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is there any reason to keep playing a sentinel


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Most importantly, hang in there. It will be worth it if you stick with Sentinel.



From L30 to L40, I hated my life. Money was always spent in gearing, could never get any candies. Combat itself was harsh and not always in my favor, pvp was hell unless I had a pocket healer, everyone around me thought I sucked and didn't understand that Sentinel is a very hard class to play. The list goes on...


That was my life a few months ago...



Today, I'm a battlemaster in a mixt of columni/champion/battlemaster gear and I am a terror in both PVP and PVE. In PVE, I have to actually control my DPS so that I do not steal the aggro from the tanks. Especially none-guildies that are not use to my kind of raw damage. In PVP, I'm a terror walking around with two glow stick ready to eat you. Anything that wears light armor do not stand a chance against me, a guardian might if he's tanking spec, else, I will crush him before I even lose 10% hp. Bounty Hunters will hurt me but they won't kill me. Basically, 1 on 1, I kill everything thrown at me. If you're a fresh L50, you can't even hope to hurt me. I'm at a point where Doc is in full Tionese/Champion gear and where Kira is full Centurion. I do my dailies in a matter of minutes...


overall... life is good and I am really happy that i've sticked to this class. It was hell to learn it and it wasn't easy to get good at it but once it started to stick.... wonders!

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My Sent was 3-4 levels higher than Angral when I faced him, and I found it a bit of a faceroll. That you are hitting him on same level or one below means you are missing out on a few of the attacks in the intervening levels.

Basically, you will find for the next couple of levels until you get Doc, that most fights will be a challenge. Doable certainly, especially with a good rotation that is well-executed. But as I say, you are missing a few of the tools to make that easier.

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I had trouble with the Darth Angral mission on my Jedi Guardian, though it wasn't Angral himself that was the issue, he was a pushover compared to his Security Chief, who killed 10 times in 5 seconds flat (not all 10 in 5 seconds, but each time in 5 seconds), i admit that the first 2-3 times was my fault, i missed out on several interrupt chances.


What players do not get is that, on my smuggler, i can take on 2 elites and win, though i have to rest at the end of it all, but my jedi knight however, needs to rest after 2 strongs, if you are lucky, 2 elites? forget it, you are dead, you might as well just stand there and die with dignity.

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*edit I would pvp more [i love pvp in this game] but with this character I dont contribute and I feel more underpowered in pvp than I do in pve. so really if I was to try and level in pvp to beat my class quests I would just be taking up a spot on the team to waste time running around and get the minimal reward because even when I am trying I contribute very little. or I can afk but I do not play like that


It takes some getting used to if you:

A) havent played melee in this game before, or others...

B)Need to get used to skill priority, defensive cds

C) If you dont use watchman spec, its an immediate self gimp.


I made a marauder to 50 first and didnt do a lot of PvP until lvl 40+. When I made my sentinel I started PvP at lvl 10 and did enough WZs all the way up every level until I Valor capped. Since I was already used to the class and my marauder was valor 64 I immediately felt fine in PvP even at lvl 10. By lvl 25 I was almost always top damage done and top medals in almost every match.... so its not that the class is gimped, just takes a lot of practice and sadly the only spec really viable is watchman if you want to do really well.


Not saying you have to play PvP, or that you suck etc. Just stating the fact that as much as everyone wants to call sent/mara OP, they aren't necessarily the easiest class to master.


In then end, I can promise that it gets much better at higher levels. I recall by lvl 40 and having my top tier talent my WZ damage done immediately shot up 300k+ every match and my PvE got much easier when Merciless Slash crits for 3-4k on normal mobs and 2-3k on silver/elites in heavy armor.


Stick with it and you will love it.

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Totally agree with poster above me, played sentinel all the way up to lvl 50.

Started pvping around 35 ish, always did ok, but never great. Then merciless slash came around and there were the high numbers.


Just always make sure you're using cauterize, zealous strike & overload saber as soon as they're off cooldown, they're pretty much your base damage & focus gain.


Other than that even though a lot of ops fights or FP's favor a ranged dps over a melee one, once people see what you actually can do & how awesome your group utility is (I usually have about 60-100K healing in WZ) you'll be asked in groups all the time

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On my first run to 50 as a guardian I struggled like the OP (and many others). Angral and then Harrowers is a double-whammy.


