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Stop balancing classes abilities, and balance how many are allowed in wz's


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Seriously stop "balancing the classes". In fact throw out all of the class balancing being tested on the test server. Most of these changes are not needed whatsoever(except for agents/scoundrels). What does need to be done however is there needs to be a limit on the number of classes allowed in warzones.


The same problems we are seeing with sorcs when this game first came out are becoming apparent again. Only the class has changed. Marauders, assasins, and their mirrors. The whines have already shifted from sorcs to assasins/sins, and marauders/knights.


Please for the love of god stop balancing the classes individually, and start balancing how many of each class can enter into a warzone. Instead of work being done on "balancing the classes" here are some better things to spend your time:


1. Get cross server warzones running asap.

2. Only allow two of each class into a warzone.

3. 4 man premades should ONLY consist of 1 of each different class.

4. 8 man premades should ONLY consist of 2 of each different class.


Longer queue times? Absolutely. They will significantly get shorter with cross server warzones. However with longer queue times you will have a "more balanced" warzone experience overall.


I do realize there will still be the possibility of 6 healers in a warzone still. However that is a fault on Bio Ware. In my opinion there should only be 1 class in game dedicated for all healing needs. All others is just fluff. 2 of the classes need to be redesigned into something else so that there aren't problems amonst the people feeling ripped off because they perceive their class as being inferior. Even though they aren't. They're just different.


TLDR; Stop balancing classes. Instead balance amount of the same classes in a warzone. Get cross server warzones up and running, then regulate the classes. Get rid of 2 healing classes, and redesign them for something else. Patch 1.2 "class balancing" is utter nonsense. Except for bug fixes.

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blame your own faction. they're the ones queuing up.


you're gonna deny half the population into a warzone because they're all sorcs or something?


edit - I could see some type of matching preferences implemented when we get cross server queuing. . .but not until then

Edited by FourTwent
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blame your own faction. they're the ones queuing up.


you're gonna deny half the population into a warzone because they're all sorcs or something?


edit - I could see some type of matching preferences implemented when we get cross server queuing. . .but not until then


I play a sage. So yes. It's increasing their queue yes. However with cross server warzones the wait time I would think wouldn't be too long anyways. We simply cannot have these warzones full of only 1 class playing in that warzone. It is so grossly imbalanced if you do. All classes are geared to balance out another class and so forth. To not have an even spread of classes in a warzone is in my opinion not how Bio Ware intended warzones to be played anyways. How can we even have ranked warzones if they are going to be unbalanced due to one side having too many healers, or too many marauders, or assasins, or any other class?

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Get better. Do good.


you see it's piss poor comments like these that ruin a thread. /bump

Guys this needs to be discussed. This is the real issue. Not all those fake issues you all bring up like OMG NURF assasin, or OMG NURF marauders.

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It's hard to say that what is happening in 1.2 is class balancing. Outside of fixing some known mistakes (like with the sorc proc that allows 2 heals by mistake), the rest of the changes look more like blindfolded piñata swings than a serious attempt at balance.


When you look at all the proposed changes, with many affecting both cost and effect at the same time, there's no way any meaningful cause and effect can be extrapolated. Too many variables are changing at the same time.


It's hard to escape the conclusion that we have indeed been playing the beta version since December.

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you see it's piss poor comments like these that ruin a thread. /bump

Guys this needs to be discussed. This is the real issue. Not all those fake issues you all bring up like OMG NURF assasin, or OMG NURF marauders.


I don't see how such a comment can ruin a thread, when the opening post itself is a crap pile of phail in the first place.


You are suggesting all the other people should give up their freedom and be denied certain class choice when making teams, just because you don't like certain team combinations...


How can anything be considered more "piss poor" than that foolish notion, is beyond me. :D

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Seriously stop "balancing the classes". In fact throw out all of the class balancing being tested on the test server. Most of these changes are not needed whatsoever(except for agents/scoundrels).


That's as far as I got.


Anyone who doesn't think that Merc/Mando healers aren't overpowered, but op / scoundrels are, can't have anything of substance to say.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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So instead of making each class fair to play with/against, you should discriminate against a players choice of class?


