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Mace and Yoda Vs Palpatine=game over


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Just think... if Mace had agreed with Anakin and had arrested Palpatine (Sidious) instead of trying to finish him off (thus provoking Anakin), they could have stretched out the lengthy legal battle that followed through a whole new film.


Episode 3 ½: Darth's Day In Court

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Here's how it really went down....


Obi-Wan: Don't try it, nublet. I has the high ground, foo.




Obi-Wan: *slices and dices* Now you has become much shorter than I could possibly imagine..... nub.


Ashton Kutcher: *runs up and looks down at Anakin* Punk'd.


Demi Moore: *runs up behind Ashton and shoves him into the lava*

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Are you seriously trying to tell me that master duelists trained to fight using the super sixth sense of the force would be caught off guard confronting the dark lord of the sith?


"Whats the plan?"

"Umm were gonna go arrest the evil Lord, take him in for questioning, should be simple, don't even bother projecting any sense of force awareness"

"Cool, being a Jedi is neat."



I laughed really hard when I read this, especially the last line...good job

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Windu brought the Order's best Duelists with him except for Yoda and Drallig... and they got killed in a half a second.


I was actually surprised that Kit actually lasted as long as he did, seeing as Palpatine quickly killed the other two and Kit's form is more against multiple weapons.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I was actually surprised that Kit actually lasted as long as he did, seeing as Palpatine quickly killed the other two and Kit's form is more against multiple weapons.


Not necessarily... Shii-Cho(Sp?) is a defensive form for all combat. It was widely used because.. well it was easy I guess. Makashi advanced Shii and was more of using your defense as an offense.



Make sense? Blocking is also an attack. Dooku disarmed many use their own attacks.

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Not necessarily... Shii-Cho(Sp?) is a defensive form for all combat. It was widely used because.. well it was easy I guess. Makashi advanced Shii and was more of using your defense as an offense.



Make sense? Blocking is also an attack. Dooku disarmed many use their own attacks.


Well Form 1's specialization is against multiple opponents not against a single one. At least thats what I am seeing.

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Vader, not Anakin, was becoming more powerful by the moment, Nick Gillard and Lucas have both stated he was becoming more and more powerful as time went on by astronomical speeds, the ONLY reason he ever lost was because he was facing Obi-Wan Kenobi, the greatest defensive duellist the Jedi or the Sith had ever seen, not to mention his own master and the greatest Dun Moch practitioner ever.


Okay, that last bit was a lie, but he LOVED to goad people in a fight.


"Well hello there." to Greivous.


"LOL n00b you can't make that jump." to Vader.


lol so true:D

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So,if mama isnt there,do you take ur own decisions or you wait till she come back?


on a decision like this i feel the grand master of the jedi should and in a well written script would of been told the situation. You can't compare this to a son mother relationship this is more like a military relationship where you don't just take action without at least letting your superior know whats going on.

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You all forget that Jedi were evil.

They were planning to take over - when Anakin told Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord he was already going to his office with his 3 Jedi "Masters", they want to make him to resign from Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. What was reaction of Windu when he know the truth? Was he shocked? Try to assemble group of Jedi to arrest him? No! He already has his strike team and he look like he was thinking "Palpatine is a Sith Lord? Doesn't matter I would kill this guy anyway". The Jedi want to kill legally elected Supreme Chancellor is that a Jedi way? I don't think so...

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You all forget that Jedi were evil.

They were planning to take over - when Anakin told Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord he was already going to his office with his 3 Jedi "Masters", they want to make him to resign from Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. What was reaction of Windu when he know the truth? Was he shocked? Try to assemble group of Jedi to arrest him? No! He already has his strike team and he look like he was thinking "Palpatine is a Sith Lord? Doesn't matter I would kill this guy anyway". The Jedi want to kill legally elected Supreme Chancellor is that a Jedi way? I don't think so...


You clearly didn't read the RotS novel.

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You all forget that Jedi were evil.

