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Play without a companion?


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Then i say the game is balanced wrong. I shouldn't have to skirt the rules, or kite mobs, or out level the content just to play without the companion. I'm not quite sure where Bioware got the concept that having a companion was the way the star wars universe worked, but basing all classes off Han Solo and Chewbacca's relationship seems a bit short sided. Jedi and Sith characters shouldn't have to rely on a companion to survive. Their only assistance should be from the Force, not some filthy tag along.


But, by the responses i am getting, it would seem i am alone in this opinion...ah well


Luke and R2-D2 (Yavin, Hoth etc)

Luke and Wedge (Yavin plus others)

Luke and Dack Ralter (Hoth)

Luke and Leia (Various, although im thinking of the Death Star primarily)

Luke and Biggs Darklighter (Trench run)

Luke and Han (Yavin, Hoth etc)

Luke and Chewbacca (Cloud City)

Luke and Lando (Jabbas Palace)

Luke and Obi Wan (Death Star, Mos Eisley Cantina etc)

Luke and Owen Lars (Tatooine)




Dr Evizan and Ponda Baba

Jango Fett and Zam Wesell

Dengar and Boba Fett

The Emperor and Mara Jade

Vader and Moff Tarkin

Jabba and Bib Fortuna

Jabba and Salacious Crumb


...those are without even really thinking too hard, plenty more examples. Ok granted transposed into SWTOR's companion setting most of these relationships are more akin to two players than player + companion, but not all are.

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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


Yeah, it's pretty contradictory all around... you're heroic - but not heroic enough to fight that generic Imperial army guy without your companion.


#1 reason I dislike the game is because of requirements to use companions.

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you saw what happend in ep 3 when order 66 was given, jedi were cut down by regular soldiers. just cause jedi have amazing abilities doesnt make them invincible.


Had they summoned their companions, the jedi would have survived. Just sayin'...

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Like 'em or not, companions are a brilliant addition to the game, from a balancing perspective: every class, every build, has a huge factor in common to dilute performance differences in solo leveling.


Personally, I've never liked pet classes, so I can sympathize a little with the OP. For example, playing my Sage was a little annoying because I had to spend a fair amount of time maneuvering/buffing my companion. I felt like my great and powerful Jedi Master character was pidgeon-holed as lizard baby sitter.


Then again, my (tank-specced) Guardian can ignore his companion almost entirely. For that reason alone -- and although the Sage is more powerful in theory -- the Guardian is much more fun to play. (For me.)


So to people like the OP, I'd recommend playing a tank to avoid the pet-class doldrums. If, on the other hand, your objections are primarily thematic -- if you feel that the presence of a companion diminishes the importance, or the perceived capability of, your character -- then I don't know what to tell you. The companion can be regarded as a crutch, or he can be regarded as a, um, companion -- someone who keeps your character company on his adventures.


Granted, companions in this game don't offer (in my experience) as much wit and wisdom as they do in other Bioware games, but they do offer some, on occasion.

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Jedi - Padawans

Sith - Apprentice or slaves

Smugglers - sidekicks (Solo and Chewbacca)

Trooper - usually have a platoon


The only couple that I could see not really having a companion would be IA and Bounty Hunters - though the Bounty Hunter story line pretty much sets you up as part of a group.


Otherwise, most of the canon, KOTOR or not, has involved people having companions.

Edited by JaxonLuxor
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Ironically, companions are less optional for Jedi melee than people with guns, most of whom have decent defense and high enough dps to slug it out before they die. With companion, my bh merc, commando trooper, and gunslinger smuggler can run +2 to me where my Jedi run even or -1. And even then I have tough time with the occasional champ in solo missions, you know, the ones they stick in a side room as an optional challenge? Edited by Gorgor
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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


I get it, smugglers and bounty hunters need help from filthy, pathetic creatures because they aren't "good enough", either, but a Jedi and Sith are above dealing with the filthy, pathetic creatures, and can take on the whole world all by themselves because they are soooo l33t and are related to Rambo.


You should listen to yourself sometime, it's both funny and sad at the same time.


Let's just say that if an NPC invites you to their home for a "celebration", you don't want to bring your companion with you.


That happened! A bunch of NPCs invited me for a celebration, and a Jedi and some soldiers crashed it killing everyone. Good thing I did bring along my companion.

Edited by terminova
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I get it, smugglers and bounty hunters need help from filthy, pathetic creatures because they aren't "good enough", either, but a Jedi and Sith are above dealing with the filthy, pathetic creatures, and can take on the whole world all by themselves because they are soooo l33t and are related to Rambo.


You should listen to yourself sometime, it's both funny and sad at the same time.




That happened! A bunch of NPCs invited me for a celebration, and a Jedi and some soldiers crashed it killing everyone. Good thing I did bring along my companion.


I was at that party. I brought my jawa. utinni!

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but basing all classes off Han Solo and Chewbacca's relationship seems a bit short sided. Jedi and Sith characters shouldn't have to rely on a companion to survive. Their only assistance should be from the Force, not some filthy tag along.


Yeah, 'cause Luke, Corran, Qui Gon whatever never had companions.



Better go tell R2, Whistler, and Obi-wan that they were figments of everybodies imagination. And from what I could tell of the intro movie, it was the sith master and apprentice fighting against the jedi together... now sure. The apprentice killed the master at the end... but hey. Watch your back sith masters.