My second run to 50 as a sent was much easier and I never bothered with Doc. Biochem makes a big difference, but the most important things are:


1. Know your interrupts. Watch your target's cast bar and use them.

2. Use your cooldowns and centering moves; whatever spec, zen is something you want to be popping as much as possible.


Sentinel takes a lot of practice and requires you to setup keybinds well. But I think that if i can do it, most of us can.

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This is clearly a l2p issue, I have a 50 Marauder and a 21 sent I'm leveling right now so I have ample experience and leveling is a breeze. Are you not using all of the tools given to you? Are you rebuking and using saber ward? Are you watchman specced? Watchman spec is so easy to level as, force jump - overload saber in mid air - cauterize - zealotry strike - throw in a master strike and then slash, pop Zen on 30 centering. It's easy mode.


Edit : that rotation is for a level 20 sentinel it obviously changes when you get merciless slash regardless leveling a sent is easy

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Dude. That is not intended. And just freakish :)


Roll a sin and try for yourself - stealth+high dps+tank's toughness = god mod.


And about Sentinel... So, it looks like "magical level" is somewhere after 40? Right after you get Merciless strike? And before even in PvP (though we are talking only about PvE here) is a struggle?


Then what is all that fuss about op-ness of sentinels?

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Then what is all that fuss about op-ness of sentinels?


For people that have been playing them enough to get it down, then get gear.... they are easily top DPS in game. One could argue many ways if they really are, if they should be. If they are, how much higher than X,Y,Z class/DPS spec should they be etc.


Important thing to take note of is that like in all MMO games. Warriors use a primary resource (rage, focus etc) that builds upon using DPS skills and a few other means. Unlike a lot of DPS classes that can run out of their resource if they aren't careful. This means never using auto-attack basic attack for seconds on end while you wait for resources to refill. This is why in end-game MMOs warriors often "scale" the best with gear for DPS.


Add to that the fact that DoTs stay on after you die, ignore almost all defenses, almost always (save a cleanse) run their duration and Sent/Mara have a high ceiling for DPS. Usually skill capped/connection capped long before its class mechanics capped.


Its hard to balance due to this as well. Lower DPS ~5% for top end players and the other 90% of players start to do 15-20% less due to gear restrictions etc.


I dont envy developers in charge of "balancing" PvP or even PvE for that matter, its a tough job with a lot more peripheral considerations than 98% of the player base can see/comprehend/understand etc.

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Ok... well I will weigh in here. Not adding anything new, but just my perspective.


So... I'm new to MMOs. Only started playing because of KOTOR. And wow, am I glad I did. I'm totally hooked and love the combination of single player and multiplayer aspects. I started of course with a Sent. Didn't realize what would be involved but from a story line perspective that is what I was interested in. And wow... I had a lot to learn, even after capping, I'm still learning new tactics and strategies everyday. And I would not change a thing.


Yes, it was tough. No question about it. And I think it is more than just l2p elements. It seems to be consistent with the story and genre. It is not the quick and easy path. But in my opinion the most rewarding.


And now, I've started alts from most classes, and what a difference I find in playing those roles. It is easier to take down elites at level. I fly through quests so fast many times I miss the bonus because I'm just well ahead of it. And while occasionally there is a tough boss, it is no comparison to the Harrows for example.


Yet, I wouldn't have it any other way. I gravitate back to my Sent because of the skill and challenge. I can appreciate what I have accomplished a great deal more. And now I'm taking down elites at level and have complete confidence in my abilities in any situation. And I marvel at it.


Stick with your Sent. Follow the advice here and you will be happy you did. If certain parts get too frustrating, ask for help (and yes this could include grouping), but keep at it. Tweak and improve your tactics and you will get there. The quick and easy path it is not, but I am more than satisfied.


BTW, for those starting out, I do recommend a Sent. There is no better way to learn to play the game.

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My Sent is now 44 (my main) and I have 0 issues with leveling. Kira or Doc I rip mobs in half. I think you need some tweaks in your play.


For your sabers, keep your hilts up to date and as high as level as you can. This is where most of your damage comes from.


If you are getting whooped on, dont forget force camo and let your comp get some beating while you get a break or finish off the mob from behind (gigady)


Im watchmen (like most) and you need to keep your dots up; dont "save" your centering heal up.

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Roll a sin and try for yourself - stealth+high dps+tank's toughness = god mod.


