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most overpowered pvp class


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Post 1.2, on my server, only counting the top 2 or 3 in each class, with BM gear or better...


1) Mara

2) Jugg

3) Powertech

4) Operative

5) Assassin




9) Sorc

10) Merc


Seems to me that they really bumped melee and nerfed ranged

Edited by Briggs_Knightly
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And for every good Maurader, there are 9 bad ones..


Actually the ratio for Mara/Sent is more like 25 bads to every good one simply because to play the most effective spec (annihilation) Requires managing 10+ attacks which you use every single engagement... add in 2-3 more situationally, 3 CCs, 3 situational buffs, 4 situational defensive CD's...and its power is in its versatility, but with that comes COMPLEXITY which is why so many roll with carnage or rage which are both much simpler, put up nice numbers occasionally (AOE dmg padding rage spec anyone?), but less effective at taking players off the field too.


Basically Annihilation has 2 or 3 times the number of attacks in the vanilla priority rotation compared to every other class, complexity is the cost for no resource management and its the resource management which gives maras/sents a nudge up the sustained pressure ladder compared to other DPS, but ONLY when they are played by players who can manage the 23 or so cooldowns needed to play the best spec without having a meltdown.



Most OP class in terms of utility, simplicity to play and effectiveness in all warzones is hands down a Tank Assassin in DPS gear, 5 tankasins and 3 healer ops = stealth dream team.


Stealth is king in a world where focus fire face melting with superior numbers rules the day

Best PVP healer = Operative , STEALTH, CC, Kite, mobile as all hell while healing.


2nd most survivable healer=Sorc , only reason its #2 is because Ops are more effective at avoiding focus fire and keeping the heals up.. sorc is only slightly behind with mobile bubble spam in terms of survivbility, its only better then op when the enemy DPS are idiots and let the sorc stand still and spam heals.


KITING is the most important skill for a healer to learn in todays PVP... no more healer/tank lolmode , merc healers suck because of there complete lack of mobile healing, they are very easy to nullify.. marauders and snipers will own any healer who sits still to be shot/stabbed because both have heal debuffs nowdays.


For the above reasons



Healer Op

20% gap

REST (heals/tanks/DPS)


Worst by a small margin :

Merc DPS

Operative DPS

Edited by blackadda
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My vote is Resilience -or Expertise as its a copy of a crap PvP game any way.


Why they have it:


Gear based MMO to keep the kids re rolling and grinding.


So you hate gear based MMO and bought this game that is gear based because .....?

I can't seem to find any reason where the outcome won't lead to your fault or mistake.

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Post 1.2, on my server, only counting the top 2 or 3 in each class, with BM gear or better...


1) Mara

2) Jugg

3) Powertech

4) Operative

5) Assassin




9) Sorc

10) Merc


Seems to me that they really bumped melee and nerfed ranged


Ofc, as melee DPS are more of a liability in the new OP/FP that to compensate, they make them OP in PvP. Brilliant logic BW /sarcasm

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There are currently 3 very op unbalanced classes specs tearing apart everything.


#1 MARKSMAN SNIPER. They do redicuos damage from 35 meters, can pin enemies with legshot making the whole team anable to move at all, have huge set of CC and at the same time they are CC immune, add to that large area knock back, large AOE and knock back with ambush oh short CD. Good sniper is always target number one. Few snipers rest in good spot are universal evil and can eliminate the whole enemy team.


#2 TANK ASSASIN IN DPS GEAR. This class can do everything. Very high survivability, self heals, descent damage.

Actually it is tank with self heals able to do damage like normal dps classes do. It is absolutly unkitable with descent amout of ranged abilities. But this is not all, this class can slow and debuff the whole enemy team. There is no class who can win vs this monster 1v1.


#3 BALANCE SAGE. Even thought this class doesn't have good passive survivability it has plenty of insta cast ranged damaging abilities. 3 instant cast ranged stuns, one knocback and 2 slow, allow to control any other class. Add to that self heals, hight speed and ability to deal ranged damage on the move. Very important factor many of sage abilities doesn't have traces, so you can dot and stan multiple players without being noticed.

Edited by Roiz
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There are currently 3 very op unbalanced classes specs tearing apart everything.


#1 MARKSMAN SNIPER. They do redicuos damage from 35 meters, can pin enemies with legshot making the whole team anable to move at all, have huge set of CC and at the same time they are CC immune, add to that large area knock back, large AOE and knock back with ambush oh short CD. Good sniper is always target number one. Few snipers rest in good spot are universal evil and can eliminate the whole enemy team.


#2 TANK ASSASIN IN DPS GEAR. This class can do everything. Very high survivability, self heals, descent damage.

Actually it is tank with self heals able to do damage like normal dps classes do. It is absolutly unkitable with descent amout of ranged abilities. But this is not all, this class can slow and debuff the whole enemy team. There is no class who can win vs this monster 1v1.


#3 BALANCE SAGE. Even thought this class doesn't have good passive survivability it has plenty of insta cast ranged damaging abilities. 3 instant cast ranged stuns, one knocback and 2 slow, allow to control any other class. Add to that self heals, hight speed and ability to deal ranged damage on the move. Very important factor many of sage abilities doesn't have traces, so you can dot and stan multiple players without being noticed.


