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Does light side have a better story?


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If you played Mass Effect 2, there is a sequence on Ilium involving a guard, and a window.


LS - You push him into the window hard enough to crack it, and say *What noise do you think you're going to make when you hit the ground, and do you think you'll be alive to hear it?*


DS - You push him out the window.


While some of the LS choices end up being something a Sith wouldn't be likely to do, most of the key sequences in the story seemed to follow the above difference.


Two different kinds of awesome - which do you prefer?



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From the start I turned off the light and dark side indicators with my warrior. I just tried to make what I felt was the most reasonable decision in every situation, and build his personality from there.


Amusingly, I ended up completely neutral till the end of tattooine, when i finally started drifting more towards light side.


Frequently, Ive found as the story has progressed, the light side decisions just tend to be smarter. You spare people who could be useful to you later. You manipulate situations for the best possible outcome rather than just beating everyone into submission. LS sith warrior seems like a much deeper and more believable character than DS. He actually starts to be recognizably human - downright intelligent as well as a face-melting bada**.


In short - go DS if you really want to kill every last person you meet. Go LS if you want to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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As many people have stated, choose for yourself, turn off the indicator, whatever.


For me, I am leveling a light side on republic and light side on imperial concurrently, different classes though. The differences in the way I'm seeing the stories unfold are telling.


I've started seeing the empire as a misguided lot of petty squabblers that need enlightening and guidance.


For instance, anyone that has done the starting Tython stories and has come across Rajivari's storyline has undoubtedly understood that he was attempting to consolidate and establish the values, power base, and concepts of the beginning Jedi order. While the three others in the story felt that it was a dark side, Rajivari's force ghost is really interesting in that he doesn't want to destroy the Jedi, he wants the chance to redeem them from what he sees as them cutting themselves out of the equation. One of the early response options on Tython is around one of the three saying that justice is paramount; you can respond with "But what about mercy?" Mercy is considered a weakness in that conversation. Call me an imperial because I don't like what that Jedi said, but mercy is something key for me, so I never liked that framing from the early Jedi order.


Also, the understanding from the early story lines on Korriban, Fear is not in itself a lasting power, it is fleeting. Sure, I got accused of being a Jedi-sympathizer, but if I recall, I ended up killing the guy because he felt the ideas couldn't get out. The concepts of knowledge over fear is not a light or dark side issue, it's a power issue. The pursuit of greater power involves dipping on all sides of the Force pool. The ability to find power as a tool without being consumed by it is something that I think the Star Wars universe has always been aiming at... that Jedi cut themselves off from it in the pursuit of keeping peace and Sith pursue it to subdue everyone into obedience. There could be a middle line, and I wanted to find it.


For me, I went into the SW with that in mind... that has been what has guided my decisions. It is about being honorable and powerful in the pursuit not of selfish and temporary power. Rather, it seeks out the ability to acquire power through unity. Ultimately it has me avoiding self-seeking DS options in pursuit of greater connection and loyalty in attempts to stop violence ala Rajivari, but it has enriched my gameplay by actually understanding some of the figures, characters, and stories go deeper than dark kills everything and light is a wimpy little yesman- there are some considered dark that want something other than mindless bloodshed, and there are some considered light that want to keep the war machine rolling.


That, and anything that pisses off my master puts a smile on my face. He is the epitome of trying to establish a little web of power so that you can take out whoever you think might threaten you. I'm going to enjoy whatever story unfolds with him. So, with all of that:


TL;DR- You've got to seek out what you want and go for it. It can be more than just bloodshed and being a stooge, if you let yourself think about it in different ways!

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  • 7 months later...
Here's my take.


I'm a light side player by heart. Playing dark side just goes against my nature. Still, I chose to play a DS Warrior, since I didn't want to be punished for going neutral and my inquisitor friend that I'm playing with is so deliciously evil that it would just clash too much if I went LS. Here's where it got interesting, though, and I'm keeping it vague so that it doesn't spoil anything. At one point in the story, in a very vulnerable moment, I was asked why I was the way I was. I answered, with obvious remorse in my voice, that it was in my nature. I was then asked to change my ways. I answered, again with remorse, that it was too late for me.