And about Sentinel... So, it looks like "magical level" is somewhere after 40? Right after you get Merciless strike? And before even in PvP (though we are talking only about PvE here) is a struggle?


Then what is all that fuss about op-ness of sentinels?


Stealth helps a lot for questing. Skipping mobs that you don't need killed is awesome.


For Sentinels, if you're spec-ed in Watchmen, it doesn't really get fun till you hit your 11 point talent skill. Picking 2 points in Defensive Forms from the Combat Tree will help you build centering fast too which helps tons in both PVP and PVE

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If you want to experience, per your words, the ultimate iconic story, then you can certainly do so. Guardians might be a better choice for you, as they have more up front survivability. If you're going to go with a Sent, its going to take a lot of work to master the mechanics. If that doesn't turn you on, then roll a Guardian.


Im a Level 50 Focus spec Sent and I loved about 85% of my experiences. But it took a lot of hard work to "get" the mechanics at play. Plus the need to keep whatever side kick you go with leveled up in terms of gear is also much greater.


I hear Watchman is a good leveling spec, so maybe try that? As a Focus spec, if you go down that path, I very highly recommend putting all of your points into the Focus tree until you get to around your late 20's, whatever it takes to get Singularity and Stasis maxed out, as those make a huge difference. Also, again Focus only, the spec is very much about a global philosophy on rotations then it is about hitting certain buttons/rotations. Globally, for Focus Sent's, once you have Stasis and Singularity, its about setting up your crits, executing those crits with sweeps, constantly interrupting aggro in between the latter two for some silvers and all golds (kick, pacify and the one that stuns everyone all at once). Managing focus is very key too, pacing and spreading out your focus generators with the other elements Ive described.


Once you get the hang of it, which requires lots of trial and error, its actually very rewarding and fun. But in the meantime while learning your class, early on, yup, lots of dirt naps. In leveling my trooper, I cant believe how different of an experience it is. But I really enjoyed the experience.

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Read this front to back, then read it again and put it in to practice:




There are other really great threads that are similar, one of which is stickied, in the Sentinel forum.


Really helped me. I spec'd watchman based on that PVE build and mid-level elites and a couple of bosses were tough at times but I really had very little trouble overall. Mostly using Kira until Doc and then switch between them depending on the fight.


I'm lvl 47 now and doing all quests, plus bonuses - skipping most heroics - with only the occasional space mission and FP's, had me so over-leveled I did ONLY core class quests on all of Quesh and Hoth to get back in to level range. I've done no PVP at all.


Also check out Almar's leveling guides @ almarsguides.com if you just want to blast through it all.


This is my first MMO.


Honestly, with all of the information available on the interwebs and these very forums, if you're suffering with this class it's because you're too lazy to research a little. ;)


Love my Sentinel!

Edited by redonkulos
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I've levelled an Operative and a Juggernaut and I find this by far the easiest to level. Admittedly some of it has to do with being in tune with the game, and to be honest, you should be leveling Watchman, as that is by and far the best spec for it. I'm leveling 1-2 above (ie taking on level 38 quests as a 36) the content and I do about the same as my Jugg when he was 3 levels over the content.


So what I am trying to say, with work, you can make your Sentinel into a beast.


I have a Marauder and a Sentinel, the Marauder is easier because the companions are set up better. IMO, T7 is not good because you need to get hit on for Rebuke and Kira is not that great either. I'm about to get Doc and if its anything like Quinn (Imp Healing companion) it will put me in beast mode.


The big thing for me is to separate your rage builders and rage users; constantly spam rage builders if you can, use Overload Saber/ Smash / Cauterize whenever they are off cooldown, and spam slashes to proc another Cauterize if you can. The class is really about rage management, and when you have it the class is easy.


Good luck, keep your gear up, and you'll be fine.

Edited by furiousferret
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My sent is 41 and I'm having a blast with her. I got a little frustrated on Nar Shad, rolled a Sage and (like an earlier poster) felt like it was God-Mode. HOWEVER, it got boring! Sages are great but they are faceroll easy with a tank companion and having so much control. Sentinels are fun, dynamic, have a lot of defensive CDs, and the challenge is rewarding. I did some space battles early in the leveling process but haven't since 25ish. I don't PvP. I just do a lot of quests and bonus quest chains. Close to zero Heroics (cuz when I'm the only person on Hoth...yea) It gets better around 34 when you get a healing companion (slower killing but never die). But learn to manage your CDs, use Rebuke all the time, as Watchman pop Zen constantly (it's almost always up), and interupt interupt interupt. Good luck.
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Did you see my comment on having Zen available at the beginning of the fight? That makes a world of difference in some fights. You take less damage at the outset, which can give an edge later on.


