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The Silverthorn Legacy

I made all 8 characters as soon as I heard the legacy was in 1.2 even though I only have 2 at over 40, the Sorc and Op.


Oh yeah that was one of my questions no one ever actually answered but I really hope they allow loops and triangles in the legacy system

(my bestfriend is brother to my nemesis type of thing)


Human Sorcerer: Athanasia Silverthorn.

Pureblood Marauder: Exusia Kratos.

Cyborg Operative: Arutha Silverthorn.

Rattataki Powertech: Samuel Lycifer.

Miraluka Shadow: Tai'daishar Silverthorn.

Mirialan Guardian: Arete Praxidikai.

Twi'lek Gunslinger: James Dasher.

Pureblood Commando: Hodir Silverthorn.


100% Dark: Marauder.

Kind of evil: Sorcerer, Gunslinger.

Neutral: Operative, Powertech.

Kind of good: Shadow, Guardian.

100% Light: Commando.


Athanasia grew up with Tai'daishar in republic territory but was captured young by slavers.

Her force powers were discovered by Exusia who sent her to Korriban slowly molding her into her apprentice.

Explaining why she was given a chance at the academy.


Exusia used to be on the council but retired from politics when after a fling with a red skinned Twi'lek Gunslinger,

she was disgraced by having a non-Force using son, Hodir.

Clouded by her anger she promised not to rest until Dasher was dead.


While in Dromund Kaas Athanasia let her passion take over with Arutha and quickly found out that

him and his best friend Lycifer have been plagued by the very same smuggler for years.

She convinced Exusia to join forces and the four of them began the hunt for Dasher.


During the hunt Exusia used much of her former influence to get Hodir into the Imperial Guard stationed on Korriban.

While trying to find Athanasia, Tai'daishar and her padawan Arete found out about Exusia's son and created a plan.

They pooled all their contacts together to find Dasher first and tried to convince him to help steal his son.

He had no interest in any of this, wishing only money so he agreed when offered plenty, on the condition that he could leave after.


The three entered Korriban on Dasher's ship and proceeded to capture Hodir.

As they were trying to get to the ship the Imperials arrived on Arutha's ship and a large battle began.

Arutha and Lycifer fighting to free Hodir and then the five of them proceeded to push the republic three.

Taking the risk, Tai'daishar unleashed an experimental force technique to force persuade Hodir.

This created a tear in the dark side stunning Exusia and Tai'daishar and turning Hodir to help the republic side.

They proceeded to hold off Arutha and Lycifer and escaped.


Hodir's brain was damaged and his personality completely changed making him a blind follower of any orders.

To protect him Tai'daishar Adopts him and protects him.

Also all of his training was burned out but was accepted into havoc squad.

Regardless of their history he became good friends with Padawan Arete.

And the danger of Exusia's vendetta forced Dasher to stick with the rest of the team.


And so all the Imperial team are escalating the war and the republic will regret the legacy of The Silverthorn Sisters.



(I hope I can make so many connections straight away)



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I like to end on ridiculous **** that I hope someday will be in the game for fun.


And added bonus:

Imperial team:

Tank: Powertech,

Healer: Operative,

Dps: Marauder, Sorcerer.

Republic team:

Tank: Guardian,

Healer: Commando,

Dps: Shadow, Gunslinger.

Which is why I think somehow they should allow some kind of multi access accounts,

ie. pay twice as much a month and two people can log into one account and choose two characters from the same legacy.


And a hope for expansion classes.

Imperial Guard - Revanite.

Tank/healer/PvP - Melee Dps.

Heavy armor for both.

Since the class is brought after release adding another stat would be too much so I think they should use two stats one for each advanced class.

Aim Techblades/staves for healer, tank.

and Strength Vibroblades/staves for dps.

To make it more unique make the dps spec a stance dance spec would be amazing.

The class stories would revolve around the Emperor and Revan's fight with the emperor.

And Legacy wise:

Hodir has a Twin who is also in the Imperial guard.

While Tai'daishar's son is in the revanite group.

And they aren't caught in the rest of the Legacy but actually work together out of respect to bring down the emperor.

Edited by AruthaWolf
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Not sure where I orginally posted, but it was moved to the community thread rather than here. Basically, my 4 republic girls are all sisters. I have one Sith on that server (Dreshidae Cantina), so I'm going to have to mark her as a rival, although she will never advance beyond where she is now.