They were planning to take over - when Anakin told Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord he was already going to his office with his 3 Jedi "Masters", they want to make him to resign from Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. What was reaction of Windu when he know the truth? Was he shocked? Try to assemble group of Jedi to arrest him? No! He already has his strike team and he look like he was thinking "Palpatine is a Sith Lord? Doesn't matter I would kill this guy anyway". The Jedi want to kill legally elected Supreme Chancellor is that a Jedi way? I don't think so...


Where are you getting this from?

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Have to agree with the negative camp here.


I did read the Revenge of the Sith novelization*, and though it's been several years now, the fight is described much more credibly on the page than on the screen. IIRC, the idea is that Palpatine is not only much faster than the Jedi anticipated; the Jedi are also at an inherent disadvantage at the onset because they're all bunched together in a small space. Palpatine, in other words, could afford to swing his lightsaber around much more freely than they could.


That said, the screen version leaves a lot to be desired. It's clear that Lucas wanted to convey that Palpatine is a bad mofo, but the way Windu's buddies folded did more to erode their credibility than it did to enhance their killer's. I wish Lucas had spent a little more time fleshing out that scene (among many others, over the course of the prequel trilogy); it's not like there wasn't wasted space elsewhere.


(* - An excellent read, by the way; the novelization really fleshes out areas of the movie that may have seemed implausible and/or rushed. Mathew Stover deserves a Pulitzer considering the material he was drawing from.)


Pretty much this ^


I would also like to point out that the Jedi Masters with Mace did not suck based on EU material, watch the Clone Wars - Kit Fisto pwns.


However, George did a bad job of directing the scene and made them look like a bunch of idiots.

fights better. :p Edited by Darth__Carnal
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You all forget that Jedi were evil.

They were planning to take over - when Anakin told Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord he was already going to his office with his 3 Jedi "Masters", they want to make him to resign from Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. What was reaction of Windu when he know the truth? Was he shocked? Try to assemble group of Jedi to arrest him? No! He already has his strike team and he look like he was thinking "Palpatine is a Sith Lord? Doesn't matter I would kill this guy anyway". The Jedi want to kill legally elected Supreme Chancellor is that a Jedi way? I don't think so...




Lucas even said the Jedi of the old Republic/Clone wars became corrupt. They werent supposed to be killing people or fighting wars. Their original purpose was to be ambassadors

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You all forget that Jedi were evil.

They were planning to take over - when Anakin told Windu that Palpatine is a Sith Lord he was already going to his office with his 3 Jedi "Masters", they want to make him to resign from Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. What was reaction of Windu when he know the truth? Was he shocked? Try to assemble group of Jedi to arrest him? No! He already has his strike team and he look like he was thinking "Palpatine is a Sith Lord? Doesn't matter I would kill this guy anyway". The Jedi want to kill legally elected Supreme Chancellor is that a Jedi way? I don't think so...




You clearly didn't watch the previous movies to see how Palpatine got that power.

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You clearly didn't watch the previous movies to see how Palpatine got that power.


It is not important how he got that power. It is just politic - In our world we also have examples when somebody wants to win another term of office he starts a war (for example with terrorists). The problem is that at that time Palpatine was legally chosen Supreme Chancellor who was supported by the majority of the Senate (Galactic Republic was democratic, wasn't it?) so Jedi Order shouldn't try to kill him just because he was diffrent relligion (Sith). From that point of view (and view from majority of Galactic Republic citizens, the Jedi were the evil ones who tried to take over the power).

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Have to agree with the negative camp here.


I did read the Revenge of the Sith novelization*, and though it's been several years now, the fight is described much more credibly on the page than on the screen. IIRC, the idea is that Palpatine is not only much faster than the Jedi anticipated; the Jedi are also at an inherent disadvantage at the onset because they're all bunched together in a small space. Palpatine, in other words, could afford to swing his lightsaber around much more freely than they could.


That said, the screen version leaves a lot to be desired. It's clear that Lucas wanted to convey that Palpatine is a bad mofo, but the way Windu's buddies folded did more to erode their credibility than it did to enhance their killer's. I wish Lucas had spent a little more time fleshing out that scene (among many others, over the course of the prequel trilogy); it's not like there wasn't wasted space elsewhere.


