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ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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Why would we want even more meaningless cage fights?


You guys want to do that, you are always free to go off someplace (smuggler's den has an arena/pit) and setup fights to your hearts desire. This games doesn't need even more meaningless PvP.


What they need to do is fix Ilum, add more open planets, and swing the emphasis that way.

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people who don't want arenas are the ones who were never able to excel at it...everyone who supports it, did well and had fun with it.


Myself disproves what you said.Not only arena,i did nothing but pvp in wow,world pvp and bgs too.Arena just makes whine fests in the forums and more frustration when imbalance happens.

Its better to not care when you lose,and just have fun.


I don't understand why arena has to be here.I came here exactly because i was tired of dueling and waiting for arena pop ups in front of Orgrimar.


If arena is implemented i will just go back to wow,because i did not come here to play rated pvp.But that's just me.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Myself disproves what you said.Not only arena,i did nothing but pvp in wow,world pvp and bgs too.Arena just makes whine fests in the forums and more frustration when imbalance happens.

Its better to not care when you lose,and just have fun.


I don't understand why arena has to be here.I came here exactly because u was of dueling and waiting for arena pop ups in front of Orgrimar.


If arena is implemented i will just go back to wow,because i did not come here to play rated pvp.But that's just me.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhhhhht. Because objective and open world based PvP NEVER creates whine fests on the forums over balance. Uh huh. Keep trying, brah.

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What in gods name is taking so long?


BW make a 150m * 250m room and let us do the rest.


Afraid your game can't stack up balance wise?




No, you don't understand. The fact that your every whim and fancy is not instantly gratified must be a new experience for you. Bioware have other issues and content to work on. This happens to be something that they have decided is not important enough to force the devs to work overtime on. Sorry for p!ssing on your cornflakes with this bad news.

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^ this. Even if they did implement arenas, no one if forcing the nay sayers to play them. If you don't like arenas then simply avoid them. What are you afraid of? That warzones will go deserted? Are the BGs deserted in WoW? No. You're precious objective based PvP will remain played and in tact. You can't really give me any good reason for no arenas and deathmatch other than "I don't like it". Sorry, that's not gonna cut it.



( Blizzard's VP of Game Design, Rob Pardo) goes on to say that if he had the choice, he'd either go back to WoW's beginnings and change the fundamentals of class balance, or, barring that, would nix the decision to add Arenas during the development of the Burning Crusade expansion.


Good enough reason for you? Arenas benefit only Arenas at the cost of the rest of the game.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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Clearly you were never on the DAOC forums.



DAOC?Don't make me laugh...


Have you played WoW arena for 6 years?



''Even if they did implement arenas, no one if forcing the nay sayers to play them. If you don't like arenas then simply avoid them.''


This statement is invalid because the best looking and pvp gear usually comes from arena.You are FORCED to play it.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Yes, I would love a pvp area that is free for all. 50 or 100 players...everyone fighting each other...it's too bad the open pvp zones aren't popular....If I find one person in the smugglers den I'm lucky. (Smugglers Den on Tatooine could be considered a death match area, if anyone ever went there) Edited by ReynoldsCK
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DAOC?Don't make me laugh...


Have you played WoW arena for 6 years?



''Even if they did implement arenas, no one if forcing the nay sayers to play them. If you don't like arenas then simply avoid them.''


This statement is invalid because the best pvp gear comes from arena.You are FORCED to play it.


So... don't add the best PvP gear to arenas in this game? This game isn't WoW. It isn't DAOC either. This game, and DAOC, AND WoW, all have an equal amount of forum QQ. In fact, you yourself are QQing on the forums about PvP. You're whining on the forums about whining on the forums. Forum QQ and balance QQ will always exist in mass amounts. Arenas will neither add to nor detract from that. It'll just give us something else to do.

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Good enough reason for you? Arenas benefit only Arenas at the cost of the rest of the game.


Missed the part where I should care. Arenas only made WoW bigger, regardless of what Blizzard believes. It's still a huge part of the game today. All the WoW live streams are arena. WoW wouldn't have a PvP community at all without it. It wouldn't have a live stream community without it. Blizzard's "mistake" added one of the single most integral parts of their game. I'll take that kind of "mistake" any day.