I was always repulsed by the things I did to people, and now finally, I realized that my character felt the same way. He reveled in the slaughter and mayhem, sure. As do I when I play him, but I still feel bad. At that one moment when he was forced to open up, it dawned on me that like me, he didn't want to be this way. He felt forced to, being born in this Empire, with his ancestry.


In him, the dark side is like a poison, a drug that he can't stop using, and it corrupts him more and more against his will. I could finally relate to him, and this was immensely satisfying. More so, I imagine, than going straight up light side.


Wow. Thats a pretty good viewpoint. I guess it just depends on if you can look someone in the face and kill them. I did that as a bounty hunter on my first mission, later I met the guy's family. Talk about guilty. I let them live, but still...

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You can go DS and be this amazing bad man who throws people about, viciously kills without hesitation, or you can go LS and be an *** kiss and a boot licker.


The choice is yours, but I prefer to be a ****** so DS win.

Pretty sure you got DS and LS mixed up there, as DS just does everything Baras tells them with a. . . well okay, it's with a grimace, granted. A Liefeld Grimace.


However, LS makes Baras his toy from day one. He does literally nothing Baras wants him to do. Every single objective Baras gives him, he circumvents to do something he feels is better.


That's pretty much the opposite of an '*** kiss and a boot licker'.


No its cause the SW has plot armor. Thats the reason why you can smack talk your master I have not seen any sith in lore smack talk their master if they do it normally ends with them getting either shocked or choked.


Nah it's because

You're just a tool to Baras. He had planned from day one to kill you and replace you with a different, less dangerous (but at least as hard to kill) apprentice. He needed someone who could be easily manipulated and crush his enemies. He didn't care if you mouthed off because you were a dead man before you ever said a word. He acted exactly as imposing and friendly as necessary to ensure you would do what he needed done. . .


And as soon as you were done with it? He tried to kill you.


Baras didn't just decide to become the voice on a whim--he'd been planning it for ages and everything you did was part of the set up toward him gaining that power.



I mean, you could call all that plot armor, but it's more like a 'perfectly good reason that you're not being killed' in my opinion.


Basically Baras just isn't as completely stupid as a lot of Darths.

Edited by KryloKillian
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Pretty sure you got DS and LS mixed up there, as DS just does everything Baras tells them with a. . . well okay, it's with a grimace, granted. A Liefeld Grimace.


However, LS makes Baras his toy from day one. He does literally nothing Baras wants him to do. Every single objective Baras gives him, he circumvents to do something he feels is better.


That's pretty much the opposite of an '*** kiss and a boot licker'.




Nah it's because

You're just a tool to Baras. He had planned from day one to kill you and replace you with a different, less dangerous (but at least as hard to kill) apprentice. He needed someone who could be easily manipulated and crush his enemies. He didn't care if you mouthed off because you were a dead man before you ever said a word. He acted exactly as imposing and friendly as necessary to ensure you would do what he needed done. . .


And as soon as you were done with it? He tried to kill you.


Baras didn't just decide to become the voice on a whim--he'd been planning it for ages and everything you did was part of the set up toward him gaining that power.



I mean, you could call all that plot armor, but it's more like a 'perfectly good reason that you're not being killed' in my opinion.


Basically Baras just isn't as completely stupid as a lot of Darths.


I'll second that one. The first time through, I got to about halfway though Kaas and just couldn't take being "Master Psychopath's" lackey anymore so, just counted the weekend wasted, deleted the char and rerolled as Light in the hopes that it would give my char something that the Empire couldn't take from him- even if it was just in the form of a bit of snark and the occasional act of rebellion. And that's pretty much what it amounts too- which is what keeps Baras from killing you was my take on it.


In other words: Yeah, you're mouthy but, you're still too useful too get rid of.