Also, since you said you are stacking power, I found that in some fights--especially those where I was taking a lot of damage--bumping endurance up really helped.


yes thank you that is what got me through those 2 and the last tonight [had to take a break]


had to kill every strong in the place while trying to kill those damn harrowers

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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After everything that was said here (quite encouraging, btw, thank you all) I think I learned one more trick to make piece with Sentinel. Roll a marauder. Not for serious leveling just to feel difference in a gameplay with a good range DD companion and a healer. Suddenly it becomes not only doable but fun. And you really can see all bright sides of that class. Then go back your poor sentinel and patiently wait for Doc or Lt.

Helped me a lot.

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my biggest problem is beating elites even when they are on level.


my gear and stats are fine and I have been using diffrent suggested rotations but they all suprisingly have the same outcome, low damage and dieing or almost dead by the end of the fight I have not found a rotaion that that has a better burst or that manages reasources better than the next. I could do better at getting off rebuke faster when it procs though


managing focus took time to get used to but the biggest problem is that i cant burn down the elites life fast enough to survive. I am using my med packs, relic, stims and adrenals [which is very costly for how much I am dying] I have been waiting 20 minutes between each fight to use my heroic moment because I dont see myself beating this harower with out it. I use my centering when its available and use saber ward and the other buff at diffrent varibles in the fight. I usauly force leap in and then use the channeled stun to start it off, at 50% hp I use my force camo to switch aggro to my companion. blade storm and master strike seem to be the only abilities that do any damage so I be sure to have them off cool down at the end of the fight. and I make sure to use pacifiy in my rotation, like I said above I need to be faster on using rebuke though.


in the end it comes down to us both at the end of our life but it seems my dps goes to **** even though I save my cool downs and I cannot get him to 0 before I die.


most mobs I can beat even if I have no life, used all my defensive abilities, medpack, and still have to heal after every encounter [just to fight normals and a strong]. this is annoying but I like the combat and story so I will put up with it. its just these damn elites that do so much damage that my nerf bats cant burn them down fast enough, this would not be a problem if I did not HAVE to beat them to advance my story.


Playing my sentinel I have found that sending in your companion first(for me I use Kira just for the heck of it) then force leaping after them it takes them a few good sacks for them to switch their attention to you. If your companion and you are decently geared, it should be around half health(make sure you use master strike!!!) after its attention is turned to you then use force stasis so that your companion can hit it even more then the rest is cake and thats without using your defensive CDs. Another thing you have to learn to do is move. Move in a figure 8 around the elite and if your health starts getting low pop a cd and kite it while kira or another companion takes it down.

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Another thing you have to learn to do is move. Move in a figure 8 around the elite and if your health starts getting low pop a cd and kite it while kira or another companion takes it down.


Eh, da*** are you talking about?


npc's don't have the human issue of manually having to turn.

When you run behind them, as long as you have aggro, they'll turn immediatly.


The kiting only works if it's not a ranged enemy.


Also always pop rebuke if you're getting hit, no matter if you're high or low on hp.

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Playing a sentinel is a lot like playing sports; people play it for different reasons. Oddly enough, I was drawn to the class from KOTOR because I favored dual wielding sabers. When I discovered that Juyo was one of the favored lightsaber forms of Mace Windu I knew what my favorite class was going to be.


As far as advice goes, many others have hit the nail on the head. It's really in our best interests to out-level the content you are playing at least until we get doc when out survivability skyrockets. I never PvP'ed during the leveling process, mostly just did all the available space missions to supplement normal questing.


Is it worth it to get one to 50? A thousand times yes!!!! Due to our multiple abilities combat is NEVER boring and once you get a solid priority rotation into muscle memory (yes, it will happen) you can tear mobs apart in record time. Sithwarrior.com has great advice on rotation suggestions and talent tree specs. In raids your Inspiration ability will become invaluable if you ever do hardmodes with tight enrage timers.


In summary, be patient, stick with it, and watch as you melt mob faces with ease.

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