(* - An excellent read, by the way; the novelization really fleshes out areas of the movie that may have seemed implausible and/or rushed. Mathew Stover deserves a Pulitzer considering the material he was drawing from.)



The Jedi were not at any disadvantage.. it said nothing like it in the novel. They all ignited their lightsabers and then a "red flash" took out Saesee. Hell I won't describe it anymore....




350 rots novelization


"A fountain of amethyst energy burst from Mace Windu's fist. "Don't try to resist."


The song of his fist was echoed by green fire from the hands of Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and, Saesee Tinn. Kolar and Tinn closed on Palpatine, blocking the path to the




door. Shadows dripped and oozed color, weaving and coiling up office walls, slipping over chairs, spreading along the floor.

"Resist? How could I possibly resist?" Still seated at the desk, Palpatine shook an empty fist helplessly, the perfect image of a tired, frightened old man. "This is murder, you Jedi traitors! How can I be any threat to you?"


He turned desperately to Saesee Tinn. "Master Tinn- you're the telepath. What am I thinking right now?"

Tinn frowned and cocked his head. His blade dipped. A smear of red-flashing darkness hurtled from behind the desk.


Saesee Tiin's head bounced when it hit the floor.

Smoke curled from the neck, and from the twin stumps of the horns, severed just below the chin.



Kit Fisto gasped, "Saesee!"

The headless corpse, still standing, twisted as its knees buckled, and a thin sigh escaped from its trachea as it folded onto the floor.


"It doesn't..." Agen Kolar swayed.


His emerald blade shrank away, and the handgrip tumbled from his opening fingers. A small, neat hole in the middle of his forehead leaked smoke, showing light from the back of his head.




Palpatine stood at the doorway, but the door stayed shut. From his right hand extended a blade the color of fire.


The door locked itself at his back.


"Help! Help!" Palpatine cried like a man in desperate fear of his life. "Security-someone! Help me! Murder! Treason!"

Then he smiled.




In the blank second that followed, while Mace Windu and Kit Fisto could do no more than angle their lightsabers to guard, Palpatien swiftly stepped over the bodies back toward his desk, revrsed his blade, and drove it in a swift, surgically precise stab down through his desktop.


"That's enough of that."


He let it burn its way free through the front, then he turned, lifting his weapon, appearing to study it as one might study the face of a beloved friend one has long thought dead. Power gathered around him until the Force shimmered with darkness.


"If you only knew," he said softly, perhaps speaking to himself, or perhaps to himself, or perhaps even to the scarlet blade lifted now as though in mocking salute, "how long I have been waiting for this..."




The green fire faded and winked out; now the lightning was only purple and red.


Thats the last of the Duel we see in the novel. Then AFTER the Duel! Palpatine begins to fake when Anakin walks in. BUT He did not throw the duel. Just wanted to clear it up..

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Lucas even said the Jedi of the old Republic/Clone wars became corrupt. They werent supposed to be killing people or fighting wars. Their original purpose was to be ambassadors


Exactly. This is what the Revenge of the Sith is - Sith corrupted whole Jedi Order, from guardians of peace they became warriors in war which was lost by them before it even started. To destroy evil they act evil - and that doomed them. When Windu know truth about Palpatine he should go to Senate and provide evidence that Palpatine is standing behind the war - the Senate will accuse Palpatine of treason and eventually he would be terminated. Instead Windu decide to do this old fashion way "Let's go and kill the Sith" and because of that Jedi can be accused of treason and planning to take over and the Order 66 can be given - they tried to kill Supreme Chancellor or the Galactic Republic.

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Instead Windu decide to do this old fashion way "Let's go and kill the Sith" and because of that Jedi can be accused of treason and planning to take over and the Order 66 can be given - they tried to kill Supreme Chancellor or the Galactic Republic.