In fact, quite a few of your LS choices later on, you're able to point out that the LS choice you made was far superior to attaining his goals than his original idea. Like with the parents on Alderaan. Killing them would hurt Jaesa sure, but that only goes so far as to recruiting her. Turning them into happily, uncoerced loyal Imperial Citizens on the other hand will drive Karr over the edge insane- and a wedge between him and his student as a result. And that we can use far more easily and effectively to recruiting the girl making her ability an asset or ours instead of a wasted resource we have to get rid of.



Needless to say that it wound up being the first SWTOR char that made it to 50 simply because I just had way too much fun with it not only because it seemed to give my char a backbone I could respect and even admire a little, but also, the results were just sooo funny at times that I actually found myself replaying certain conversations over just because I was laughing too hard to catch everything.


That being said, after going through the whole plot-line, I'm now regretting the deletion because now I have to reroll another DS because, frankly? I already know that one's going to just be flat-out fun too but, I don't think that I would enjoy it nearly as much had it been my first experience with the Warrior.


So, to the OP: Go with whatever your personality and natural inclinations tell you to go with and just save a slot for the other one. Because the first time will be more enjoyable for you if it's your personality preferences and, chances are, by the time you're done, you're really going to want to see the other story and will most likely have a far more enjoyable time going through it.


Edited by Dallayna
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Also, the understanding from the early story lines on Korriban, Fear is not in itself a lasting power, it is fleeting. Sure, I got accused of being a Jedi-sympathizer, but if I recall, I ended up killing the guy because he felt the ideas couldn't get out. The concepts of knowledge over fear is not a light or dark side issue, it's a power issue. The pursuit of greater power involves dipping on all sides of the Force pool.


And in the end you would become more Dark side then the psycho killers. Will maybe not in SWTOR LS/DS system but in the stories isn’t this how a Jedi falls to the dark side? The idea of “I’ll pursue greater power but it is for a just cause” is how it starts but by justifying your pursuit of greater power is what leads down the dark path. As you power grows it becomes easier to use your power for your on purpose will convincing yourself that it’s “all for the greater good”.


In the star wars moves I can see this as how the Emperor started out and even his attitude up until he dies. “If I use my power to take control of the universe then I can make it a better place for all. Maybe some people will get hurt but it’s all for the greater good”.


So I think your mindset could be played as a dark side Sith regardless of your LS/DS points.

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Sith Warrior is first and foremost an enforcer to his/her master. Baras is his/her first master but after certain events the warrior becomes very closely linked to the Emperor himself. After that point it's quite clear the sole purpose of the warrior is the guard Emperor's intrests and dispose of the people who oppose the ultimate Sith Master. That makes the warrior more dark sided than lightsided, actually the warrior is DS or neutral but I can't see how sparing the enemies of the Emperor would really fit as it would be going against the Emperor's orders which hardly would go unpunished in the end.


LS choices are of course fun and bring variety to the story but if one thinks about the whole picture being fully lightsided does not actually fit into the story that well. And of course there's the remarkable satisfaction to see how Jaesa falls deeper and deeper...

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Sith Warrior is first and foremost an enforcer to his/her master. Baras is his/her first master but after certain events the warrior becomes very closely linked to the Emperor himself. After that point it's quite clear the sole purpose of the warrior is the guard Emperor's intrests and dispose of the people who oppose the ultimate Sith Master. That makes the warrior more dark sided than lightsided, actually the warrior is DS or neutral but I can't see how sparing the enemies of the Emperor would really fit as it would be going against the Emperor's orders which hardly would go unpunished in the end.
You don't work for the emperor until late in the story line and when that happens you only have one enemy of the Empire you're really ordered to kill. Everything else is just damage control and it doesn't matter.


Also: The Emperor's a problem. Light or Dark, Jedi or Sith, he's eventually going to have to taste lightsaber--if you kept up with any of the extraneous lore released in comics on the site and whatnot.


Further, Dark Side tends to be "RARGH KILL EVERYONE TO HELL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES" while Light Side is getting everyone on your side and using all your resources in the most intelligent manner. Whether you go light side enough that end goal is to reform the empire into not. . . whatever it is now, well that's up to you. Either way, though, if you're rolling light over dark, you're rolling to gather more resources in the long run.


And of course there's the remarkable satisfaction to see how Jaesa falls deeper and deeper...


