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Just some facts about female gamers


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I as female gamer still wonder why some people still feel the urge to make these kinda threads.


Majority of the female gamers dont feel the need to go "im female, lets make a thread about female gamers". We're gamers like everyone else and making a threads like these is pointless.


If there are boys having issues with female gamers, ow look ignore function. There's no need for again another thread with "so called female gamer facts". We're not a rare species nor do we need a thread to point out we're not so rare.


Dont take this as offensive but making threads like these is what making some male gamers being reluctant towards the female gaming community and go like : *Ow look another female that wants attention".


99% of the players I meet ingame will never know whom plays the char and I might hope you dont go like "hi im female" to every person you meet ingame...they should not care so should not even need that info. Only people that know what I am is guild/friends. I could not care less about other gamers, they dont need to know what I am, where I am from, etc etc. The only thing they need to know is how I play no matter what's in between my legs.



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Well on my server so far I've come across 2 females since launch so I'll stick to my guns and say females are a rare species online but in all fairness I'm all for more female gamers, mixes it up and adds some spice and depth and as always it keeps the guys on their toes and in general makes things more interesting.


I'm not too interested in facebook gaming statistics as another statistic might tell you more females spend more time on facebook than males as lets face it, women do love a good gossip (I'm doing abit of stereotyping) :)

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I still refuse to believe facebook games are actual games and not a social experiement to determine how long the mouse will hit the button to recieve cheeze....
Actually facebook is supposed to be releasing it's first TRUE mmo this year though I'm not sure about the other details.
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*also a female gamer*


Saw this thread and thought I'd give my own two cents on the matter.


I've personally had quite a bit of $%!t from blokes in online gaming communities in general (not just the MMO communities, but services like PSN and XBL too) due to my gender and thus far only Steam-based games and The Old Republic haven't proven troublesome to play - Partially due to the fact that nobody speaks in General Chat, partially due to the few people who do talk being decent human beings. Then again, I've had the game barely a week and I haven't yet seen the true power of the dark side of the community.


I've no doubt that a vast majority of the actual men playing this game are indifferent and for that I'm bloody relieved. But my god, if I so much as boot up an FPS on a console then I have to deal with the aforementioned pimply teenager types who think they're being clever over chat. (Well, that being said, I suppose everyone does, especially on XBL)


That aside, as to why these threads crop up: It's generally not down to female gamers starving for attention (though those who do with all that 'omgz imma girl gamerz hurr group with meeee cause of mah bewbs and omg did you see my 1up mushroom shirt i ttly have a picture on tumblr' airhead bull$%!t need to go back to Facebook). It's not wanting to be commended for being able to work a controller or a keyboard without a peen and it's definitely not part of some far-flung feminist agenda for 'speshul-snowflake' treatment in video games either. It's down to a few immature lads perpetuating our frustration while we're trying to relax and enjoy some immersive multiplayer with the ones who aren't.


'No girls on the internet' be damned.


INB4 this post being deliberately misconstrued by a 4chan reject.

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Girls that play games rock, enough said!


I have grown up playing games from the good old hand-held football game circa 1978 till now. I have played alongside and against many a female, some horrible, some super skilled, some that were blatant about their gender, others that you had to hear over voice chat before you realized that the HE was really a SHE but in the end, it does not matter what gender you are.


You are who you are and I will take you as you are, however you portray yourself towards me is how you will get treated by me.


Btw, i prefer to play female characters in these type of games. It is just a choice and i do find it a bit humorous when aforementioned "pimply teenager" starts trying his "game" via the chat, but it gets shut down very quickly. Good for a laugh though heh.


All the respect to the women gamers out there, I have met quite a few over the years that can beat the pants off just about any guy out there.

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I as female gamer still wonder why some people still feel the urge to make these kinda threads.


Majority of the female gamers dont feel the need to go "im female, lets make a thread about female gamers". We're gamers like everyone else and making a threads like these is pointless.


If there are boys having issues with female gamers, ow look ignore function. There's no need for again another thread with "so called female gamer facts". We're not a rare species nor do we need a thread to point out we're not so rare.


Dont take this as offensive but making threads like these is what making some male gamers being reluctant towards the female gaming community and go like : *Ow look another female that wants attention".


99% of the players I meet ingame will never know whom plays the char and I might hope you dont go like "hi im female" to every person you meet ingame...they should not care so should not even need that info. Only people that know what I am is guild/friends. I could not care less about other gamers, they dont need to know what I am, where I am from, etc etc. The only thing they need to know is how I play no matter what's in between my legs.


My thoughts exactly.

Silly need to say "Hey, I'm a girl! I play games." is silly.