Way off the Power Tech takes a insane amount of damage to kill and has the highest burst damage in the game.


I assume you are a Power Tech as that would explain you picking a crappy Balance Sage as #3 as that is the only class that can kill you with out showing you the locataion of the caster so you can yank them to you and kill them.

Edited by Metalmac
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#1 MARKSMAN SNIPER. They do redicuos damage from 35 meters, can pin enemies with legshot making the whole team anable to move at all, have huge set of CC and at the same time they are CC immune, add to that large area knock back, large AOE and knock back with ambush oh short CD. Good sniper is always target number one. Few snipers rest in good spot are universal evil and can eliminate the whole enemy team.


Troll spotted.


Tell me how a MM Sniper can legshot a whole team when is single target shot and 12 secs cooldown if talented (Cybertech maybe? it is not a class, is a crafting thing). And tellme how got huge set of CC´s with a melee range stun (LoL) and a aoe grenade (1 min cooldown). And if you dont know how avoid ambush and a turret guy, try again.



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2) assassin

3 bounty hutnter

4) sorcerer


outrageaously overpowered, so any average player can easily down everybody else in wz.


obviously, all of the l2p answers of this topic are coming from players of one of those class afraid of the nerf they really deserve.


op class making people unsub? so true!


operative as number one, you high bro?

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There are currently 3 very op unbalanced classes specs tearing apart everything.


#1 MARKSMAN SNIPER. They do redicuos damage from 35 meters, can pin enemies with legshot making the whole team anable to move at all, have huge set of CC and at the same time they are CC immune, add to that large area knock back, large AOE and knock back with ambush oh short CD. Good sniper is always target number one. Few snipers rest in good spot are universal evil and can eliminate the whole enemy team.


#2 TANK ASSASIN IN DPS GEAR. This class can do everything. Very high survivability, self heals, descent damage.

Actually it is tank with self heals able to do damage like normal dps classes do. It is absolutly unkitable with descent amout of ranged abilities. But this is not all, this class can slow and debuff the whole enemy team. There is no class who can win vs this monster 1v1.


#3 BALANCE SAGE. Even thought this class doesn't have good passive survivability it has plenty of insta cast ranged damaging abilities. 3 instant cast ranged stuns, one knocback and 2 slow, allow to control any other class. Add to that self heals, hight speed and ability to deal ranged damage on the move. Very important factor many of sage abilities doesn't have traces, so you can dot and stan multiple players without being noticed.


I don't know how to begin to point of all the fallacies of your post, so I won't bother.

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operative as number one, you high bro?

Snipers are dangerous in groups, if you place 2 snipers on the ramp in hutball it almost impossible to move through them, legshot area knockback. You also cannot pull or charge them, but they bite hard.

Edited by Roiz
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Way off the Power Tech takes a insane amount of damage to kill and has the highest burst damage in the game.


I assume you are a Power Tech as that would explain you picking a crappy Balance Sage as #3 as that is the only class that can kill you with out showing you the locataion of the caster so you can yank them to you and kill them.


Yes powertechs are strong they have huge damage burst which is elemental in goes through armor, also survivability is strong and they can pull targets.

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Why are sniper and operatives in the top 3 in many posts... oh god. Snipers are the easiest for me to kill, operatives are easy to ignore- kite them, they have no gap closer.


Powertech kills fast but are squishy but I'd still put that up high, tanksin like everyone else says, and then marauders.


And yes healing commando/mercs take a while to kill, there was one commando 4 or 5 of us were hammering on and his health never dropped below 95% then again I'd call that guy suspicious anyways. And that was in the 50 bracket.

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Every class excels against certain other AC's and this can further be broken down to state that each spec can be countered by certain player actions and or AC specs. However, there are serious issues with two tracer missile/grav round (not the actual classes of merc/commando, just the value of armor reduction, debuff duration, and the fact that everyone benefits from the armorbreak) and leg shot (5s root, 15s cooldown, root is supposed to break on damage after 2s but doesn't appear to - again, sniper/gunslingers aren't OP'd, but this skill can be). The biggest issue with these two attacks/debuffs isn't the fact that they are debilitating from a single person using them, it is what happens when there are multiple people using these same skills upon the same person (i.e. multiple stacks of armor debuff, or in the case of leg shot: perma-root - I've been rooted for 30+ seconds until death without being able to take a single step due to multiple snipers - if you happen to be a melee class, this will render your unable to do anything - and though I've heard that leg shot can be avoided, I notice that I still get hit by it often enough despite the fact that I may have activated defensive cooldowns giving me a total defense chance ~72% via predation, sabre ward + defense chance). Personally, I've never had significant issues with multiple stacks of Juggernaut/Guardian armor debuffs - they seem to reduce armor far less significantly and their armorbreaks can be evaded with defense chance.


