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So if Maras are the FOTM, where are they ?


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Everyone keeps repeating that we are FOTM and getting a HUGE buff in 1.2. That we will be unstoppable killing machines able to one shot tankassins and kill the whole opposite team just by sneezing.




Ok, but when I look at the pop on Korriban, the fleet, the fury and pretty much everywhere else, we are still quite few. Fewer than Juggs and sorcs at the very least.

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Everyone keeps repeating that we are FOTM and getting a HUGE buff in 1.2. That we will be unstoppable killing machines able to one shot tankassins and kill the whole opposite team just by sneezing.




Ok, but when I look at the pop on Korriban, the fleet, the fury and pretty much everywhere else, we are still quite few. Fewer than Juggs and sorcs at the very least.


One reason would be not everyone PvPs, whatever the FOTM is doesn't affect me in any way. Although if less people play Sorcs my Assassin might have less competition for loot.

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There seem to be quite a few in 1-49 wz's maybe 2-3 out of 8. People are starting to realize that while Marauders are great damage dealers, they just do not have the utility of an Assassin or Juggernaut, and are frustrating to play when focused on.


Marauders are a great class, but what I'm trying to say is Marauders alone wont win warzones.

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People just needed another AC to label as the next FOTM (since Sorcs/Sages are getting brought down a little bit), even when there is no such class now.


What some people forget is our primary spec is actually getting a bit of a nerf. Having Pred moved to Carnage and 100% DR Camo gone is a pretty big loss for Annihilation (albeit i'm eager to test out the new Phantom, as I wonder how the increased speed and duration will play out with 50% baseline DR). It's countered, but not fully, but the removal of rage costs on three abilities and a slight damage buff to Ravage. This is ignoring the fact that Fury building via Quick Recovery will be a thing of the past, as it to is being removed.


At the moment, Annihilation is way up here and Carnage/Rage are way down there. In 1.2 they're all going to be pretty even, with Rage possibly sneaking ahead for Voidstar/Civil War and Carnage for Huttball.


At release, Marauders were labeled as power houses but easily controlled. That hasn't changed, nor will it change in 1.2 Marauders were widely considered one of the lower end AC's (remember all of the Marauder QQ threads, plz fix us for PVP, plz make us viable for PVE, blahblahblah), but now that we get the rage cost of our interrupt, AOE mez and obfuscate removed, we're suddenly the FOTM class? Give me a break. It's just the pre-patch hype.

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At the moment, Annihilation is way up here and Carnage/Rage are way down there. In 1.2 they're all going to be pretty even, with Rage possibly sneaking ahead for Voidstar/Civil War and Carnage for Huttball.


If this is true i cant wait to see how much more i own as carnage spec

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I do see more Marauders/Sentinels in the 50 bracket than before.

Usually it's not too much of a problem though, because two would qualify as more in this case, since not too long ago often enough I was the only Marauder in the WZ game after game.

Still, I think we'll be relatively fine once 1.2 hits, and people who rolled one because it was FOTM will realize it's not as OP as some believe, and those Mara/Sents that are considered OP are usually the ones who stuck with the class since the start, and as such, know the tricks of the trade by heart, so to speak.

Also some might realize that we are not all powerful, while we can be deadly in the right hands, especially with proper back-up, we do not offer the same level of utility as some other classes, and in all honesty aren't so difficult to counter as long as you don't get lured into a 1 on 1 fight.

Plus, at least on my server, it seems to me some groups are starting to focus A LOT on us, think it was yesterday I ran towards the enemy, same as I always did, and where before I could have survived for a long time, there I was dead in 2 seconds.

Or it could just be me, I do tend try to be as big a pain in the *** as I can be to the opposing team when given the opportunity :)

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blah blah blah... and those Mara/Sents that are considered OP are usually the ones who stuck with the class since the start, and as such, know the tricks of the trade by heart, so to speak.

Also some might realize that we are not all powerful, while we can be deadly in the right hands, especially with proper back-up, blah blah ...snooze


Same for me with my Powertech (this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GoGrd0rogzZMcbZb.1) I've been playing this class since Dec. 15th, 2011. I've enjoyed the story, tried other classes but this is where i belong. I'm 49 (u have problem with dat? i dare you to so i can rearrange your ugly mug! jk :D) but everyone thinks i'm hacking since i know exactly what to do when and how to pwn. every class will be FoTM with an xperienced player in charge when they destroy a bad player.