Having an issue with my Imperial characters on Grandmaster Zym. Have 2 Sith purebloods, one as self entitled as she can be, with being advanced in the Sith training. The other, being a SI, spent part of her life as a slave. I'm not sure how I can make them connected except by cousins maybe.


My two Chiss are harder to explain on that family tree, and I haven't figured that one out yet.

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I put alot of thoughts into this, so bear with me:


The origin of my Legacy, honestly, is an Imperial couple, high class. The husband is a doctor for the Imperial military. He had three children with his wife, two girls and a boy. Then he had a fling with a servant girl, who was dismissed when the affair was discovered by the wife. She still had a daughter of her own.


Husband managed to keep the illegitimate daughter secret for a little over a decade, before she was discovered by the wife again. The wife hired some thugs to kill her and her mother, and a violent attack ensued. Daughter was seriously injured, leaving her scarred and deaf, with implants that allow her to hear, but her mother was killed.


The husband found out what happened and confronted his wife. The angry altercation resulted in the couple killing each other. The children were left orphaned and seperated into various backgrounds.


(1) Oldest daughter and only son survived their parents' fight that night. They were found the next day and sent to live with the wife's only surviving sister. She raised them in a fairly reclusive and stratified life, very proper, loads of etiquette, utterly loyal to the Empire. The girl grew up to be spoiled and self-serving, eventually discovered to be force sensitive, and became a warrior sent off to Korriban. Her brother wasn't so inclined as his sister and ended up serving the Empire's Intelligence service, but is much more lighthearted than his sister. Both are mostly darkside aligned, however.


(2) Second daughter barely survived her parents' fight. She was injured during the confrontation, in fact, and ended up with a pretty serious burn across her face. Only the intervention of a servant managed to keep her alive, as she was smuggled out of the home in the darkness. The servant fled the Empire, taking the girl with her to the Republic, where she was discovered by the Jedi as a tiny child to be force sensitive. She has absolutely no memory of her origins, she was still an infant when she was taken from the Empire. She grew up, basically, among the Jedi and eventually became a very lightside Sage.


(3) The illegitimate daughter survived the violence foisted on her and her mother. Barely. She remains scarred and deaf even as an adult. Following the attack, she was taken under the wing of a doctor friend of her father's, who taught her to be strong, to overcome challenge, and to prevail. As she entered her late teens she began taking on varied jobs to make ends meet, and she eventually caught the eye of an old bounty hunter named Braden. Braden tossed work her way for a time, before finally recruiting her for the Great Hunt. The Hunt and the crew she gathered around her ultimately changed and shaped the person she became, which by the end was very lightside.


(4) Distant distant distant cousins are a pair of twins, Purebloods, seperated at birth, as both were born into slavery. Sold as a novelty pair, the girl ended up being passed amongst numerous masters before one night fighting against an abusive owner using lightning. She was sent to Korriban for training. Her origin as a slave keeps her from truly admiring the Empire as it is, and she tends to make more lightside choices than not. She's shaped greatly by a couple of confrontations, one being the studies of Revan and the other the confrontation with Ke'leth Ur's holo-recording in the Dark Temple.


(5) The younger of my Pureblood twins was sold to some fellow who eventually travelled outside the Empire to Nar Shadda. The boy was observed using force abilities by a nearby Jedi, who paid a substantial sum to save him from slavery. He grew up among the Jedi but never really forgot what it was to be a slave and always looks for his sister.


(6) The husband in my Legacy had a brother who fled Dromund Kaas as a young man, becoming a prolific smuggler. He eschewed the betrayal and infighting so common in the Empire, using humor to deflect hard considerations of his goals and basic nature. Discovered a slave sale during a foray to Tattoine, where a tiny Twilek girl was being auctioned off, and opted to save the child. He ended up raising her as his own, freeing her and eventually leaving his ship to her when it is he formally retired. She will always regard him as a heroic figure and emulates him in much of what she does.


(7) Last character is a Zabrak, the daughter of the servant who fled the Empire years earlier with the couple's Sage daughter. Raised with the constant refrain from her mother about the degradations and hardships found in the Empire, she eventually chose to join the Republic military, rising in the ranks steadily until she was promoted to participate in Havoc Squad and travelled to Ord Mantell.