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Attention everyone using the Blizzard Arena was a mistake argument:


WoW was not designed ground up for PvP at all, it was a later addition. On the other hand, SWTOR had PVP and PVE balance in mind from the start.

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Attention everyone using the Blizzard Arena was a mistake argument:


WoW was not designed ground up for PvP at all, it was a later addition. On the other hand, SWTOR had PVP and PVE balance in mind from the start.


For justice.

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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Attention everyone using the Blizzard Arena was a mistake argument:


WoW was not designed ground up for PvP at all, it was a later addition. On the other hand, SWTOR had PVP and PVE balance in mind from the start.


And SWTOR botched that by following the WoW model instead of taking ideas from less popular games with better PvP mechanics (GW, DAOC, Wizard101, EVE,HelloKittyOnline)

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Myself disproves what you said.Not only arena,i did nothing but pvp in wow,world pvp and bgs too.Arena just makes whine fests in the forums and more frustration when imbalance happens.

Its better to not care when you lose,and just have fun.


I don't understand why arena has to be here.I came here exactly because i was tired of dueling and waiting for arena pop ups in front of Orgrimar.


If arena is implemented i will just go back to wow,because i did not come here to play rated pvp.But that's just me.


I hear what you are saying however, arena was the only thing in wow that kept me in place for a long time. You are beginning to see it with this game, with the content pretty much climaxing and no one able to do anything the game no longer appeals to many people. You can only roll so many alts before you feel like you want to quit. I for one have never been an alt roller, I typically stick with one character. I was like that in wow also. I played a warlock for a good part of 6 years. I did not only do arena, I raided for trinkets, I bg'd constantly and I set up raids to go after other factions cities. If you take away arena though from anything I just posted, I would of left in 2 years instead of 6.


There is more to arenas then just death match. It builds a stronger community...yes it filters out bads and creates emo qq's on the forums...but look at these forums now, its identical to that anyway, so it really can't be worse then this. The players who do well in arenas build a community in which they personally form. It creates greater competition, you get your 5 minutes of internet fame, which for as many people who bash it, it's pretty cool. Just because it is an MMO it doesnt take away from the fact that if you are talented at what you are doing, you like to be acknowledged for it. I for one loved being the best lock on my server, and I have made that reputation on this game as the operative. There are really only so many wz's you can do though without losing interest.


Arena will make this game last longer. Garunteed

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My favorite part of this thread is knowing who the 1500 heroes are after 25 words.


WOW Arena was POPULAR with the only people I care about....GOOD PVPers.


I could care less about the rest of you because we won't be playing each other.


That said BW does care about you and your money. You are paying for a service and you want it to be worth the money and time you invest.


That said I am yet to hear of 1 SINGLE good PVPer complain about putting an ARENA system in place in this game. How do I know that, I refer you to my first statement. I can smell FAIL a mile away.


Because you are BAD at it and don't won't to be picked on IN GAME is not a reason.

Edited by Swidgin
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Missed the part where I should care. Arenas only made WoW bigger, regardless of what Blizzard believes. It's still a huge part of the game today. All the WoW live streams are arena. WoW wouldn't have a PvP community at all without it. It wouldn't have a live stream community without it. Blizzard's "mistake" added one of the single most integral parts of their game. I'll take that kind of "mistake" any day.


Care to explain then what are you doing here and not doing arenas in WoW?

Edited by Kaedusz
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Care to explain then what are you doing here and not doing arenas in WoW?


Because that game just isn't what it used to be. Arena's are not the reason for that...its the customer who wants everything handed to them easy mode.


oh wait, kinda like this game.


Except at least in this game, there won't be pandas (yet anyway)




The whole MMO mentality these days about instant gratification is nuts, go play a console game if you expect to have the best gear in 5 hours.


I just don't understand it. WoW was ruined by carebears....which is why most of us are here, hoping it won't suffer the same fate, but unfortunately it is.

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^Wow was ruined because Blizzard listened to the whines of pretentious brats in the forums.The same thing is happening here.Some kids with large epeen because they were carried by their comp or class(spec) want arena here too.As well as other things that are not part of this topic.





That said I am yet to hear of 1 SINGLE good PVPer complain about putting an ARENA system in place in this game.


There you go,i was a good pvper in WoW and don't want arena system in this game.

Edited by Kaedusz
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