I just wanna play SWTOR -- leave me alone.

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I'm thankful that gals play these games because the majority of women I've come across while gaming are far more desirable 'gamer pals' than the vast majority of guys I've come across.


This is not merely due to my being a normal, red-blooded male and their being female... it's the fact that most... not all, but most gals I've come across are much more level-headed, reasonable, and pleasant to talk with than the majority of guys I've interacted with.


However, there was this one psycho-chick from Hades a couple years back who did not grasp the concept of sleep and who was apparently snapped up on chocolate and caffeinated beverages 24/7... her demeanor never swayed from that of a teenage girl who just received tickets to a Lady GaGa show for her 16th birthday... man could she heal with the best of 'em, though...


Anyhoo, I say all of this based on my own experiences... your mileage may vary.



Fade to Black...

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These boards can be fun to full of so many opinions. Many of which make me scratch my head when it comes to females and gaming.




1. Women game- we are into gaming some of us have been since we were kids


2. Female gamers are not easily offended- This one really stands out so many posts on our behalf so many people who assume that we need speak up for topics such as sexism and sexuality. I speak for myself of course but Ive lived far to long and seen far to many things to be offended by some half naked dancing girls. And I have worn armor and clothing in games that would be strategically stupid to utilize but it is kinda funny to watch my half naked mob beat down an enemy.


3. Female gamers not all of us but many are not life time watching drama queens who cry at the drop of a hat. Some of us are very vicious and like to play that way.


4. Some of us maybe tough girls but we do like style- whether its for decorating our personal spaces or getting good armor many of us do like to look nice when we are running around these vast worlds. When you give us clothing that looks good it adds to the persona even if its deadly spikes with crimson, deep lace black or skin tight leather suits. I know that some of the best games I played had a way for me to utilize fashion and still be deadly and effective.


5. Not all of us are nurturers and play healer types. Okay I like healing in games specially to save my own butt, but as a mommy in real life I tend to try to play roles in game where im not holding hands or patching up boo boos all the time. I do that enough as it is lol.


I hope if I ever have a little girl (currently have a little boy) that she grows up in a world where a girl gaming is not a big deal it honestly shouldn't be.


Didn't realize this was an issue.

1) Confirmed. Or same here, to put it another way.

2) I am. I am proud to be female and I see any idea that women must be covered up and look like men when it's not out of choice as an attack of the female body and therefore a deep attack on women.

3) Not sure why this was ever a stereotype. I guess people that came up with it assumed that men and women would be artificially divided so men and women would never find out about eachother and so they could say whatever they liked.

4) Important for guys too, while some don't care, be they male or female. And personal taste is just that when it comes to people who care about style.


5) I like healing. But more than the nurturing side so I can have some control over how the run goes, and don't feel powerless.


I think the best quote I've heard is this: Tanking - miss a CD, miss-click, make a mistake and the world ends. DPS - misclick/make wrong decision in your rotation and the fight takes a second longer. Healing - missclick or make wrong decision (long cast-time heal vs quick, small heal for example) the world ends.


As far as errors go, it's tight. Consequences are obvious and have an impact so it's much more involved, demanding and more of an adreneline rush.

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Just to give a different spin to this, I'm a male gamer, but have played toons of different genders. I started playing female characters because I figured that if I was going to spend loads of time playing a game and looking at the same character, I might as well look at something pretty.


But I noticed that in MMOs, you do get treated differently if people think you are a girl. I never lied about my RL gender, but I just didn't raise it unless I was asked outright. Most people didn't guess, but there was a definite change that came with switching between alts with different genders, even from the same other players.


Ultimately, I think I got away with more as a 'female', but that might be the IWKs referred to earlier.


Ultimately, we play MMOs for the community. It would be a pretty messed up community if we ignored or abused half of the population, and SWTOR's Legacy system pretty much forces many of us to have different genders on our alts if we want a true 'family tree' - until we get to a point where we get the ability to add other people's characters into our tree.


Welcome one, welcome all - male, female, or whatever - the world would be a much duller place without all of you.


Even the trolls :)

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Well I have female colleagues who plays MMO's as well and what I don't understand is they usually pick buffed up characters but they use girly names like teddy bear, cotton candy...


When I asked them why they create buffed up characters they just tell me that they don't want other guys treating them as girls or hitting on them.


But why the hell do you use cute names on a very manly and scary toon?

:eek: I just don't understand why they do that :eek:

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I dunno I once tried to make a male character in a game lasted till I made the name for him then promptly deleted him. Burly looking dwarf dude but really could not see myself portraying him right. I dunno the logic behind cuddly names and tough looking characters but most ladies I know who play guys tend to stick to character not to draw attention that includes names.
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Just to give a different spin to this, I'm a male gamer, but have played toons of different genders. I started playing female characters because I figured that if I was going to spend loads of time playing a game and looking at the same character, I might as well look at something pretty.