Sigh, there it is. All of my characters are inclined towards healing, having been raised or otherwise grown up around those who had healing abilities and/or respect for healing injuries and wounds. If the class I am playing allows it, I'll generally be healing, anyway. Only characters I haven't thus far used as a healer are my Warrior and eventual Knight, but otherwise I'm tossing around green stuff and little droids that fix my companions up. Lots of fun.

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Is it so wrong to create a Cathar named Hobbes? :D


For those who have played every Wing Commander game out there, you know who I'm talking about. lol


Really? I thought you meant this Hobbes.


(And yes I do know wing commander very well :p )

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The Crael Legacy


From a young age the revered Miralukan Jedi Master Zaviel Crael (sage) knew that he was unlike the other padawans. His mastery of the force was quickly noticed by his masters and even the Jedi Council. Seeing potential in this youth the Jedi Council sent Master Syo Bakarn to oversee his training.


Young Zaviel's connection to the force rose exponentially, and though he remained steadfast to the light the Jedi Council, in a way, temporarily terminated Zaviel's training by sending him bouncing around the galaxy preforming facile tasks. It was then that Zaviel met the Spacer Randal.


Randal at that time was on a roll. Quick with his blaster and quicker on his underworld med-pack. His vouchers never seemed to run dry of credits... at least till a young Zaviel sensed a disturbance in the very spaceport he was residing in. Zaviel did not know why the force led him to accidently walk into Randal's hanger just in time to assist Randal in a bounty hunter ambush, but from that moment on they were the tightest of allies. Both men gained much from that friendship; Zaviel was once again able to continue his training from "borrowed" relics as Randal's cohorts ran his errands. Randal was gaining a powerful contact within the Jedi Order. From afar the pair worked together greatly.


Several years later the Jedi Council believed the respite in Zaviel's training was no longer needed as the awarded him the title of Master and instructed him to next find a padawan. None caught Zaviel's eye more than the elegant Mirialan swordsman Shi-na. Zaviel soon requisitioned that Shi-na become his padawan, and the Jedi Council agreed.


After time and many trials Shi-na and Zaviel grew closer, eventually had a child named Raine. It was a joyous time for the trio. Being the child of two revered Jedi Raine was kept a close secret between the friends, Zaviel and Shi-na feared that if the Council discovered her that she would be taken to Tython, stolen from the care of her parents. It was at this time that Randal was undergoing what he believed to be the deal of a lifetime.


A small family of Hutts promised Randal more credits that his voucher could ever hold if he did just a single task. For obvious reasons Randal was uncertain to trust them but went along anyway, hoping dumb luck would save him if things go wrong (which they often do.) Randal was instructed to meet "a friend" as the Hutts said at an abandoned base on Tatooine. Knowing that he would likely need help Randal called help from his friend Zaviel, and the two camped at the appointed base for several days. The "friend" never showed any sign of arriving. One morning as the pair were beginning to give up Zaviel got a holocall from his wife. Heartbroken, and obviously damaged Shi-na told the pair that bounty hunter pirates assaulted their home, stole many credits, and kidnapped Raine. Angered by this Zaviel and his ally Randal soon butchered the family of Hutts, though Zaviel did most of the butchering...


To this day the trio have never found poor lost Raine, though there were the occasional report of a Miraluka/Mirialan child with a very large connection to the force cutting through republic soldiers easily with saber and lignting. The suvivors are few though. Sold to the sith Raine has dedicated her life to finding her parents, but slaughtering her teacher as he advanced on her put Raine high on the Empire's To Kill list.

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I have eight characters from all the classes


My main character is a male Sith Marauder named Svein Eternitiy (his Darth name is now Darth Imperix), he was born with a twin sister to a long line of diathim and Sith purebloods and finally a human after the last Eternitiy fled the Sith to be with a male slave. Svein and his twin sister Azra were taken into the Sith, Svein and Azra showing great affinity for the Force. Svein stayed with the Sith and after being betrayed by his three masters progressed into a Darth and commander of the Black Light Squadren. Svein is also has much different beleifs from his peers particularly that the Sith are equal to the citizens of the Empire. Basicly he is out to help the Empire anyway he can and putting himself second.