Star Wars very often has pairs. Yes, even the jedi. (Probably especially the jedi. It's almost ALWAYS Jedi & padawan. 2nd companion as a JK is your padawan)


(Seriously though, what is it with Jedi and Astromechs? Even the JK's first companion in TOR is an astromech...)

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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


it'd be like a challenge mode, do to difficulty in some missions/areas your going to hit walls trying to solo everything. every mission is balanced around you having a companion and while could do most mobs with out a companion probably even silver pulls... any gold will just **** you something fierce... and pulls with 2 normals and a silver will to...


actually! BH make least sense for companions they usually work alone.

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I think it you were going to try to solo quests, you would want to be higher level than the quest, you will probably want to skip the bonus parts, and stealth would be a definite asset. Many quests don't actually involve a lot of killing (much of the required mob killing comes through the bonus quests). The gold-star mobs are going to tough, though.


You will need to augment your quest xp with a good amount of heroic/flashpoint grouping and/or PVP warzones.

Edited by sjmc
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Jango Fett had Zash (or whatever the Shapeshifter's name was).


Again, it is perfectly viable to play solo. You just heal up a lot in between. If you think you can't do it, or have been proven so... it's a L2P issue... My companions were always on missions, except for when there was a boss with multiple adds. If they bring help, I should too.

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(Seriously though, what is it with Jedi and Astromechs? Even the JK's first companion in TOR is an astromech...)


I'm going to guess it's based on Luke always having or almost always having R2-D2 around somewhere doing something.

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Is it feasible to play without the companion? I mean, we're supposed to be powerful Sith (or Jedi) and yet, we have to rely on a helper?? I get it for the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes, but the Sith/Jedi classes really shouldn't NEED them to play.


Mmmm, dude...have ever watched the Star Wars movies, maybe read a SW novel or two?


Everyone has at least one sidekick/companion/minion/whatever who, in general, isn't a slouch. It may seem a little odd to you, but if you look at all the focus characters in whatever/movie/book/game you care to look at, none of them really go it alone (excepting, off the top of my head, the apprentice, but if they make jedi that powerful we'll just get world of glowbats).


And as to the sith thing...well...your right, in the movies, the Sith don't have a companion...they tend to use armies. I think your complaint as far as sith goes should be "All the Sith from the fiction can hurl masses of troops and resources at the problems, I feel so gimp." I mean...seriously, how many Stormtroopers died just so Vader/The Emp could herd folks around...or bait a trap? Did they ever give an official count on how many Clone Troopers Palpatine had at his disposal for Order 66?


Every SW movie made has so far been some form of buddy flick/mentor flick, set to space opera. Why would you want a game to change that, TOR heads far enough away from the SW feel as is...

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I'm going to guess it's based on Luke always having or almost always having R2-D2 around somewhere doing something.


Also probably has something to do with both of the examples I cited (Luke and Corran) being fighter jocks (in particular, x-wing) before they discovered they had jedi potential, which sort of explains the astromech. Doesn't explain the JK's though.

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  • 9 years later...

No, if you are any kind of class which is not a healer, you can NOT do ANYTHING without your companion. You will just die repeatedly to lower level single targets except the lowest easiest mobs. And if there is more then 1 of them your screwed even then.


A Companion healer is REQUIRED, for ALL Content the same level or higher then you.


Source - Jedi Knight trying to play KOTFE and can't even make it past the first trash mobs without dyeing repeatedly. It's absolute ********.

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No, if you are any kind of class which is not a healer, you can NOT do ANYTHING without your companion. You will just die repeatedly to lower level single targets except the lowest easiest mobs. And if there is more then 1 of them your screwed even then.


A Companion healer is REQUIRED, for ALL Content the same level or higher then you.


Source - Jedi Knight trying to play KOTFE and can't even make it past the first trash mobs without dyeing repeatedly. It's absolute ********.


Bit of an exaggeration. I've accidentally not had companions in story content and lower level heroics and barely noticed they weren't there.

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That link, you posted, pretty much summarize what I'm thinking about the general forums =D




Our forums are sometimes nasty, but if i may say, coming on game well known for stories with companion, and arguing that the game is not well balanced because you dont want a companion is totally out of reason.


Yes some answers are ironics, but its well deserved, as some of the arguments of the poster, were more arguing than trying to get an answer


Or was he trolling ?



and dont forget that SWTOR has seen a big numbers of WOW players coming to the game. When you played WOW for some times and tried to play it again recently, you even know through the posts and langage who is who.


WOW is the worst community ever. And yes SWTOR Is not perfect but in game you will find a great number of helpfull people. Dont expect that in WOW, where the new players are told to leave if they dont know ow to play.

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To answer to the OP :


While the game is made for player + companion, you can do what you want, keep the companion or just ignore them totally, as you can ignore or dismiss or use the robot helper in instances.


To each is own. But do not complain then that the game is way to hard for solo at lv 50, and way up to the end.


Some fights are indeed very easy but some others if you dont have a healer, or tank or dps to help you survive, you will not. Of course i dont speak of story mode instances.


Personally, as i love the game with companion, i have them more often, even if sometimes i put them on follow. And on a pure gaming basic, i love achievements and those are also part of achievements.


Also if you keep your companion at a low level influence this is true that they will not be competitives, All the companions i like (either the look, the story, the race ...) are 50, maxed influence.

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