Brilliant. That will make the game MUCH more fun.


Discrimination? lol wow. I see there can be no serious conversations in here. People can't even read the tldr version, just spew nonsense about over powered merc healers, in which I plainly stated get rid of 2 of the healing classes and redesign them altogether. This is the problem with the forums.

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It's hard to say that what is happening in 1.2 is class balancing. Outside of fixing some known mistakes (like with the sorc proc that allows 2 heals by mistake), the rest of the changes look more like blindfolded piñata swings than a serious attempt at balance.


When you look at all the proposed changes, with many affecting both cost and effect at the same time, there's no way any meaningful cause and effect can be extrapolated. Too many variables are changing at the same time.


It's hard to escape the conclusion that we have indeed been playing the beta version since December.


It is not hard to say what is happening in 1.2. It is a collection of direct nerfs to anything that the forum QQ'ers think is op. Granted there are some very good fixes to bugs. Also when you make this many changes to factors there will always be huge issues that will show up that are not premeditated. This is why if you change class balance(even though in our case they shouldn't) you do it in very conservative doses. Not huge slapped on monstrosities called patch 1.2 and say it's "balancing the classes".

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Me: "Hey Jim, we need another guy for our premade"

Jim: "I can't you guys already have a sorc"

Me: "Okay hop on your alt then"

Jim: "He's a mara, can't have two"

Me: "Oh, guess you can't pvp with us then"


Yeah this is a super great Idea. A++

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I don't see how such a comment can ruin a thread, when the opening post itself is a crap pile of phail in the first place.


You are suggesting all the other people should give up their freedom and be denied certain class choice when making teams, just because you don't like certain team combinations...


How can anything be considered more "piss poor" than that foolish notion, is beyond me. :D


What about the people facing premades with 7-8 of the same class? Where is their freedom to have a fair fight? Are they supposed to just go then and reroll to the class that is perceived as the new FOTM? Your argument is actually psuedo intellectual. People will be more happy with warzones(I guarentee it) if we adhere to strict group balancing guidlines, as opposed to not.

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Me: "Hey Jim, we need another guy for our premade"

Jim: "I can't you guys already have a sorc"

Me: "Okay hop on your alt then"

Jim: "He's a mara, can't have two"

Me: "Oh, guess you can't pvp with us then"


Yeah this is a super great Idea. A++


The answer to this is to have two groups grouped up and hope that you all catch the same warzone. What if there are 3? Well if you guys want to catch the same wz then 1 will have to queue on his/her own.

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Me: "Hey Jim, we need another guy for our premade"

Jim: "I can't you guys already have a sorc"

Me: "Okay hop on your alt then"

Jim: "He's a mara, can't have two"

Me: "Oh, guess you can't pvp with us then"


Yeah this is a super great Idea. A++


As if allowing 4-8 of the same class into a warzone is tons better. It's actually more detrimental. Especially when ranked warzones come out.

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Seriously stop "balancing the classes". In fact throw out all of the class balancing being tested on the test server. Most of these changes are not needed whatsoever(except for agents/scoundrels).


Stopped reading right there, anyone who thinks that the 1.2 scoundrel/operative nerfs are justified after all the nerfs that they have received since release is completely delusional and extremely biased. Honestly, I didn't even bother reading the rest of your post because of that..

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Stopped reading right there, anyone who thinks that the 1.2 scoundrel/operative nerfs are justified after all the nerfs that they have received since release is completely delusional and extremely biased. Honestly, I didn't even bother reading the rest of your post because of that..


Actually if you look closely it seems the op/scoundrels were buffed. It may be biased, but not dilusional. They do need a nerf, if you don't agree then you are either terrible at playing your class, you just don't know better, or you are lying.

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Honestly, this is one of the worst threads/ideas on the PVP forum.


That's fine. This is the same attitude the forum community had with SWG. Not open to ideas, criticizing them without actually criticizing them. "Oh this is a horrible idea". Well explain how it is horrible, and how allowing multiples of the same class to have free reign in wz's is any better?

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