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Everything posted by Tresur

  1. stop crying now plzz they are working and working on transfer...
  2. Thanks guys very nice to finaly see some official information on this!
  3. Any thoughts on the érror 1003 when in que and starting over ?
  4. 13 tropper maby you shouldnt have made a char on a allrdy full sever ? maby you didnt do the math right!!
  5. Finaly somone shut up the Spelling police!!!
  6. Code tweek man its not rocket science to make forced or free transe to other servers pretty much nothing to do with codeing
  7. ye ofc it will and i can live with a 5 hour que i cant live with a 5 hour que that error's and start over again for 5 days and no response from support in the matter!
  8. i so do but where in the forum have you seen a singel response from any bioware personal ? so the foum still kinda is a wast of time ? see my point ?
  9. sure for you maby you didnt notic that ppl have been playing for 5 days and been in queus for 5 days and complaning for 5 days... Shss or get ya facts straight
  10. Hello Bioware! Its about time you start to answer some questions from the players. I see the forum spammed every singel day with the same issus, but non of the gets answered or handelt, its about time you start attending to the players and the problems they are informing you about. What do we have to do to get your attention about thees matters ? Flaming the company and telling you that ppl will stop playing the game and wanting refunds dont work you simply dont seam to care that ppl hate your support and the fact that you dont assit in matters on the forum, if this is a fact just shut down the *********** forum its a wast of time that ppl are trying to talk to ya in here. Plzz tell os what we gotto do to get some offical assitance in here. Rest of you guys fellow players and comunity I DONT *********** care that we are going to be sendt to another *********** allrdy excisting post in here im am just gonna keep reposting this and hope that all of ya will help by doing a short que time list in here and error code list.... ill start Error 1003 ( que all over again ) Eatch que 900+ ppl ( NO bioware its not 1 hour ) 3 hours..
  11. Really there are 0 offical comments or informaion regarding the server queues DO somthing really this have been a problem since start of the early acces do somthing.. how can none at the support be reacting or talking to the comunity ?
  12. Common REALLY 2 hours i queue server fails getting connection error. back to the start of the queue another 2 hours wait. BTW again fix the damm timers... 800 ppl queue is not 1 hour its 2!!!!!!! Current totalt time in queue 43 hours...
  13. Why didnt the capacity of the server get ingressed doirn maint ?
  14. So guys here we are launch day.. server maint have been done. and o what is this its 9.30 GTM and my god we have a 500 ppl queue. I Belive that today you are gonna witness 2000 ppl queue on The red Eclipse GZ you fail once again. Common really and the time BTW everyone they time you can se to wait... its always x2
  15. Problem is that there are no empty server!! but the amount of ppl it can carry is pathetic
  16. So how much do they pay you to be reasonabell and assist there totalt lack of proffsionalisem.. ? i see you point in the payment but i still pay for ealy acces i do not have any active acces other than looking at a queue and a unstabel client thats only 3 days from release... plzz be my guest and explain how that can be acceptabel in a company that size... ?
  17. You all know that there is laws about getting the produckt you pay for... in this i mean i paying for playing time eatch mounth... so atm im making a list of queue time and will be sending and official letter wanting a payment back for all the time i could have played but was stuck in queue... !!! hope everyone ells will do this same cause this is 100% unacceptabel..!!!
  18. I was send to this Threat... Thx so now i can say it once more!!! Pathetic and and really unprofessional!!!!! Server queues!!! COMMON really client crashes!! and what ya get 1.5 hour queue.....
  19. Pathetic and and really unprofessional is my only words regarding the server queues!!! really BAD BAD BAD
  20. Hey guys still spamming F5 cant wait to get startet but well just wanted to know what the size of the invite waves are like and how the servers are handeling the current amount of players invited ? Thx in advance.
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