Azra however left the Sith Order beleiving the Sith were monsters to become a free lance mercenary who is dedicated to saving people around the galaxy as well as making a credit or two. Azra still works with Svein from time to time. She is a mercenary in game.


Azra and Svein also have a pureblood cousin named Sharna who was decended from Azra an Svein's great great great grandfather who had an affair with a Sith Pureblood. Sharna is a Sith sorseor who is constantly trying to advance in Sith politics and power. Though none of them are aware of this resemblence, Sharna is Svein's rival and trys to outdue him in every possible way. Sharna's Darth name is Darth Nyriss for her admiration and respect for the dark lord years past.


Sharna also has a Republic trooper for a son who is a pureblood as she is. His name is Orca as he no longer uses his former name. This was caused when Sharna trained her son to be Sith after Sharna's husband was killed by another Sith when Orca was a baby. Sharna tried to train him as a Sith but her son soon grew a blind hatred for the Sith and the Force. He then defected to the Republic in an effort to wipe the Sith Empire from the galaxy. He is both ruthless and bloodthisty but is also an expert straegist. It is unconfirmed if he was also interacting with the Star Cabal though he has a hatred for Ardon(my agent) as well...


My Jedi Gaurdian, Clyde Angelica is a sworn enemy to Svein for their numerous encounters though he is an ally of Azra's but the two keep their dealings secret from Svein. He is for the most part kind and belives Jedi ought to be more assosiated with the Republic and that they should have far less apathy in times of war. He is also a smart alllick in the worst of times but still loyal to the Jedi and Republic and shows mercy many times.


My Jedi Sage(not sure if I want shadow or not) miarluka Serena is the ideal Jedi who is loyal to the Republic and the Jedi teachings. However, Serena beleives that a Jedi should not restrict all emotion one of them being love. Serena and Clyde were both later married secretly and had a daughter Clara.


Clara is a 16 year old smuggler who is a smart allick like her father and a petite and nble women liker her mother though she does the right thing for the right price and does not use the force because she beleives its not really for her. She is also a close ally to Azra and her parents.


Ardon is my agent who is a top of the line intelligence agent who is loyal to the Empire and its citizens but does not beleive Sith should be regarded as higher beings just the higher commanding officer. Ardon is an ally to Shara, Svein ,and has done a few operations with Azra. He actually may have a crush on the bounty hunter....


Well thats my legacy in a nutshell.

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The Chiss Brothers


A mercenary (LS) marries a Twi'lek Sith Assassin (LS) and has two children. A Sniper (LS) Who showed little force sensitivity but had a great sense of duty and joined the Empire special forces. And a Jedi sage (LS) Who showed great potential in the force. When her mother realized this, she was fearful for her child and what the Sith would do to her. She never wanted her child to be Sith and had her raised by the Jedi.


The Scoundrel (DS) Who befriends a cyborg Commando (DS) who has a child with a fallen human Jedi Guardian (DS) who wants nothing to do with their child. She gives the child to the scoundrel to take to the Sith. He takes the child to his brother "the mercenary" who adopts her. She becomes apprentice of his wife the assassin but despite the best efforts to help her go to the light, she remains on the Darkside. Fueled by the hatred of her biological mother for abandonment she chooses to becomes a Sith Marauder (DS).

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The Imperial Agent Legacy.


After having seduced women across the galaxy from Sith Lords to wayward adventurous criminals, the Imperial Agent is practically everyone's father.


Yeah, that's essentially the Smuggler legacy too.

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Here we go.


My Jedi Guardian is my main. He is married to Kira Carsen, and they have a child who's a Sentinel. The Guardian had this idea: because Kira wasn't able to "attach" and marry him under the Jedi Council's rules, he pretended to marry a friend of his, another female Jedi. When the Guardian and Kira had a child, the female Jedi went through a false pregnancy to coincide with Kira's.


The Guardian's father was a Jedi Sage. When he was in his mother's womb, Jedi near his mother felt such immense force power that they knew the unborn child was force sensitive. So, they took him away from his parents and he was raised on Tython.


