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There seriously needs to be compensation for those of us who did not jump ship.


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It's no secret is the only competitive viable endgame crew skill.


Fact is, the only option for those of us who took other crew skills is to wait it out and be subpar or jump ship and put in more effort.


It's not right a large percentage of your community is being punished.


Future updates is not acceptable. It does not make up for the extraordinary bonus biochem offers that you refused to balance.


Those of us with other crew skills (like armormech) have been gimps and the ONLY blame is on you bioware.


We either forced to put in more work or be gimps.


All there is too it, and for that reason there must be compensation.


Not "future updates" that may or may not (most likely given your history) provide any kind of benefit to being any crewskill crafter but biochem.


Forcing us to play as gimps or put in more effort than somebody else (because you ****ed up and did not balance the crewskills) is unacceptable.

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Even if bioware didn't want to and never will compensate those of us who have been forced into being relative gimps or forced to put in work to not be a gimp, it is still biowares fault.


They should have

A. Locked all crafting crewskills 2 weeks after launch till they were balanced.

B. Announced very clearly "we ****ed up, do not pick anycrew skill but biochem"


Taking 6 months to fix a crewskill like this is absurd. Leaving those of us who trusted you (bioware) could balance a game just to be pulled through the dirt for no reason but the fact that you will not fix these crafting skills is even worse.


You ****ed up. Fixing it at this point isn't enough.


Some of us have been forced to play as gimps or forced to put in more effort than somebody else for one simple reason. You screwed up.


Compensation at this point. Only acceptable action.

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Personally, I don't want or need compensation. Because so few people do armormech (2nd rarest tradeskill), I was able to make a lot of mostly useless credits selling stuff. That's all the compensation I need. It is why one tradeskills, to make things people use, to make money.


Personal stat bonus type junk? That garbage needs to be removed across the board. Tradeskills should not be yet another time sink for the hardcore, then made super easy to level so as to not be too much of a time sink for the casual, but rather added value for those that enjoy tradeskilling.


Anyway, just make the non-rakata purple biochem stuff lose the biochem requirement. Do that and the problem is solved.

Edited by Battilea
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Lets be honest here bioware did drop the ball wit al the crew skills other then bio/ cyber None of the armor skills are useful at 50 becuse you replace it with champ gear or col/rat gear.


armstech was and is a joke and Art is not much better.. i understand where your coming from but QQ about it on the boreds is just going to get you flamed by everyone.


Bioware is not going to give you a hand out just suck it up and have everything you need ready to make augment gear for 1.2 and you will amke up the diffrence.

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Compensdation is totally the wrong way to approach the issues you are describing.


Other tradeskills just need to be as valued in what they offer to players.


Lots of changes incoming in 1.2 which will alleviate though not address every crew-skill article of frustration.


I personally think they need to go back & rethink a lot of how the system was set up to rebalance endgame utility of all crew skills as some have far more to offer than others with some being all but useless.


Take for example the variety of items offered by Artifice (the actual most popular skill) versus Armstech (seriously the worst out of them all) now look at how much they are effectively able to put to market & the gulf is enormous. 1.2 does not address this disparity at all, but hopefully will be improved upon in future patches.


I've given my suggestions on exactly how I think that should be done and that's as much as I can actively do.

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The blame is on you only. Nobody from Bioware took over your mouse and clicked train on any crewskill. Nor did they keep you from switching at any point in time. Have a box of tissues for those teary eyes....you're welcome.
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Why should bioware reward you for your choice in limiting your crafting to 'end game gear'? Yeah so what if your top tier stuff doesn't sell because end game loot is better, guess what....plenty of other tiers to make and sell.


I am on a high pop server and could not for the life of me find someone to craft me a simple orange medium armor chest piece. I hate wearing a cape as a smuggler, what can I say...if you people complaining would take a peak at the entirity of your profession instead of a small, limited segment, the QQ wouldn't be so laughable...each and every single time...

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I find it really difficult to understand these people who force them into the cookie cutter shape of what's considered "best" at the moment and then launch massive QQ when the game vendor balances things out. They also have a tendency to declare as "worthless" any items that have even 1% lower stats than the best ones in the game. The worst of all are the PvPers who defend their hard-earned gear against making it any easier to acquire, yet have the guts to complain when a class other than theirs has any sort of advantage.


Seriously people, it's just a game. Grow up and have fun.

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I find it really difficult to understand these people who force them into the cookie cutter shape of what's considered "best" at the moment and then launch massive QQ when the game vendor balances things out. They also have a tendency to declare as "worthless" any items that have even 1% lower stats than the best ones in the game. The worst of all are the PvPers who defend their hard-earned gear against making it any easier to acquire, yet have the guts to complain when a class other than theirs has any sort of advantage.