By 'fall deeper and deeper' you mean 'immediate, jarring, and ridiculous complete 180 on her personality' right? 'Cause that's what happens. And it's terrible.

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You don't have to kill people to be dark side on all occasions. Just make them swear loyalty to you. ;)


Also, I have picked quite a few light side choices (because some darkside choices just didn't felt right, or I didn't want to lose companion affection), and I ended up with full darkside points around level 40.

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It's pretty good either way IF you can get into character, otherwise in either case it's just mindless slaughter or irrational goodness. In other words, get in character or be faced with selecting red choice or blue choice for no reason other than alignment.


When I started I was a stout Sith, slaughtered everyone in my path for power and glory, honor be damned, and by the time I neared the end of chapter 1 I was full-on Level III Dark Side with no light side choices. For example, on some side quests that offered LS points for helping the empire vs Dark Side for murder, I chose murder to gain power from that kill. That is a blast, let me tell you, and for a lot of the low level flash points and heroics people were like "damn, you are one evil looking dude with those scars and dark side taint."


Then something happened, I won't get into details for spoilers, but towards the end of Chapter 1, with a lot of bodies piling up I couldn't understand why my victims would sacrifice themselves so needlessly, even why I started to offer them mercy, they would practically jump on my light saber. In the end I started making light side choices out of experimentation, to try and understand their point of view, and eventually found myself as a light side Sith seeking redemption. That is also a blast, because you're not really a Jedi, don't understand the point of the Jedi code, but are trying to gain power and influence in your own way without resorting to total evil. Sometimes I slip though, and slaughter someone because I think they deserve it, but I'm trying really hard to be good :D


Light side story is pretty fun so far, and the Dark side was a blast up to the point I 'converted.' Just have fun, and enjoy the ride!

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Dark side all the way!


No I'm kidding, pick whatever you feel like. In my opinion, the DS/LS choices are HORRID in most cases.

They really do not justify a lot of things. As mentioned above a true Sith would be able to spare someone so as to

use and manipulate. One could spare a person and not be out of compassion or kindness. Similarly, one could

kill another and it would not be off malice. Jedi kill Sith out of a necessity to remove a threat to the galaxy, pretty

much it.


I personally picked DS though, on the count that I want to get Dark side 5 appearance. Aside from that

there is really little boon in being DS? I mean you get a few really cool cutscenes as a Sith warrior, but

that is pretty far ingame. Even then, the other cutscenes were really crappily animated to be rewarding enough

if you have do not really care for getting DS5 for your character's appearance.


Personalize your Sith. Mine is fairly okay a person to her companions. I took Vette's collar out rather early.

There's a lack of reward for pushing Vette all the way by being DS. Jaesa however, is a thumbs up, for you can shift her LS/DS depending on how you get her.

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Light Side by definition cannot have better story, it is a path of naive and weak that leads to self destruction or as other people like to refer "sacrifice". Dark Side is grim funny and true in its cruelty, very enjoyable and satisfying except

lack of option to expire life of Quinn

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I liked LS SIth Warrior story. I like sparing people and occasionally parting on peaceful terms with Jedi and Republic soldiers. Sure you'll still kill a lot of people, but you're defending your people against a foe that once tried to wipe your civilization out may try to do it again. Sure most of the time it can be excused by pragmatism, but I enjoy the occasional LS choice that has no pragmatism or cruel mercy to hide behind.


As for the Emperor, he's practically a god to the people of the Empire, nobody knows that he's an omnicidal madman. Heck, as far as the Warrior knows, the Emperor is working for peace. Or at least tranquility.

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Played several Warriors - Light, Dark, and Grey.


I enjoyed playing Grey the most. Felt like a relatable Lawful Evil/Lawful Neutral character. Give death to those that deserve it, stay your hand if your enemy can become your ally, keep your word, play smart and prepare for the inevitable scenario of Master versus student.


Full Light Side feels... weak. Aside a few badarse "honorable warrior" choices (which I incorporate into my "grey" playthrough), it's pretty much unimmersive as far as Sith go. You're not a wandering altruistic monk. You're a Sith Warrior.