His parents were griefstricken, so they adopted an orphaned Zabrak, who joined the Republic Army and rose through the ranks as a Special Forces trooper (He's my Commando). Towards the end of his career, the Commando and his team were sent to assassinate the dictator of a planet on a major trade route. Towards the end of the mission, the Senator coordinating the mission revealed that the dictator had promised access to the trade route to the Senator's planet, and though the military liason of the mission protested, the Senator had a squad of Republic bombers assault the dictator's headquarters under the guise of an Imperial raid. The Commando's team was killed, but with the help of a Smuggler who was also at the headquarters to bring supplies (my Gunslinger), the Commando escaped.


The Commando refused to return to the Republic, instead going to Hutt Space to become a Bounty Hunter. After performing a mission for a slaver, the former Commando killed the slaver, releasing his slaves. He eventually fell in love with one of the man's personal Zabrak slaves, and he retired, having a child with the former slave. This child would grow up to become a Bounty Hunter (my Powertech), following in his father's footsteps.


My Sith Marauder is the rival of my Jedi Guardian. His father was once an aspiring Sith Pureblood student at the Sith Academy on Korriban. However, when he was nearing his twenties, his father and mother were murdered by the agents of a rival of his father's. He escaped, learning how to hide his force sensitivity, and joining Imperial Intelligence as a Sniper.


Note: the Sage, Sentinel, and Sniper characters have not been created yet.

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Everyone's an Ally or a Rival.


Why? Because the stories are all almost concurrent. How stupid is it to have a character as 'son of' or 'daughter of' when Absolutely nobody ages or changes in the story?


That is why I have only one child in my legacy but take my example.

Sith purebloods are known to live as long as 300 years, so it is not absurd for my marauder to gain a seat on the dark council and then be disgraced by the birth of her nonforceusing son before the age of 100. She retires for 30 years only returning(starting from the bottom) when she discovers a worthy apprentice among the slaves (my sorcerer) and decides to restart her path to glory.

Read my full story on page 3. :-)

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My thinking is that all of my alts are bastard children of my Warrior main (pureblood male), even my Jedi Knight. You know, he went from port to port, leaving surprises. My operative and my incoming sniper (just waiting for legacy to level her) are twins, but they don't know that, since the Empire snatched them when they were still too little after their mom tried to bomb Korriban, but both eventually ended up in intelligence. JK is a miraluka, mother died giving birth, got taken in by the jedi, hopefully will have an epic reunion for the fate of the world one day. BH is Kaliyo's brother (yeah, I just want to have a small world), but mom abandoned him at birth so they don't know each other, and they do have different dads. He was raised by the StarWars equivalent of wolves (whatever habit Rattatak) until at age 6 he found a blaster and learned to raise himself. Also, that makes my SW almost like Kaliyo's step-dad. She just is my favorite companion. My Inquisitor's family got taken in as slaves, and ironically she's now almost as high up as daddy. No one knows about each other though, and that's the way I like it.
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Consular (future) will be the father of my Smuggler, BH and Trooper. Their mother is dead. The Trooper will be allied to my Agent (Agent is undercover in the Empire), and will be married to my SW, who will be rivals to my Jedi Knight. Easy as pie.
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The Riggz legacy


Urdnoght Riggz served imperial intelligence faithfully and on one mission to disable a Hutt cartel smuggling ring on Nar Shadda he was paired with a female chiss agent named Amnethia. They accomplished the mission together and even talked afterwards. Within months the chiss pair were dating and kept it secret from their superiors. They are both on the lightside spectrum and both are trying to stop a possible war with the Republic


However Urd and Amnethia found themselves betrayed by intelligence and on the run. They did their jobs too well and the sith feared them and removed them. They surprisingly found a home in the criminal organization Black Sun. They were recruited because of Urd's amazing healing practices and Amnethia's skill with the sniper rifle.


The two found themselves in love and eventually got married. Urds closet friend and ally, Junta who was a sith lord also joined the criminal organization due to how his best friend was betrayed.


Urdnoght and Amnethia eventually had 3 children.


Their first was named Wrex, and happened to be force sensitive. Urd knew that if the Empire discovered this his son would have to face the sith trials and may possibly killed. Because of this the young couple sent their son to be trained in the Jedi order to become a Jedi Shadow. Wrex followed the path of light like his father and he had a happy career with the Jedi.


