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  1. Thinking back over my Sith Warrior's story and the motivations I had in mind for her, the fact that she ended as "Light Side" seems ludicrous. I did not view my choices as, "Oh, this is the Light Side path. That one's Dark Side." I chose what suited her ultimate goals: the loyalty of the Imperial Navy, allies, causing Jedi to doubt their own rigid belief system, the dissolution of the Republic, and ultimate control of the Empire itself. Somehow that made her a "Light Side" Sith. Most of the time what I saw were smart long term decisions versus stupid short term gratification. I picked the relatively "smart" option. My character said something that came out intelligent, calculating, occasionally cruel, often imperious, and... voila! Light Side points! Uh... Wait, what? So, as far as the game is concerned I generally disregard the Light Side/Dark Side morality meter. It often makes little or no sense (killing a traitorous Hutt is bad but taking his drugs as a bribe is good?). I thoroughly enjoyed (with one exception) the way my Sith Warrior's story played out. That's what matters. As far as lore goes: the Star Wars I grew up with kept it simple: the Dark Side is the quick, easy path, uses fear, anger, and hatred. Accessing the Light Side comes through calm, a clear mind, peace... Lucas (perhaps wisely) at the time did not get into the details. That's all changed hasn't it? Oops! The debate in here about "Light" Sith being less powerful than "Dark" Sith and "Light" Jedi seems a bit silly. Sith at this point are so numerous I don't see why its not possible that one could learn to use the full potential of the Light Side while being affiliated with the Sith Order. Because that's all they are: affiliations. Just because you're a card-carrying member of one doesn't mean you can't find your own path, learn on your own, and become a master of the Force in your own right. It would be difficult if your path runs against the grain of your affiliation but not impossible. And the will, determination - or whatever - it would take to survive while following that path would definitely mark you as a powerful individual. A Sith who learns how to follow the Light on his or her own might arguably be stronger than any Jedi Master just as any Jedi who learns how to fully embrace the Dark might be greater than any Sith Lord. It really is all in your point of view... and, I suppose, the writing which gets retconned repeatedly to fit differering points of view for different mediums.
  2. I love having her with my Operative. She's helped define my character beyond the basic idea I started with: A Chiss talented at bending rules and authority figures almost to their breaking point, spinning situations to his benefit. He has a directive from the Chiss Ascendancy: study the Sith, study the Empire, push their buttons without actually making them snap, learn their strengths and weaknesses - a double agent from the start. Every conversation, every situation is a chess game with changing rules he has to adapt to, play to his advantage, without crossing his own sketchy lines on right and wrong. That makes Kaliyo a special kind of rush for someone like him. I like Lokin. He's another challenge. Vector is... strange. Temple I've only just met. And I hear there's a killer robot in my near future. Should be fun. But companions I did not like so far (having played Warrior and Knight all the way through): 1: Broonmark - is a homicidal maniac I'd have put down given the choice. 2: Rusk - I simply have no use for, makes little sense. 3: Doc - I really wish I had no use for him. Ones I'm on the fence about: 1: Jaesa (Light Side) - Had no interest in creating a bloodthirsty psycho (see Broonmark) but uh... this version is kind of creepy, like a fanatic or zealot, all Joan of Arc. I'd like to send her back to the Jedi with a private note for the council saying, "I did what all of you could not. You're welcome." 2: Scourge - his story ends feeling somewhat unresolved. 3: Ashara - She makes sense for my male Assassin tank (story-wise and in playstyle) but I think she's going to be horrible with my scarred, chaotic Sorceress. 4: Kira - For all that she's with you, all the companion conversations you have with her, Kira rings hollow in my opinion if you're not playing a male Knight. I'm going to try that eventually, go Guardian so I can have her around past Balmorra.
  3. As a writer I can't help having concepts in mind when I make a character. In the case of my Sith Warrior (and Knight, both having very open backgrounds) I simply borrowed from my own stories, adapted a personality to fit Star Wars, and made choices based on what she would do. For me the so-called "Light Side" path was better, satisfying. For you it might be "Dark" or somewhere in between. The story progresses towards the same goal. We just get to influence it along the way. My character is a martial warrior and strategist, a female Alexander the Great. Most Sith, to her, are self-destructive slaves to passion, not masters of it. Jedi are naive children, fearful of the dark, living in constant self-denial. Two extremes, doomed to fail. Fear is a short-term means of control, has a shorter breaking point. Adoration - even love - is longer-lasting and capable of accomplishing greater things (those who love you will often go to greater lengths, sacrifice more than those who fear you). The Republic is weak, democracy a great idea that will never work in practice. Imperialism is the only solution, an Empire ruled by her. She's prideful, vain, and despises Baras for sidetracking her plans (I took every opportunity to belittle him, all the ones that came across as condescending). I had no idea how the story would go, just kept the above in mine as I went. It actually made some of the Light Side choices seem sinister, even cruel. And there was nothing weak, naive, or self-sacrificing about the way they played out. She's the kind of "evil" that does not believe she is evil, remembered by history as a savior or a tyrant depending on the point of view. I did take a Dark Side choice or two but only if they made sense to the character I was playing. One particular Light choice at the end followed by the Dark option that popped up next came out sounding so smug, condescending, and sadistic I had chills, sat here for a bit thinking, "That was perfect!" Again the whole point is: what works for me or someone else might not work for you. Play it the way you feel it should be played.
  4. Vette's companion stories were a nice, interesting surprise to me as a new player knowing nothing about the class stories or companions. I had a character concept in mind when I made my twi'lek marauder. It was so unexpected how Vette's history dove-tailed with the idea I had, how she represented everything my character could have been if "life" had taken a different turn. She's my best friend and "little sister" now. But let's see... favorite personal moments... Aside from every time she approved of me insulting Baras, there was this comment she made on Tatooine, said she'd turn purple if we stayed out in the sun too long. That decided it for me (when I got done laughing) that the customization I picked for her would make sure she stayed "blue." To be honest, I love all of the Sith Warrior companions, especially with the path I've taken through class and companion stories so far. Suggestions on the next featured companion: the game is too new to me still. I've not latched onto anyone else yet not affiliated with the Sith Warrior... EDIT: I did "latch" onto someone else. Forgot that, sorry. Lord Scourge. He is a compelling character and my jedi sentinel would be drawn romantically to him, never to Doc. I actually started my marauder because of this, leaving my sentinel sitting at 40, a bit disappointed and burnt out. And yes, I know all about Scourge's history now, what happened to him. The potential for romance, the quest for its possibility, would be a great chance at character growth.
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