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Dromund Kaas Cantina VS Coruscant Cantina.


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Capitol planets.


Dromund Kaas Empire http://i.imgur.com/de4Wc.jpg


Coruscant http://i.imgur.com/V4bGR.jpg


You may ask, why post this ?


Well Dromund Kaas is huge compare to Coruscant.

On Kaas you can walk from the spaceport to Dark temple.And the city is pretty

big and open with lots of space for what ever.


Coruscant is only a tiny tiny tiny land strip from

spaceport to senate building.Rest is hallways for questing that is not connected.


Again you may ask, we know this whats your point ?


Point is Frodo..*drinks blue milk*.... nevermind....

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I have a 50 on both factions and it really feels like they put way more effort into the Imperial areas than they did Republic. Republic is usually drab and boring and Imperial is flashy and slick.


Also leveling Republic makes you do Coruscant then Nar Shadda and both city planets just suck since the layout is too linear to feel like a city. It feels like being in a hallway for hours.

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Capitol planets.


Dromund Kaas Empire http://i.imgur.com/de4Wc.jpg


Coruscant http://i.imgur.com/V4bGR.jpg


You may ask, why post this ?


Well Dromund Kaas is huge compare to Coruscant.

On Kaas you can walk from the spaceport to Dark temple.And the city is pretty

big and open with lots of space for what ever.


Coruscant is only a tiny tiny tiny land strip from

spaceport to senate building.Rest is hallways for questing that is not connected.


Again you may ask, we know this whats your point ?


Point is Frodo..*drinks blue milk*.... nevermind....


Yeah, well, at least in The Drunkard's Vote (Coruscant), you don't have to run for 2 minutes to find a fricking mailbox like you do from the cantina in DK. I want to injure the people who thought "Hey, let's put a mailbox right outside the cantina in Coruscant, but we'll put one half way across the city from the cantina in DK. You know, for the kids."

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coruscant is an easy place to PvE, the only long walk is from senate taxi to the senate building.. everything is connected to taxi point except jedi temple. easy to quest and while some may hate the corridor romp, i love it.. functional


dromund kass is pain in the neck, too big and everything is loong walk

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When it comes to designs of Emp vs Rep it's like this:

Republic = boring but practical.

Empire = Cool looking but often unnecessary.


I don't think this is true in this case.



Coruscant suffers from the same problem the other city-planets suffer from in SWTOR.


Drummond Kaas however is a more "old school" MMO city and wilderness + hubs world/zone, which actual fits together much better.

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Not comparing other aspects of the game between both sides. But I think Coruscant is much more slick than Dromund Kaas.


And also the Jedi temple look way better than Sith acadamy. The former look like a university campus, while the Sith acadamy looks like a barracks/fort.

Edited by soldenal
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There is another Cantina for Coruscant that is MUCH bigger on the Old Market District or whatever it's called.


As for the land strips, I actually like having them seperated. Gives the idea that Coruscant is so massive that theres really no way you can get around by just foot.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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This is why the Empire eventually falls...they spend too much time worrying about their bars instead of the war!


Except Coruscant is the absolute epitome of overspending, luxury, ridiculously big, and over the top size.

If the developers cared the littlest amount about being faithful to the SW universe, Then Coruscant would have been large and grand, not the other place.


It's obvious that they just spend less time, or were more lazy, or just didn't care as much about the Republic side in this game.

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Capitol planets.


Dromund Kaas Empire http://i.imgur.com/de4Wc.jpg


Coruscant http://i.imgur.com/V4bGR.jpg


You may ask, why post this ?


Well Dromund Kaas is huge compare to Coruscant.

On Kaas you can walk from the spaceport to Dark temple.And the city is pretty

big and open with lots of space for what ever.


Coruscant is only a tiny tiny tiny land strip from

spaceport to senate building.Rest is hallways for questing that is not connected.


Again you may ask, we know this whats your point ?


Point is Frodo..*drinks blue milk*.... nevermind....


Thats because the proper cantina on coruscant is the Dealer's Den, picture only shows the smuggler's trainer area.


Also i like the seperate areas of coruscant, it makes it seem like all your quests aren't just in one part of the planet.

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Yeah, well, at least in The Drunkard's Vote (Coruscant), you don't have to run for 2 minutes to find a fricking mailbox like you do from the cantina in DK. I want to injure the people who thought "Hey, let's put a mailbox right outside the cantina in Coruscant, but we'll put one half way across the city from the cantina in DK. You know, for the kids."


