's quirks, but still a great idea. you actually have up to 6 classes to gear up and tinker with at the same time (including you). 7 once 1.2 hit and that irritating ship droid actually has a purpose.

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It's Star Wars. No other game lets me play a Jedi.




jedi outcast

force unleashed



lol i could go on but that would ruin the joke i think u ment no other mmo lets you play as a jedi



but to answer the OP question other than the setting which is the biggest reason.


Companions-make leveling easier and less isolated.

crew skills- i hated haveing to do all the work in other mmos like that u can simply make your crew do it all.


the warzones- i like them they feel more objectave than wows and more fun imo.


the mod armor- LOVE this i havent like many of the agent armor but my favorate was the officor looking one from hammer flashpoint i love that i could keep it all the way to lvl 50 and simply change the mods.


titles-i know other mmos have them and u see many Bh with grand champ and JK with hero of typhon ect but theres a lot and it can make u feel good


leagcy-i love some of the stuff comming up in 1.2 and just the ability to have last names (which some mmos wont allow) is great.

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