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Server que after disconnect- grace period plz?


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is this time to do the 'star wars thing'?


Bioware move their hand mysteriously and say "there are no queues".


seriously though , got my copy now , put in the code , sub started .... worst queue to date ... paying for the privilegde to queue now ..... I must be stupid!

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I can understand maybe a 15 minute total Que time, but i sat in Que for over 2 hours earlier today, this is unacceptable. I paid for this game and will be paying monthly as well. So if I get this right I have to pay to wait in line for multiple hours , how is this right ? If this continues I can't see myself having to adjust my real life schedule no matter how much I like this game just to accommodate Que times. We are the customers that are paying for a service, we are the ones that should be accommodated !!
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I guess what I don't understand is why servers that are "FULL" still allow new characters to be added. Is that just informational?? First time character creation on an account should never have been allowed on servers that were already FULL and should have been highly discouraged on servers that are HEAVY.


I have to agree that these were lessons long ago learned by many other MMO's, so how could the ball have been dropped to this extent?

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Except that its everyday that Tomb of Freedom Nadd has queues that last everywhere from 3-6 hours, and that is why almost everyone i know who has a keyboard that can record keystrokes have programmed macro's in their keyboards just to make sure they don't disconnect while they head off to bed or eat dinner etc.


because if you disconnect like what just happened to me 4 times so far because of *********** bioware, not once have i lost connection to the internet, but 3 times tonight ive lost connection to the server, 1 time i got straight back in, got put infront of the queue of something i was nr 8 in queue, second time straight back in, third time nr 50 in queue, but the fourth time, now apparently i have been thrown bakc in the line of the queue because of their *********** problems not allocating enough resources and increasing server capacity on probally the most popular EU server.


so yea 1900 in queue, here's to the 4-6 hour wait.

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everyday i get a DC and then i have to get in line again. why?

i have lost so much game due time to this problem. fix it now bioware!


im on ToFN with my guild, the wait times are 4hrs+, so this problem is massive pain in the arse. give us server transfers please.

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You, guys, are so naive! Developers team most likely chilling after launch somewhere in Vegas (otherwise they could fix anti-aliasing at least) - don't bug them with your cries. Meanwhile I'm watching my 1100 people queue - only 400 left after 1.5 hours. Edited by Pashgan
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Please allow a grace period for the queue's. I can deal with some queueing, it's launch after all. The 2-5 hours are a bit ridiculous, but even those I can work around if I have too (you shouldn't have too, but life isn't fair). It's the requeue after you've been DC'd or crashed that drives me up the wall.


While we're on the subject....


Why not allow a one time free transfer? At least for those servers that have 2 hour and longer queues. Leaving the servers alone that have no queue or 30 minutes is fine in my opinion, but at a minimum the servers that you CANNOT get into, should be allowed to have a certain number of people transfer off. First come first serve, let enough off to drop the queue to 30 minutes like every other server then stop the transfers.

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Could we please have some type of grace period to log back in after a disconnect?


Had issues both in guild and in groups, if someone would disconnect for a minute they'd have to sit in a 15-20 minute que to get back in and finish the flash point or whatever they're working on.


There should be grace period or holding your spot in queue once you are logged in the game so if you get DC'd you dont have to wait in line. I think WoW implemented this a while back for those issue cause it got bad when the launched WOTLK

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Dear God please allow that. I was so pissed off the other night when this happened.


I foresaw Star Wars being plagued by NEW problems that other MMO's haven't seen yet, because it's a fresh new MMO.


But to be plagued by OLD MMO problems - that's just a little embarrassing don't you think?


Any queue over 100 is unacceptable. Allow Guilds and people to move their characters to a less populated server if queues reach over 100 for any period of time. Brand new game that you have to wait 30 minutes just to login? Lame, cancel subscription - people have been spoiled by WoW they are not going to stand for that.


Other things, like looking for group. How long has WoW been implementing the LFG system that searches and fills groups across servers for instances? At least 3 years now. (One of the best advancements in MMO's yet).


Why did SWTOR not come with this?


Clean it up guys - MMO players don't have the patience that they did in vanilla WoW.


If I have to wait more than 5 minutes on average throughout a month's period, that month should be free or 50% off, IMO.

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surely they knew people would complain about server queues, why didn't they offer a grace period for those who already waited in line to get back into the game after disconnect or (more likely in early development) game client crash. I cannot begin to fathom any logic to any decisions made by this company yet, if there is any logic behind it at all.
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Some solution is required to this.... mess. Queued for 4 hours from 1900 ppl down to 300. Client crashes, try to log back in, back at position 1847. Screw that. I don't want to reroll all over again, I want to play with my guild.




I think after this week or so if they still have this going on they should allow some free transfers for a small time period still the lower pop servers get to a certain cap. Should also allow guild transfers or ever in order to stay with peeps you like to play with. Of course this is a suggestion that has been mentioned 10000 times along with the others

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No amount of PR is going to fix this if it lasts much longer. They probably need to go to George Lucas and ask him to stop being a greedy bastard so that they can purchase more server, remain profitable, and keep the game going and deliver better service to the players.
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Turn on, queue, game lockup, queue, internet blip, queue, I'd claw my eyes out if I weren't afraid of that resetting my queue also. This has to be implemented, I dont mind it at first login, I setup my queue and go do something, come back a little later and am usually fine. It's unbearable with how often dc's happen to have to do it every time though.
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surely they knew people would complain about server queues, why didn't they offer a grace period for those who already waited in line to get back into the game after disconnect or (more likely in early development) game client crash. I cannot begin to fathom any logic to any decisions made by this company yet, if there is any logic behind it at all.


Of course they knew this would happen. But the "official" explanation doesn't explain it. There's something happening behind the scenes that they aren't telling us and it's probably financial.

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