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Let´s be honest. SWTOR is pretty solid MMO arround.


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Here comes the biggest flaw of this trio. They are not ScFI. This is it. SWTOR already reserved for itself a big chunk of players. I know a lot of people who scpecifically need light sabers, blasters and and tech stuff, they will not come back to sword, shield and magic again.



This is something ive been saying for a long time now. SWTOR isnt going anywhere and maybe for this reason alone.


but in regards to your review, i think you had some great points. i disagree with somethings but overall i give your review a 9.5/10

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No one lied about anything, stop exaggerating things and maybe, just maybe, you might get better responses.


Just out of curiosity, what did they lie about again?


They lied about Path of the titans and...oh wait, wrong game :p


BW has made a decent mmo. Some new features, but nothing revolutionary. it's solid and have a good foundation on which to build.


This is one bussines model that has proven to work. Some models where you throw in outragious designs and ideas, tend to fold more often than they succeed. Ironically enough it can be because people are so less willing to change. Reminds me of a quote of someone "Everybody wants improvements, but nobody wants change"


Those with the outragious ideas on the other hand might end up even more succesfull than the first one, but it's certainly many times more risky.

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SWTOR is a good single player game, however its a mediocre at best MMO. Certainly not living up to the pre-launch hype of a innovative next generation MMO that will last years.


It's either this,or a total and absolute 100% wow clone,like Rift.I prefer this.


Also what's wrong with the MMO part?Except the little content to raid at 50?


WoW raiding has more raid content but it is so terrible its unbelivable.The last good thing was Ulduar.Before that TBC.Everything else is horrible after doing it the second time.


ToR Quality > WoW quantity.



The only problem i see ,is the rated pvp content that is comming.Losing will start to matter and the game will become less fun because a mmorpg can never be balanced in pvp.Huge whine fests in the pvp forum will come.If you think there are whines already,you haven't seen nothing yet.

Edited by Kaedusz
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SWTOR is a good single player game, however its a mediocre at best MMO. Certainly not living up to the pre-launch hype of a innovative next generation MMO that will last years.


It is only a "single player" game because the majority of the time players dont bother to try and stop and find some folks for the Heroic missions. Which by the way have some of the best at level gear, and exp.


Nor do they stop and visit the station to run some new flashpoints.


Or bother to find 3 other folks to que with for PVP.


What I am saying is that there are tons of multiplayer aspects of the game that the lazy players dont bother to enjoy, and then complain about it being a single player game.


My friend and I have leveled up grouped together since Tython, and not only has it been fast to level up, killing things with two people and two companions is stupid fast, but its been more fun and entertaining.


Grab a friend, or 3 and enjoy the game as it is intended, or, solo to your hearts content but dont complain about it being a solo game, when you are the one that has made it that way.

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weird... i find combat boring and dull click fest... nothing actiony about it, just WoW combat minus auto attack. Seriously combat is probably WORST thing in the whole game, throw in whole " samey " feel many classes have since, ALL have a 4 second stun, some channeled effect heck! Merc/Sorc almost play EXACT same way! spam channeled effect! go! have almost exact same attacks almost copy and pastes of one another...


Combat in TOR is nothing to brag about, its pretty solid over all and not terrible but certainly not the games selling quality.


And still SWTOR combat is the best to date....well...untill GW2 is released. But equally the combat is very good. I actually feel the impacts of blaster fire and light saber slashes. The good discovery for me was the fact that the melees must be close enough for a hit being taken VS WoW´s monster-can-hit-you-while-10-feets-away.


And SWTOR is not a click fest at all. You can play it like this, but I can deal tons of damage choosing the right abilities for the determined enemies.

Once I in group fought a melee monster who was dealing tons of damage and was pretty fast. He killed my group again and again untill I realized that the monster was totally lacking immunity for slow down abilities. As result, I killed the monster with one alive guy just running arround him and attacking him from the distance. The monster was recovering its speed just in time when the slow-down abilitiy become active again.

Edited by Ivanblood
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I have been having a blast. but it seems many have not. simple answer is, take a break these guys at BW are adding tons of stuff. when you think it appeals to you re-sub. but if your posting here your still subbed so why pay 15 a month to moan on about a game you clearly hate?


people never make sense to me but oh well.

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Indeed, how dare the OP say anything good about the game we continue to pay for despite hating on it with a vitriolic fervor only outdone by religious zealots!!!


Everyone but the OP unsubbed FIVE YEARS AGO! that's how wrong his opinions are!


This made me laugh, thank you ...

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SWTOR is a good single player game, however its a mediocre at best MMO. Certainly not living up to the pre-launch hype of a innovative next generation MMO that will last years.


i love this game to death, but i have to say that your statements define swtor. and hey, i'm fine with that, but i don't think that most people are.

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i liked tera in the betas that i participated in


I really enjoyed the combat, and the graphics fidelity, but I worry about everything else in the game. The quality of life features are not fully fleshed out, and their real endgame isn't even in yet:(

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i love this game to death, but i have to say that your statements define swtor. and hey, i'm fine with that, but i don't think that most people are.


I agree as well. Great single player game (for the first character per faction anyway). Group content is monotonous, buggy, and too easy.

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I agree as well. Great single player game (for the first character per faction anyway). Group content is monotonous, buggy, and too easy.


Yes one of the main reasons why this game is referred to as a single player MMO is because the group stuff just isn't all that fun right now.

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Yes one of the main reasons why this game is referred to as a single player MMO is because the group stuff just isn't all that fun right now.


single player MMO:D isnt it contradictory?:D


but overall i agree, its single player part is great, but i dont think they should make u pay mothly, cause it pretty much feels like ME3, u play story line and if ur bored with it, u do some flashpoints or warzones...the most important part of MMO is its end game content and here the game lacks...imho

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i love this game to death, but i have to say that your statements define swtor. and hey, i'm fine with that, but i don't think that most people are.


if you were expecting anything else you were not paying attention IMO.



They said from the start they thought people played single player first and foremost and that they were not renvting the wheel just added their story flavor.




Right now that is exactly what we have.



I like this game but they just need to move towards more multipler content. The question is?? Will they have a big enough player base left after D3, MoP and GW2 drop to make it that far.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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I think this is a fun game, but, the world pvp needs to be fixed so we get valor for any pvp kills on any planet, warzones are ok but they are pretty boring after the 50th time.




2- THE SHARDS NEED TO GO so the game doesnt feel so deserted. Bioware fix this so servers dont feel empty.


3-Dual spec needs to be added for healers and tanks especially, so we can switch from raid mode to pvp mode.


4-They need open space pvp and pve like we had on SWG.


5-They need some kind of barber shop so if we get bored with how our character looks we can change it.


ALOT needs to be done for this game to be considered one of the best MMO's. Dont get me wrong out of all of the MMO's out there this has the most potential but Bioware is fixing all the wrong issues first. World PVP is a huge one that has yet to be fixed.

Edited by Fallensouls
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