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How about some humor in this game?


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I STILL think she's hot. Color me a freak, but I love what she does to her hair. Tre sexy.


Man, we need to get her a new body that ISN'T an [REDACTED] Preferrably the Victoria Beckam with bigger tatas look like she had before. :D


EDIT: There. Fixed!

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Humour is provided by other players doing fantastically ridiculous things in dire circumstances, like having naked dance parties in Sand People caverns while waiting ages to find other players willing to help out with a boss fight.


<Rolls on the grass laughing out loud> :D

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I wish I could get Blizz on all my characters. I would take him EVERYWHERE.


Blizz is indeed a very cool and funny companion,


One thing I wish for everytime I play is to be able to use 2 companions, then I could have Mako healing and Blizz tanking/dps


All the questing content would have to be re-tuned, but it would be worth it, because then they could set up some companion to companion comedy banter, a bit like some of the stuff in Mass Effect, remember the lift episodes when your companions sometimes had a dig at each other ? :)


Would love some stuff like that added,


Little Blizz shouting at Mako because she just had yet another "blonde" moment and forgot to chuck out some heals,



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Blizz is indeed a very cool and funny companion,


One thing I wish for everytime I play is to be able to use 2 companions, then I could have Mako healing and Blizz tanking/dps


All the questing content would have to be re-tuned, but it would be worth it, because then they could set up some companion to companion comedy banter, a bit like some of the stuff in Mass Effect, remember the lift episodes when your companions sometimes had a dig at each other ? :)


Would love some stuff like that added,


Little Blizz shouting at Mako because she just had yet another "blonde" moment and forgot to chuck out some heals,




Blizz and Mako are the new Garrus and Tali.


EDIT: But without the Mass Effect 3 surprise twist. That was cute with them, soul scarring in here.

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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fourex, the trooper companion is pretty laugh out loud funny at times.

(his secret mission descriptions especially)


smuggler storyline has pretty funny moments, picking the sarcastic/witty choices with any character is pretty funny.


granted i'd like to see more comedy, more comedy is always a good thing imo.

Edited by teambff
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Humor is where you find it in the game. Some classes have more humor than others. I noticed the Imp side has quite a bit more than the Repub side, with the exception of the Smuggler. He is the player character king of comedy in the game. I find myself chuckling constantly when I play my Gunslinger. Just not a big fan of the Repub story arcs for each planet, unfortunately. I find them boring compared to the Imperial arcs.
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You should play Sith Inq. Their whole storyline is hilariously bad. I've been laughing hard since I started playing it.


I happen to think that the Inquisitor storyline is pretty good actually.


At least, compared to the Consular.

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It just occurred to me that there is very little levity in this game. Wouldn't it be nice if your companion occasionally said something like, "I'm really getting sick of killing sand grubs, can't we find a beach somewhere and relax?" Even if a mob said, "Ouch! That hurts! I thought Jedi were supposed to be nice!" Just once, I'd like to see an NPC say, "Yeah, now you have to save the galaxy like those forty other guys ahead of you did earlier today." "Thank you for saving the lives of countless people, here's enough credits to count for about a nickel for each one." Even if your companion said, "OMG, look at this hat you gave me. I look like a drum major in a St. Patrick's Day parade."


So please post your suggestions. Keep it clean, or the thread will get closed. If nothing else, it will make for amusing reading while we are standing around on Fleet.


Actually Mako says things just like this. Beach and all.

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I happen to think that the Inquisitor storyline is pretty good actually.


At least, compared to the Consular.


I hear that. I'm about to force choke my counsular. She, at 42, is so smarmy. I think I'll have to try another one and not try to be Ms. Goody Light Shoes.

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What? There's definitely some humor in this game.


The crap my Inquisitor has said to this chick he 'accidentally' slept with is.... brutal, yet hilarious.


Yeah, the stuff the Inq can say in conversations is so over the top that it becomes funny. I'm sure they were going for the insane route but it's just... you can't help but laugh. I imagine much hilarity was had during recordings!

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Actually Mako says things just like this. Beach and all.


And Corso goes on about "why can't we ever go to a nice planet" or complains about walking through sewers and how he'd like to come back from a mission just once smelling like flowers.

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Yeah, the stuff the Inq can say in conversations is so over the top that it becomes funny. I'm sure they were going for the insane route but it's just... you can't help but laugh. I imagine much hilarity was had during recordings!


One of my favorites is "You should see my OTHER personality!"


I lol'd. :D

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