Their second child was named des, who turned out differently. He became a bounty hunter and eventually a Mandalorian like his father's best friend junta. Junta was born and raised a Mandalorian but was stolen by the sith to become one of them, which he did. Des never saw eye to eye with his father but was still a good and honorable man - he always kept in contact with Junta


Their third and final child, Mogar, was a noble person who found himself at odds with the Empire like his father did. He decided he could no longer live within the empire's domain so he sneaked away to become a smuggler in republic space. His father was proud of him for sticking to what he believed in. Eventually the smuggler joined the neutral criminal syndicate of black sun and worked closely with his father. Urd never admitted it but Mogar was his favorite son because he was the only one who he actually was able to stay in contact with.


Urd and Amnethia still work for Black Sun in their age along with their son Mogar


Des lives and works with the Mandalorians and finds himself becoming more Mandalorian day by day - he hopes to become just like his hero Junta


Wrex continues to serve the Jedi Order. He wonders how himself, a Chiss, ended up in Republic space as a jedi. He longs to me his family and thank them for getting him out of the empire because surely if they didnt - he would be dead or worse - a sith assassin

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Victix, (Dark) Sentinel, Miraluka.


Morttuum, (Light) Marauder, Human-Cyborg; half-brother (same father, different mothers).


Venatorum, Mercenary, Human-Cyborg; Victrix' second-cousin on mother's side.


Laurigus, Vanguard, Human-Cyborg; first cousin (father's side) to Victrix.

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So far:

Aries Jannus - Quarter-Miralukan (parents ner/humans, one of grandparent was Miraluka, looks like Human) Jedi Consular, married to Nadia Grell (I really hope they add companions to family trees). Student of Force mysteries in all its shapes and forms (aka Artificer)

Nora Jannus - Quarter-Miralukan (Miraluka with the most "light"skin tone) - Trooper, Aries's sister, to be married to Aric Jorgan. Adept with machinery (aka Cybertech).

Sierra Jannus - Bounty Hunter cyborg, still deciding on her place in family tree

<name TBD> Jannus - Agent cyborg, also deciding on his place in family tree (married to Sierra perhaps?)

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The Destruction Legacy (edited to be the same as a new versioon I posted in another thread):


My Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior were allies as kids on Kaas. My Jedi Knight failed as a Sith, and was to be killed by the warrior. The preliminary stages of this execution were witnessed by my smuggler, and he staged a rescue inorder to got my knight off the planet. Ever since they have been close allies. Due to rescuing the Jedi, the Sith have hired bounty hunters to kill him, and he's become rivals with my bounty Huneter.


The Smuggler was in a relationship with a Mirialan and my Jedi Consular is thier daughter. Late into the war my smuggler's wife was killed during an Imperial raid; unable to take care of his daughter he sent her to be trained as a Jedi.


My trooper was a slave on a Sith planet that was liberated early in the war, during her childhood. When she became an adult she joined the Republic military; while assigned to an outer rim world she met my smuggler and they got married. My Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor are thier kids.


In the beggining of the Cold War the Empire incited a rebellion on thier home planet and hired third parties to assault the planet, when the rebellion was ready to strike. When the attack occured my Trooper was stationed at the planetary military base, and was unable to get to her family. All three of them were presumed dead. In actuality my smuggler escaped the planet, but due to the severity of the defeat he was unable to contact his wife and assumed that she was dead. When he went to his home he saw that his house had been destroyed in an orbitall bombardment. Before he was able to search for his kids he was chased off world by a small Imperial patrol.


Durring the orbital bombardment of their homeworld, my agent and inquisitor were separated. After the battle the Imperial fleet moved in to take control of the planet. At this time a high ranking Imperial officer adopted my agent; as a young adult he served in the Imperial military, but was soon recruited by intelligence due to his efficiency. My Inquisitor was captured by a group of slavers and was sold to the empire.


Both my smugler and trooper know that the attack was supported by the Empire, but officialy it appears that the Empire moved in a bought the planet after the attack.

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the Ravenor Legacy


Darth Krosis, Sith Pureblood Marauder and married to Darth Hevno a female Sith Juggernaut. Vokun, a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter is an respected ally. And finally we have their son: Kolarik, a Sith Pureblood Sorcerer.


But that Legacy might die if Bioware won't let me xfer my chars to a new realm.


My new legacy will be built around a new couple: Hahnu, a Mirialan Jedi Shadow and Strybjorn a human male trooper.

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