I completely agree that every class has weaknesses and strengths against particular classes. As far as tracer missile/gav round spam, the best defense against this is interrupts, if you don't have one, and no one else on your team is interrupting them, yes this ability will eat you alive. As far as leg shot not breaking with damage after 2 seconds, I don't generally see this. I myself am a gunslinger and sometimes get frustrated when my root and flash grenades are immediately broken by someone who starts attacking the target instead of leaving them cc'd so we can cap a node. Its possible that someone or multiple people are rooting you in quick succession. I like to root a player from knock back, attack, then root them with leg shot to keep them at bay. And I do see leg shot parried sometimes.

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Snipers are dangerous in groups, if you place 2 snipers on the ramp in hutball it almost impossible to move through them, legshot area knockback. You also cannot pull or charge them, but they bite hard.


a sniper is not an operative, they are two diffrent advanced classes :p so i dont know why you just put any of that lol.

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Really a better list would be:


Given your class, what do you think is your easiest kill?


I'll go first


Op > BH Dps | Inq DPS (non sin) | Justification we can interrupt the missle spam, and we can root the speed run


Jugg > Sniper | Justifcaiton we can leap to them when they run and their root only makes us stronger


Sin DPS > any other sin | Madness sin for the win? Mine is a hybrid with aspects of a tank


Sin Tank (dont have one) > ??? | Possibly Ops - most certainly they give my ops a hard time.


BH Tank > Marader | mine is a hybrid tank, we can interrupt their ravage and debuff their accuracy - only our flamethrower is interruptable - rail shot, rocketpunch and dot they can't


BH dps (don't have one) > ??? (or anyone who does not interrupt them)


Healers > omitted they should not be trying to kill anything or go toe-to-toe with anyone, right?

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Really a better list would be:


Given your class, what do you think is your easiest kill?


I'll go first


Op > BH Dps | Inq DPS (non sin) | Justification we can interrupt the missle spam, and we can root the speed run


Jugg > Sniper | Justifcaiton we can leap to them when they run and their root only makes us stronger


Sin DPS > any other sin | Madness sin for the win? Mine is a hybrid with aspects of a tank


Sin Tank (dont have one) > ??? | Possibly Ops - most certainly they give my ops a hard time.


BH Tank > Marader | mine is a hybrid tank, we can interrupt their ravage and debuff their accuracy - only our flamethrower is interruptable - rail shot, rocketpunch and dot they can't


BH dps (don't have one) > ??? (or anyone who does not interrupt them)


Healers > omitted they should not be trying to kill anything or go toe-to-toe with anyone, right?


the only way a jugg kills my sniper is i didnt notice him at all walking towards me, or i had fallen asleep. Its a close fight if they have guard on them and surprise me. if i'm in cover and entrenched, they'll be dead before they get within 5m of me (MM/eng hybrid)

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How do people even really know? How often are confronted one on one in an open area by another class when you both have your cooldowns, adrenals, and med packs ready to use? When I'm pvping, rarely is it a 1 on 1 fight to begin with, and even when it is, someone just finished a fight or blew all their cooldowns.


Player skill is the true difference. I play an immortal spec juggernaut and, here is a pro tip. You do not have to kill everything to be great in pvp. Sometimes in Huttball, if Im being attacked by two people I;ll force push one into the pit to make the fight back to 1v1. I didnt kill the second enemy, but i effectively had the same result, I took them out of the confrontation.


Skill, precision ability usage, awareness of your surroundings and creativity are what makes someone good at PVP, not which class they are playing.

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How do people even really know? How often are confronted one on one in an open area by another class when you both have your cooldowns, adrenals, and med packs ready to use? When I'm pvping, rarely is it a 1 on 1 fight to begin with, and even when it is, someone just finished a fight or blew all their cooldowns.


Player skill is the true difference. I play an immortal spec juggernaut and, here is a pro tip. You do not have to kill everything to be great in pvp. Sometimes in Huttball, if Im being attacked by two people I;ll force push one into the pit to make the fight back to 1v1. I didnt kill the second enemy, but i effectively had the same result, I took them out of the confrontation.


Skill, precision ability usage, awareness of your surroundings and creativity are what makes someone good at PVP, not which class they are playing.


thats quite true. when playing my jugg or maurder, i dont look at kills so much as i look at they other teams heal stats. My life's mission on my maurader is to harass those clowns to lower their healing output by at least 75%. eg. a healer i know would normally get 300k healing only gets <100k due to kiting/dying to me the entire match, i view that as a productive match. i may not get 400k in dps, but i'm happy making their healer (i usually target their best one) rage...

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the only way a jugg kills my sniper is i didnt notice him at all walking towards me, or i had fallen asleep. Its a close fight if they have guard on them and surprise me. if i'm in cover and entrenched, they'll be dead before they get within 5m of me (MM/eng hybrid)


I guess they don't know but we can't leap to you when you are squatted, but if we continiously spam force leap it will eventually work when you stand up to snipe.

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Fixed - All classes are assumed to be in the correct spec for PvP, with equal gear, equal skill between keyboard and chair and in 1V1 situations from start to end of encoutners


assuming correct spec for pvp, equal gear, and equal skill. i believe an operatives beats everything but an assasin..

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Medicine Operatives










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