But I noticed that in MMOs, you do get treated differently if people think you are a girl. I never lied about my RL gender, but I just didn't raise it unless I was asked outright. Most people didn't guess, but there was a definite change that came with switching between alts with different genders, even from the same other players.



I agree with this. My first foray into WoW was as a male orc Rogue (named Daisychain), and I would get yelled at for messing up in dungeons a /lot/. When I made my 'pretty' female human mage, I just got followed around Stormwind with people saying 'hey cutie' and 'sex?' Even as a female troll, someone asked me if I was a 'real girl', to which I said yes, and from then on the healer basically let everyone else die as long as I was alive :/ The guild I was in behaved differently when there were one of the two female raiders online, just using different language on TS and stuff. But, it's just different people's attitudes basically.


As an aside, I have a penchant for naming my characters opposite-gender names. My female Jedi is called Brian. I already thought of the perfect legacy name. :D

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But why the hell do you use cute names on a very manly and scary toon?

:eek: I just don't understand why they do that :eek:


Cause it's awesome? My Sith Jugg's name is FairyTalePrincess.


P.s. I don't mind guys hitting on me. I just remind them I don't swing that way.

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This post made me laugh, its so relational. I enjoyed it as a married man.


The thing is, this is directed at the male gamers and they just don't really care to be blunt. I see this more as a post for other female gamers to agree and give their own opinion/experiences.

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play male characters, tell everyone you're male, get in vent and talk to close friends only, never have a problem with gender crap


the end


This is the online equivelant of "Never wear a short skirt or walk alone".


Women should not have to hide who they are because some men can't control themselves.

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I run a female friendly MMO Community (It's not a guild) figured if anyone not just females were interested to check the link in my signature.


Nice post. :]

Edited by Miyi
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I've never really understood the rumors of you being rare


Nor me, most of my guild on my last game was female or married couples, some even played with their kids.


Out of 200 or so accounts I had about 5 single males in their twenties and even they adjusted their testosterone to the environment we created - it was that or the 70 year old great grandmother we had as one of the officers would give them a balling out.


The names of safe guilds tend to get out there fairly quickly via word of mouth I guess.


Speaking of that, if any of you ladies and couples are out grouping and come across an unguilded player who you think would really feel at home with you... talk them into joining! I think that's the way my guild in the last game turned out as nice as it did, the girl players pretty much took over recruiting ;)

Edited by Bhaers
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OP, you make some strong arguments, and I respect you for that. It's funny you should mention the drow warrior bit. It's fun to portray someone you're not. I once played a changeling rogue who was a pathological liar. I'm the most honest man you'll ever meet.


I think the problem you encounter is that you do tend to get alot of socially inept (male) nerds in MMOs. Being one of them, it is easy to believe that there aren't alot of women playing these games. It's just not in our worldview. Yes, I know, there are plenty of women playing MMOs, but believing that they truly exist once again, breaks our worldview. You're dealing with people who think that the only people who play MMOs are just like them, socially awkward males.


Now then, we come to my own bit. Fact is, socially awkward males, like myself, have difficulty expressing themselves around women and tend to put female gamers on a pedestal, as something unattainable, yet completely desirable. Let's face it, I would love to date someone who actually wanted to go on raids with me and my sith marauder. The only problem is, I am socially awkward. How do I approach that which I have set up on a pedestal and consider unattainable? Do you see the dilemma?


So, as I am a socially awkward male, I will make the conversation even more awkward with . . . wanna go out some time?

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What's a female gamer?


Joking, of course!


On to serious business, though, I noticed this was touched upon a tad, and it may have been elaborated upon in previous posts, but I was in the mood for typing about it in my own fashion.


First off, I am male. A good portion of my characters are female, and I actually play them for different stories (ie, what would happen in the story if I romanced this char as a female?), instead of, as I've seen in some cases, for the pixels. I test things out, as I'm an ever-curious roleplayer, so I suppose it comes naturally...?


Although, oddly enough, my main, whom is female, has had more, ahem, intimate moments than any other character. Of course, she is an Imperial Agent, so I'll let that slide...


Of course, this habit is slightly averted, when there are times that I actually get slightly in-character without intending to. There have been one or two times where I've been so immersed in my female character where I've typed like one, leading to very confused groupies when I inform them of my masculinity.


So, maybe I am the average Chuck from New Jersey. Though I don't think I live in my mother's basement.





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