In case of full Dark Side, on the other hand, the character comes across as a simple-minded psycho brute and nothing more. But it does have very awesome massacre cutscenes.


Bottomline - take the best from both alignments and don't worry too much about the alignment bar - you can always grind it later.

Edited by Helig
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The way I play my Warrior, is that I always do what I think will benefit me more, or the Empire. This way I tend to not go for the "Just die!" DS choices but most my choices have been DS so far anyway. So yeah I pick what's best for me, if there isn't an option like that then I pick the most Pro Imperial choice.
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I've played two Sith warriors up to the end of chapter 1, one LS and DS and I've enjoyed them both greatly but they're pretty different in the way you accomplish stuff.


Dark side is basically a massive power trip and anyone or thing that decides to even think about opposing you gets destroyed, consequences be damned.


Light side is much more interesting in terms of character interactions because you often build alliances with unlikely people and characters react you to much differently. You definitely affect the Empire but in a different way which I feel works.


Light side sith fits my personality and how I usually play better but I have to admit, the things you do to people as dark side is often cruel and highly entertaining. :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Light side is the "smarter" option in terms of resources and allies and such, but there are some people who need killing. In my eyes, DS = mindless bloodbath and reinforcing the stereotype that all Sith are terrible beings, LS = often going against orders to spare someone and secure resources for your future. Plus, it's fun seeing Jedi act all confused when you try to calm them down (they still attack you out of panic, proving the worthlessness of the Jedi Code...)
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As a writer I can't help having concepts in mind when I make a character. In the case of my Sith Warrior (and Knight, both having very open backgrounds) I simply borrowed from my own stories, adapted a personality to fit Star Wars, and made choices based on what she would do.


For me the so-called "Light Side" path was better, satisfying. For you it might be "Dark" or somewhere in between. The story progresses towards the same goal. We just get to influence it along the way.


My character is a martial warrior and strategist, a female Alexander the Great. Most Sith, to her, are self-destructive slaves to passion, not masters of it. Jedi are naive children, fearful of the dark, living in constant self-denial. Two extremes, doomed to fail. Fear is a short-term means of control, has a shorter breaking point. Adoration - even love - is longer-lasting and capable of accomplishing greater things (those who love you will often go to greater lengths, sacrifice more than those who fear you). The Republic is weak, democracy a great idea that will never work in practice. Imperialism is the only solution, an Empire ruled by her. She's prideful, vain, and despises Baras for sidetracking her plans (I took every opportunity to belittle him, all the ones that came across as condescending).


I had no idea how the story would go, just kept the above in mine as I went. It actually made some of the Light Side choices seem sinister, even cruel. And there was nothing weak, naive, or self-sacrificing about the way they played out. She's the kind of "evil" that does not believe she is evil, remembered by history as a savior or a tyrant depending on the point of view. I did take a Dark Side choice or two but only if they made sense to the character I was playing. One particular Light choice at the end followed by the Dark option that popped up next came out sounding so smug, condescending, and sadistic I had chills, sat here for a bit thinking, "That was perfect!"


Again the whole point is: what works for me or someone else might not work for you. Play it the way you feel it should be played.

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The most fun I had in the game was the dark side stuff surrounding Jaesa. Going darkside in most Bioware games feels wrong to me in their style of storytelling, but in TOR it's my preferred path.


"Old Republic" only really comes alive on the evil side of things. Jedis are just boring--the writers didn't fix the problems Lucas ran into in characterizing "weird priest-like hero" characters in the prequels. Maybe lightside Sith has more nuance than dullard Jedis, I'll concede. Obviously in KOTOR 1 and 2 the main story arc involves VERY conflicted souls--whereas in TOR the Jedis have no arc. I think I pick "evil" because at least the Sith have a "Grand Theft Auto," "Scarface" arc of rising to power.


I did some lightside stuff that felt right on warrior, like taking Vette's collar off ASAP. But that's because this is my ally, who helps me out a lot, and she's nice, and it felt wrong--but I had no problem killing most people and being super-evil.

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