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How frequent do you still login to SW-ToR?


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Wanted to ask how frequent you still log in to SW-TOR as I played the game almost every evening during the first months but lately I don't find a good reason to logon anymore.


Most evening guild has like max 2-3 ppl online except on raid night....can't find a group to do HMs via general chat or the LFG comment....after getting all 3 rakata pieces with grinding dailies, i'm totally sick of running dailies and PVP is not my thing...


could level another alt but as only the class quests are different for each class and that's about 10% of the total leveling experience, I've kinda seen all planets and planet quests after running through them with 2 characters.


So yea, SW-TOR is turning into the game i logon on to maybe twice a week to do a raid and for the rest of the time forget about it, just like the last year I played WoW, but I didn't thought I would hit that barrier so soon.


Anyone else having a similar experience?

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I logged in every day up until 2 weeks ago. That was when the last two active players on my friends list stopped logging in (out of about 40 names) and I couldn't find anyone to run Warzones with.


I tried to play every couple of days after that, but still nobody left to play with, so I unsubbed my account. I may try again if 1.2 comes out before my play time expires, but the 23rd keeps coming closer and it doesn't seem like they're any closer to releasing the patch.


A single player mmo can only hold my interest for so long...

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Mostly every day but based around real life schedules. Sometimes I just don't want to play but that isn't SWTOR's fault, mostly the stress I'm going thru right now.


I just hit 50 and am enjoying gearing up a bit, PvPing and meeting new folks along my questing. I still have much to do on my main and haven't even run the majority of the flashpoints let alone an operation. I'm amazed at how many people are in top end gear at this point while I feel like I'm just starting out. And hubby and I haven't even seen the Republic side yet. I see many months of SWTOR ahead of us.

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I log in daily, but the time I log in varies day to day. I'm no longer pulling the all nighters I used to when I first started playing but still enjoying myself all the same. Like anything in life, too much of something is bad. Unsub and comeback in a couple of months. I tend to do this sometimes.
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Wanted to ask how frequent you still log in to SW-TOR as I played the game almost every evening during the first months but lately I don't find a good reason to logon anymore.


I've played pretty much every day since prelaunch and am still playing every day.

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Third day in a row today I haven't logged on. I also cancelled my subscription today because I don't want to pay them for the month of April to try 1.2... This is obvious theft.


I'll patiently wait until D3 comes out.

Edited by lollermittens
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Third day in a row today I haven't logged on. I also cancelled my subscription today because I don't want to pay them for the month of April to try 1.2... This is obvious theft.


Theft is when you take someone else's property. You not wanting to wait until 1.2 is ready to be released is lack of patience.


But, if you don't believe me, go ahead and file a police report and let us know how it turns out.

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topics like this are funny, but ill humor you with what you want to here:


"Omg end game is crap i log on for 1-2 hours to do my dailys and im super bored the whole time wow this game is **** cant wait for gw2. Oh btw patch 1.2 sucks"


sometimes when im down i log onto the forums to find posters like you, and realize my life cant be as bad as a forum troll's.

Edited by Motoeric
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I log in too frequently. Playing this game is like trying to put down a good book, but can't. I feverishly work to unlock the next plot line. After finishing the JK story, I rolled a Sith Warrior. I'm nearly done there, but I don't want to hit 50 until 1.2 hits, so I rolled a Smuggler.


The Smuggler story is a hoot. Between my smuggler trying to romance everything including dark sith mistresses and Corso's relatives, to his Dirty Harry style approach to justice, I'm having a blast. I love Risha's continued rebuff of my advances thus far...she has that hard-knock, rough and tumble feel you find in 1940s-1950s films like characters of Greta Garbo or Hildy Johnson (from His Girl Friday).


So yeah...I log in too much. I must cut back or suffer the consequences. I expect a lot of other players are in a similar situation as me.

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Third day in a row today I haven't logged on. I also cancelled my subscription today because I don't want to pay them for the month of April to try 1.2... This is obvious theft.


I'll patiently wait until D3 comes out.



What ridiculous hyperbole. Are you a speech writer for politicians? lol. Obvious theft? Really? No. Obvious theft is me punching you in the face and taking your wallet.


At worst you can call 1.2 release date a marketing ploy to extend subs. At best (and least cynical), the release date is the soonest they can get it out the door due to development considerations.

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I played almost constantly from early access up until January 17th when my teachers started passing out homework like Willy Wonka passes out candy.


Now that the semester is winding down I'm increasingly back on and excited about the new upcoming 1.2 patch.

Edited by Hardwear
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Every day at the moment cus its fun and I always have stuff on the go so I play as often as I can. I have to say, though, I am a touch worried about one aspect of the story which I do hope doesn't turn out badly. No spoilers please. The game is more like reading a book and takes me back to my FFVII, Tomb Raider and Resident Evil days when I just couldn't put the thing down. Anyway, its the holidays now so four straight days of pure SWToR fun. Good stuff.
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DOwn to about 30 min a week. I already cancelled, but I keep trying to come back to it. The clumsy UI, delays that still plague the game, and the bugs just make it really hard. Most everyone I know as left the game and the vast majority of players seem to control their characters by throwing mashed potatoes at the keyboard. Edited by Ossos
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I log in every day. I'll run a couple dailies on my marauder and maybe RP with her a bit, but when that's done, it's off to the 'pub side to rock the house on my lvl 26 heal spec commando in the Under 49 warzone bracket. I love PvP in this game. It's the only PvP that actually excited me aside from WAR's PvP.
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I log in everyday (generally) as well, play for maybe three or four hours, still don’t have a character to fifty yet and in no rush to do so, closes is a level 40 commando but waiting for the free Asia/Pacific transfers so he can join my other characters.
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I just now re-subbed ..go figure.


I am hoping that "like many" 1.2 is what the game should have been from the start... "RC1"


So, let's re-roll on a populated server and see what happens.


I still vote for a Server Merge.... NOW !

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