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Everyone keeps repeating that we are FOTM and getting a HUGE buff in 1.2. That we will be unstoppable killing machines able to one shot tankassins and kill the whole opposite team just by sneezing.




Ok, but when I look at the pop on Korriban, the fleet, the fury and pretty much everywhere else, we are still quite few. Fewer than Juggs and sorcs at the very least.


On Fatman try queueing in low level pvp, most of the time lately on my alt Im finding the group I get has 50% of them being Marauders or the other team having 50% sentinels. Where as before it was mainly Sorcs ans Mercs filling the ranks..


We are OP, atleast Annihilation spec is. Its become almost mind numbing to kill people lately. People will alwasy leach onto the OP class. Sooner or later we will be "adjusted" and then Snipers will be the FOTM or Pyrotechs...

Edited by Karniel
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On Fatman try queueing in low level pvp, most of the time lately on my alt Im finding the group I get has 50% of them being Marauders or the other team having 50% sentinels. Where as before it was mainly Sorcs ans Mercs filling the ranks..


We are OP, atleast Annihilation spec is. Its become almost mind numbing to kill people lately. People will alwasy leach onto the OP class. Sooner or later we will be "adjusted" and then Snipers will be the FOTM or Pyrotechs...


lol @ best marauder.

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I've never heard anyone say a Marauder can 1 shot a tankasin. Quote your sources or I'm calling bravo sierra.


We can't, a good/geared tankasin takes abit of time to kill, still generally dies or runs away.. Now if they were naked and not in a defensive form... MAYBE

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We can't, a good/geared tankasin takes abit of time to kill, still generally dies or runs away.. Now if they were naked and not in a defensive form... MAYBE


I've never been killed by a Mara while in Dark Charge. 1v1 it's not gonna happen. 2v1 the maras might have a chance.


Edit: i'm aware that Darkness Sins are OP and shocked that we haven't been nerfed yet. Probably because our other 2 specs are crap.

Edited by Omite
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I've never been killed by a Mara while in Dark Charge. 1v1 it's not gonna happen. 2v1 the maras might have a chance.


Edit: i'm aware that Darkness Sins are OP and shocked that we haven't been nerfed yet. Probably because our other 2 specs are crap.


Can't talk about that. I spend most of my time in game pvping and I almost never run into sins. I guess their numbers are pretty low, that's why they didn't taste the nerf bat.

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I've never been killed by a Mara while in Dark Charge. 1v1 it's not gonna happen. 2v1 the maras might have a chance.


Edit: i'm aware that Darkness Sins are OP and shocked that we haven't been nerfed yet. Probably because our other 2 specs are crap.


Another tank assassin that thinks he can beat mara's with ease.


You prob never pvp'ed against a skilled marauder then. Tanksins in DPS gear are the hardest targets for a marauder, but a skilled marauder that knows both classes will win anytime without even using undying rage. We have enough defensive CD's to get very low damage on us while our dots kill you.


You use 3xHD stack, I use Force choke/Intimidating Roar/Force Camo (going stealth interupts the channel) so you can't self heal

You use force shroud, I use my weapon abilities.

You use that 50% melee/ranged defense, I use smash/choke/force scream/dots.

If all of this goes right, I don't even have to use my CC breaker so I can save it for when you wanna sap me and self heal yourself.


It's impossible for you to win against a marauder that knows what he's doing cuz you're easily countered while you can't do anything about it.


edit: I have both classes on lv50 btw and both classes are geared

Edited by WokeSmeed
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Everyone keeps repeating that we are FOTM and getting a HUGE buff in 1.2. That we will be unstoppable killing machines able to one shot tankassins and kill the whole opposite team just by sneezing.


My FotM Marauder is created and ready to roll. Not going to actually play him a lot until 1.2 though after the WZ queue faction restrictions have been lifted. Since I mainly PvP while leveling, there is no way I will put myself through the incessant torture of Huttball more than I already have.

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I don't know about you but Marauders are a bloody plague on my server. Hell, I have one. I RARELY see a jug under lvl 30 anymore. I rarely see my own 50 jug at that, Marauders are just so fun. I can't say I stomp tank ***, but I definitely give healers and other saber wielders a workout.
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my server while leveling my agent today we played same set of reps and it was 5 sentinels and 1 guardian.


Though I must say thank you as they were all easy kills. I quite like these sentinels that stand about say 20m away with what I would assume is some sort of frustration as they bash the force charge button and it does nothing.

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