Well with so many Empire being kids, maybe they just wanted to encourage proper exercise.

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its a matter of opinion.


i got to tattooine before i rerolled republic but i hated the look of the empire compared to republic.


you show the cantina's but that city was boring as hell. the senate tower has a much larger feel to it simply because it goes up and down instead of doing an open area. standing in front of the tower is more gratifying than standing in front of that city^^


not to mention your showing an empire's night club and comparing it to a towers bar.

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Since we are mentioning the Kaas City Cantina, they REALLY need a mailbox just outside it. Every other cantina in the game(including the tiny Coruscant one) has a mailbox either inside or just outside the cantina. You're encouraged to log out in the cantinas to gain rested XP. But when you log back into the Kaas City cantina and want to check your mail, you have to run from the cantina on the west edge of the city to the mailbox in the GTN/Bank building on the far east side of the city. It's very out of the way. Adding a mailbox by/in the cantina in Kaas City would be a big help.
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Coruscat at least looks like the CAPITAL CITY, not just bunch of magalomaniac towers and satues among the swamps and jungles. Luxury? Design? You're kidding me. No sane person would ever dwell there.


Yes, Coruscant is "no walk" city, but even in common RL big city you don't very often walk from your house to your office or something. It took me two stations on metro or 20 mins on a bus to get to my school. And school is not that far, actually - it's same district.


As for rep\imp differences - those are very strange. I can't imagine SOCIAL based dividing which would involve, lets say, prefering red leds to blue ones... :D

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Of the 2nd playing worlds, I've always preferred Dromund Kaas. For capital cities, I think Kaas City looks the part of the seat of a galactic level government. I also prefer the more unified travel and appearance of Dromund Kaas. It at least tries to be seamless, unlike Coruscant.


If you want to talk about wasteful architecture, one only needs to look at the HUUUUUGGEE emptiness of the Senate Tower at Coruscant. There's maybe, what, a dozen people inside that monstrosity of a building? And it supposedly also pulls extra duty as military headquarters AND the best hospital in the Republic? :p Pleeaassee...

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Capitol planets.


Dromund Kaas Empire http://i.imgur.com/de4Wc.jpg


Coruscant http://i.imgur.com/V4bGR.jpg


You may ask, why post this ?


Well Dromund Kaas is huge compare to Coruscant.

On Kaas you can walk from the spaceport to Dark temple.And the city is pretty

big and open with lots of space for what ever.


Coruscant is only a tiny tiny tiny land strip from

spaceport to senate building.Rest is hallways for questing that is not connected.


Again you may ask, we know this whats your point ?


Point is Frodo..*drinks blue milk*.... nevermind....


There is a better cantina in Coruscant and that is Dealer's Den. The one in the Senate area is just a rest area. The Dealer's Den is a bigger and nicer cantina and considering also you can bind there it is not difficult to get there.

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There is a better cantina in Coruscant and that is Dealer's Den. The one in the Senate area is just a rest area. The Dealer's Den is a bigger and nicer cantina and considering also you can bind there it is not difficult to get there.


But nobody goes there (Dealer's Den) :p Not saying the rest area near the Senate Tower is hopping like a night club, but Dealer's Den is deader than a zombie flick.

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Of the 2nd playing worlds, I've always preferred Dromund Kaas. For capital cities, I think Kaas City looks the part of the seat of a galactic level government. I also prefer the more unified travel and appearance of Dromund Kaas. It at least tries to be seamless, unlike Coruscant.


If you want to talk about wasteful architecture, one only needs to look at the HUUUUUGGEE emptiness of the Senate Tower at Coruscant. There's maybe, what, a dozen people inside that monstrosity of a building? And it supposedly also pulls extra duty as military headquarters AND the best hospital in the Republic? :p Pleeaassee...



To be fair, if you look from the outside, you'll see that the area we visit in the Senate chamber is only the main lobby, with the Senate Rotunda itself being further inside. That's why it has so few people. All the big players are in the rotunda itself, and in the expansive chambers behind each senate pod.

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But nobody goes there (Dealer's Den) :p Not saying the rest area near the Senate Tower is hopping like a night club, but Dealer's Den is deader than a zombie flick.


what are you talking about, dealer's den has much more going on than the senate tower cantina. The place at the senate tower is one tiny room with about 5 people in it. Dealer's Den has scantily clad twi'leks, a live band on stage, several seating areas and two backrooms where quests take place.

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