Or you know, "let's go and arrest Palpatine for treason, until he pulls out a lightsaber and murders 3 Jedi Masters in mere seconds." You could actually try watching the movie or reading the novel, and you'd actually know Mace Windu has every intention of arresting Palpatine and taking him before the Senate...which he even states.


But ya know, facts. Screw them. The Jedi are evil!!!!!! Like they totally tried to murder the Chancellor DEMOCRACY guys come on! He wasn't controlling the Separatists too or anything!

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Exactly. This is what the Revenge of the Sith is - Sith corrupted whole Jedi Order, from guardians of peace they became warriors in war which was lost by them before it even started. To destroy evil they act evil - and that doomed them. When Windu know truth about Palpatine he should go to Senate and provide evidence that Palpatine is standing behind the war - the Senate will accuse Palpatine of treason and eventually he would be terminated. Instead Windu decide to do this old fashion way "Let's go and kill the Sith" and because of that Jedi can be accused of treason and planning to take over and the Order 66 can be given - they tried to kill Supreme Chancellor or the Galactic Republic.


He didn't have evidence... that was the problem.


He was in control of the Senate completely just like Windu had said in the movies. His term was long over due, I think his term was suppose to have ended a few years before ROTS.

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Or you know, "let's go and arrest Palpatine for treason, until he pulls out a lightsaber and murders 3 Jedi Masters in mere seconds." You could actually try watching the movie or reading the novel, and you'd actually know Mace Windu has every intention of arresting Palpatine and taking him before the Senate...which he even states.


In the novel, he also told Palps to not resist and get arrested.



Plaps could have went along with it and got arrested. And then say the Jedi couldm't prove anything and that their traitors. In front of the Courts.

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Actually I read the novel, and watched a film for million times. (In canon films are always higher than novel by the way)

Palpatine's term originally would end in Attack of the Clones - but the war begins so Senate decide to leave him on his post.

He didn't control whole Senate - for example delegation of 2000 with Padme, Bail Organa and others. The majority of the Senate was supporting him - isn't this is what the democracy is about? When the majority of people want something it happens? I agree that sometimes the majority is wrong, but hey, it's one of the disadvantages of democracy;p

The Jedi and few senators like Padme were saying they are fighting for Republic and democracy. How is that can be if they were the minority of the Republic and Senate?? They were oposing legally elected and supported leader so they were traitors and Order 66 was just punishment to them.

Windu refuse Anakin's proposition to arrest Palpatine and try to kill Chancellor - he was doing something against Jedi Code, in anger and with hate, he was evil.

Remember that Jedi also makes mistakes - not everything they do was automatically good. Like Kenobi said Truth is a point of view.

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Exactly. This is what the Revenge of the Sith is - Sith corrupted whole Jedi Order, from guardians of peace they became warriors in war which was lost by them before it even started. To destroy evil they act evil - and that doomed them. When Windu know truth about Palpatine he should go to Senate and provide evidence that Palpatine is standing behind the war - the Senate will accuse Palpatine of treason and eventually he would be terminated. Instead Windu decide to do this old fashion way "Let's go and kill the Sith" and because of that Jedi can be accused of treason and planning to take over and the Order 66 can be given - they tried to kill Supreme Chancellor or the Galactic Republic.




Why go to a senate that is completely under Palpatine's control through is manipulations? Palpatine not only activity sought out to kill all jedi from the beginning of the conflict but to dominate the galaxy through force, incite xenophobia and crush everyone or everything that wasn't human.


Palpatine from the beginning was evil. He overstayed his term in office through manipulating the senate with false information. He would never relente power even if the jedi went through the senate. Palpatine was the king of spin. The fact he managed to process and execute order 66 say's this much.


He manipulated the entire order and blinded them to his true plan, which was to make them out as the bad guys. He succeeded.


There are many times in the clone wars series that the senate comes to the vote to end the war through peace. Palpatine always finds a way to ignore the motion and comes out with a scheme to make the separatist force seem completely abhorrent to peace. This doesn't stand true as many planets wanted peace.

Edited by sambeta
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