Seriously people, it's just a game. Grow up and have fun.


Honestly, and i dont want to say this is all the min/max'er pvpers out there, but I am shocked more people do not know enough math to realize exactly how much of a difference in toon stats they are qq'ing over...

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Is someone standing over you making you level armor mech or any other skill? Is someone standing over you threatening bodily harm if you didn't go biochem? I'm pretty sure no one is forcing you to do anything or forcing you to play this game. Please make a reasonable suggestion minus the drama and overdone QQ. Dry your tears and suck it up because biochem gets nerfed more in 1.2 while everything else is buffed.


Edit - just noticed your forum date. You mean to say you have followed this game since '08 and were totally clueless about what crew skills offered what?

Edited by Akella
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Fail is as fail does.


Armormech and Sythweaving are great crew skills levelling and for alts. Not to mention that with a bit of playing you can have rating 126 gear (purple level 49/50 trainer recipes) straight at 50 depending on RNG luck.


With the changes in 1.2 they will be able to provide aug crit crafted oranges and new recipes. To put it simply, armormech and synth products will be NEEDED by min/max players.


So shut it, do some research, oversome your limitations and understand a simple life lesson- You choose the skills, therefore you made the mistake, so 'shock horror' deal with it.



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It's no secret is the only competitive viable endgame crew skill.


Fact is, the only option for those of us who took other crew skills is to wait it out and be subpar or jump ship and put in more effort.


It's not right a large percentage of your community is being punished.


Future updates is not acceptable. It does not make up for the extraordinary bonus biochem offers that you refused to balance.


Those of us with other crew skills (like armormech) have been gimps and the ONLY blame is on you bioware.


We either forced to put in more work or be gimps.


All there is too it, and for that reason there must be compensation.


Not "future updates" that may or may not (most likely given your history) provide any kind of benefit to being any crewskill crafter but biochem.


Forcing us to play as gimps or put in more effort than somebody else (because you ****ed up and did not balance the crewskills) is unacceptable.


Let me get this straight. You want compensation because you chose a crew skill when you knew full well that it was subpar, but chose it anyway? I swear these forums get dumber every day.


First of all, how is this at all Bioware's fault? They didn't force you to pick that crew skill. If you knew it was sub par and picked it anyway, it is your own fault. If you didn't know it was sub par, it is still your own fault for not doing the research beforehand. Second of all, you are acting like grinding out a crew skill takes some crazy amount of time and effort. I can grind out an entirely new profession in less than 2 hours if I buy the mats beforehand(I have done it for Artifice, Armormech, and Biochem) which costs maybe 200-300k at most which is NOTHING for a level 50 that doesn't just sit in the fleet all day.

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I'm really confused. I can't stop reading about non-biochemist crying that it's broken and such, when I (as a biochemist) don't see any point in keeping it.

I only use my stims/medpacks/adrenals on my only toon that have biochem. My other 3 toons don't have nor benefit from it. I don't even bother to make stims for them.

Why should I waste my time doing stuff I don't need in any way ?

I went synth/armor, since unlike Biochem can make the best stuff. I can make my bracers/belt with an augment slot, and with 1.2 I will be able to do it on orange stuff.


And yet, I'm reading people crying that biochem is broken with their reusable that are weaker than the one they can buy for almost nothing while no one can buy crit'ed rakata gear...

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If you didnt like the skill you maxed just go to another one, even this biochem you seem to be so jelly over...


its not like its expensive to max out a crew skill anyway, I went artifice and synth just to make some stuff and went back to bio, it cost around 450k total.... and if I count what I sold that was left over from REing everything it was closer to breaking even

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I'm ok with by 400 cybertech, in the early days of the server I levelled it far in excess of my playing level, bought the artifact ship upgrades and started to supply the market as the only vendor, I can't justify saying I'm entitled to compensation for making lots of credits?


Others have caught up and I've since stopped doing any meaningful crafting just because I find making a small profit on companion gifts easy while I pick out the ones most favoured by alt companions.


I've since levelled an artificer and starting to level an armourmech, for all these skills I've found that RE to tier 2 will sell for good but not exploitive prices.

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Not "future updates" that may or may not (most likely given your history) provide any kind of benefit to being any crewskill crafter but biochem.


Sigh. You really should pay more attention since you are using the forums after all. I don't know how you have missed it but there will be love for other crew skills in 1.2 and for example just armormech will be able to craft orange armor parts that gets an augment slot on a crit.


Now why are orange items going to be useful? You will be able to remove all mods from the epic gears say from raids and move them on orange ones. The set bonus will go within the armoring mod. So basically orange gear with augment slots will the best available.


That already is a huge buff to armormech and imagine the cash you'll get by selling those gears with an augment slot. The millions will pour in.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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